Unbreak Me | Completed✔

By Samrielhot8

20.8K 1K 938

Theodetia Hamilton has finally decided to give herself into commitment, to give herself a chance to relations... More

Important Notice
Spin off? Definitely


368 25 3
By Samrielhot8

Somewhere in this story I'll be sharing my views on some certain issues. That's what I think, so please forgive me if you're offended. You can comment, I love to hear from you, but I won't under any circumstances tolerate rude feedbacks, they'll be deleted in a heartbeat, trust me, faster than you can blink. If it doesn't feel right, don't read. Is that simple. Thanks


"Well good morning ladies and gentlemen"

This is it!

My head snaps to the direction the voice came from and I swear I've never insulted my dad before but this is the day I do it. I thought my dad was handsome, but u just realised his was teen boy handsome. But this is man handsome. Everything about him screams 'Yo niggas I'm a man'
I give him a once over, Brown hair, dishevelled, must be the multiple times he runs his fingers through it. Blue oceanic eyes that can get you hypnotized for a thousand years, smooth tanned skin, pink lips, and dimples. Oh God, do you want me to faint. I'm a sucker for dimples.
I clear my throat and get up to outstretch my hand

"Ms. Theodetia Hamilton" I greet

"Mr. Jace Stark" he takes my hand in his and I promise I flinch
He's not in a suit, I'm sure he was playing golf. But he does look good. White polo t-shirt and white track bottoms along with white Nikes suit him well.

You staring took much don't you think?

Yeah right?

"Please have a seat" he gestures to the chair I was sitting on

"I thought you were a man of punctuality" I say

"I am. I just got caught up, too busy"

"Where's the management in that then"

"Handling sales men, drivers, office workers and numerous companies and still buying more, in that stage management tends to be a little stagnant, you manage with the little you can"

Is this man flaunting his wealth or what?

"Are you boasting or you're proving a point?"

"I'm sorry if I sounded boastful, but I just wanted you to see things from my view" he says

"Hmm. So, how did you get to where you are? For a man of 22 years aren't you too rich?"

"I'd say determination. And for a man of 22 and all that...no, I'm not too rich. I can get richer. The modern day people are hypocrite to the extent that when they see you rich an a certain age, their first instinct is you didn't get your money through hard work. You used someone as sacrifice and all that but please excuse my language when I say is nonsense. If they were to be in your position they would be more than happy, but envy and hypocrisy has turned the mindset of thus generation into something. All this, is pure sweat and starvation."

"So it's all about knowing what you want?" I ask

"Exactly. I wasn't born with a sliver or golden spoon in my mouth, I worked hard for it, started somewhere and now here I am"

"Coming back to the topic of management, you saying it gets difficult and all that, any employees you trust?"

"Trust isn't something I give too easily, but yes, when it comes to my employees I trust those I have to"

"So that means you have employees you clearly don't trust judging from your statement"

"I have the habbit of giving people the benefit of the doubt. If you don't works with me then that's it"

"Moving on, most say, both make and female, young and old, you're known everywhere and anywhere as a ruthless man. At least that's what they say. How true is that?"

"I'm not ruthless. I just do what I have to and people also pick what they want and fabricate it into whatever they want, describe you as whatever they want. Like I said before, I do what I have to. As a man, at a young age as you stated, I can't sit down and let people take advantage of me. I can't be goodie goodie all the time. I'm not that kind of boss that you'll tell
'Sir my wife was sick so I had to take money from the department, I sorry for not telling you'. That's pure nonsense. Tell me and let me help you, this, is silly excuse for stealing, so if that's what people take as ruthless, then so be it. Their words don't define me anyway"

"Noted. Most of the events you attend, if not with your family or business associates, you're seen alone. You neither settled but you're are my seen with women. What does that make you? Gay?"

"God no, I'm not gay."

"Then are you a player? Because if a man is not settled and is also not seen with women, then he's gay or he's a player, or he's just into religious activities and doesn't have time for women"

"I'm not a player, no. Not having time for women? Yes. That religious whatever, is also a modern mentality. I personally don't believe in religion. If I find the right woman, why not"

"Why do I find it hard to believe that a man like you is looking for the right woman"

"Well you can believe whatever. But this is me"

"To end with, what would you like to say to the youth out there"

"Is one word. Humbleness"

"Was nice meeting you, and furthermore interacting with you, Mr. Stark" I rise from my seat.

"Same here Ms. Hamilton" he outstretchs his hand

"Until we meet again"


"I'll take my leave" he says and walks off

I release a breath when he's gone.

That was a mouthful!

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