Bloodhound (Goblin slayer x f...

By mintywhale99

102K 2.9K 1.3K

A story about Y/N, the infamous Silver ranked adventurer with the name "Bloodhound". What is her history and... More

The start Part 1
The start Part 2
A dream Part 3
Guild Girl Part 4
Ghoul ballad Part 5
Meeting Part 6
Bonfire Part 7
The Quest Part 8
OGRE 1 Part 9
Ogre 2 Part 10
Carriage Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Help Part 13
War 2 Part 15
Hello Part 16
Judging Part 17
Sword Maiden Part 18
Sewers Part 19
Alligator? Part 20
Flowers Part 21
Announcement ;^;
Letter Part 23
Canary Part 24
Poison Part 25
Oooops Part 26
New Cover 27
28 Hurry!
Oooops 2 Part 29
Sentimental Part 30
First time? part 1 -31-
First time? Part 2 -32-

War 1 Part 14

2.5K 78 41
By mintywhale99

3rd POV:

Seeing the moon at the top of the sky - "high noon" for these creatures- the goblin lord gave his orders.

His command was followed by a clamor of growling voices and thus, the goblin army started to advance to their destination.

Hidden in a field of tall grass the green creatures blended perfectly with the scenery.

Approaching the farm they put up their "Meatshields":

Boards to which captured and tortured women had been tied.

It was a disgusting seen to watch, but goblins didn't really care, in truth, they were really happy with the idea of new toys, only this made saliva to drop down from the lust fulfilled creatures mouths.

They moved ardently through the grass, which rustled as they went. Finally, the lights of the farm were near. In a moment, the attack would begin.

The Goblin King looked high from his position at his troops. A self-satisfied smile spread on his face. Finally, he thought, he will show the adventurers, what really is goblin power.

Then it happened.


A sweet-smelling mist drifted over the field. It engulfed the meatshield holding troops in an instant. Breathing this matter the goblins started to cackle and collapse, not able to hold their own bodies and shields weight. They collapsed with happy grins on their faces.

"Now Go!!"

Males voice was heard from the farm walls.

In an instant, An army of adventurers moved forward and freed the poor and tortured women from the massive planks they were tied too and hurriedly retreated behind the secure walls.

Goblin shamans were not amused by this and started to cast spells at the retreating adventurers, but then, arrows made from a branch pierced their heads and necks. All of them fell down like dominos. One's mouth worked open and closed for a moment. Fear and confusion could be seen in its eyes and then he fell face up on the grass, dead.

Thanks to their great night vision they quickly located the source of the arrows and on the branches of the tallest tree stood in a fighting stance a beautiful elf female and her fellow archers.

Goblins rushed to return fire from their short bows, but she only snorted and leaped into the brush.

The adventurers safely carried the meat shields over the wall, and in the exchange, a group of their armed companions appeared. They kept low as they raced towards the enemy, accompanied by the clatter of their armor. Goblins got ready to kill the approaching thread, except, in the back of their troops started a commotion. Blood and dead goblin parts flew in all directions.


A [h/c] hair flew like a flash of lightning. When it stopped a female adventurer stood in a blood pool of dead goblins.

"You chose the wrong farm Feckers!"


'Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen...'

I counted as I swiftly dodged their attack and one after another decapitated the creatures with the help of my wind speed, but the numbers of those monsters only got bigger and it was harder to dodge from their poisoned weapons. I quickly rolled to the side from an arrow shower.

'I can't keep up with this shit...'I breathed heavily and saw a goblin louching in my direction. I pulled my index and middle fingers to my mask and chanted.

"Wind spears!!!"

In an instant. The wind started to whistle around me and formed buzzing and whistling ear spears. They launched directly at the small creatures and they screamed in agony while their limbs and bodies were ripped apart from the intense pressure of the wind.

'It's good that after the ogre thing I started to train with my air power'

I straightened up and stood in a shower of goblins blood and parts. I chuckled maniacally and cooed.

"Whos next~?"

I saw raw fear in their yellowish eyes, but it immediately was replaced by the anger of losing their buddies.

3rd POV:

The elf looked in the distance at Y/N performance and sweatdropped.

"Now I know what she meant by 'secret cards under the sleeve'..."

"Indeed, but she fulfilled her part pretty well~"

The dwarf nodded and stroked his beard with a smile.

Elf archer gulped in realization, that she could have been dead in their first day of the meeting if it was not for the stoic Goblin Slayer. She understood now, that her behavior was not the best then and now, her respect for the two weird Silver adventurers only rose from this point.

"Now she made panic amongst their troops and that is an opening for us."

The elf sighed and took an arrow to kill another goblin.

"Well, let's not let her get all the fun. Shall we?"


The small man smirked and cast his sharp rock bullets at the distracted green creatures.

In the distance, a goblin scout looked at the scene and rushed to his superior in panic.

A grumble of weird sounds came out from the stoic Lord.

"A pitched battle is it? Don't panic. Scatter them with our cavalry. Advance the units on the left and right."

He looked from his spot at the fight and smirked. Proud of his strategy and power. But his sneer quickly faded, when he saw adventures skillfully and quickly disintegrating his troops below.

He pointed at her and mumbled something that was not understood in humans tongue to his subordinates.


"Fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven..."

I breathed heavily and felt my head go round from the exhaustion.

Then, all the goblins stopped attacking me, I looked puzzled at them, but this gave me a chance to quickly take out a potion and gulp it down. I immediately felt a surge of energy rush through me. I swiped the liquid and pulled the mask down.

"Well~? Why are you just standing and looking at me drinking? Maybe at some other circumstances, we could have been drunk buddies, but now, you seem to me, like, a bunch of creeps..."

I scanned the still goblins. They looked at me with smirks spread on their faces, that let show their uneven and sharp teeth. Their numbers got bigger.'

So, they want to kill me with sheer numbers?'

I readied my next enchantment when suddenly the earth beneath me started to rumble.

I didn't pull my eyes away from the small creatures, but from the side saw birds flying frantically out of the woods. Where trees were thrown and pushed with ease.

"Oh no..."

I groaned in frustration at the upcoming enemies.

I heard the laughter of small goblins. I dozed off for a second and they all lunged in my direction.

"Wind dome!"

I spelled the cast and was covered by a big dome of wind around me, that pushed the small feckers away. Immediately, they started to bang with their weapons and bodies against the shield. I breathed in and yelled.

"Dome of thorns!!!"

In an instant. The dome grew around with rotating spikes that penetrated and instantly killed the nearest goblins. It quickly opened up into the sky like a flower and with a quick movement pulled down its spiky petals like a big ceiling and smashed all the goblins that surrounded the dome into a mush of meat.

The windflower disappeared and I fell on one knee breathing heavily. Everything was a blur and my head spun madly.

"Guess I overdid it today..."

I tried to breathe in as much air as possible to steady my wildly running brain.

Then, I felt a presence and quickly looked up.

In front of me stood a goblin Champion with a bat ready to strike me and a big grin covered its scarred face.

"Oh Feck me..."

A/N: A cliffhanger! Buhahaha!!! What will happen next? Find next time~

Sorry it is pretty short, but this tooth acke is just killing me, I waited in the line for 3 weeks and only now my tooth started to make a pain riot...Only two days left...Whyyyy?

Does anyone remember Skyrim?

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