
By PBBWriter

76K 2.4K 196

Set pre-season one, Opie's life is vastly different and about to change even more. How much would his life, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Rewind 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 7

2.5K 76 11
By PBBWriter

Hangovers were not something Jax suffered from often but when he opened his eyes that morning, still on Opie's couch, he was aching.

"Goddamnit," Jax groaned. "Ope? Mace?" He called out. "You guys up?"

No one replied, so Jax peeled himself off the couch and headed upstairs. He stopped in the bathroom, taking what felt like the longest pee and splashing cold water on his face, before heading out to find someone.

"Macy?" He said quietly. "You up?"

When he knocked on the bedroom door it inched open with a tiny squeak. Jax glanced in, noticing the room was empty but her clothes from the night before were piled on the floor. Jax was too hungover to think too much of it until he called out for Opie.

"Ope?" He said loudly. "Come on, I'm dying out here." When he turned the knob Jax found the door locked and that piqued his suspicions.

The first time Jax called his name Opie woke up confused then when he heard Jax pulling at the door he panicked.

"Uh yeah," he grumbled, "Hold on."

Looking at Macy, still out cold, Opie pushed her to the edge of the bed and, hesitating just a second, pushed her onto the floor.

She gasped and looked up at him, ready to snap, when she saw the look on his face. "Sorry but you gotta hide," He whispered. Opie jumped off the bed and toward the door, wearing just his boxers and quickly opened up. "Hey. Sorry."

Jax peered in the room suspiciously. "My sister's not in her room."

"No?" Opie glanced down the hall. "I dunno. Maybe she's running errands."

"With no car?"

"I dunno, brother, I just woke up," Opie shrugged. "Mind if I get dressed?"

Jax chuckled a little. "Yeah, sorry."

Shutting the door and locking it again, Opie breathed a sigh of relief. Once he heard Jax creaking down the stairs, Opie finally spoke.

"Hey. You okay?"

Macy slid out with an annoyed look on her face. "Was that really necessary?"

"I freaked out," he said defensively. "Sorry." Opie offered her his hand as she climbed to her feet.

"Pussy," she teased. "So he's not leaving?" Macy asked as she peeked out the window. "I was hoping to pick up where we left off."

"I don't think we can," he huffed, checking the time.

"You're an old man," she said, closing the gap between them. "Always so worried about work and Jax and that bullshit." As Macy spoke she slipped her hands into his boxers, "More than I was expecting," she smirked.

"You're the devil," he groaned as she stroked him.

"Ope, come on," she said with a giggle.

"Ope, come on," Jax hollered up the steps.

"Jesus Christ," Opie grumbled, pushing her hand away. "Too fucking weird."

"I hate my brother," she huffed.

Opie leaned in and kissed Macy, beginning to give in to his feelings, but pulled away quickly to get dressed. "You gonna stay up here?"

"I might climb down and come in the back, depends on how long he's gonna stay for," she shrugged.

"Mace, he tried to wake us up, I think he's gonna be here awhile."

"Hope I don't break my neck," she complained.

Opie rolled his eyes and kissed her one last time. "Be careful."

Her heart skipped a beat when their lips met but he was gone so quickly she couldn't really enjoy it. Tiptoeing to her bedroom she got dressed and slipped out her bedroom window, onto the porch roof. Macy looked down at the bushes, her expression showing her fear, and taking a deep breath, she jumped.

"What was that?" Jax asked, hearing a rustling on the side of the house.

"Cats," Opie said with annoyance. "Got a whole fucking pack of feral cats roaming around out there."

"You should get a dog," Jax laughed.

"I can deal with them," he huffed. "What are you gonna do?"

"What can I do?" He complained, blowing on his coffee before taking a sip. "She's gonna have that baby, I'm not gonna abandon the kid."

"I'm sorry, brother," Opie said somberly.

"Not as sorry as I am," he shook his head.

The front door swung open and Macy appeared, sweaty and flushed. "Hi."

"Where the fuck were you?" Jax asked. "You look like shit."

"Thanks," she rolled her eyes. "I went for a jog," she shrugged.

"A jog?" Opie laughed.

"Fuck you," she said with a dirty look. "You look like shit yourself," she said to Jax. "Why don't you go home and wash up?"

"I got shit I gotta do," he huffed. "I'll see ya later," he said to them both before chugging the rest of his coffee.

Macy watched as Jax got himself together and headed outside, making a quick call before riding off. She turned to Opie and looked at him expectantly.

"What now?"

"I fell off a roof for you," she said with a laugh.

"I think you jumped," he corrected her.

"Whatever," she sighed. "What are we doing? I'm literally jumping off roofs for you and we haven't even had sex. Do you like me, Opie?"

"Yeah," he sighed, not looking at her, "I do."


"It's complicated, Mace," he said awkwardly. "You going to the party tonight?"

"I am," she nodded.

"We'll just, hang out there, see where shit goes," he shrugged.

Macy rolled her eyes. "Okay."

When he stepped closer to her, Macy hoped he'd kiss her again but instead it pulled a twig from her ponytail. "No major roof jumping injuries?"


"Good," he smiled. "I gotta get moving. I'll see you tonight."

Macy nodded, silently hoping things would blossom ever more between them at the party and they could stop playing games. While she hoped, fingers crossed, Jax was on his way to meet Half-Sack at the bar so he could tow her car and take it into the shop.

When he arrived, Sack already waiting in the tow truck, Jax immediately jumped into her car and, using his spare key, tried to start it. The engine rumbled to life, purring perfectly, and Jax sat back in the seat momentarily confused.

"Fuck," he hissed. "I gotta end that shit. Now."


Opie was late, again, but no one cared this time because most of them were already drunk. He went right for the bar and got two beers, downing them both one right after the other. Getting himself a third, he scanned the room for Macy but his eyes feel on Donna instead.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Donna?"
Opie hissed, still hurting from their breakup. His continued to look around, hoping Macy wasn't there yet when Jax saddled up beside him.

"Hey man," Jax greeted Opie. "Someone's looking for you."

"I saw her," he said dismissively. "Why is she here?"

Jax shrugged, "I don't know," the lie slipped easily off his tongue. "Said she was looking for you though so I guess she's regretting some shit."

"Dumping my ass?"

"Maybe," Jax slapped Opie's back. "Go get your girl."

"She's not my girl," Opie grumbled.

Jax grit his teeth. "You got someone else? You holding out on me?"

"No," Opie huffed, "I just know that's gonna end badly. It always does with us."

"Third time's the charm?"

"Doubt it," Opie sighed. "Where's Mace?"


"Cause she said she was coming," Opie said with a confused look.

"She had to work," Jax shrugged. "They called her in," Jax purposely left out the part where he asked LaRoy to keep Macy busy. "I'm surprised she didn't tell you."

Opie nodded slowly as Jax spoke. "Probably pissed at me for some dumbass reason. You know how she is."

"I do," Jax said. "Go get your dick wet," he motioned toward Donna. "She'll figure it out, she'll learn to love the club." He used Gemma's line on Opie, knowing it was generally true, just like he used it when he talked Donna into coming to the party.

"You think?" Opie asked. "You think Donna would be a good old lady?"

"You love her," Jax said, "Or you used to."

"I don't know if I still do," Opie admitted. "I used to. Shit changes."

"That fast?" Jax chuckled. "Shit, a part of me still loves Tara and she's been gone for years. Doesn't just stop," he said.

"Me and Donna aren't you and Tara."

"No cause Tara left and isn't coming back," Jax gave Opie a push, "And Donna is right there waiting for you."

Just then Donna caught sight of Jax and Opie and waved, moving toward them with a bright smile.

"Hello," she said cheerfully.

"Hey," Opie smiled down at her. "Thought you didn't like these parties?"

Donna shrugged. "Worth it if I get to hang out with you."

Jax watched, slowly walking away, as Opie and Donna started chatting. He knew it would be easy to split up the new suspected couple, which is why he approached Donna that afternoon with the invitation. Jax just needed to distract Opie and force space between him and Macy and in no time they'd deteriorate. As Opie said, he knew Macy, and he knew she'd flip when she caught wind of this and that would put the final nail in their coffin.

"Got that shit taken care of," Jax smirked.

Macy left work right after midnight and rushed back to Charming in an effort to meet up with Opie. Her phone was dead, despite being sure she had plugged it in that morning, so she could only hope that he was still there.

"The only damn light I catch," she complained, hitting a red light one block from the clubhouse.

Once it flashed green she was off again, coming up on the entrance, when she saw and heard a bike coming out of the lot. Looking closely, slowly to a crawl, she saw it was Opie leaving and he wasn't alone. Macy stepped on the gas and followed him, back to their house, just to see which woman she would have to fight. As they hurried up the drive to the door the front light illuminated their faces and Macy's heart stopped.

"Donna," she whimpered. "Fucking Donna."

Macy sped away, her tires squealing on the blacktop, and headed back to the clubhouse. She knew she couldn't have spite sex, no one there would touch her, but she could get drunk for free and that's what she wanted.

"Hey," Jax greeted her warmly. "How was work?"

"Boring," she huffed. "I don't know why LaRoy even called me in, it was slow."

"Money is money," he shrugged. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she spat. "How's the party been?"

"Pretty good," he nodded. "Opie had to split, he said he'd see you later."

"Did he?" She laughed ruefully. "We were supposed to meet up."

"He got uhh, sidetracked," Jax smirked. "I think him and Donna are finally working shit out."

Macy grit her teeth and nodded. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," Jax spoke enthusiastically. "It's about time, he always knew he'd get back with her, just had to stop being too fucking proud."

"He said that?"

"Yeah." Jax cocked his head to the side. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," she pouted.

"Shit, Mace," Jax sighed. "You still have a fucking crush on him?"

Macy rolled her eyes. "No."

"Then why do you look like you wanna cry?"

"Shut up," Macy said petulantly. "I saw him and Donna."

"Even if you guys hooked up, it never woulda worked," Jax said, feeling bad f hurting his sister's feelings. "Crushes don't turn into healthy relationships, not with guys like Opie and girls like you."

"What's that mean?" She snapped.

Jax huffed. "Opie is too old, for one, and you see how this shit is. I love Opie more than anyone, Mace and he's not a bad guy, but he's gonna hurt you. We all hurt the women we're with, Clay and Gem, Piney and Mary, me and Wendy."

"Opie isn't a cheater," she reminded him. "You know that."

"It's not cheating if your old lady doesn't know about it," he reminded her. "Besides you're already at risk being a Morrow, adding a relationship with Opie makes it more dangerous."

Macy sighed. "Guess it's good I don't have a crush then, huh?"

"Yeah, it is," he said, kissing her on the cheek. "Sorry, kid."

"Whatever," she frowned. "I'm outta here."

Watching as she dragged her feet toward the exit, Jax felt pangs of guilt for hurting her. He didn't realize she was still so smitten and that she'd take it so hard. Sure, rage was expected but not heartbreak.

Macy stormed out of the clubhouse and back to her car that she had to park on the street since the lot was full of people.

"Fucking asshole," Macy spat as she got into her car.

Taking random turns, not wanting to go home but too proud to go elsewhere, Macy drove aimlessly around town. Stopping at a red light, Macy was suddenly pulled from her car and a fabric sack was forced over her head

"Do you know who the fuck I am?" She hollered.

The attackers didn't say anything as they dragged her into their truck, one jumping into her car, and took off down the street.

"You think you own this town, you stupid slut?" One man said to her while others bound her wrists and ankles. "You don't own shit! We're not scared of your white trash biker family."

Macy stopped fighting. "If you weren't scared you'd let me see your faces," she spat. "This about Dom?"

"You're gonna tell those assholes to leave him alone. Let him use Lumpy's and shit."

"I don't tell them anything," she snapped. "And this isn't a good look, fucking morons."

There were muffled words whispered between them but Macy wasn't going to let her fear take over. Instead, she focused on her rage.

"Realizing you fucked up?" She laughed. "Let me go and they won't kill you. I promise."

More whispers.

"Listen," Macy stayed but was instantly silenced with a strong blow to the head.

The kidnappers continued to speed away from Charming only stopping when they passed a steep ravine. Skidding to a stop, the truck door opened and Macy was kicked out and sent tumbling down into the shallow creek below.

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