The White Lion Princess

By Rubyrose645

187K 3.3K 1K

I was born with a destiny above all destinies. And a friend to help fulfil it. Created from the sun and moon... More

The reunion
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Fall of the Castle of Lions.
Tears of the Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Blamera
Rebirth, and a secret
Crystal Venom
The Black Palidan
The Child of Sun and Moon
Shiro's escape.
Greening the Cube
Eye of the Storm
The Ark of Taujeer
Return to Arisa
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
The Belly of the Weblum
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Changing of the Guard.
Red Palidan
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Journey
Tailing a Comet
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
Black Site
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
Journey to Find the Truth
The Land of Light
Omega Shield
Razor's Edge
The Colony
The Black Paladins
All good things
Defender of All Universes
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Battle in the ruins
The Journey Within
The Last Stand
Know Your Enemy
Heart of the Lion
Trial by Fire
Lions' Pride, Part 1
Lions' Pride PT. 2
Lions' Pride pt. 3
Launch Date
The Dark One
The Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
Day Forty-Seven
Clear Day
Knights of Light PT. 1
Knights of Light PT. 2
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The End Is the Beginning
Let the Future be bright

Collection and Extraction

3.9K 76 4
By Rubyrose645

I sat in my room, Luna gently purring as her head lay on my lap. I had explained to the others about my condition yesterday, and I was a little more than nervous about what I would do.

Suddenly, the ticker next to me rang, signaling that it was time for my medication.

I sighed, standing up and walking over to my dresser and picking up medicine bottle. I shook out two pills and swallowed them, letting the bitter taste of my medicine roll off my tongue.

Luna rubbed her hand on my hand in comfort. I looked down at my white companion and smiled.

"Thank you Luna, but I'm okay now." I said. The familiar hiss of the door entered my ears, I looked over towards the door and saw Keith in the doorway.

"Hey," he said uneasily, "We're about to check out Sendak's memories. Allura said that if you're feeling okay, then you should join us."

I walked over to Keith and smiled, "Thank you Keith." I walked past him, but was stopped by a wavering hand grabbing mine.

I looked behind me to see that Keith's hand was grasping mine.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

He walked closer to me, never letting go of my hand.

"Why didn't you tell us about your condition coming back?" He asked.

I lowered my head and looked away, "I'm sorry for not telling you or the others anything about my condition returning, but I was afraid that if I told all of you, then you would forbid me from flying the white lion."

He sighed, and pulled me into a hug, "Of course we would, we're all worried about you."

I closed my eyes, feeling comfortable in his warm embrace. It was a feeling that I hadn't felt in years. Keith gasped as he realized that I was in his arms.

He quickly let me go, his face turning red as he turned his head to avoid me.

"We should get going." He said, walking ahead of me towards the main control deck.

I chuckled at his change in attitude, "are you thinking what I'm thinking Luna?" I asked as I followed Keith.

Luna nodded and purred, she then did something unexpected. She walked up to Keith and rubbed her head on his hand.

He was startled to feel Luna's fur on his hand, he looked down and pet her head.

"That's unusual," I said, walking up to Keith's side, "Even when she was a kitten, she never walked up to someone like that other than me. She mist really like you Keith."

He gave Luna a small smile, "I guess so."

We made it to the control deck, and as soon as I entered, Allura ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Are feeling better Zurine?" She asked, "You've been sleeping for so long, did you take your medicine?"

I nodded and walked over to Pidge, who was analyzing Sendak's memories.

"Somewhere in Sendak's memories we should be able to find the inside information that gives us the key to take down Zarkon." Allura said confidently.

Coran looked a little worried about our actions, "I don't think your father will approve of searching through our enemy's memories."

"It may go against Altean morals Coran," I said, "But we must do whatever we can to defeat Zarkon."

"Once we learn all his weaknesses we can just march up to his front door and challenge him to a fight." Lance said, imagining Zarkon's defeat, "Winner get the universe."

We ignored Lance and turned back to Pidge, "Any thing good Pidge?" Shiro asked.

"We we're only able to salvage bits and pieces." Pidge replied.

Keith sighed, "We need something to work with. Right now we don't even have a decent map of the empire."

"Who needs a map?" Lance asked, "After 10,000 years of conquering, I could probably fure my bayard at like any point in space and hit a Galra ship."

"Pidge," I said, "Let me help you. I have experience with decoding information."

"Really Zurine?" She asked, surpised that I had as much knowledge as she did.

I smiled, sitting down in my designated chair and pulling up half the information Pidge had on her screens.

I began typing faster than she was, "I've been taught in many difderent fields of study 10,000 years ago, and kept up my studies even after I woke up."

Pidge smiled, silently thanking me for my help.

Shiro sighed, "If we could just find some troop locations, or supply routes, small targets we could hit and run, then we can start to free planets one by one."

"Boring! I want the big kaboom." Lance interjected.

Shiro narrowed his eyes at the blue palidan, "Zarkon's been building his empire for 10,000 years. We're not just gonna tear it down overnight, with five inexperienced pilots, the white lion and one support ship. Hitting him where he lives would be a huge mistake."

I smiled, sending my findings to Pidge, who then added my findings with hers.

"Okay," the girl said, "I've cross referenced Sendak's memories, Zurine's part if his memories and the info I got from that downed ship back ob Arus. Most of it was a garbled mess, but one thing kept repeating. Something about called a universal station."

"Universal station?" Hunk repeated, blocking everyone's view of the screens, "Like a kind of station that controls the whole universe?"

Pidge pushed Hunk out of the way and continued, "Well we are translating it from Galra, so it could also be Galactic hub."

"Or space base?" Lance said, none of us found it funny, but I smiled at his effort.

Lance was always a big goofball, but when I was with him on earth, he was usually focused and caring.

Coran walked over to the monitors, "I'm pulling up the location of your galactic hub, station, base, it's on our screens now."

The screens showed three planets close together.

"Do we not have a more precise location?" I asked.

"I'm sorry princess Zurine, but we do not," Coran answered, "Our long range sensors aren't able to pick up those coordinates."

Pidge sat in deep thought.

"Maybe he remembered it wrong." Keith said.

"Or maybe we just stumbled across a top secret base in Sendak's memories." Pidge said.

I looked back towards Allura, who took on a determined expression, "Only one way to find out." She said, "Let's go take a look."

Coran complied with the orders and flew to the set coordinates. As we flew, I was able to rest for a little while. Allura insisted that I get as much rest as I can.

I woke to the soft growls of Luna and Hunk's snoring. I looked over to see that she had my medicine. I guess it's time to take my pills again.

I held my hand under her mouth before she dropped the bottle into my hand. I opened it and grabbed two pills, then popped them into my mouth and swallowed.

"We should be close enough to get a good scan, but far enough away to avoid being noticed." Allura said, a loud thump came from Hunk's chair. I assume he fell off it when he woke up.

We flew around a beige planet, then quickly discovered the secret Galra station.

"There it is," Shiro said.

I stared in awe at the station. It was indeed large, with Galran ships surrounding is. The station itself was embedded in a broken space rock.

"It appears that the gravitation between the two planets warps the electron munition spectrum enough to keep the planet off the deep space scanners." Coran explained.

"So you can only see it if you really know where to look." Pidge said.

Without anyone noticing, I transformed into my palidan armor. I was going to help in any way I could.

"This place must handle shipments from all over the Galran empire." Shiro gasped.

"If this is just some big airport where shipments come and go, why is it hidden?" Pidge asked aloud.

"There must be something else that we're not seeing." Shiro said.

"Then we better go take a look." Allura said, pulling up a route inside near the top of the station, "We'll need to enter here, the central control building."

"I'm sorry princess, did you just say 'we'?" Keith asked, surprised at Allira's words.

"I'm going with you." Allura replied, "I've traveled through the Galra transportation hubs many with my father before the war began. I know more about them than any of you."

"And don't forget me," I said, making everyone gasp, "I know just as much about these hubs as Allura, and I can fight in Galran styles. I wamt to go along."

"Princesses I'd rather yoy both stay here." Coran said worryingly, "Especially you princess Zurine. You're condition was and is unpredictable. We need to keep you here."

I narrowed my eyes, "It's true Zurine," Allura agreed, "I'd feel better if you stay here with Coran."

"And watch my older sister go on a dangerous mission when I could be there to help? Just like you Allura, I'm a part of team Voltron. I'm going and there's nothing you can do to change my mind."

No one objected, not even Shiro who just shrugged and told us to suit up.

Pidge took us all in the green lion, using her new invisible modifications to the green lion.

The white lion was reluctant to let me go without her, but after reasoning with her, she agreed to let me go. Although, she promised to come after me if my condition became critical.

Amd she never breaks a promise.

We snuck in low and quick, blasting away the Galra in the room.

Pidge quickly plugged in her computer and began scanning for the information we needed.

I stood lookout with Keith, suddenly, a large ship came over us, covering us in shadows.

"Everyone," I said, "We have visitors."

Everyone looked up to see the large ship hovering over us. We ducked down to avoid any detection.

"Think we should get out of here?" Keith asked as we crowded around Pidge.

"We just need a few more minutes." Pidge answered.

"Stay low," Shiro said, "We need this intel."

A sudden beep from the dashboard caught our attention. We quickly hid from sight as the captain of the docking ship appeared on screen.

Hunk quickly took the knocked out Galran and waved for the captain to dock. We all breathed a sigh of relief when the screen vanished.

Pidge continued her work, "Okay, download complete."

I was eager to see what we had found, but what we found was nothing useful, only schedules of arriving and leaving ships.

Before we could head back to the castle, Allura interrupted, "Hold on." She said, "Pidge, do you know where that ship is heading?" Allura pointed to the large ship above us.

"Umm," Pidge replied, "It's scheduled to be here for about a half hour then to go to central command."

Allura stood, "That's where they'll have the information we need."

I stood up and walked over to her side, "Allura, if you're thinking what I think you're thinking, then let me join you."

She nodded, "I'm going to sneak aboard that ship and get that information for us. Are you sure you want to come along Zurine? Are you healthy enough to do so?"

I nodded.

"What? No way." Lance said in disbelief.

"How are you two goong to get in?" Keith asked.

Allura removed her helmet, "I'm going to walk right through the front." She said with a smile.

Allura closed her eyes and began to change. She grew taller while her smin changed from her normal brown tone, to Galra purple.

Everyone was shocked by her transformation.

"How the heck did you do that?" Hunk asked.

"The Alteans are a chameleon like people who can blend in with the local population," Allura explained, "it's the ability that's made us great explorers and diplomats throughout our history."

"So, can you become, like a balloon?" Lance asked.

"How many colors can you be at once?" Pidge followed.

"Aren't you afraid you'll rip your pants?" Hunk asked, while Allura got annoyed.

"No, just one at a time, and I will need a change of costume," Allura looked over at the downed Galra, "I can use his uniform."

"And what about Zurine?" Shiro asked, "She's not Altean so she can't blend in like you." He gestured towards me, but I had disappeared.

Everyone but Allura was confused.

"I'm more than capable at disguising myself." I said.

"What the heck?" Lance said, "Where'd you go Zurine?"

I chuckled, "I'm right next to you."

Lance looked next to him and sure enough there I was, in plain view.

At least, only my head and hair.

Lance jumped back in shock, "why are you just a flying head?"

"It's a special power of crystal that I developed. I should thank Lance really, without him i wouldn't be able to develop this."

Everyone, including Lance, gasped and then looked towards the blue palidan.

"You sure it was this guy who helped you develop something this amazing?" Pidge asked, pointint towards Lance.

I nodded and smiled, taking down my invisibility and holding uo the blue gem around my neck.

"Lance gave me this sapphire before I left. When I returned home, added some Arisian technology to each of the gifts I recieved from you. Lance's sapphire was given a special tweak, it changes the light around me to render me invisible, even to heat sensors."

"I can't let you go in alone." Shiro said.

"Excuse me," Allura said offended, "we do not need your permission."

"It's too dangerous, I'm going with you."

"You will stick out like a Choferiak's nose."

"You're going to need that nose princess," Pidge said as she held up Shiro's metal arm, "Shiro's arm is made of Galra tech. It's the only ee have that will allow us to interface with their systems and gather intel. I can monitor the download remotely from here."

I looked up at Allura, "It's best we have every advantage we can get Allura."

Allura nodded, "Fine you can come." She said.

"Uh, you guys might want to hurry if you want to get on and off before thr ship leaves for Zarkon's central." Hunk said.

"How are you going to get Shiro on board? Zurine do you have another invisibility crystal?" Keith asked. I shook my head no, but Allura and Shiro thought of an alternative.

Shiro was stuffed in a cargo box while Allura brought it in.

We were stopped by the guards, I looked to my left and saw two Galran soldiers carry two large tubes of yellow liquid.

"That's quintecesse young child." A familiar voice said, "Be cautious in this mission child of sun and moon."

I was a little shocked, but headed the voice's advice and proceeded with caution as Allura went inside.

We entered the ship, as soon as we entered, a wave of cold rushed up my spine.

I hugged myself to keep myself warm, but it did little.

"What is this chilling feeling?" I asked myself.

Shiro emerged from the box and we peeked around the corner. Shiro suddenly closed his eyes with a gasp.

"Shiro are you alright?" Allura asked.

"I just remembered how I escaped the Galra prison ship," Shiro said, "Listen, most of the ship's personal are sentries."

"So?" I asked.

"When I was their prisoner I timed their patterns."

"Do you remember it?" Allura asked.

"Let's find out." Shiro grabbed Allura's hand and dragged her further down the hall. I followed suit.

We hid and ran, avoiding the sentries with Shiro's timings. I kept walking ahead to make sure that it was safe. Not like anyone could see me anyway.

We eventually made it to the control deck. Shiro powered up his arm and sliced the Galran guards unconscious.

He threw them into the corner, "We only have a few minutes till the next patrol comes by." Shiro saidn "Watch the door. Zurine, come with me, I'll need you to help with the download."

I reappeared and nodded, following Shiro to the control panel.

He placed his hand on the panel and I typed in connection codes that would be erased permanently after the dowbload was complete.

"Alright Pidge," I said, "begin the download."

"Generating access code." Pidge responded.

Pidge did great getting us inside, but something went wrong. Pidge kept trying to get into the mainframe and access the data we needed.

But Keith came through, finding tubes of quintecesse.

"How is that possible?" I gasped.

"Guys, I'm gonna steal some this quick-whatever." Keith said.

Allura distracted guards about to come into the room. Suddenly, the alarms went off, saying that a prisoner was detected. I have a pretty good guess it recognized Shiro.

Shiro took his hand off the panel and I went back to being invisible.

Allura backed into the room, a Galra soldier pointing a gun at us.

I growled, running over to the soldier and activating my bayard, which is also invisible when I'm touching it.

I swept my bo stick under his legs, knocking him over and shooting the ceiling as Allura closed the doors.

"I think we're in trouble." Shiro said.

"Ya think?!" Allura replied sarcastically.

"Allura, slam the door, the guard must've gotten up by now." I said as Allura did so.

She slammed the door into the Galra guard, knocking him unconscious and stealing his gun.

"Nice work big sister." I said while Shiro was gaping like a fish out of water.

"What?" Allura asked, but we had no time for anything else as Galra soldiers arrived and began shooting.

We ran down the halls, when I tripped over my feet. A wave of both cold and heat rushed over me.

I ignored it and continued to run.

"Child," the voice from earlier said, "You must use the powers hidden inside your soul. Use them to help your friends."

The feelings of heat and cold faded, and a new sensation came into being. It felt soft and calming.

Almost like the soft glow of the moon.

I followed Shiro and Allura, barely paying attention as the two fought against the guards.

While I was wrapped up in the soft feeling, my eyes changed to a glowing blue. I felt like someone was guiding me, as if..... I was not myself anymore.

"Hurry!" Allura shouted, "we can't leave once the ship goes into hyper space!"

Allura lead us to the escape pods and Shiro attempted to close the doors, but the soldiers were there to keep them open.

Shiro used his hand to melt the doors together.

"It's taking off!" Allura shouted, "You and Zurine must leave now!"

"I'm not leaving you!" Shiro replied, "And I'm sure Zurine isn't either!"

"You are right," I said, but my voice had changed, it was more mature and strong.

Allura and Shiro turned to see me in full view. I had changed. My eyes were a glowing blue, my Altean marks changed as they had done before, and my clothes had changed to a beautiful blue gown with shades of blue that resembled the moon. (See top of chapter for full dress. I do not own the dress)

"I am not leaving either of you behind." I raised my hand, which in turn rose Shiro and Allura into the air.

"Zurine what are you doing?!" Allira shouted as I threw them into the escape pod.

The pod closed before they could come back for me.

"NOOOOO!!!!" Allura and Shiro shouted.

I smiled kindly as the pod left. The last thing I saw of Shiro and Allura, were the tears in Allura's eyes, and the fear in Shiro's.

"Allura, Shiro," I said, sending my thoughts to them, "I'll be okay. Remember, the moon protects, the sun will wipe out any enemies that try to come near."

"Zurine!" Allura shouted, "Why did you that?! You could be killed if Zarkon find you!"

"I couldn't have you or Shiro be hurt by the Galra. I'd rather die than have any of my friends be hurt, even a little bit."

"Don't worry Zurine, we'll come and rescue you." Shiro promised.

"I know you will."

I smiled as I was taken away by the soldiers and returned to my normal state.

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