The Girl Who Changes

By ShadowhunterNovak

613 31 16

On the run to protect her foster family she is determined to find out what happened. Ashley Parker is a 17 y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 12

15 1 0
By ShadowhunterNovak

"So you're telling me that you ran away. For no reason?" Amber asks. She was asking me questions about everything, her voice getting louder after each question. I wasn't used to this amount of noise, and her yelling is doing nothing to help me adjust.

"Pretty much. Wanted a change?" I say raising my voice as the sentence went on.

"I call bullshit. There's something you're not telling us. You were gone for weeks. You haven't changed except you eat a lot more and are now an athlete." Jade yells. She was never one to be quiet.

"That's all that happened. I ran." I never thought lying to them would be this hard. I didn't even have a plan. I was going to tell them the truth, but Kian told me not to tell anyone else.

I should've expected that. He was the person who you didn't say no to. It was infuriating. I want to know if this is how our parents are.

"You look no different. If you ran for weeks, like you did, you wouldn't get full meals. You would be a pile of skin and bones." Amber persists.

"Can we please just drop this? I'm not proud of what happened, and shit went down. I don't want to continuously talk about it." I tell them getting angry. Aurora was getting back to herself and can't control her emotions.

'Hey, I know how to control them.'

"Then why are you getting angry?"

She didn't bother responding.

'You know wolves are known to get angry.' Emerald says.

"It's so annoying."

'You'll have to deal.'

"And there she goes, lost in her own mind." Amber whines. I raise an eyebrow. I don't remember her being this whiny.

"Hey, give her a break. She just got back and doesn't wanna talk about it. She is clearly not in the right place now. You wouldn't know what happened." Ali barks. I smile at her. Even after telling her I don't want to talk about anything she understands.

"Jeez, just want to know."

"And she clearly doesn't want to tell." I roll my eyes. It's not that I don't want to tell. I can't. I want to tell them.

"Hey, Ash! Can I talk to you for a second?" A voice yells over the crowd. I cringe, the noises were getting worse and I was getting a migraine.

I look around to see who was calling and see Kian walking towards us. I grin at him.

"Yeah, go ahead."

"Hey Kian." Amber giggles. I groan. She was such a flirt. I am not used to being around people like this. Hazel, Leo, Jasmine and Ashton were so different.

"Hi Amber, I gotta talk to Ash alone."

"Ash huh. Since when did you two know each other or even give her a nickname." Jade questions

"We just do, now shoo, gotta talk." He answers.

"Fine, seeya Ashley." Jade says.

"Yeah, seeya."

"How do you deal with the noise?" I ask the second they go. Ali stayed by my side.

"It's just practice, you have to deal."

"I'm getting a migraine though, and Amber and Jade aren't helping. God knows what Lilly is going to be like when she sees me here."

"Probably quiet. I haven't heard her speak since I got here." He responds.

"She's pretty talkative when you know her." Ali states.

"I'll believe that when I see it. Now, you have to know, there are multiple teachers here who are new and came with me. They'll know you as you are the child that was left behind. They will want to talk to you and report back to our leader."

"Hang on, our leader? What do you mean?"

"Our leader is our parents. The new staff are under instructions to get to know you. I am also but I want to know you because you are my twin sister. And we have our own coven, pack, whatever you want to call it. We are all a mix of something, but mum, dad, myself and you are the only hybrid of the four majors."

"Wait, four? I only have three."

He curses under his breath.

"Tell me." I demand

"Our mother is a hybrid and so is our father. There is another part of you yet to reveal themselves. I can't tell you who she is though. It isn't my place."

I open my mouth to respond but was cut off by the bell. He grins at me,

"I'm in every one of your classes."

"Oh, please help me to survive this day." I mutter looking up to the sky.

"I can hear you, you know?"

"You were supposed to." I say. He lightly punches me on the shoulder.

"You two are probably the nicest twins I know." Ali says. We both just smile at her before I say,

"We don't know each other yet, it will go bad soon enough, just you watch." We grin at each other.

"Time for class, Ashley. Do you remember what we start the day off with?" Ali asks smiling widely.

"Its maths isn't it. Why must I be punished?" Groaning we walk off towards maths.


"Do you guys believe what Ashley is telling us?"

"Not in the slightest. We have got to find out what actually happened. We never lie to each other."

"And what is her connection to the new kid. They seem to know each other too well for only meeting at school today."

"Plus, the fact that she is constantly getting distracted. Something more than running away happened. Something big."

I stopped. The girls were all talking about me. Jade, Lilly and Amber. They were the friends I thought wouldn't judge me for running away. They don't know what truly happened and they are now determined to find out.

"This isn't even something she would do. She has never expressed wanting to run away. Always staying home, not skipping class. Like you, Lilly, but on a lower scale. She would get in trouble occasionally." Amber says.

I was about to step out and confront them all when I heard Kian behind me.

"Wait, they might say what they want to hear. We might not need to find an excuse; they could come up with one for us." I turn to face him.

"I just can't believe it. They are usually the people to believe what is said no questions."

"This time is different though. You act very different. Ali has spoken about how you act in front of them before and now. There's a big difference which is a problem. Either you give them the excuse they are looking for or you have to go back to being normal."

"But I don't know how to go back to normal. Before all of this, I thought I was a girl, a normal girl. But now I have three voices in my head talking to me and I talk back to them. I might have even made you up. Made coming back here all up. Maybe Natalie and John put me in a pysch ward."

"This isn't your mind at play. This is real. Now listen to the conversation." He whispers. We both turn back to listen, although I couldn't really concentrate as I was wondering where all that came from.

But now I'm thinking, maybe it was true. Maybe I did make everything up. I mean, schizophrenia is a thing. Maybe both Ali and Natalie and John were worried and wanted me to be safe.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when I heard Ali's voice.

"Guys, maybe she went through some stuff that she doesn't want to share. We don't know everything about her." I smile, she always has my back.

"You're just saying that since she's told you." Amber snarks.

"No, I'm not. I'm as completely confused as you guys. But I'm assuming some shit has happened as she is closed off. Maybe what you have to do is wait for her to deal with it and trust us."

"That's a fair point, but what if she was kidnapped? Locked in a basement for these past weeks. I want to be able to help her. She isn't a person who shuts down. She tells us everything and us the same." Jade says. That was responded with a chorus of yeahs.

I look back at Kian and nod my head in their direction. He begins walking around the corner to face the others.

"Hey wassup guys." Kian practically yells.

"Dude, are you ever quiet?" Ali asks.

"Hmm, not that I remember."

"That doesn't help the headaches Ashley gets."

"Not anymore."

"What do you mean Kian? How do you know Ashley so well? Are you two...?" Lilly asks gesturing between us, raising her eyebrow.

We look at each other grimace and then start laughing.

"That will never happen. Kian is not the person I would date. God, that thought disgusts me." I say shuddering. Ali grins at me knowingly.

"Hey, I'm not that bad am I?" Kian asks, fake hurt leaking into his voice.

"You're disgusting. No one will ever want you."

"Uhuh, this is definitely a thing."

"No, this," I gesture between Kian and myself, "is never gonna happen."

"Sure, if that's what helps you sleep at night." This turns the conversation away from me, any more denials I thought of fell on deaf ears.

"I have to talk to you tonight." Kian says whispering in my ear. I nod before turning my attention back to my friends.  


A)  I accidently published before i meant too, sorry for that confusion

B) I changed the cover and i love it.

C) Big long wait. Im sorry. Didn't mean for it to go on this long, i just got distracted with a tonne of school work. 

Either way, sorry bout the wait, odd published thing and new cover looks great in my eyes. So much better than the old one. 

Thx for reading!-Boma

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