Summer Falls in Love

By julialove

108K 2.1K 162

Summer Falls got asked out at the start of Summer and dumped at the end of fall. Irony was practically her mi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 8

3K 68 1
By julialove

Chapter 8

Jake entered his father’s office building. Well, technically, their office. It was soon to be his anyway, whether he liked it or not. It was a high rise building that was strategically built in the heart of the city. The lobby was a bustling spacious place, with employees walking all over the place. Everyone knew Jake Dawson, of course.

Jake ignored all the stares the people in the lobby gave him. Didn’t they have better things to do? He dressed nicely today, for his father’s sake. He had called him and asked him to come to the building yesterday, well, not ask, more like order. Jake wore a grey suit, paired with a matching tie and everything. He hurried to the elevators and quickly hit the button of the level of his father’s office; the most posh level.

The elevator was crammed with employees but when it stopped at Jake’s level, only he came out of it. Not many people messed with the CEO of Dawson Co, in fact, they only went to see Robert Dawson if they had important reasons, very important reasons.

Robert Dawson’s office took up most of the space of the level. Outside of his office were his secretaries’ (yes, he has more than one secretary) cubicles and a little waiting room, equipped with a flat-screen TV, up-to-date magazines and a barista. Yes, Dawson Co was that classy.

Jake was a few minutes early but he didn’t even bother to wait. Both of the secretaries took one glance at Jake as he entered Robert’s office but didn’t stop him, like they would usually do to a normal client, Jake was Robert’s son after all.

Robert looked up from his work to see Jake entering his office. A slow smile appeared on his face as he stopped his work and leaned back into his leather chair. His office looked the same as the last time Jake came here. Grey carpet flooring, floor-to-ceiling UV tinted window…all the modern designs.

“Afternoon, Jake,” Robert smiled at his son. Jake held an unreadable expression on his face as he took a seat opposite him. It was amazing how similar he looked to his mother. Robert’s heart clenched at the thought but quickly pushed all thoughts of his ex-wife away.

“What is it?” Jake cut straight to the point. Robert couldn’t help but grin. He was glad his son was smart enough to go straight to the point, but greetings and small talk helped strengthen business relationships.

“I have something to tell you,” Robert started, sitting up straight, the smile gone from his face. He knew Jake wasn’t going to like this, “Do you remember Alex?”

“Alex?” He repeated before going deep in thought, then a person came to mind, “Alex Dawson?”

“Yes, your half-brother,” Robert clarified. Jake immediately tensed. He was his step-brother; the only son from Robert and his second wife’s marriage.

“What about him?” Jake asked, trying not to let any coldness seep into his tone, but failing.

“Well, his mother, Samantha-” Robert said, “Do you remember Samantha?”

“Yes, I remember Samantha,” Jake said slowly, unable to predict what his father was going to say.

“Well, Samantha…Samantha has liver cancer,” Robert said solemnly, unable to meet Jake’s gaze. This was unusual. Robert was a man of courage and power. But he had loved Samantha. He did. He was currently in his third marriage to some supermodel and they had a 5 year old daughter.

Jake’s face darkened, “How long…” He cleared his throat, “How long till she...” Robert understood what Jake meant.

“2 months,” Robert replied bluntly, his eyes starting to cloud, but he couldn’t break down in front of his son. His pride meant too much to him. Jake rarely ever saw his father like this; sad, vulnerable and…weak. “She wants me to take care of Alex. He’s 21 now, a year younger than you are.”

“Where’s he going to stay?” Jake asked with a blank expression. He hasn’t seen Alex since he was 10; the year after his mother died. But he didn’t like Alex. He had always thought Alex was the sole proof that his father never loved his mother. If he did, he wouldn’t have found Samantha and she wouldn’t have gave birth to Alex. Call it jealousy, what not. It was only fair for a kid to think like that.

“Can he stay at your penthouse?” Robert asked, hopeful, “Until I sort out another apartment for him.” Robert’s house was also a luxurious penthouse nearby the Dawson Co building but it was for him and his wife only.

Jake sighed. Samantha is dying. Robert never paid much attention to Alex either. The least he could do, as an older brother, was at least let him stay at his penthouse, “Okay,” Jake said. Robert smiled a little.

“Thank you, Jake,” Robert looked his son in the eye. He knew that Jake was like his mother; sympathetic.

“When does he come?” Jake asked, looking at his father, who was more relaxed now.

“Tomorrow,” Robert replied smoothly. Jake widened his eyes at the closeness of the date but shrugged it off.

“Is that all?” Jake asked. Jake treated Robert like his boss. It pleased Robert that his son obeyed him but he also didn’t like it, it was as if Robert commanded Jake, but it wasn’t like that; it was a father talking to his son. Their relationship was far from close.

“Yes,” Robert said as Jake stood up and started making his way to the door. “Wait,” Robert acted before he thought. Jake halted and turned to face his father, “You should go see Samantha,” He said and Jake felt surprised, “even though she wasn’t your mother, she loved you Jake, she really did.”

Jake softened, “Alright,” He responded before leaving Dawson Co, feeling a mix of emotions.


It was time for Jake and Summer to make another public appearance. Holly knew about their little act, of course. And she’d told them that if they wanted to keep this up and make it believable and convincing, they had to at least make two appearances a month, publicly.

Summer rang the doorbell of Jake’s house. She was all dressed up for their date but he couldn’t pick her up so she had to come to his house first before they leave for their date. She wore a simple black lace dress that ended mid-thigh and a red belt. She let her hair in its natural waves and she put on smoky eye shadow plus black pumps. She waited a good 20 seconds until the door was opened.

“Jacob Dawson,” She said automatically when the door opened, not even bothering to check who opened it, “where in the world did you learn to make a girl-” She paused when she saw who opened the door. No. It wasn’t Jake.

He had short blonde hair and mesmerizing blue eyes that seemed to lure you. He looked absolutely gorgeous...not to mention well-built. She widened her eyes immediately. He wore a white V-neck shirt and black knee-length pants. He had an amused smile on his flawless face and Summer felt her cheeks redden.

“Um, sorry,” Summer ran a hand through her hair. “I am looking for Jake?”

“Oh,” The guy at the door relaxed a little and he smiled wider, “Um, are you his date?”

“Yeah,” Summer smiled. She quickly added, “I am Summer,”

“Alex,” He responded and they shook hands, “Come on in,”

Right at that moment, Jake came down the stairs and once he saw Summer and Alex, he froze and eyed them both. He was dressed smartly in a black suit and red tie to match Summer’s dress. He quickly recovered and walked over to Summer, pecked her on the cheek and snaked an arm around her waist, “Hey Sum,” He said huskily, “So I see you two have met?”

“Um yeah,” Alex scratched the back of his head with a smile. Summer was still confused as to why Alex was here.

“So um…are you two friends or something?” Summer asked, “I haven’t seen you before.”

“Ah right,” Jake smirked, “Alex is my brother.”

“Brother?” Summer repeated, widening her eyes. Jake had to stifle a laugh at her cuteness. Wait, cuteness?

“Surprise,” Jake said and Summer nodded slowly.

“Well um Alex,” Summer started, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “Nice to meet you.”

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Summer,” Alex said smoothly.

“Well we’d better leave,” Jake started, “or we’re going to be late.”

“Oh right, right,” Summer laughed.

“Bye guys,” Alex said, “Have fun.”


“You didn’t tell me you had a brother,” Summer stated bluntly when they entered Jake’s Porsche. Jake sighed deeply.

“He’s my half-brother,” Jake clarified, “He’s from my father’s second marriage.”

“Ah,” Summer relaxed a little. She had felt a little fury when she realized Jake never told her about his siblings. He was her best friend after all.

“His mother, Samantha,” Jake cleared his throat, “she’s…she’s got cancer and…she has two months left.”

Summer softened and looked at Jake intently, “You’re doing a good thing,” She said softly, subconsciously putting a hand on his thigh, “caring for your younger brother.”

Jake glanced at Summer, “It’s the least I can do,” Jake said, sighing sadly, “she was like a mother to me.”

“What…what happened to your real mother?” Summer said softly, her voice almost coming out like a whisper at the end. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, I just-”

“She died when I was 9,” Jake started, his voice expressionless. He glanced at her to see her eyes as wide as the moon, “It’s okay, and you deserve to know anyway.”

“Oh,” She said softly, watching Jake’s expression carefully.

“It was the year Dawson Co really hit it you know,” He explained, with hints of emotion here and there, “It was the year that our profits beat our losses by more than a hundred percent and we got famous, I guess,”

Summer nodded, taking in all he said.

“And well, my father…” His voice became cold and angry, “He had an affair with some, some actress. It was some one-night stand thing. The media found out about it and it was everywhere; a scandal. And my mother…she tried very hard to not believe it…but…”

Jake’s voice turned sad and his eyes seemed to cloud. Summer felt her heart clench.

“My father pleaded guilty to it,” He said coldly, “And with the press and all the heartbreak, my mother…she couldn’t handle it. She would cry herself to sleep at night and would refuse to sleep in the same room with my dad. And with the press trailing her every move and bombarding her with questions, she cracked under pressure and…” He inhaled deeply, “committed suicide.”

Summer felt her eyes water. But they had reached a very posh club that had paparazzi swarming to outsides of it. It was a popular club that only famous people could go to. Jake stopped the car a safe distance away so the paparazzi won’t notice them. “Oh my God,” Summer said softly, “I am so sorry Jake.” She immediately placed a hand on his cheek and it surprised him.

“It’s-It’s in the past now,” Jake said, looking into Summer’s eyes.

“I shouldn’t have asked,” Summer said, “I am sorry.”

“It’s alright, Summer,” Jake managed to crack a smile at her cuteness.

“No, it’s not okay!” She cried, “I am sorry for butting in into your personal life! I really shouldn’t have asked. I feel like such a bitch right now. Please forgive me, Jake-”

Jake smashed his lips on hers, shutting her up immediately. Summer’s eyes automatically closed. Eventually, she kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled away.

“Forgiven,” He breathed, “Just don’t talk about it, okay?”

“Okay,” Summer smiled a little.

“Now let’s have some dinner,” But instead of driving towards the club, he made a left turn and drove to a cute, cozy little café on the outskirts of the city. His friends had brought him here a little while back and he missed the food here. They were a little overdressed for a little café but it didn’t matter. Hey, at least they had a great dinner after all.


Hey people!

I am so sorry! I was supposed to update last week but I havent had the chapter edited yet!

But this was by far, one of my most favourite chapters :) Hope you guys like it!

Vote, comment, fan!

Julia :)

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