Princess of Peace [BNHA]

By XxScarletMaidenxX

749K 27.7K 16.3K

I felt all the color drain from my face and dropped back onto the bed not sure I could stand. "You mean-...I'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Fan Art

Chapter Four

24.6K 857 710
By XxScarletMaidenxX

~Amy's POV~

I nervously stepped into the large high-ceilinged foyer of the home of the richest girl from my all girls school. She invited the entire class over for a sleepover. I didn't want to go, I didn't have any friends in school, nobody wanted me there. Mom found the invitation I'd thrown away and made me go saying it would be a good opportunity to make friends with my classmates.

The maid who greeted me at the door led me to a dining hall that was set up with pricey decorations and had tables filled with fancy catered dishes. I'd seen countless sleepovers in teenage dramas, none ever looked like this. The rest of my classmates were already in the room and looked up in awe as they spotted me standing in the doorway.

A hush fell upon the room, none of them had expected me to show up. I nervously fidgeted in the doorway unconsciously rubbing my arm. "H-hello." My voice shook as I bowed my head.

The girls exchanged wary looks before Samantha, the host, a pretty girl with thick brunette curls and blue eyes, greeted me tonelessly, "Thanks for coming, Amber."

"'s Amelia..."I corrected her with a squeak.

"Whatever." She shrugged before turning her attention to her friends.

The maid ushered me into the room before taking her leave. I hung back awkwardly sticking near the walls as out of the way as I could get, like an awkward wall ornament. No one approached me or gave me a second thought. They stood around and gossiped about their wealthy parents and all the boyfriends they supposedly had. After hours of them gossiping, we all retired to a giant home theater.

Samantha declared we'd be watching the latest horror movie and I paled before shakily raising my hand. Everyone turned to me. A few girls snickered as I awkwardly raised my hand not sure how else to get noticed.

"Yes, Amanda?"

I flinched, "'s Amelia...I'm not allowed to watch scary movies."

Samantha smirked at this, "Well, Amaya, it's my party, so we'll do what I want."

The rest of the girls laughed.

I quietly took a seat at the back of the room as they proceeded to play the movie. Not even twenty minutes in and I was thoroughly traumatized and resorted to sitting with my knees pulled up to my chest. Holding my hands over my ears and clamping my eyes tightly shut I waited for the movie to be over. It was nearly impossible to block my senses with the surround sound, I could still hear everything.

After the movie was over, I was thoroughly freaked out. The other girls laughed at my expense and someone turned out the lights. They all laughed as I screamed in terror still shaken up from the horror movie.

"What a baby."

I wanted to go home!

After more mean pranks at my expense, I ended up calling my mom in the middle of the night in tears begging her to come pick me up. I couldn't sleep after that movie.

I woke up in tears. It was my fault mom died. If I had just sucked it up and stayed at the stupid sleepover, rather than be a crybaby, she wouldn't have had to come get me in the middle of the night and we wouldn't have gotten into that accident. I choked on a sob as my heart felt like it was shattering all over again.

There was a soft knock on my door, "Amy?"

I curled into a ball burying my face into a pillow to muffle my crying. My bedroom door opened slowly, just a crack.

"Amy?" The door swung the rest of the way open and a moment later I felt the bed sink in a little beside me before I felt warm comforting hands reaching out trying to comfort me. "I'm here." The warm comforting voice of my father sounded from behind me as he gently rubbed my back in a soothing manner.

"It's my fault." I choked.

"What's your fault?" He asked in a calming voice.

"" I sobbed.

"No, Amy, it's not your fault." He lifted me into his arms and hugged me close.

"I begged her to come pick me up. We wouldn't have been on the road if I'd have just stayed at the party like she wanted." I cried.

He held me tightly against him rocking me gently in his arms. I heard him let out a sniffle, "Amy, it's not your fault. It breaks my heart knowing you've been feeling this way all this time."

I cried in his arms until I had no tears left to shed. He cried with me for a long while holding me securely in his arms. After over an hour of nonstop crying, my throat felt raw and scratchy and breathing had become practically impossible. Though, after crying for so long wrapped in my father's loving embrace, I felt a small sense of relief, as if a great weight had been lifted. My heart was still broken and I saw no possible solution of how I would ever feel as happy as I once was without my mother, but I felt more confident that'd I'd be able to go through life semi-normally.

Activating my quirk, I picked up a box of tissues from across the room. It soared across the room coming to a stop next to All Might. He smiled and retrieved one of the tissues from the box and gently wiped at the remnants of tears clinging to my cheeks. There were still residual feelings of guilt clouding my mind and making me feel like I didn't deserve his kindness. My stomach twisted painfully into knots and I pulled away from him wiping at my eyes.

He looked as if he thought he did something wrong, "Ah, sorry, that was probably too much." My heart hurt, he was worried he'd upset me by acting too familiar with me. We were parent and child yet still getting acquainted with one another, though I no longer felt like he was a stranger to me.

I shook my head, "No, it's okay..." My stomach felt like someone had reached inside of me and was pulling and stretching my internal organs and tying them into tight knots. It was a pain unlike any pain I'd felt before. Maybe it was because I'd been skipping too many meals lately. I'd felt too guilty to eat.

"Amy? Are you alright?" He got to his feet but hesitated to approach me afraid he'd make me uncomfortable or overstep his bounds. His consideration for my feelings made me want to cry again, feeling overwhelmed by his kindness.

"I'm okay." I tried to reassure him with a smile but the pain in my stomach was getting worse.

"What's wrong?" He asked worried as I must have revealed a grimace of pain.

"I think I'm just hungry." I mumbled feeling self-conscious and wrapped my arms around my middle.

He smiled and I noticed him let out a soft subtle sigh of relief, he'd been worried because I wasn't eating. I felt sick with myself again for making him worry. Mom was right, as always, he really was a wonderful man. "I'll go fix something up." As he was about to race out of the room he paused and turned to me realizing he didn't really know what I liked.

"I'll help." I offered quietly.

His smile widened and I couldn't help but smile back at him as I followed him to the kitchen. "Alright, let's see what we got to work with." He opened the fridge and I peered around his skeletal frame. Though he hadn't said much about it other than it was 'normal' I'd worked out a theory based on what I knew of the number one hero's quirk. My hypothesis was that his muscular form, or hero form, was something he maintained through use of his quirk and something happened to disrupt it and now he could only use it for a limited amount of time. I wanted to know more but didn't want to pester him with trivial questions, it was probably something he didn't want to talk about and would prefer to be kept a secret.

As the number one hero, he had a lot of enemies and it would be bad if his enemies knew he had such an obvious weakness. I peered around him into the fridge, it was filled to the brim with takeout boxes and condiments. There was no actual food in sight. Glancing up at him I saw his face redden as he looked at the miserable state of his fridge. It looked kind of like something one would see in a frat house, minus the lack of alcohol.

"Ah...maybe we should take a trip to the store..."

I giggled at this. "You don't cook very much, do you?"

He shook his head, "I never really needed to before."

I smiled and reached past him to one of the takeout boxes marked tofu and another marked mixed vegetable. "...I can cook for you don't have to worry about it since you're busy..."

I felt his big warm hand pat me on the head affectionately. It warmed my heart and made me feel safe and secure. "I appreciate it." He gently ruffled my already tousled golden hair, "But, I'll still take some lessons and improve my skills so I can help."

He stepped aside to find me some cookware and utensils as I pulled out what I could use from the takeout boxes to make a tofu breakfast scramble. As I got all the ingredients together, I frowned slightly as I couldn't find any kind of seasonings or spices.

"What are you looking for, Princess?" The familiar nickname my mother used to call me made my heart clench. It was bittersweet, I could faintly hear her voice echoing his as she called me princess millions of times but it also reminded me that I'd never hear her voice again.


"Oh." He looked thoughtful for a moment before opening a cabinet above the stove. Inside was a single salt and pepper shaker. "Here we are."

I couldn't help but laugh as he acted like he'd just found the holy grail and presented them to me dramatically like they were precious. "...Dad?"

His smile brightened, "Yes?"

"Is this all the seasoning you have?" I held back a laugh.

"There's more?" He stared at me blankly for a moment.

I giggled at this, definitely an idiot, but a lovable one. "I'll make a list."

"Good plan." He gave me another affectionate pat on the head as I accepted the salt and pepper shakers from him with my quirk. My quirk was great for multitasking, if I was focused and not upset about anything otherwise it was disastrous and terrifying.

We made breakfast together...well more like I made breakfast while Dad took notes and made me laugh but it was helping me take my mind off the weird pain in my stomach and making me feel exponentially better. Once breakfast was complete, I used my quirk to dish it out onto some plates while simultaneously setting the table.

As I sat down at the table and bent forward slightly to scoot my chair in, my stomach protested the action with a sharp shooting pain. It was so sudden and so painful I let out a soft gasp and nearly crumpled to the floor.

"Amy?" A warm gentle hand splayed across my back moving in soothing circles. "What's wrong?"

"My stomach hurts." I whimpered.

"Maybe you should stay home from school today." He winced sympathetically as he continued rubbing my back in an attempt to comfort me. "I'll call the school, why don't you try eating a little and see if that helps."

I didn't feel like eating, I just wanted to curl up into a ball on the floor and wait for the pain to inevitably kill me. As he walked away to call my school, I forced myself to sit up and tried to eat a few bites of food. It didn't help. The pain was just getting worse. Slowly I got up from the table and retreated to the bathroom attached to my bedroom feeling a little light headed.

Locking the door behind me I felt my face burn with embarrassment as I felt a strange warm wetness. All the color drained from my face as the horrific realization of what was happening hit me. I started my period! Tears welled in my eyes.

There was a soft knock behind me, "Amy? Honey, are you ok-."

"I need my mom." I choked.

"...Ah, I know honey...wait...ah-." He cleared his throat clearly uncomfortable with whatever he was going to ask me, "Is it your period?" His voice went up two octaves as he said the word period and my entire face felt like it was on fire.

I couldn't stop the tears threatening to fall.

"Ah..." Realization hit him as my quiet crying confirmed his suspicions. "Okay...we can handle this, we just have to go to the store-."

"I can't! I'm bleeding!" I cried wishing I could just curl into a ball and die of embarrassment, this was not happening!

"Oh...that's a fair point." He cleared his throat uncomfortably again, "No worries, I'll go. Dad Might to the rescue!"

Despite the pain in my stomach, the mortification I felt and the tears streaming down my cheeks I couldn't help but laugh at him. "Dad!"

"I'm going!" He bolted away.

A/N: Next Chapter: All Might Vs The Period Aisle (me thinks someone is going to need to save him)

Video "Lost Child" By Bursters  (random)

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