By eemmaaspotz

414 79 0


1.| The Return
| CAST I |
3.| Back To Square One
4.| Not A "Thing"
5.| Miller's...Dead
6.| Accepting the Past
7.| Dangerous Phases
8.| Unsolved Problems I
9.| Red Code Down
10.|Just A Girlfriend
11.| Unsolved Problems II
12.| The Evening Stranger
13.| New Suspects
14.| Accusations
15.| Suspicions
16.| Old & New Enemies
17.| Some Stupid Stays
18.| Losing My Breath
19.| Surprise After Surprise
20.| Romantically Involved
21.| When Dreams Become Reality
22.| Power, Pain, No Mercy
23.| Accidents
24.| Once a Bully, Always a Bully
25.| Ringing Shots
26.| Faults
27.| More Fuel On the Fire
28.| Vibes of Situations
29.| Realizations
30.| Drunk Mistakes
31.| Present Nightmares
32.| "THE" Confessions
33.| The Multiplying Enemies

2.| Off Guard

41 5 0
By eemmaaspotz

Let Go by Beau Young Prince


People will come and others will go... just remember...they were all put there for a lesson; now it's your choice to accept it.


"Mornin' Mary Sue!", he yells expecting her to jump out of her seat and strangle him to the ground but all he gets was a tired death glare before Alexandra leaned back into the chair, arms crossed across her chest.

"Go annoy someone else, Keith.", Alexandra groans. 

Keith sighs before barging his head into the truck; left hand pulling the lever to the side of the driver's seat while the right pushes the chair back.

"Thanks...", Alexandra trails off as her hand waves in mid-air.

Keith grins as his lips find their way to the crook of her head and neck while moving the prized necklace he had given her out of the way. As his kisses lowered his hands weaved themselves under the brunette's shirt.

"Keith, stop...", Alex begins groaning, her arms weakly try pushing Keith away, but her eyes suddenly go wide as Keith's hands trail higher under her shirt, "KEITH!"

She yells while pushing Keith off of her with full force.

"What?!", Keith tries asking innocently but fails as an evil grin spreads across his lips.

Alex gave him a flushed glare before hopping out of the truck while rubbing her neck up and down where Keith had left his trail of kisses. Keith flings his arm around Alex's shoulder as she slams the door to the black Ford Raptor shut.

"Cat got your tongue, Mary Sue?", he asks as he leans down and plants a small kiss on Alex's cheek.

"No, but I did just witness a vampire attacking me while I was trying to sleep."

Keith chuckles to himself and after a moment of silence, he looks at Alex with a cocked eyebrow.

"In the truck again?"

"I was too tired and sort of felt weak after Noah viraled me out again. And now; no thanks to you, I barely got...", Alex trails off again as she taps the watch Jennifer had given her on her 19th Birthday authorizing it to reveal the time, "It's 5:30 am so I'm guessing I got...about two hours of sleep."

She rubs her face before looking up at Keith and giving him one of her rare smiles as she wraps her left arm around his waist.

"Anyway, how was your night? Must've gotten lots of sleep since I was gone."

"Actually... on the contrary. I could barely sleep with the thought of you gone again.", Keith says as they enter the house.

"Well, that's gonna take a whole lot of convincing if you think I'm gonna believe that.", Alex says with a grin as she takes off her shoes and begins walking away from Keith; towards the stairs, "I'll meet you outside in a little."


After Alex got the chance to take a quick shower and change out of the clothes she had been in for two days she quickly made her way down the stairs while she struggled to wrap the white clothe around her right arm. Jennifer tiptoes out of the master bedroom while softly closing the heavy oak door behind.

"Just got the twins sleeping but Keith went out with the dogs. Make sure to be back so we can leave on time.", Jennifer whispers as she jumps from topics, "Finally decided to wear the cropped hoodie?"

Alex spins around on her heels with a grin and gives Jennifer a thumbs up before spinning back around while silently opening the door to the cabin. She walks a couple of feet into the woods; leaves crunching under her black Nikes as she ponders on the dream she had about some familiar lookin' dude. Her hands slid into the pockets of her charcoal colored shorts as her ponytail parted over her shoulders.

"Spittin image of me, huh?", Alex whispers to herself before she hears two familiar barks and collides with a tree...more like Keith's chest.

Keith throws his heavy arm over Alex's shoulder as a large copper colored Alaskan Malamute; known as Sequoia, and large long haired German Shepherd; known as Captain, circle around them with their tails wagging happily.

"Who's a spittin' image of you?", Keith asks as he begins leading Alex away from the dogs she was petting, "Finally decided to wear the cropped hoodie?"

At Keith's last question Alex left the dogs alone and gave him a questioning look.

"You should wear it more suits you.", he says with a grin as he looks down at Alex who let her arm wrap around Keith's waist when the dogs ran the other way towards the Miller's cabin.

"To you, everything suits me...just a little more and I'll catch you saying that dresses suit me.", Alex says poking him in the side; causing Keith to squirm and retract his arm with a challenging look.

"I won't take it that far. it just depends on what dress you decide to wear.", he says with a smirk as he pokes Alex back; causing her to retract her arm too and mimic his look as she comes to a halt in front of him, "Better be careful what games you start up with me Mary Sue since I always tend to win."

A wide grin spreads over Alex's face. In a blink of an eye, she spun around and went on a full sprint through the woods with Keith suddenly realizing the challenge.

"You're going to regret that Mary Sue.", Keith whispers to himself as his grin widens.


"I hate when you actually obey the rules.", Alex states annoyed as she rocks her aching arm.

They had left the gym about five minutes ago; after an intense right arm workout, and Alex was once again done with Keith's successful coaching skills that would cause her to complain all day about the pain but would help regain the strength  

"Doctors orders. If that's what will help you then I'm going to enforce it until you get better."

"It's been four years since the incident, Keith and I've been fine since then."

Suddenly two towheaded girls attempting to take a selfie with the mountains as their background wave their hands in hopes of grabbing attention.

"Huh...thought Cliffs Peak was secluded from visitors.", Alex says as they walk up to the girls.

Keith looks at her dumbfounded.

"Cliffs Peak is a very beautiful area, calm down. They seem very harmless.", Keith states as he walks up to the girls speaking French, "May I help you, two ladies?"

"Picture, please?", the older of the two blondes asks in a deep French accent.

Keith nods with a smile as Alex walks behind him watching the phone Keith was holding.

"Image!", the younger of the two says in French as Keith snaps a couple pictures.

Keith lowers the phone as the two girls walk over to him, each placing themselves on either side of him as he swipes through the pictures he had just taken.

"Good?", Keith questions earning an excited nod from the towheads and a small peck on each cheek.

Keith hands them the phone with a wide smile turning into a grin as he walks over to Alex. Just as Alex and Keith turn around to wave them goodbye the older of the two whispers leaving while pressing on something in her ear.

Keith happily waves goodbye while Alex; with a forced smile, attempts to do the same. They walk further into the woods before Alex suddenly goes into a run.

"Alex!", Keith begins running as he quickly catches up to Alex.

"We gotta get home!' Something doesn't seem right.", Alex says while slowing down, giving Keith a chance to jog right by her side.

"Calm down Mary Sue, nothings happening... Alex,'ve been secluded from the outside world for too long that to you even birds are considered drones, sent to spy on us.", Keith states out of breath as he tries talking while jogging alongside Alex.

She gives him a glare.

"You really enjoy attention don't you?"

"Maybe...", he says with a mischievous grin as he turns Alex around and pins her against a tree.

"Keith, not right now. We have to get home-"

"They can wait a few more seconds."

"That's not what I meant. Somethi-", Alex began stating in a worried tone when Keith presses his lips onto hers.

Just as Alex's hands found their way into Keith's black hair...a gun went off; echoing from the distance, disrupting nature from its silence. The crows once stationed at the roof of the trees were now crowing as they fled into the air in fright. Alex's brain cells were all over the place, she didn't know what to comprehend, while Keith tried processing what had just occurred.

He backs away from Alex; annoyed at the disruption, but worried about the fact that she might've been right all along. Just as he began scanning the landscape filled with trees and various dead elements spread across the ground, the gun goes off again. Keith slowly brings his attention back to Alex; guilt written all over his face.

"Maybe it was just a hunter..."

"Yea...a hunter hunting for people.", Alex states angrily as they both sprint through the forest.

They come to a halt as the cabin comes clearly into view. Alex looks over to her right as something...someone...had caught her eye. A person dressed in camo colored clothes, with the same colored sniper bag, was sprinting through the forest in hopes of reaching the road.

"Check on everyone in the cabin, I'll solve with the hunter.", Alex orders and before Keith could argue back she took off on a sprint after the hunter.

Keith was the stronger of the two but since he decided to wear a bright orange sports tank top for today's workout, they both silently acknowledged that Alex was more suitable, for now.

Alex was about five feet from getting the hunter; more like the girl with dirty blonde hair, when she had turned around in realization of being followed and threw something Alex had thankfully remembered and identified it as a bomb.

Keith had just slid down the hill when an explosion shook the ground.

"Alex...", he whispers to himself in a worried tone, and before he could climb over the hill and search for his girlfriend, Alex leaps over Keith's head.

She tucks her knees inward while doing the front flip, just as the ground begins to approach she does a sideways twirl before straightening her body, landing on the ground, doing a backward cartwheel and sliding to a knee stop. She looks up at Keith with the same surprised expression as her heart races with excitement.

"You finally did it!", Keith exclaims as he rushes towards Alex with wide arms.

"I finally did it!", Alex exclaims after Keith as they embrace each other in a bone-breaking hug, "I can't believe the dare's finally off..."

Alex trails off as Keith releases her and drags her over to the other side of the Miller's car where he had noticed something disruptive. Alex's eyes go wide before Keith suddenly releases her hand and rushes inside the house.

Two bodies lay in their puddle of blood, motionless, as it continued draining from their head.

Keith suddenly exits the house; changed from his neon, eye-catching, shirt to a black one while one hand occupied itself with loading his sniper, the other held the gun tensely. Alex quickly recovers from the shock as she realizes Keith's unprocessed plan.

"Keith-", Alex began as she followed Keith but was cut off by his harsh voice.

"You know darn right what I'm about to do.", he responds sharply as he loads his sniper.

"Keith, you're not processing things...she's far gone by now-"

"She? Thanks for the info, Alex. go check on the twins, I'll solve with her.", he says over his shoulder, cutting Alex off as he quickens his pace.

Alex was very tempted to throw a regretted remark but luckily thought it through and instead just yanked Keith backward by his arm.

"Keith, think this through-"

"I am Alex! Now leave me alone-"

"No! This is what you don't understand. They are more than likely waiting for someone like you or me to come rampaging down there for justice. We have to get out of here Keith.", Alex logically states as she stops in front of Keith causing him to come to a halt.

He studies Alex's eyes before looking down at his sniper, then up at the woods surrounding them.

"Trust me at least on this and I promise, you won't regret it later.", Alex says as she puts her hand on his sniper waiting for him to release it.

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