Marvel Imagines

By YeahItsMeSoph

446K 7.9K 2.5K

~The Marvel Avengers Characters~ It will be (Y/N) and a character below: Captain America (Steve Rogers) The W... More

The Avengers
The Avengers
The Avengers


4.2K 88 20
By YeahItsMeSoph

"Dad!" You scream at the flaming roof comes crumbling down.

"(Y/N)..." Your father groans out as he tries pushing a metal bar off of him.

You hobble towards him, "Dad!"

You bend down trying to lift the bar from crushing his chest. "C'mon dad, get out!"

You hear feet running towards you.

A deep voice echoes through the flaming room.
"Kill the Starks!"

You stand up while holding the bar. "Move dad, go!"

One of the men shoots your left arm. The bullet going right through the bone. Your arm slowly tears away from your shoulder. You scream as you trying holding the beam with your right arm.

Tony, your father, tries wiggling his way out, but his broken ribs prevent him from moving far.

"Go!" You cry in rage.

"(Y-Y/N)..." Tony gasps at your fallen arm by his face.

"Dad, just go. I can hold them off. Fucking go already!" You drop the bar next to him. He nods and winces in pain as he army crawls towards the exit.

You run at the men who are coming from the exit Tony needs to get to. You jump and back kick one in the head knocking him out. You grab the others knife and slit his throat and kick him against the others.

"(Y/N) Stark. The weapon Tony created to kill my family." A Russian male voice speaks and a silver streak runs at you flipping you over.

"Our family, died because of the Starks..." A female Russian voice screeches.

You turn and lung at the female voice but your body gets engulfed by red. You can't move and you gasp for air.

You feel a horrid pain rip through your right arm. The female uses her powers to rip your right arm off. Once she successfully rips your arm off she drops you.

"Now you can burn like my parents did." She snarles.

The man picks her up and runs out just as the roof is about to collapse. You didn't see Tony anywhere so hopefully, he got out.

You fall to your knees and look up at the flaming roof. You scoff at the name that man called you. "Weapon". You were deeply disturbed by this word choice. You only kill to protect him.

Just as the flames start eating at your skin you black out.


You wake up to the sound of a door opening.

You blink a few times trying to clear your vision. You look to the right and see a man you can't put a name to.

"You're okay..." The man breathes.

You look up at him confused and a bit alarmed. You go to sit up and attack him but you are unable to. You look down at your bandaged arms.

Arms? I thought I didn't have them anymore...

"What...What is going on..." You softly ask the man.

He lets out a sad sigh. "When we found you under burnt rubble, we found you armless... What happened to you?"

You look the opposite way of him, out the window. "I was shot, in my left arm and it just fell off I guess and..." you trail off trying to figure out who those people where.

"A woman with red telekinesis ripped my right arm off..." You look back at him. "Who are they?"

He looks like he's in his own world thinking. "I believe they are the Maximoff twins, Wanda and Pietro."

You nod. "I want justice for my arms."

He smiles at you. "Of course, (Y/N)."

You nod. You sit up and slowly start unwrapping your bandages. Loosely kept metal arms are attached to your shoulders.

You see the man tense up a bit next to you. You wonder why since he apparently has his arms.

You tried picking up your arms and squeezing your hands into fists.

You think back to the fire.

You stand up fast. "My father!"

The man stands. "Sit back down. You need rest!"

"No! I need to see my father. Is he okay?" You panic and run to the door. You jog down the hallways past the nurses desk.

"What the hell is going on?" One of the nurses yell.

You keep jogging, looking in each room for your father.

"I got it all under control!" You hear the man yell back as he runs after you.

"You better get Mr. Starks kid back to bed Mr. Barnes. Or you're screwed." The nurse screams down the hallway.

So the man's called Barnes?

You stop in front of a door that's closed. And you see your mentor, Natasha standing in front of a bed.

You try opening the door with your new arms but it won't budge. You punch a hole through the door and stick your face through.

"Let me see my father!" You scream at Natasha.

She looks at you with pity. "Get your face out of the door. Where's Bucky? He's supposed to watch you."

She walks to the door and opens it. You shove past her to stand next to the bed. "Dad..."

You look at the bed. And you see Tony hooked up to a ventilator. "D-Dad..." You cry.

The man abruptly stops at the door. "God, she's fast."

Natasha slaps the back of his head and they both walk out the room.

You stand at the foot of your father's bed.

"I-I couldn't save you..." You sob as you fall to your knees and grab his hands with your now cold, metal ones.

"I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough." You whisper to him.

A knock comes at the door. And a woman that you remember Tony loved very much walks in, Pepper.

"Ma'am." You stand at attention. Your arms at your side and legs straight.

"At ease." She whispers. You relax and stand at Tony's side again.

She stands at the foot of his bed.

"I'm letting him go, (Y/N)..." She speaks softly, obviously broken.

You snap your head up. "No! He could have a chance to live!"

She shakes her head. "I know he wouldn't want to be in pain if he woke up. He could have so many problems..." She spat at you. "I don't want to see him break even more trying to stay alive!"

You flinch. You didn't think about how much he could struggle to stay alive. You were being selfish. He was a father figure to you, and all you wanted was to not be alone anymore.

"Okay..." You whisper. You agreed to let him go. But it was really hard for you.

You hold his hand during the whole process. The nurse turns the ventilator off, and a flat heart beat rings in your ears. You let out a sob. Pepper squeezes her hand on your shoulder tightly.

She grabs his left hand and takes his ring off. She then takes her ring off and puts it on a silver chain. And puts it around her neck and walks out the door.

You sit in a chair next to his bed as he lays there lifeless. The door reopens and you tilt your head to the side a bit. You see the man from when you woke up.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" He asks as he reaches his left arm out to you.

You nod. And place your hands in his. He looks up at you with a sparkle in his eyes.

So he does have a metal arm...

"Help me." You whisper to him.

You try to grasp his hand but you can't. You have a pained expression on your face.

"I will. I will help you, (Y/N) Stark." He smiles softly at you as he clutches his left hand in your right one, as you both exit the quiet room.

"I will not leave you alone."

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