
By PBBWriter

77.7K 2.5K 196

Set pre-season one, Opie's life is vastly different and about to change even more. How much would his life, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Rewind 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 2

3.7K 96 3
By PBBWriter

** Special thanks to Sara for helping me proof the chapter! You're the best!! **

After the incident with Dom, Macy kept a low profile to hide the fat lip he had given her and help her bruised ego recover. Even without the physical mark, she knew those closest to her would know she was shaken and Macy refused to open herself up to that scrutiny.

It was Friday morning at Hanna's when Macy saw Gemma saunter in, her boots clicking on the linoleum floor. Macy took a deep breath before heading over to the back booth her mother picked.

"Hey Ma," Macy said with little enthusiasm.

Gemma looked up at her daughter. "That's all I get?"

"What?" Macy said defensively, shuffling her feet a bit.

"Where have you been? Jax said you haven't been around in days."

Macy rolled her eyes. "I'm getting ready to move in with Ope."

"I know," she clicked her tongue, "Jax told me and your father."

"Sorry," Macy huffed. "It's been a long week."

"We were worried," she told her. "You should have at least called us back."

Macy grimaced. "I didn't know you called. My phone is kind of, ugh, totally shattered."

"Get another one," Gemma said authoritatively. "You can't not have a phone, Macy. We need to reach you."

"Phones are expensive, Ma."

Gemma scoffed. "You never had trouble asking for money before."

"Fine, I'll come by after work and hit Dad up for some cash."

Gemma smiled and gave Macy's hand a quick squeeze. "Good. Now, what's this shit with Ope?"

"Nothing," Macy groaned. "Donna moved out, he needed a roommate and I was tired of living with Jax and the junkie."

"Is he she using again?" Gemma asked eagerly.

"Oh, no, I don't know," Macy shrugged. "I don't think so, it was just a joke."

Gemma eyed Macy suspiciously. "I'm going to look into that."

"I wouldn't expect any less," Macy rolled her eyes. "You just here stalking or are you going to get something to eat?"

With a chuckle, Gemma stood up and shook her head. "No. We have a family dinner tonight, don't miss it."

That evening Macy arrived at her parents' house wondering what degree of family this dinner was going to be. There were the small dinners, her and Jax with Gemma and Clay or a mid-sized dinner, Clay, Gemma, Tig, Macy, and Bobby or some other mix of longer-term Sons, those were her favorites. Then, of course, there were the massive dinners. Any man in a kutte, children and old ladies, they gave Macy anxiety, too many people in a small space at a volume so loud she could hardly hear herself think.

"Jax, Dad, Ope, and Piney," she said noting the bikes outside. "Not bad, but suspicious."

No one seemed to notice when she entered through the kitchen door, they were too loud and too involved in their conversations. Tossing her bag and keys down, she grabbed a beer and joined the others at the dining room table. "Sorry I'm late," she said with a little wave.

Before she sat, Macy made the rounds and said hello to everyone, giving her parents quick pecks on the cheek. She took the empty spot next to Opie and gave him a shove. "I got some shit in my car," she told him. Think you can help me with it?"

Opie nodded. "Sure. You were MIA wasn't sure we were still on."

"We're on," she huffed. "I was staying at Dom's for a bit."

"But you told Gem you were at my place," he said with annoyance. "I covered for you but why lie?"

Macy huffed, not wanting to get into it, and slapped a fake smile on her face. "A lady has her secrets."

"You're not a lady," Opie teased.

Macy rolled her eyes and started filling up her plate, ignoring the conversation while she ate. It was Piney who finally pulled her into the conversation.

"Macy, when are you leaving Hanna's?" Piney asked her abruptly.

"Huh?" She looked up from her dinner. "I dunno. I don't have anything lined up so, uh, not anytime soon."

"What about school?" He kept prodding.

"I don't know," she said with a shrug. "I wasn't born with a patch waiting for me so it's taken a little longer to decide what I want to do."

"Just do what Ma did," Jax laughed, "Get knocked up and married."

Macy and Jax laughed uproariously but their mother was not amused.

"Little shits," she hissed. "Lucky for you I did."

"We're all better for it," Jax said charmingly.

"Don't," Clay said, looking at Opie.

"Oh my god," Macy grumbled. "I'm not into this big old meat sack," she said, gesturing to Opie.

"I don't think your father would mind," Piney said.

Gemma and Clay both looked at him darkly before turning the conversation. "School could be good," Gemma remarked. "You were always good in science and you're a bleeding heart, a real nurturer. Maybe a nurse?"

"I dunno," she sighed. "If I knew this was going to be an intervention I wouldn't have come."

"I like that new kid," Opie said suddenly, "Half-Sack."

"He's weird," Jax laughed, "But he's got balls."

"Ah," Clay interrupted, "Only one."

The table chuckled at Kip's expense and moved on from nitpicking at Macy. She was grateful and gave Opie a tiny smile of appreciation to show it.

After they ate dinner and dessert, Piney and Clay disappeared with some whiskey while their younger counterparts went to discuss what Juice has found on Dominic Russo.

"Looks like he's pretty clean," Jax explained. "Some parking tickets and shit but nothing really popped. Bounced around New York, Boston, and Philadelphia before landing here. He's a shit boxer," Jax laughed. "Had a few fights in Atlantic City, lost em' all."

Opie groaned and took the papers from Jax. "Christ, he's a fucking loser."

"But looks harmless," Jax shrugged. "Wanna Go fuck with him?"

Opie laughed and nodded. One of their favorite things to do was give the men involved with Macy and the other female friends of the club good scares. It wasn't often they had the chance, there weren't many women around, so they were going to take it.

On the other side of the wall, Clay and Piney were arguing, as was common for them lately.

"That shit is gonna set something off none of us want to deal with," Clay growled through grit teeth.

"She is your daughter," Piney assured him, "But I think it's something she needs to know."

"My daughter, my decision," Clay snapped. "Another comment like that, old man, and I'll sic Gemma out on your ass."

Piney grumbled something under his breath as he sat back in his chair about to take a sip from his glass.

"And if something happens with me her and Ope?"

Clay shook his head. "She does not need to be tied in with that shit. Jax was joking but I don't want to see that shit happen to her. Pregnant and married by 23? No."

"We agree on that," Piney said.

The tension slowly began to dissipate and the two men clinked their glasses together. At least they were on the same page when it came to their children dating.

Across the house, Macy and Gemma were cleaning up in the kitchen, as the women always did, but very little passed between them. They worked in silence and only once they were finished did Gemma speak.

"Who is he?" She asked knowingly.


"The guy," she asked with an arched eyebrow.

Macy sighed. "Jax?"

"He told me, but not intentionally," Gemma assured her.

"Yeah, sure," she huffed. "His name is Dom. It's not serious.

"How long?" Gemma asked, grabbing an envelope of cash for Macy from her own purse.

"Few months," she shrugged as she closed the dishwasher. "It's not a big deal. Really."

Gemma nodded, listening to her daughter talk vaguely about Dom but everything Macy said made her more suspicious.

"He's a boxer?"

"Yeah, he's not good I think he's just seen Rocky too many times," Macy joked.

Gemma's hands stilled for a moment, resting on the countertop before she grabbed Macy and pulled her in for a hug.

"I know I'm hard on you," Gemma sighed, "But I love you, I will always love you."

Taken aback, Macy didn't speak at first until the moment became more real. Then, she hugged her mother back and struggled to keep from crying.

"I love you too, Ma," she sniffled. "I'm sorry I'm such a shit."

"Growing pains," Gemma told her, "Just some growing pains."

"Mace?" Opie cleared his throat. "I'm heading out soon, wanna do the boxes?"

"Oh," she quickly backed away from her mother. "Yeah. Totally. Let's uh, let's do it now."

"Thanks for dinner, Mom," Opie said to Gemma.

"Anytime sweetheart," she said, kissing his cheek. "Take care of my girl," Gemma told him quietly, handing him a burner for Macy.

Opie nodded. "Always." Stepping away from Gemma, Opie hooked his arm around Macy's neck and pulled her playfully toward the door.

"Bye," she yelled loudly for Clay, Piney and Jax to hear.

Macy and Opie went back to his house, technically their house now, and he helped with the few boxes in her trunk. She smiled, watching him pile them up in the back bedroom, and gave him a big hug when he finished.

"That it?" He asked her, returning the embrace.

"For now," she winked. "You sure this is cool? It's not some sympathy thing or whatever?"

Opie shook his head, "Nah. You were the only one I could think of moving in here that wouldn't be fucking awful."

"Thank you?" She said with uncertainty. "I'm going to go shopping tomorrow so I can make a proper meal. That fridge is pathetic."

"You're gonna cook?" He laughed.

"If there's one healthy thing Gem taught me it's how to cook and the importance of food, for more than nourishment."

"Alright," he groaned. "When you bringing the big shit?"

She shrugged. "When are you and Jax free?"

"Seriously?" He looked at her with exasperation although it was hardly sincere. "I'll call him now, we'll get it and you can crash here tonight."

"I'm going to Dom's," she told him. "No rush."

That only made Opie want to rush more. Despite Juice's clear report on Dominic, Opie didn't have a great feeling about the guy. "Sooner you're in, sooner I get my first month's rent."

"That reminds me," she snapped her fingers. "I got money for you actually."

"Oh, alright," he shrugged.

"Ope," she eyed him. "Why are you being weird?"

"I don't like him," he told her. "Sorry, kid."

"Why not?" She asked, looking up at him with a hint of innocence in her eyes.

Opie shook his head. "I don't know, just got a nasty feeling about him."

"Yeah, well, you can calm down," she assured him. "I'll be here tonight, no rush on the bed though, I can crash on the couch."

"Mace," he huffed, "Take a burner, please."

"Huh?" She turned around to look at him.

"I know you fucked up your phone, take a burner with you, just in case."

Macy sighed heavily but nodded and took the phone from him. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you have a goddamn crush on me."

"You fucking wish," he joked. "I just don't want anyone getting hurt."

Giving him a dramatically enthusiastic thumbs up, Macy bounced down the steps and out the door to her car. It was a good thing he was so adamant as she'd be needing it just a few hours later.


Since the slap, Macy had been much more hesitant around Dominic. If asked, she wouldn't even know why she was still with him. His apologies were kind and she believed him as well as felt strongly about him but she knew she should have ended it that night.

On her way out of the bathroom, she noticed his mirror open slightly and her curiosity got the best of her. The hinges creaked as she opened the cabinet and saw prescription bottles with handwritten labels as well as syringes. With shaky hands, she grabbed the syringe and saw "Winstrol" scribbled on a piece of tape along the side of the syringe.

"Hey," Dom said sharply, catching her snooping.

Macy gasped and scrambled to put the syringe back. "Uh, sorry," she stammered.

Dom reached by her to slam the mirror cabinet shut and then pulled her from the bathroom. "You gonna say anything?"

"I don't even know what it is," she said, honestly never having heard of whatever he was taking.

"It's just... helping me at the gym."

"Oh," she relaxed. "Like steroids?"

"Yeah," he huffed. "It's not a big deal."

"I won't say anything," she promised, eager to move on from the topic, "It's totally cool."

"Good," he said, softer now.

His outburst from before made sense now but it also illuminated a bigger problem. Steroids were far from 'not a big deal' and she wasn't about to involve herself with Dom any longer. Rage filled outbursts would be just the beginning, she was sure, so Macy was done.

"Shit," she hissed, checking her phone. "I have to go. I forgot my mom asked me to spend my last night before I move at home."

He looked surprised. "You're moving?"

"I am," she shrugged. "It's not a big deal. Just in with my brother's friend."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Cause it's not a big deal," she shrugged. "Like your steroids."

It wasn't the smoothest thing she could have said and she wasn't as slick as she thought with her escape plan.

Dom didn't even speak, he just raised his hand and slapped her, sending her into the wall with a thud. Clawing at him, she let out a scream and tried to get out from between him and the wall.

"Don't touch me," she growled. "Don't fucking touch me again."

"What are you gonna do?" He growled, grabbing her face between his thumb and fingers. "Tell your white trash biker family?"

Macy reached up and grabbed the pen from her hair, left there after her shift at Hanna's, and jabbed it into his side. He howled, releasing her, and began to panic from the sudden sharp pain.

"You cunt," he bellowed.

With bloody hands, Dominic grabbed Macy's arm and yanked her back, throwing her to the floor. Climbing on top of her, Dominic punched her but only got one blow in. Macy stuck her fingers in his wound and scurried out from under him as he recoiled in pain. In her haste, Macy tumbled down the steps but made it out of the building alive and that was her only goal. Trembling, she ran as fast as she could before stopping a few blocks away to call Opie.

"Opie," she cried when he answered.

All he heard was her sobs and he was already heading out the door. "Where are you?"

"Main and Sy-sycamore," she stammered.

"I'm coming, Mace. I'll be right there."

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