Canary Part 24

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3rd POV:

A group of adventurers moved hastily to the sewer entrance.

Sun slowly moved over the sky and lazily warmed the city behind the clouds.

Bloodhound moved in the back of the group and checked her pouch for all needed items, she mumbled something under her nose like chanting of a complicated spell.

She needed to be sure that everything is in place and everything will be ok-.

Her mumbling was disrupted by the disappearance of the light.

Y/N quickly looked around and was ready to sheath her sword, but exhaled in relief - they just entered the sewers.

Y/N quickly attached the pouch to its place and looked at her teammates.

They were already ahead of her and started a conversation about canaries use for detecting a poison.

Bloodhound watched them in concern - she wanted to relax and forget her nightmares that didn't let her sleep, but the last one shook her to the core.

Even remembering it made her shudder.

Y/N didn't know what to wait, but she knew, nothing pleasant will happen here.

'Surely...something will happen in these suers... I need to do somethi-...'

Her gaze was fixated on the broken bridge.

Y/N looked like in a trance, not responding to her teammate's calls.

Then, something was put on her shoulder, she quickly looked to her side and saw Goblin Slayer staring at her.

The darkness made his eyes glow crimson red like dark flames in the darkness.

His voice sounded worried for a second.

"Are you alright?"

'He always notices...'

Bloodhound chuckled lightly and gripped his hand that was on her shoulder reassuringly.

"Yeah, don't worry about me...Come"

She took the hook that was attached to the rope and jumped across the broken bridge and landed perfectly on the other side next to the archer. Bloodhound looked behind her at the rest of the group and tossed the rope with a hook to Goblin Slayer, who swiftly caught it and glanced back at Y/N with a sigh.

She just moved ahead to the exit, again in her world of fear and worries.


'I know he is worried about me... Of course, it feels nice and all... But I can't distract him from his task...'

I exhaled in annoyance and shook my head to clear it somehow.

My gaze quickly moved around.

It was dark...

'No duh...'

And smelled not so pleasant, but thanks to the streams speed the scent was less of a bother.

A small dock was located near a massive entrance.

'Huh...So the battleships came from here and that means...'

"Whoever's behind these goblins must be this way."

Slayer moved swiftly to the old doors and pushed them open.

As we entered the corridor and the end of the map, the air changed noticeably.

The simple stone hall gave onto a gallery covered in wall paintings.

Bloodhound (Goblin slayer x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now