Cerulean Feathers

By EchoingHowls

745 85 1

An Omega is thrown to the streets, where he raises himself until he catches someone's eye. As he is shown a l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 36

11 1 0
By EchoingHowls

Evan recognized his hoodie first, bright blue stained and ruined by dark scarlet.

Then his ruffled black hair, and the hypnotizing, drug-like scent that followed him like a cloud.

Evan's head spun at the inviting and warm smell, and he felt a hand on his chest when he subconsciously leaned forward for more.
"No, Evan,"

Brock scolded quietly, his nose twitch clear that he could smell the melted vanilla in the air as well,

"You need to stay seated so I can finish the bandage."
Evan didn't fight Brock, although he didn't lean back down.

The eagle had already finished wrapping his shoulder.

"Go fix him."
Evan said it almost as a whisper, terror beginning to bleed into his limbs when the jay-wing didn't stir as he was laid on Tyler's table.

He could hear his heartbeat, unnervingly slow, but still there.

"You need to save him."

Evan turned his dark gaze toward Brock, pleading pouring into his expression until the Omega bit his lip.

"You have to promise to stay in this chair. No leaving."

"No leaving,"

Evan repeated, not braking his locked gaze with Brock until the Omega turned away and dashed toward Smitty and Jonathan.

John had finished with Nogla, and was now cleaning blood off of Brian's face.

It kept soaking through the cloth.

"Smitty, are you okay?"

Brock asked as he began cutting Jonathan's hoodie off.

Evan knew the Omega would want a new one, and he almost stood up to stop Brock.

No leaving.

Evan told himself again, tucking his feet below his chair.

"I-I'm fine, focus on Jon."

The dove-wing said quietly, hovering near the table.

His white wings were ruffled anxiously, almost blocking Evan's line of sight to the table.

He wanted to push his way forward, stand nearby and help save the jay.

He untucked his feet.

No leaving.

His legs trembled slightly as he steadily put more weight on them.

No leaving.

He hesitated, half crouched as his legs still brushed the chair.

No leaving. I need to stay.

He slowly sat back down, crossing his arms and rubbing them to distract himself.

The smell of vanilla was clearing his blurry mind and filling it with mist as it filled the room.

"Can you help me, Smitt?"

Brock handed the other Omega another warm cloth and they got to cleaning the bleeding jay.

The ruined and dark violet hoodie crumpled to the ground, along with a tattered and blood-soaked shirt. Evan could smell the lavender that clung to the clothes, like someone had spritzed a bottle of perfume in the room.

The mist grew to fog.

After a few minutes of Brock and Smitty cleaning the injured Omega, they dumped the bloodied rags into a water bucket.

"John, you finished with Brian? We could use another set of hands over here."


The Alpha quipped, doing the last of Brian's eye wrap.

Brock handed John a roll of bandages, and began teaching Smitty how to wrap the worst of the wounds as John started.

John was blocking the Omega from Evan, his rain scent forming a wall between Evan and the Heat scent.

Evan could feel a bubble of warmth building in his gut.

He wanted to help bandage.

His legs shook as he stood.

Something murmured in the back of his mind, but he couldn't remember what it was.

John was wrapping Jonathan's right arm when an Omega Whine crept out of the jay-wing's throat.

Evan felt his senses sharpen on the Omega at the sound.

John's fingers hesitating for hardly a second before continuing.

Smitty's milk and cherry scent attempting to shroud Jonathan in a blanket of comfort.

Brock's heartbeat still pounding heavily as he scanned the Omega for more injuries.

Blood soaked through Brian's bandage over his left eye, his narrowed gaze also focusing on the table.

Nogla's breathing and heartbeat steadied as he slipped into sleep.

Evan took a step forward.

He felt Brian's gaze flick to him, the cautious and curious glare almost making Evan sit back down.

Jonathan whimpered.

Evan took another eager step.

Brian let out a warning growl.

Brock turned to look at his mate.

Smitty's wings twitched.

John's hands slowed.

Evan could hear Jonathan's heart rate beginning to climb, pounding and racing desperately.

He was beginning to wake up.

Evan took another step.

And another.

He needed to comfort Jon.

John's scent flared suddenly, making Evan sneeze at the sudden rainstorm.

Smitty glanced back at him, and Brock looked back from Brian.

John didn't react.

"Evan! I told you to sit!"

The eagle-wing scolded, taking steps to drag Evan back toward his chair.

Jonathan let out another Whine, his eyes beginning to flutter.

Evan resisted Brock's leading hand, taking a step closer toward Jonathan as Brock put more pressure on his chest.

"Evan. Sit down."


Evan meant to mention he wanted to help, but the lavender and vanilla was beginning to tangle around him, pull him closer.

John's rain was trying to drown it, muffle the lovely scent, but Evan already it on his mind.

"Evan, you're hurt. You need to sit."

Smitty spoke, his concerned gaze irritating Evan more.

He didn't feel hurt, he wanted to help!

He let out a low growl, not taking his eyes off the jay-wing.

Brian stood up now, not seeming to be bothered by his lack of sight.

"Get 'im outta here. He's slipping into Rut."

Evan snarled at the other Alpha.

He was fine!

He could help!

He could-

There was another set or arms trying to pull him away from the table.

Evan blinked at the eagle and the dove working together, and they managed to tug him a few steps away from the table before he realized the Heat scent was lessening.

He let out another warning snarl and tried to tug his arms free as the warmth built up in his chest.

His mind was swarmed with fog..


Brock yelped, Evan managing to dislodge the eagle and let his fingers brush against the cold metal of the table.

John shoved his arm away, taking over for the Omegas as he and Brian forced the Alpha out of the room.

Evan thrashed in their grips, clawing and snapping at the Alphas until they released him.

His vision was darkening as the fog threatened to blind him.

There was a click of a lock, and the addicting smell was steadily being drowned out with blood and smoke.

Evan dashed blindly forward, trying to follow the hint of Jonathan's scent that lingered, only to slam heavily into iron bars.

He growled, stepping back before launching himself into the bars again.

He had to get to Jonathan.

He needed to smell the vanilla and lavender.

He slammed into the bars again, letting out an enraged howl when he was still trapped in the small room.

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