Mia - k. mikaelson |completed...

By ninithewriter

736K 10.2K 6K

'you do make me hard, but she makes me weak' edited, sorta. Ranked #1 in alwaysandforever More

T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y • T W O
T W E N T Y • T H R E E
Epigraph (II)
T W E N T Y - F O U R
T W E N T Y - F I V E
T W E N T Y - S I X
T W E N T Y - S E V E N
T W E N T Y - E I G H T
T W E N T Y - N I N E
T H I R T Y - O N E
T H I R T Y - T W O
T H I R T Y - F O U R
T H I R T Y - S I X
T H I R T Y - S E V E N
T H I R T Y - E I G H T
T H I R T Y - N I N E
F O R T Y - O N E
F O R T Y - T W O
F O R T Y - T H R E E
F O R T Y - F O U R
F O R T Y - F I V E
F O R T Y - S I X
FO R T Y - S E V E N
F O R T Y - E I G H T
F O R T Y - N I N E
F I F T Y - O N E
F I F T Y - T W O
F I F T Y - T H R E E
F I F T Y - F O U R
F I F T Y - F I V E
F I F T Y - S I X
F I F T Y - S E V E N
F I F T Y - E I G H T
F I F T Y - N I N E
S I X T Y - O N E
S I X T Y - T W O
S I X T Y - T H R E E
S I X T Y - F O U R
S I X T Y - F I V E
S I X T Y - S I X
S I X T Y - S E V E N
S I X T Y - E I G H T
S I X T Y - N I N E
Mikaelson Twins
S E V E N T Y - O N E
S E V E N T Y - T W O
S E V E N T Y - T H R E E
S E V E N T Y - F O U R
S E V E N T Y - F I V E
S E V E N T Y - S I X
S E V E N T Y - S E V E N
S E V E N T Y - E I G H T
S E V E N T Y - N I N E
Family Album
E I G H T Y - O N E
E I G H T Y - T W O
B o n u s S c e n e
this is not the end...

T H I R T Y - F I V E

2.8K 45 29
By ninithewriter


MONTHS and months had passed, Mia was closer to Alec and farther from Klaus. He had made a wedge between them, as he didn't want anyone using her as leverage over her. The streets of New Orleans were quite during the day, and bloody in the night.

Mia stayed away from the compound, and Klaus did the same for her. It all started with a small vision the girl had had one night and it was enough to send Klaus over the edge.


Mia jolted awake and breathed heavily as she detangled  herself from Klaus. He awoke and glared his fangs, that were lethal to anyone.

"Relax Nik. Just another vision." Mia mumbled standing up and walked to the bathroom, splashing water on her face. As she looked at her reflection in the mirror Mia saw a women behind her making her scream.

Klaus rushed to catch her and as he held the brunette in his arms, she whispered something that changed everything.

"Esther is back."

From that moment on, Klaus had postponded everything. Finding the demise of his mother to be far more important than his wedding.

Mia approached Klaus with magazines and a list of possible venues, the biggest smile on her face.

"Nik, I think I found the one-"

"Not now Mia, mother has requested we have dinner with her. She has a plan, and she wants you as leverage according to my other sources. My child is safe and sound but you are not..." He whispered and watched as Mia's smile disappeared.

"What are you saying?" Her voice cracked as she looked him in the eye.

"We must postpone the wedding. Until I return my mother into a coffin, we are to stop seeing each other. I need you to find a place outside the city and cloak yourself-"

Klaus paced around the room and before Mia could respond Elijah rushed in.

"Elijah! Come to discuss the return of our mother? She is waltzing around town In the body of a sixteen year old and-"

Elijah cut him off, "Our father is back. Davina has him imprisoned by this bracelet. He hold the stake, if she chooses to release him-"

Klaus angrily slams his fist on the table making Mia jump in surprise. "Well brother, there is only one question we need to ask. Which one of our parents will we kill firs?" Klaus says and noticed Elijah looking at Mia concerned.

"Are you alright?" Elijah asked and Mia nods, not meeting his eye.

"She isn't. She's upset about the wedding." Klaus said, a little annoyed she was focused on that than on the problem they were facing. Mia's nostrils flared, "How dare you dismiss our wedding so carelessly. As if we weren't waiting a thousand years for it!" She said before gathering her things and storming out.

That was the last time she saw the Mikaelson. She had been avoiding Klaus and staying out of sight as they said. Someone had tried to take her hostage one night as she and Alec were leaving The bar, but thanks to the new skills she had gotten from being a hybrid she quickly took care of him before Alec had noticed she was gone.

She wore her ring regardless, of the fact that she knew things weren't going to get better anytime soon.

Mia continued to flip through the pages of a magazine bored out of her mind, while Alec went to the store to buy her more food as he didn't want to see Mia angry aover the lack of food filling her 'oversized' fridge as Alec liked to call it.

Over the period of time they had spent together, Alec had begun to develop feelings for the brunette girl. He knew she was engaged which made it even worse for him, but he still continued to admire her from afar.

In the compound, Elijah and Klaus sat in front of eachother drinking while strategizing. It had been a month or so of their mother coming to the compound to have dinner. The two brothers hated to admit it, but it freaked them out over the fact that their mom is in a teenagers body.

Finn and Kol sat down, making themselves comfortable while looking around. "Where is Mia?" Finn asked and Klaus gave him a small smile.

"She's traveling the world." He said and Kol nodded slowly. "Or she ran away from you brother." He joked before seeing the look on his brothers face, one that scared him.

"Or not." Kol mhmbled looking away. "No worries, we will find her and welcome her." Finn said as Elijah and Klaus tensed. "Good luck, she's not speaking to Klaus." Elijah said hoping to steer them away from Mia.

"And why is that? Has she realized you are not wor-"

Klaus cut him off, "Choose your next words carefully,"Klaus threatened Finn who kept a straight face.

"Mia, and Klaus had a fight." Elijah chimed in and ignored the look Klaus was giving him. "Oh." Finn teased making Klaus a little uncomfortable as he was not use to seeing them in a different form.

Klaus grabbed a glass of whiskey, "Enough about that let's talk about mommy dearest."

Klaus and Elijah sighed simultaneously, as they looked at eachother. "How do you think she's doing?" Elijah asked.

Klaus rubbed his eyes, "She must be fine." He said trying to convince himself. "Too fine..." Elijah replied having a feeling she wasn't alone.

Klaus nodded, "I'll send someone over to check on her."

"Shouldn't you-"

"No! If someone catches me and knows where she is she will be in danger again." Klaus cut off and poured himself more wine, Mia's favorite.

Elijah sighed, "You don't look too good yourself."

Klaus galfedbat him, "My finance is out and about thinking I don't care about our wedding, of course I'm not fine." He said and picked his book back up.

"Here's  a crazy thought, go see her brother." Elijah said rolling his eyes and picking up his book as well.

Klaus stayed silent, wondering what she was doing at this time. Was she thinking of him? Or drowning her sorrows with wine?


Mia and Alec sat crossed legged in the living room, telling each others stories when they heard a nosie coming from outside. the two stood up, "Stay behind me." Alec whispered and led the way. Mia bit her tounge.

I'll let him have his moment, Mia thought and followed him. A light breeze entered the room making a chill go down Mia's spine. Something about the situation reeked of deja vu, and Mia became alarmed. Someone supernatural was after her and it was strong, and Mia knew who it was.

"Esther come out!" Mia yelled loudly and shoved Alec in a nearby corner. a figure emerged from the shadows and a dark skinned man made himself seeable. "Mia." He said, finding the human in hiding amusing.

"Iv'e made a lot of enemies, I'm going to need a refresher. Who exactly are you?" Mia asked and got ready to fight him. "I'm hurt future sister in law, do you not recognize me?" The man asked and Mia noticed the necklace he was wearing.

"Finn." Mia finally said after a moment of silence. "Okay, now that we are on the same page, we should talk about my mother. My disguting brothers, one of them who is your finace will be faced with an ultimatum and in order for them to pick the right choice I am going to need you as leverage." Finn said waving his hand making Alec fall uncoincence.

"Little Finn, a witch?" Mia teased holding her necklace out, "Ah yes, you've been made into what Niklaus calls a tribrid. No worries, mother will make sure you're nothing but human after she gets what she wants." Finn threatened and uttered a spell.

Mia immediately faught it, but she was inexperience and Finn, as much as Mia hated to admit it, was stronger than her. The lights on the house began to flicker, "You can't beat me Mia!" Finn said taking a step foreword.

"Maybe not. But I have a secret weapon!" Mia Yelled back and looked around. She finally found what she was looking for and let Finn push her back with magic.

She stood right next to it, "Alexa! Call Nik!" She Yelled and watched as the ring above the device changed colors.

Finn began to panick, he was in a coffin for most of his life and he didn't know what that was. "What are you doing?!"

"Calling..." the device said and it began to rang.

Finn used the time she was distracted smiling at the strange machine and shoved a ball of energy towards Mia. She groaned falling to the floor, and before Finn gotnto ger she mumbled a few words towards Alec.

Finn knocked Mia unconscious and carried her out of the now destroyed house. Almost as soon as they left Alec jolted awake rubbing his head.

"Mia? Mia!" Klaus' voice boomed through the speaker of the device and Alec stood up before running to it. "Uh, Hello?"He said weakly.

Klaus held his phone tighter, "Who is this?"

Alec began to panic, "A friend of Mia's. Listen the wildest thing just happened and I think Mia's introuble." Alec said breathing heavily looking around the room.

"I'm on my way." Klaus said hanging up and looked at the folding of the compound before making his hands into fists and began to throw things in anger.

"Klaus!" Hayley walked into the compound and noticed the destruction taking place. "Esther, my mother she has both Elijah and Mia." Klaus said in a low voice grabbing his jacket.

"I'm coming with you." Hayley said and Jlaus nodded not having time to protest. "Let's go." Klaus didn't stop the car at all, not even to wait for a person crossing the streets.

He swerved around them and continued speeding, Hayley in that moment was great to be a vampire as she didn't have to worry about dying. "Klaus slow down!" She hissed and as he ignored her he looked at the gps again.

"You don't know where she lives?!" Hayley asked.

Klaus' grip on the steering while tightened, "No! I had her move and not tell me so she wouldn't use it for leverage but she found Mia." Klaus said not letting the car stop complaining before speeding out and into the White House.

Mia stood next to a Real Estate agent and admired the White House. She truly admired architecture structure of the place because it screamed, "American Dream" which Mia thought was funny.

"I'll take it." Mia said proudly and the agent nodded. "Payment-"

"Right! This case has money, all cash of course, and the paperwork will be sent to you later today. Thank you, you may go now." Mia said shooing him.

He nodded and quickly walked away, finding the girl odd.

When he barged through the door he cake face to face with a young man, "H-Hi. I called the police-" Alec tried ignoring the vibe he was getting from the man in the leather jacket.

Alec has never been so confused, should he bow or shake his hand. Something about Klaus made him feel lesser, and Alec was almost certain it was the outfit.

"The police won't do anything." Klaus inturupted looking around the house.

"I'm really worried about her. I don't know what I will do if anything happened to her." Alec confided while hayley ram into the house. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Alec, recognizing him from the time she followed Mia.

"Hi." Hayley said, awkwardly ignoring the theriores runnung through her head. "Compell him to forget what he saw. We must find Mia." Klaus said obviously jealous of who Mia was keeping company with.

"Right." Hayley said and grabbed Alec by his shoulders. "Forget everything that happened here. You went home and Mia went out to her fiancés house." Haykey compelled and Alec nodded slowly.

He turned around and left leaving Klaus and Hayley together. "Who is he?!" Klaus asked, jealousy evident in his voice.

Hayley shrugged, "I'm just as in the dark as you." She lied and picked up a note. "Smart girl." Klaus mumbled taking it and reading it, he crumpled it up and quickly turned to face the other man.

"Take care Of him. The note says, "take care of him" I'm going to go on a killing spree if you don't answer my question. Who are you?!" Klaus said pinning him on the wall while choking him.

"I'm just her friend-"

"Klaus! Let him go!" Hayley said pulling him away. "Do you know who he is?" The original hybrids voice boomed throughout the house

"Focus! We need to find two people and you raving like a mad man over her friend is not helping!" Hayley yelled hitting Alec in the head to knock him out again. Klaus rolled his eyes picking him up and dragging him to the car.

As soon as they got to the compound Klaus' phone began to ring. He picked it up, and heard the voice of Cami.

"Come to the bar we need to talk." She said briefly before hanging up. Klaus looked at Haykey with an unreadable expression, "Klaus don't leave we have to find them-"

"Mia and Elijah are strong, Nessie's if anything happens to Camille Mia would be upset with me." Klaus said walking out quickly to deal with a mortals nonsense.


"Mia..." Elijah pulled on the restraints keeping him there trying to get close to the unconscious brunette. Mia groaned softly before looking up to meet his eyes, "El?"

"I'm here, I'm here." He whispered happy to hear her voice. "Where are we? Esther-" Mia tried but stopped when she saw in what situation she was in. She pulled the chains as hard as she could, only to fail.

"Stop, conserve your strength little one. We'll find a way out." Elijah said in a hoarse voice. "Esther is going to kill me." Mia mumbled after a moment of silence.

"No she isn't I won't let he-"

Mia shook her head, "It came to me in a dream, this-'' She motioned to the table with all the ingredients a witch could ever need, "this was what she used to kill me."

"We have to get out of here." He said and pulled on the chains, he stopped when he noticed defeat in her face.

"Mia-dont look at me that way." Elijah pleads trying to get close to the girl. "I've seen it Elijah, and I don't think there's a way to stop it." Mia whispered accepting the fact that this was to be her end.

Esther was going to take away what Klaus loved most in the word, to make him bend to her will.

"It's brilliant. Klaus will be so torn up about losing me that he would accept the offer, take his life and join me." Mia said chuckled softly. "Stop this- mother!" Elijah roared.

Esther emerged form the shadows, "How did you know?" She asked Mia. The brunette girl shrugged, "You try to kill your kids while mine ensures I live."

Esther sighed, "I thought you would be the easiest one to persuade Mia. You've always wanted a family, a child of your own especially with Nikalus." She said walking towards her and forcing a bitter substance down her throat.

"Not what I'm used to." Mia gaged and Elijah cursed in his head. Of course she would make a joke in a moment like this, he thought.

"My son, has turned you into a monster Amelia. Let me show you what could be your life if you let me make it." Esther said and chanted a few words sending Mia into a world of fantasy.

"Nik?" Mia walked downstairs in a silk robe down, worried of where her husbands whereabouts were "down here, my love." Klaus yelled.

Mia walked into the kitchen, her sense of smell was overwhelmed by the smell of food. Klaus has an apron on, making breakfast while two toddlers sat in their booster seats watching an animated show.

"You let me sleep in?" Mia asked going straight to the ocffee machine. "Yes, I figured since you were out in the ER until 3 in the morning I would let you sleep in." Klaus said kissing her cheek.

"Thank you." Mia said smiling at him.

He turned back to continue making her breakfast, "The twins already ate." He announced making Mia nod. "I'll get their bags." She said going to grab their school bags.

When the nanny came to pick up the kids, to take them to the park Klaus had set a plate in front of Mia.

The two day down to eat, and while Klaus read something on his phone he sensed someone watching him.

"I know you're staring love." He said putting his phone down. "Do you ever miss it?" Mia asks referring to their past immortal life. He nods, "But we have a stunning daughter who looks like you and a very handsome son if I do say so myself." Klaus said with a smile.

Mia laughed softly and ate her breakfast, occasionally thinking of her perfect yet short life.

Mia's eyes fluttered open, the smile on her face disappeared and a look a hatred towards the original witch formed. "How could you show me that?" Mia asked her voice cracking.

"I have the power to do that for you, if you let me." Esther said as Elijah watched helplessly. "Family Mia, it's what you've always wanted." She continued while caressing her cheek.

Mia's slowly met her eyes, "I've always had family, bitch."

The windows began to shatter all around them as the wind blew in. Esther backed away, "You can't-"

"Intermissum" Mia pulled the chains with all she had and broke free, she quickly ran to Elijah while fire surrounded Esther keeping her trapped. Mia broke Elijah's chains and groaned softly as he was heavy for the weakened girl.

Mia sped them out when something pierced through her right leg. Mia Yelled and nearly
Dropped Elijah. The eldest Original quickly shielded Mia as another arrow was shot.

"Not them!" A voice that Mia recognized as Klaus said. Klaus quickly sped to Elijah while starring at Mia. "M-my Love." He stuttered.

"You must be Mia." A man said, Mia turned to face him and gasped. "Nikalus-"

"Yes he's my father. We will talk about it later let's get you two home". Klaus said acting as if he didn't send her on her way months ago. Mia narrowed her eyes at him, "Home?"

Klaus sighed frustrated, "Yes Mia the compound. I'm so-"

"Come on Elijah." Mia said helping him walk and cutting Klaus off. Klaus' father laughed silently as the look on his sons face hardened. Klaus quickly went after them, while his father watched them disappear into the distance wondering what it would have been like if he and Klaus were closer.

Mia closed the compound door before Klaus could get in making him groan in frustration. "M-my Love." He said breaking it open with a swift kick and walking inside.

"Elijah do you hear something?" Mia asked tending to his wounds. Elijah was currently sitting on a chair, wincing as Mia did her best to clean him up. She was kneeled in front of him and the situation drove Klaus crazy.

"Mothers spell must have slowed down your healing." Klaus mumbled happy to see his brother. Mia cleaned the last blood on his face and stood up. "I should get going." Mia said, Elijah stood up wincing in the process.

"No you can't leave we have to stay here, together. If we are divided-'' Elijah was cut off by Klaus who blocked the enternece not letting Mia leave.

"Then we are weak." Klaus said making Mia roll her eyes. "I have to get back to my friend and explain what the hell happened." Mia said trying to push past him.

Klaus blood boiled at the mention of the man staying with Mia, he sped her into a wall making Mia groan in pain. "Friend?" He asked.

"I don't have to explain myself to you." Mia spat and pushed him off sending him across the room and into some plants. Klaus quickly stood back up, "Yes you do, you are to be married to me-"

"Oh now you want to get married." Mia interrupted, letting her bolted up feelings from the past few months free.

Elijah helplessly watched, "Can't we just talk this out-"

"Stay out of this brother. Amelia Fitzgerald you are going to explain to me who he is before I rip his tongue out of his mouth and feed it to him." Klaus threatened.

Mia broke a chair, "you will not lay a finger on him." Mia grabbed a piece of wood knowing it won't do much to Klaus but it will hurt.

"What color are the flowers?" Klaus asked waiting for Mia to charge. "Gold, do you expect less from royalty?" Mia asked running towards him and shoving the piece of wood in his shoulder.

"Ah!" Klaus took it back out throwing it on the floor. "Enough..." Elijah's voice trailed off as he tried to stand. He stumbled s little before falling unconscious.

"El!" Mia and Klaus quickly run to him. Mia crouched down turning him over, "Elijah?" Mia panicked and did the first thing she could think off, she backhanded him trying to wake him up.

"Mia!" Klaus hissed. He picked up his brother and sped him to his sleeping quarters. Mia ran into the room where she left herbs and dropped a few things in the process.

She sped into the room and tossed everything on the table before suddenly a bird flew into the room startling Mia, "Get it out of here! O-or eat it!" Mia Yelled mixing things together.

"I refuse to eat a bird!" Klaus said and was about to kill it when he noticed what type of bird it is. "My mother is behind this, what a bloody surprise." Klaus said annoyed.

Mia gave Elijah some herbs mixed with a liquid substance and force fed them to him. "Come on El."

Klaus made eye contact with the bird, that he detested. "Undo what you've done to him!" He yelled. The bird turned its head sideways almost as if it was taunting him and flew back out.

Hayley entered the room, wondering that the screaming was for and stopped in her tracks when she saw the man she had grown to love laying in his bed. Cold sweat trickled down his face, and his bodied was tensed as if he was in a state of fear.

"This isn't working!" Mia slammed her fists on the table breaking an end off. "This rash...is it a side effect to the witch acid trip he's on?" Hayley asked.

Mia looked, "It is. I'll have to check books-"

"Don't, I know what it is." Klaus said looking at the rash with hatred. Mia nodded, "I've never seen this in my life." She mumbled and kissed Elijahs forehead.

"We'll get you out." She whispered reassuringly, before she could pull away she felt a jolt of energy coursed through her making her scream, as it felt like she was sitting in an electric chair.

Which did happen.

Out of instinct, she reached for Klaus and he suffered the same fate as her.

Mia's eyes turned white as her nose along with Klaus' began to bleed. Hayley watched feeling helpless, because she was nothing compared to the worlds strongest people.

As Mia and Klaus glimpse into Elijah's torment, Klaus gathers the strength to pull himself away from Mia, slightly disturbed of Mia's eyes. He grabbed her hand yanking her away from Elijah, and as soon as Mia looses contact she begins to breathe normal again. Her nose stops bleeding, and her eyes return to their normal state, "What just happened?" Hayley asked.

"It seems Elijah, in a state of vulnerability, allowed us into his thoughts. He is in suffering...." Klaus said looking at Mia who looked shaken up.

"Hayley give us the room, please." Klaus said not removing his eyes from Mia. "Alright." Hayley walked out shutting the door.

"Mia you're not the same person," Klaus started noticing her tense up. "Whatever do you mean Nikalus?" Mia asked softly.

"This power, I believe it comes with a price. It drains you and makes you see things, please stop using it." Klaus pleaded. Mia knew he was right, her emotions were all over the place having the temper of a werewolf adding to her own. Her magic made her loose control sometimes, making her a danger to many and with fangs she has become a monster.

Mia stayed silent for a moment, thoughts were swirling through her head. Always and Forever, Mia thought.

"I can't marry you." Mia blurted out. Klaus' face hardened, "What?"

"Not like this, I am not whom you've fell inlove with. These past few months have been difficult. You sent me away for what you believe is my own safety when really you needed a break, a break from me." Mia started feeling a rush of emotions she cannot control somehow spilling out.

"Mia that is not-"

Mia shook her head, "You sent me away and made me deal with the fact that I am a tribrid freak alone! Alec was there for me, when you were out with your therapist!" Mia Yelled, while her hands began to shake. Klaus narrowed his eyes, "Alec?" He too was beginning to feel emotions, such as rage and jealousy.

"Yes, Alec. Where were you when wolves came to try to kill me! Where were you when the witches tried to do the same?!" Mia cried recalling the traumatizing events that took place in his absence. She wrapped her arms around her body, feeling paranoid as if at any given moment there would be a physical attack, or her least favorite. Mental one.

Klaus was lost for words, "Mia I didn't know. Forgive me?" He whispered taking a step forward and caressing her cheek, wiping any tear away. Mia closed her eyes, finding his hand on her to be relaxing.

"I've been selling the story, that my daughter is dead. We all have Mia, and I am sorry for pushing you away. I am here now, and I need you to move back into the compound. New threats have arrived and I am at fault that those things happened to you. Come home..." he whispered his face merely centimeters away.

Mia felt his breathe on her lips, wanting nothing more than to kiss him. She missed him, every single inch of him. She leaped into his arms and linked her lips to his, savoring for the last time his flavor.

"I will move in, but you and i are over Niklaus." Mia whispered before speeding away leaving Klaus in a state of rage and heartbreak.

It had been a few days of ignoring eachother and Elijah was feeling suffocated. After Klaus had found the orchid to wake him up, Elijah found himself in the middle of a battle in his home.

The Original suited Mikaelson, walked downstairs finding the silence peaceful. But it wasn't long before Klaus came out of his sleeping quarters wrapped in a towel while the girl he was with last night lied dead on his carpet covering her naked body with a silk sheet.

Mia walked in a moment later, smelling blood and feeling the veins in her face form. "Easy there little one." Elijah chuckled meeting with her at the table.

"Morning El." Mia said ignoring the half naked buried looking down at them, with a smirk. "I have a friend coming later today, and I was wondering if maybe you could move Finn and Kol into another room?" Mia asked nicely.

Elijah sighed, "I don't think its, safe for your friend to come over-"

Mia put her glass down, "Please Elijah! I promise to keep him away from the hybrid!" Mia pleaded.

Klaus smirked faded, "The hybrid?! You dare refer to me as the hybrid?! As if I am not the love of your life but less?!" Klaus raged.

Mia ignored him and continued making eye contact with Elijah, who couldn't resist the look she was giving. "Alright. But he is under your responsibility." Elijah said. Mia nodded and jumped out of her seat.

"I'll see you later." Mia said practically skipping outside. Elijah sighed shaking his head and finishing his breakfast. Klaus walks down to join him, "Brother?" Klaus says.

Elijah hums looking up, "Yes?"

"How do you think Mia will react if I make her jealous?" Klaus asked in a nonchalant tone. Elijah continued reading his poem, "Are you trying to end the world?" Elijah asked.

Klaus shook his head, pouring himself some whisky. "No, just trying to get my girl back." He replied.

"Maybe start by not bringing home escorts into our home. For Pete's sake Nik, we aren't a hotel." Elijah said drinking from his cup.

Before Klaus could reply, someone yelled out to them, "I heard you're having girl trouble Niklaus! Let me go and I'll happily help you with Mia." Kol tried.

"In this moment of weakness from my beloved, you are to stay far away from Mia as possible." Klaus Yelled back.

"Are you saying I have a chance?!" Kol asked, trying to break free from the chains. "On the contrary brother, you will always remain in the friend zone." Klaus replied and ignored him for the rest of the day.

Mia returned to the compound with her friend Alec telling him the history of the place she called home with the Mikaelsons.

Elijah and Klaus were having a heated discussion of how hope and Rebekah were returning home. Mia noticed this and excused herself from Alec letting him wonder the place.

"What is going on?" Mia asked Elijah in a hushed tone. "Esther found Rebekah." Klaus said and Mia's eyes widened.

"somnum." Mia whispered blowing what Klaus would say a kiss, to Alec. He immediately fell to the ground, making Elijah look at her weirdly.

"He's asleep. Niklaus Can drag him into a room or something I'll go with Elijah." Mia said giving herself a task.

"No Niklaus has to go see his daughter-" Elijah was cut off by a frustrated sigh coming from the hybrid.

"Stop saying my full name I renamed myself for a reason! Besides, if I leave our brothers with you Elijah they will be dead by the end of the day and we need them alive. You two go, I've waited-"

Klaus looked unhappy, and gulped anxiously before finishing his sentence, "-months to see my daughter I'm more than sure I can wait a day." Klaus said hating his own plan.

The suited original was about to walk away when his shoulder was grabbed by Klaus, "Give me your word brother. You will keep her safe no matter what."

Elijah nodded, "I give you my word." And with that he walked away no doubt waiting for Mia in the car.

Klaus turned to Mia, "He's not the same." Klaus whisperer as if Elijah was listening. "I know. I'll look after him." Mia replied giving him a small smile.

"You look like you're going to a bloody funeral, smile you're going to see your baby girl Niklaus." Mia teased quietly.

Klaus' face softened, "You're right, please look after her."

"I will. I promise." Mia said, feeling the urge to kiss him but she didn't. "I'll see you in a day or so if everything goes as planned which it will." Mia reassured making her eyes glow for a dramatic affect.

"I'll make sure of it."


Hayley is standing on a street corner near the compound and holds her phone in her hand, unsure of what to do. After a moment, she dials Elijah's number.

Elijah is sitting in a booth with an and pulls his phone out of his jacket pocket when he hears it ring. When he sees that it's Hayley, he smiles to himself.

"Is it a certain werewolf queen, former one night stand of my ex fiancé?" Mia asked wiggling her eyebrows at him in a teasing manner.

"Don't be jealous Mia." Elijah replied noticing a man sitting at the bar, staring at them as his phone continues to ring. Unnerved, Elijah ultimately ignores the call.

A waitress comes by to refill their cups of coffee. Elijah is still suspicious of the man at the bar, and decides to get answers.

"Tell me, has there been anyone out of the ordinary today?" Elijah asked compelling the waitress's

The older woman shakes her head, "Just you two."
Elijah smiles and nudges his mug toward her to top off his coffee. When she goes to pour it, she accidentally spills some on his his wrist and the sleeve of his shirt and jacket.

"Oh, I am so sorry, let me-" the lady tries to clean it only to be stopped by Mia. "It's fine."

Elijah tries his best to remain polite and unbothered while still shooing her away as quickly as possible.

"It's quite all right. Thank you." Elijah says, and the waitress gets the hint and leaves. Elijah dabs at the stain on his sleeve with a napkin, which sends him into flashbacks of his time being tortured by Esther. He remembers his dream of being covered in blood and chasing Hayley down a hallway that ends in a red door, as well as a memory from just after he killed Tatia after he had just turned, where he knelt outside of his family's home, wiping his face with a towel.

"I told you to clean yourself up. If you were clean, no one would know what you are or what you've done." Esthers voice rang on his head repeating itself like an annoying alarm.

Mia looked at him worried, "El?" The older Original was still scrubbing at the coffee stain, looks over at the waitress, who is whispering to the suspicious man at the bar. Both of them stare at Elijah, which makes him even more paranoid. He experiences more flashbacks to the red door, and the door of his family's slaughterhouse in the late 10th/early 11th century, and becomes even more agitated.

"Elijah!" Mia yells pulling him out of his trance. He looks at her concerned and paranoid. "I'll compell them..." Mia whispered a little out of it after what she saw.

Elijah Mikaelson was the most composed, of them all. In any situation he would adapt into it and triumph. It was very rare to him in a state of eccentricity.

Elijah stopped Mia, "It's alright I've got it. Perhaps you know of some herbs to help calm the nerves?" Elijah asked making Mia nod.

"Of course I'll look around." Mia said giving him a small smile before going outside to look. While she gathered what she could, she decided to check in the kitchen.

Mia's eyes widened and the veins on her face formed at the amount of blood she saw but the fear was much stronger calming down her hunger.

Mia ran back out to see him and Rebekah song with the baby. Mia apologized quietly before speeding to him catching him off guard and watched him fall to the floor.

"Is he alright?" Rebekah asked noticing his strange behavior. "Look in the kitchen." Mia said, making the blonde nod and hand her the baby. 

Mia gasped softly, smiling at the child. "Hi." Mia cooed. She had Nikalus' eyes, making Mia miss him. Mia played with the baby waiting for Rebekah's return.

"I'll carry him to the car and you carry the baby?" Rebekah asked, completely baffled at the scene behind the kitchen doors.

"I will after I call Niklaus." Mia replied worried of where they would be taken to next.


As Mia was driving, she looked over to Rebekah who was holding her scared of someone taking her. "You are driving normal." Rebekah said amused as she felt the car slow down as they approached a stop sign.

Mia rolled her eyes looking both ways before pressing the gas petal going faster. "Where exactly are we going?" Rebekah asked.

"I don't know, niklaus told me you knew I just need to get on the highway." Mia said making a right. "He said we are going to the house you guys spent Christmas in the year after running from Mikael."

Rebekah held the baby closer kissing her head, "We are going to Arkansas."

When they arrived, Mia helped Elijah into the house feeling strange after having his neck snapped. "According to Nik, theydhoulf be striving shortly." Mia said walking inside with Rebekah.

Elijah nodded going into another room no doubt to think, while Rebekah looked at Mia with a mischievous smile. "Yes Bex?" Mia asked.

Rebekah shrugged leading her outside, "Do you know what time of the year it is?" She asked swaying side by side like a sweet angel. Mia rolled her eyes, "No bekah tell me."

Rebekah pulled out two candy canes from her back, and Mia's eyes widened in realization.


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