Sucker For You | Jonas Brothe...

By xoxolovemolly

127K 2.3K 1.3K

I grew up with Joe, Nick and Kevin. I've always been in love with Joe, but he has never seen me as more than... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Thank you!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Question to my readers
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Thank you
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Message from author
Chapter 42
A sequel?

Chapter 4

4.3K 67 137
By xoxolovemolly

The next morning I come downstairs to find Nick flipping pancakes in a frying pan, fully clothed thankfully. He smiles at me and waves at me with the spatula causing me to laugh.

I throw my long wavy auburn hair up in a messy ponytail as I make my way to the table and take a seat. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Nick gives me a questioning look before I jog over to the door. Looking through the peep hole I automatically know who it is.

I open the door and Joe immediately looks around me without saying anything. "Hi?" I say.

"Hey." He says, walking past me and into the kitchen. He stops when he sees Nick, who just smiles at him warmly.

"What's up bro?" He says.

"Did you spend the night?" Joe asks in monotone, taking a seat at the table.

I walk over and grab a plate for him, setting it in front of him.

"Yeah we were watching tv and both fell asleep, woke up in the middle of the night and just crashed here. Why?"

I swear I hear Joe let out a breath he was holding in and smiles, "Gotcha, I was just worried because you never came back." He says quickly. But I know him, and it seems like he assumed something else. But it's me and Nick. Does he really think something is going on between us, and if he did... why would he care?

"Aw, aren't you just a sweet older brother." Nick says, rubbing the top of Joes head. He swats at Nicks arm and tries to put his curls back into place.

I set a plate of finished pancakes in the middle of the table and take a seat beside Joe. Nicks brings a pitcher of orange juice over and sits across from me.

"What's on the agenda for today guys?" I ask.

Joe and I both stab our forks into the top pancake at the same time. He glares at me but I stick my tongue out at him, causing him to laugh and take his fork away. I smile and set the fluffy breakfast food onto my plate.

"I was thinking a day at the beach sounded good. Kevin and Danielle are going." Nick says.

"Oh yeah Kev told me about that. Jenny has to work a double so she can't make it. I wasn't sure if I should go or not." Joe says.

"You should, it will be fun." Nick says.

I stay quiet, smothering butter on my pancakes before pouring the fresh maple syrup over it. Nick doesn't put butter on his pancakes like some sort of psychopath.

"You should come Trin." Joe says.

I look up at him and then at Nick who smiles and nods in agreement. "Oh, I don't know..." I start. I haven't even worn a bathing suit in months.

"Come on, it will be fun! I know Danielle would love to spend time with you." Joe says.

Danielle has always been like an older sister to me. Some girl time does sound appealing...

Nick sticks his bottom lip out in a pout, "Pleaseeee." He says, dragging out the word.

"Okay, fine." I say and giggle.

"Sweet." Joe says.

We finish our pancakes and they help me clean up before heading back to their place. I'm supposed to meet them there in thirty minutes, so I throw on my red simple looking bikini and throw a pair of cut offs and a tee shirt of it.

I hop into my car and make my way over. I'm totally looking forward to a day with the guys, like it used to be. And of course I'm looking forward to being around Danielle too.

The four of them are waiting outside when I get there, hanging out around Kevin's mini van. Danielle is in her bikini with a see through dress over it. She's so gorgeous and has a killer body even after having kids. I can only hope I'll look like that at her age.

I park out of the way and hop out, grabbing my tote bag before shutting the door. I walk up to a smiling Danielle who puts her arms out, welcoming me with a hug.

"Hey girl!" She says, giving me a quick squeeze before pulling away.

"Hi!" I say.

I greet the boys before helping them finish loading up the van. They packed a cooler full of drinks and a bag of snack foods since we plan on staying there until sunset.

Kevin is driving and Danielle takes the front seat, as expected. Nick gets in first and then Joe taking the middle seat, making me have to sit beside him for the hour long car ride.

I get in and we have to squeeze together, our legs pressed together. I blush at the contact and look away, grabbing for my seatbelt. I buckle it and look straight ahead at the back of Danielle's seat.

I feel silly, not being able to control my feelings being this close to Joe. But I can't help it. Any time my skin meets his, I feel my whole body catch on fire. I've never felt that way with anybody else and it's only gotten stronger over the years. Maybe it's because I have longed for him to touch me for so long.

"What do you guys want to listen to? Kevin asks.

Nick yells out rock, of course and Joe and I both say pop at the same time. He looks at me with a small smile and nudges me in the arm with his elbow and I giggle.

Kevin puts on country just so he doesn't have to pick one of our genres. I keep my eyes out the window for almost all of the ride as the three boys catch up. Every sharp turn, Joes body presses more against me and I pretend it's not happening.

When we arrive, the van is barely coming to a stop as I jump out. I need to get away from him, and fast.

"Jeez someone is eager to get on the beach." He says as he gets out after me.

I laugh nervously, "Yeah totally."

I follow them and let them pick where we are gonna set up for the day. Surprisingly the beach isn't too busy which I'm thankful for.

I put my towel down beside Danielle and am hesitant to take off my clothes. I watch her take off her dress and Kevin checks her out, making me smile. They are so in love and so adorable. I have always envied their relationship.

I've had a few boyfriends, back in high school. They were just merely a distraction, and they never lasted more than a few months. None of them ever looked at me the way Kevin looks at her.

Joe and Nick both take off their shirts and head towards the water. Joe turns around and looks at me with an amused expression, "are you coming in or what?" He asks.

I nod and take a deep breath before slowly taking off my shirt and then my shorts to follow. I want to cover myself up with my hands but I don't, I already feel embarrassed enough on the inside. I don't need to make myself look anymore awkward.

I catch Joe looking at me and he looks away, rubbing the back of his neck. I walk up to them and the cool water splashes over my feet making me jump a little.

Nick laughs at me and steps further in. The waves aren't strong luckily, and I stand safely in water that goes up to my knees. I breath in the fresh air and look up at the sky, the sun making me squint.

When Kevin comes over to join, I feel bad that Danielle is alone so I leave them to join her. I lie down in my back, putting my sunglasses on but closing my eyes anyways.

"So how have you been Trin?" she asks.

"Not too bad." I tell her.

"I heard you and Nick have been spending some more time together lately."

I prop up on my elbows and look at her, but she's lying on her stomach, and though she's facing me her eyes are closed.

"Who said that?" I ask.

"Joe did." Why would Joe be talking about that?

"I mean it hasn't really been an abnormal amount."

"He was talking about how Nick spent the night at your house last night." She says and opens her eyes to look at me.

"It was late and we fell asleep. He's spent the night with me plenty of times, so has Joe." I say.

"I know, it's just you guys are all older now, and you and Nick are both single..." I wonder if my mother put her up to this? And why does Joe care enough to tell her about it?

I laugh, "Nick and I don't feel that way towards each other." I say. She has no idea my feelings for Joe. I guess really the only person who knows is Nick.

"Hmm." She says, closing her eyes again.

"What?" I ask.

"I wouldn't be so sure Nick doesn't feel that way."

My stomach does a flip. Have my suspicions about how he's been acting towards me lately true? Does he like me? Sure, I can feel a little bit of attraction towards him, but nothing compared to what I feel for his curly headed brother.

"I can see the way he looks at you." She says.

"Nicks just Nick, i've never really thought about him that way." Which is true. I think he's good looking, but I've never fantasized about what it would be like to be with him, and I don't feel a burning sensation from his touch like I do with Joe. I guess I've always been too distracted.

"Well maybe you should think about it?" She says with a smile. I just smile back and lie back down, thankful this conversation is over.

The boys join us a little while later, Nick sitting ok the end of my towel because he forgot one. Joe sits on his own beside me and we drink sodas and eat mini bags of chips.

The sun is still beating down and I pray I applied enough sun screen. I do not feel like looking like a lobster.

After we are done snacking, we all start throwing a football around. I have a pretty good spiral, since i've been playing ball with them for so many years. One of us goes to one side and throws it to the group and we all try to catch it. It was going so well, until Kevin tries to catch the ball in front of me, making it bounce off of his hands and hits me straight in the nose. Before i can even comprehend what is happening, Joe runs over with a horrified expression.

"What?" i ask, but then i know what he's looking at. I feel a liquid start running down my nose and to my neck, blood coming out of my nose like a stream.

"I'll get a towel!" Danielle yells and runs over to our stuff. I cover my nose with my hand, the blood starting to pool in my hands.

"Keep your eyes closed. Don't look." Joe says, resting his hand on my bare back and placing his hand over mine that's on my face. Even with the amount of pain and panic, his hand on my back is all i can think about.

"What's going on?" Nick asks, confused at Joe's coaching.

"The sight of blood makes her pass out, remember?" he says, clearly annoyed.

"I forgot." He mutters.

I take deep slow breaths and exhale, focusing on Joe's touch instead of the blood. I know if i see it that's it. I can barely keep my composure just feeling it drip onto my skin.

Danielle approaches and Joe removes his hand, replacing it with the towel she brought. "There's a bathroom just over there." Danielle says and i can feel Joe gently guiding me to it.

It's just him and I as we enter the empty one toilet room. He shuts the door behind us and i can hear him lock it, that way no one tries to come in. God i hope no one else saws this; how embarrassing.

"How are you doing?" Joe asks softly. His fingertips brush my shoulder as he moves my hair out of the way.

"I think i'm okay." I say.

"Just don't look yet. There's a lot of blood, but it's starting to slow down. I'll clean you up." My heart swells at how he's taking care of me, and that he remembered my fear of blood.

I keep my breathing slow and steady, trying to ignore the stench of blood. I hear the sink turn on and i jump a little at the contact of the cold wet cloth he puts gently on my face. This goes on for a few minutes before he tells me i can open my eyes.

I look in the mirror and there's no blood, well except for the stain on my bikini top but i can manage. My nose is already turning black and blue and my eyes are slightly puffy underneath.

"Your nose could be broken, you should probably get it checked out." He says as he finishes cleaning up the sink.

I bring my hands up to my aching nose and touch it slightly, causing a sharp pain. I yelp and he grabs my arm, "Don't touch it you weirdo." he says with a laugh.

"Sorry." I say and he lets go of me.

"It's going to hurt for a while." He says.

"I can't believe that happened. How embarrassing? It's like i'm on an episode of the Brady Bunch."

He throws his head back and laughs uncontrollably at my words and i can't help but laugh too, even though it makes my face hurt more.

A knock on the door interrupts our giggling fit. "Everything okay in there?" Nick's voice sounds though.

Joe walks over and unlocks it, opening it for him. Nick looks at me with sad eyes, "You okay?"

I nod, "The bleeding stopped at least."

"Do you want to go to the ER, or home or something?" Joe asks.

"I'll wait and maybe go to the doctor tomorrow if it doesn't feel any better. But i think i should go home and ice it. But i don't want everyone to have to leave, there's still plenty of day light left."

"I can use Kevs car and bring you home and then come back." Nick says.

"Or i can do it." Joe says, eyeing Nick and then me. They both look at me and i'm suddenly feeling nervous. Who am i supposed to pick? Danielle's words about Nick having feelings for me flows through my mind.

"I... Uh, it doesn't matter." I say, not in the mood to pick.

"I'll do it." Nick says and glares at Joe. Joe nods and smiles at me, "If you need anything tonight just call me okay?" and i nod before he leaves the bathroom.

I can feel Nick's eyes on me so i turn to him. He has that same sad expression, and before i can ask what's up, he speaks. "I'm sorry i forgot about what blood does to you. I feel bad that i couldn't help you."

I shake my head, "It's fine Nick, it's not a big deal."

"It is." he says lowly. I don't push it any further as he walks out, causing me to follow along.

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