The White Lion Princess

By Rubyrose645

193K 3.4K 1K

I was born with a destiny above all destinies. And a friend to help fulfil it. Created from the sun and moon... More

The reunion
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Tears of the Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Blamera
Rebirth, and a secret
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Palidan
The Child of Sun and Moon
Shiro's escape.
Greening the Cube
Eye of the Storm
The Ark of Taujeer
Return to Arisa
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
The Belly of the Weblum
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Changing of the Guard.
Red Palidan
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Journey
Tailing a Comet
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
Black Site
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
Journey to Find the Truth
The Land of Light
Omega Shield
Razor's Edge
The Colony
The Black Paladins
All good things
Defender of All Universes
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Battle in the ruins
The Journey Within
The Last Stand
Know Your Enemy
Heart of the Lion
Trial by Fire
Lions' Pride, Part 1
Lions' Pride PT. 2
Lions' Pride pt. 3
Launch Date
The Dark One
The Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
Day Forty-Seven
Clear Day
Knights of Light PT. 1
Knights of Light PT. 2
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The End Is the Beginning
Let the Future be bright

Fall of the Castle of Lions.

6.1K 115 57
By Rubyrose645

I rested a little more until the evening time, where Allura had invited the Arusians to a big party.

I was in my room, with Luna, picking out a suitable dress for the occasion, when Allura came in smiling.

"Zurine," she said, "What's taking you so long? Everyone's waiting to see you."

"I'm sorry Allura," I replied, "I'll be out there in a minute. I just have to find the perfect dress."

Allura chuckled, "Anything you wear will be perfect on you, but I'll leave you be for now."

She turned to leave, but a moment later, she came back again.

"Oh, my mistake, I almost forgot to ask a favor of you," she said, making me wonder, "Can you perform for all of us tonight? It has been so long since I've seen your powers at work."

I smiled back, pulling out the dress I've been searching for, "Of course!"

Allura squealed with delight, before hugging me and rushing out the room.

A few mintues later, I was ready. My dress was perfect, the gifts from my friends were in their proper places, and my hair was falling down my back in endless waves.

Even Luna had a small white flower pinned to her ear.

(A/N This is Zurine's dress everyone. I do not own this dress)

I walked dowm the halls, where Allura was speaking to the mice.

She heard my footsteps and smiled at the gown I wore. She ran up to me and grabbed my hands.

"You look amazing!" She squealed, "Are you ready?" I nodded with a big smile on my face.

She ran up to the top of the stairs and gathered everyone's attention.

"Dear guests and palidans of Voltron," she said, "It is with great honor that I present the princess of Arisa! Princess Zurine!"

I walked next to her as everyone cheered, but there was one person in the audience was speechless.

Keith stood there with his mouth open and his eyes wife. His cheeks were tinted red. Lance noticed this and tapped him with his elbow.

"So," Lance teased, "You fallen in love yet Mullet?" Keith huffed and turned his attention back to me.

"Thank you," I curtsied, "I am honored to be here with you kind Arusians. In return for your alliance, I show my gratitude the best way that i can."

I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of my powers spread throughout my body.

I lifted my hands as a ball of light formed in my palms. The ball of sparkling white turned into a clear white crystal.

The crystal flew into the air, then exploded into thousands of sparkles. The room was shrouded in white sparkles that fell to the ground softly.

I opened my eyes as the Arusians cheered. Allura had vanished from my side, so I went to find the palidans.

I found Lance on the floor, looking sick.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"Yeah he's fine," Hunk replied, "Just heard about Nunville. But what about you! That was incredible!"

I curtsied and smiled again, "Thank you, I haven't used my powers in so long. It felt nice to perform again."

"You've done this before?" Keith asked.

"Yes, for special occasions such as this one, I use my crystal powers to shroud the room in glitter."

Hunk walked off, leaving Keith and I alone as he felt like the their wheel.

"Do you have any otuer powers?" Keith asked as he grabbed two drinks and handed one to me.

"Yes," I replied, "I have the power to make crystals, communicate with the lions of Voltron, connect with nature, and heal, but not very much."

Unknown to us outside, Sendak was waiting for the best opportunity to get inside the castle.

"Commader Sendak," another Galran said, "The sentries are in position around the Arusian village."

Sendak smiled, "Luck is on our side," He said, "Look, the castle defenses are down, the door is wide open, and all these Arusians coming in and out should be nothing for you to infiltrate."

"I may not have to," the other Galran said, "Look, the small one has a Galran drone they've repurposed. If I could just get close enough to clone its signature code, I can send our bomb drone in undetected."

Sendak replied, "I knew you would not disappoint me Haxus. But do you see our second prize?"

Haxus looked around and saw me laughing with Keith, "The little white princess is here. So that girl has lord Zarkon's blood in her?"

Sendak nodded, "Yes, but according to Lord Zarkon, that blood has changed, giving her powers shall be a great advantage to the Galra empire. We tale her to Zarkon, and good fortune shall await us."

Haxus laughed as he set off on his mission.

I was laughing with Keith and Hunk, but I spotted Pidge sneakily packing food into a large bag.

I excused myself and walked over to Pidge.

"Pidge," I said, making her jump in surprise, "What are you doing?"

She sighed, "I need to leave," she replied, "I need to find my dad and Matt."

I placed a hand on her shoulder, "I know you want to find them, but Voltron needs you."

Suddenly, Allura waltzed up to us with a very suspicious smile on her lips.

"So Pidge," she said, "We haven't really had a chance to talk. Tell me about yourself."

Pidge thought for a moment before answering, "Well, I like peanut butter, and i like peanut butter cookies, but I hate peanuts. They're so dry. Also I sweat a lot, I mean in general, unrelated to the peanuts."

Allura looked a little confused, "I suppose I was looking for something a little more.....personal." She winked, and that's when I understood what Allura wanted to know.

She must've figured out that Pidge was a girl.

"Allura," I said, "Pidge understands that she can speak to you about anything, right Pidge?"

She nodded, "Anyway," I said, "Lance and Coran went this way right? I think I'll go find them."

I waved off and went to find Lance and Coran. When I did find them, they were in the control room.

"How far from earth do you think we are Coran?" I heard Lance ask.

I frowned at the question, for I knew that we were a long ways away from the beautiful planet of Earth.

Coran walked up the main controls and around the control room spread coordinates of every planet in the universe.

"Earth is over here," Coran pointed to a small dot on the map before swiping to find Arus, "And we're alllllllllllllllll the way over here."

"You ever notice how far away planets are from each other Coran?" Lance asked. Coran answered yes.

"Yeah," Lance walked up to the map, "But I mean, they're like really, really far away. Like say earth, it's so far aqay that I can't even see it. The blue oceans, the white clouds, green grass. I, I can't see any of it."

"You miss earth," I said, announcing my presence, "I understand. I miss Arisa and I'm sure Coran and Allura miss Altea."

Lance sighed, "I know we're supposed to be brave palidans, defenders of the universe or whatever. Honestly, i just want to go home."

I walked up Lance and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "I know you want to go home, but we have a mission. We have to protect the galaxy. What's better, going home now and waiting for its destruction? Or staying to fight and keep it safe?"

Lance looked at me with a shocked expression, but it soon melted into a soft smile. We stayed there for a little while, talking about things we've missed from our planets.

"So Zurine," Lance said, "What's your relationship with Keith?" The wuestion caught me off guard.

"What do you mean Lance?" I asked.

"Lance is right Lady Zurine," Coran said, twirling his mustache, "You seem to be close to the red palidan. Could it be related to that red ring you received from him?"

I smiled and looked down at the ring on my finger, "Keith was the first palidan I've met when I awoke, he's....very special to me." I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks.

It was true. Keith is very special to me. A true warrior who would keep me safe. A man, that I would soon come to love.

We walked towards the doors, when they opened. In came tge small robot that Pidge had.

"Hey Rover." Lance said, but I sensed something wrong, "Guys," I said, "If Rover's here, shouldn't Pidge be with him?"

Lance and I looked back at the robot as its soft green blie lights turned red. Rapid beeping and a siren sounded from the robot.

Lance screamed out and pushed us both Coran and I down to the ground as the rovot exploded.

I lifted my hands over Lance and I, trying to protect us with a crystal barrier, but it wasn't strong enough.

The castle shook as the explosion took out the power crystal above the pedestal.

I could barely move, but the soft breathing and groaning of Lance beside me was all that mattered.

"Coran what happened?! I heard Shiro ask.

Coran groaned and coughed, "I'm not sure." He answered.

Suddenly, the warm sensation of Lina's tongue spread across my cheek.

"The crystal!" Allura shouted, then gasped as she spotted me and Lamce in the ground, badly injured, "Lance! Zurine!"

Keith and Shiro ran up to us, gently picking us up.

"Lance?" Shiro shouted, "Lance!"

"Zurine talk to me!" Keith said worryingly. I opened my eyes.

"How's Lance?" I weakly asked.

"He's not looking too good," Shiro replied.

I pushed Keith away and scooted over to Lance's side.

I placed my hands on his chest. Suddenly, a pale wgite glow surrounded Lance, healing some of his injuries. I gasped as I fell back into Keith's arms.

"I can't..heal him very much," I said between breaths, "But that should help a little."

"We have to get them to the infirmary." Pidge said.

"Without the crystal the castle has no power." Allura said.

The Arusian king then came running in, saying that his village was under attack.

"Let's get to the lions!" Keith said, but since the lions were sealed in their hangers, there was no way to get to them.

We contemplated on what to do, until we finally decided.

Coran took Hunk to the bay where Pidge was loading her pod, set to find a new crystal for the castle on a Balmera.

"I'll go see what's happening at the Arusian village." Keith said, gently setting me down.

"I'll come with you Keith," Allura said, "I brought onto the poor Arusians."

"I'll tend to Lance and Zurine, and stand watch over the castle." Shiro said as everyone ran out the door.

Shiro turned to me as my face began to pale, "Are you alright Zurine?"

I weakly smiled, "I'll be fine. I'm strong enough to walk."

I shaking stood up, but fell. Before i hit the ground, Luna braced me. I smiled at my friend and climbed onto her back, while Shiro hefted Lance into his shoulder. I followed him towards the entrance.

As we were walking, Shiro turned to me, "What was that power you used on Lance before?" He asked.

"After my treatment, the blood from the original palidans became something new." I answered, "the blood I was given was tied to the destiny I was born with, it mixed with my blood and became a new type of DNA. I'm still related to my parents, but I'm something that has never been seen and never will be seen again. That power was of healing, it takes a tiny percent of my own energy amd transforms it into the healing person's energy, healing any wound to an extent."

Lance groaned once again, "Hang on buddy," Shiro said, "Help is on the way." Before we could make it to the main entrance, a large Galran appeared at the door.

Shiro gasped, "Sendak," he said. He lay Lance down and turned to me.

"Stay here and stay low." I nodded as he went to fight Sendak.

"Stand aside." Sendak demanded.

Shiro's right arm shone with a purple light, "No," he said, "You're not getting in."

"Yes, I am." Sendak charged, stretching his mechanical arm at Shiro.

Shiro blocked the arm with his right, but was pulled towards Sendak.

Sendak punched hard onto the ground, but Shiro dodged the attack, flipping backwards and landing on his feet in a crouched position.

His right turned purple again and manifested a blade. Shiro charged, hitting Sendak and sliding the blade across the Galran's right mechanical arm.

Each time Shiro went to attack, Sendak blocked easily with a grimace on his face.

That's when I noticed something. The white earrings Shiro gave me began to pulsate with a black light, and the necklace Lance gave began to shine a blue light.

I remembered when I received my gifts from my friends. I cast a spell on them to connect me with them, which in turn, kept me informed in their condition.

Shiro was tried and slowing down, as the pulses of the earrings slowed down as well.

The necklace was shining brightly, but was growing weaker by the minute.

Shiro's fist connected with Sendak' s, stopping them both.

"I see you spent some time with the druids," Sendak said, "They do love to experiment. Too bad you didn't get the latest model."

A bright white light erupted from Sendak's arm, detaching itself and hurtling Shiro back to me, Lance and Luna.

"Shiro!" I quietly shouted, "Are you alright?"

Before he could answer, the arm slammed into the floor as he ran to try and escape it.

Luna covered me to protect me from the dust and rubble. I closed my eyes in fear, not wanting to see the battle any longer.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp jolt of electricity from my neck. I collapsed, but ended up seeing who shocked me. It was another Galran, Luna tried to pounce on him, but was tased like I was.

He picked me and Lance up by the collars and dragged us to where Shiro and Sendak were.

"Let him go or your friends won't make it." The Galran said as he dropped us.

I twitched in pain and saw Shiro get hit so hard that he became unconscious.

My hands were cold. Black dots danced in my vision. But before I closed my eyes, I could swear that I saw a hint of green from the upper level of the room.

I smiled as the green dot ran away. I trust that Pidge will find a way to help us. She's a smart girl.

My vision finally faded into darkness and into a dream.


It was the day I was to visit Allura and king Alfor. I was always excited to see my surrogate sister.

Our ship landed on Altea and as the doors opened, I jumped into Allura's arms with a huge smile on my face.

"Big sister Allura!" I laughed, "It's so good to see you!"

Allura laughed as she spun me around, "It's good to see you too, but are you sure you're healthy enough to come here?"

She set me down and felt my head, "I'm fine big sister," I replied happily, "The royal physician cleared me, as long as I take my medication."

Allura smiled and led me to a large field of flowers where we spent the entire day.

As the sun set, we walked back to the castle. That's when things turned sour.

My chest felt hot all of a sudden amd my body shook violently as I coughed. All I could hear was Allura's panicked cries for help and for me to hang in there.

Time skip~~~~

I lay in bed, my fever never broke in the last five days.

I heard my parents as they called in the palidans of Voltron.

"Come quickly, there isn't much time!" My father hastily said.

My mother gently lifted me out of bed and placed me on the ground.

"Now," she said, "Cut your palm and let your blood flow onto the circle."

The palidans didn't hesitate in doing as they were told.

Their blood splashed onto the circle, then, all I could feel was warmth.

My face gained back its tanned tone, and my white hair gained golden streaks.

I was cured, and I would live.

Dream end=======

As I drempt about the past, Sendak hooked up a Galran crystal into the castle and raised the particle barrier.

"Make contact with Emperor Zarkon." Sendak said. A video feed was opened, and the leader of the Galran empire was seen on the screen.

"My mission is complete," Sendak said, feeling very accomplished, "I've captured the Altean castle along with all the Voltron lions. I am currently preparing for launch, and will be delivering them all to you shortly."

Zarkon hummed in satisfaction, "And the princess of Arisa?"

Sendak walked over to me and picked me up bridal style, "She is here as well. If I may ask my lord, what is your plan for this little girl? She doesn't look like a fighter."

Zarkon chuckled, "She has many powers that can be useful to my empire and myself personally. If I can harness her power, then I can become even more powerful than Voltron."

Meanwhile, Pidge was sneaking around the barricaded castle.

"Keith," she whispered into her com, "Keoth can you hear me?"

"Pidge, is that you?" Keith asked, "Where are you?"

"I'm inside the castle, Sendak's taken over and is preparing for launch. He's got Lance, Shiro and Zurine."

"Pidge listen," Allura said, "If they've started the launch sequence, then we don't have much time before lift off to stop it."

"What do I have to do?" Pidge asked.

"You have to get to the main engine control panel, and disconnect the primary turbine from the central energy chamber. If you can do that, Sendak will have to reset the whole system. That might give us enough to figure out how to stop him."

Pidge ran to do as she was told.

"Pidge," Keith said worryingly, "How did the others look the last time you saw them?"

Pidge cringed at the thought as she forced open a door.

"They were all unconscious. Shiro was covered in scratches. Lance was banged up pretty badly due to the explosion. And Zurine was a little worse than both of them. They even got Luna."

Keith growled at the mention of my condition. Allura noticed and gasped.

"Keith," she said, "Do you have feelings for Zurine?"

Keith gasped, his cheeks turning red and his face releasing his growling expression.

"She's important to me." Keith replied, "But, to answer your question........ Yes, I do have feelings for Zurine."

Allura smiled, "If she feels the same way, promise that you'll take care of my little sister."

Keith nodded.

Pidge was opening the hatch that connected to the main turbine, but she couldn't tell which one was the right one to disconnect since the labels were in Altean.

She threw caution to the wind and cut all the wires at once. The shock threw her back and the turbine stopped working.

As Pidge ran out of the room, I watched the cameras catch her movements.

"Great job Pidge." I said, falling back into the blackness.

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