Once In A Lifetime • Link Neal

By Edemuffin

35K 1K 159

The course of true love never did run smooth... His marriage was falling apart around him, despite his desire... More

thirty - nine


832 29 0
By Edemuffin

He didn't remember turning his alarm clock off that morning, and didn't bother to wake when the sun pooled into the office to coat his vision in red, instead opting to roll over on the small sofa and nestle into the cushions, his jacket tucked underneath his head in a makeshift pillow. He even slept through the bustle of the mythical crew arriving that morning, and two missed calls from Lucy. It was only when the office door opened did he finally open his eyes. The sound of Rhett's voice effectively waking the man from his troubled sleep.

"Uh, Link?" Rhett stopped for a brief second, grasping the handle as he stood in the doorway somewhat shocked. Link let out a groan, finally pushing himself up into a sitting position. His hair was wild, sticking out in all ways as he rubbed his tired eyes with his palms.

"Hey, Rhett." He mumbled, his voice deep and gravely with sleep. Rhett's expression softened, as he moved to close the office door quietly. Making his way toward his desk, he dropped off his backpack and turned, leaning back against the surface with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I think you need some coffee, brother." Rhett announced. Link glanced upwards to meet the mans gaze, knowing full well the double meaning of his words. It's time to talk.

He tucked one leg up underneath him, not even bothering to put his shoes on as Rhett walked in with two mugs. He had managed to fix his hair, somewhat. His glasses in hand as he tried to clean them off on the fabric of his T-shirt.

"Here." Rhett gestured toward him with the cup, and Link was quick to put his glasses on and take the mug, a small, appreciative smile gracing his features. Rhett stood there a moment longer, his gaze stoic as he scanned Link's face, watching him take the first sip before settling into a comfortable position.

"I know you're wonderin' what's goin' on, but you don't need to watch me like a hawk." Link commented, and Rhett rolled his eyes.

"You slept in the office last night, man. I'm not just wonderin' what's going on, I'm wonderin' if you're okay." Rhett countered, before finally taking the seat next to Link. There was a moments silence between the two of them, Link working out how to explain his situation, Rhett waiting patiently for him to be ready.

"Christy's been cheatin' on me." He said, his voice surprisingly calm. Rhett inhaled deeply through his nose, uncertain of the words he should use. He wouldn't go so far as to say he wasn't surprised, but he had a feeling.

"How long?" Rhett asked, softly. Link was silent again, his intense gaze trained on the coffee in his mug, lips pursed as he fought the instinctual burning of tears in his eyes.

"Since the tour started. Say's I haven't been 'round enough. I focus on work more than her and the kids." Link explained, his gaze unwavering as he stared on wards. Rhett furrowed his brows, his initial reaction is anger, but that wouldn't help right now. He was curious about Link's attitude on the situation, though. He's known the man for 35 years, enough to know that Link has some anger issues of his own, and it was a little off putting to see the man so incredibly calm about the ordeal.

"You okay, man?" Rhett asked. Link blinked, his gaze torn away from his coffee to look up at Rhett. He looked surprised at the question, as in, why would Rhett even ask that? Of course he wasn't okay. But then again, he wasn't really thinking about Christy. He was thinking about someone else, and Link wondered if he should tell Rhett about that.

"I don't know man...I...I've got a lot on my mind right now. Between Christy and the kids, work, and-" He stopped talking before he said her name, rethinking his words for a split second, "I just don't know where to start."

Rhett gave him a curious look, his eyes narrowed slightly as Link moved to take another sip of his coffee. Rhett did so as well, before speaking up.

"Have you tried workin' anything out, yet?" Link shook his head,

"No. I left after...I came here, haven't talked to anyone till now."

"You goin' back home tonight?" Rhett asked. Link shrugged,

"Dunno. Maybe, maybe not." The taller man nodded his head in understanding,

"If you need more time, then you can stay with me. Till you figure everythin' out." Rhett offered. Link managed a small, appreciative smile in response. Underneath it all, Link was aching to tell Rhett about Lucy, to relieve the incredible weight that pressed on his shoulders, but he thought better against it.

"Where'd that come from?" Rhett asked, gesturing toward the painting Lucy had dropped of the last night. It was still propped up next to his desk, the portrait side facing outwards with a splash of watercolor.

"Oh, I uh...I found it outside the office, brought it in so no one would take it." Link replied. Rhett quirked a brow at the man, before pushing himself up to stand. Setting the cup down on one of the desks, he plucked the canvas off the ground and held it before him, admiring the work.

"You have no idea who made this, huh?" Rhett asked, peeking at the man from behind the piece. Link shifted in his seat, before running a hand through his hair.


"You are such a bad liar, Bo." Rhett stated, flipping the piece around to face Link, who was a little struck with his words. "Signature, man." He pointed at the bottom right corner, Lucy Rhode's clearly visible in black ink against the white canvas. Link frowned, but Rhett spoke up before he could get a word in,

"What I'm wonderin', is why you'd lie about it."


She let out a huff of breath as she finally reached the back door to the studio, her eyes drawn toward Link's black SUV parked in it's usual spot. A frown pulled on her lips, her fingers running through her damp hair as she pressed the code for the door.

It was very unlike Link to completely forget about picking her up, even more unlike him to miss numerous phone calls, and she was slightly worried. The sight of his car made her feel a little better, but that didn't stop the annoyance that tinged in her chest at the thought of him forgetting. She quickly stepped inside, running her fingers through her hair as she made her way toward the office floor, greeting a few people here and there. 

"Yeah, it's so weird for him to be here before anyone else." Lucy quirked up at the conversation unfolding behind her, curiosity getting the best of her as Ellie and Lizzie's voices chattered behind her. 

"I came into work this morning, and you know, I'm usually one of the first one's here, and Link was already parked and inside. I didn't even see him, he's been holed up in his office all morning." Ellie said. Lucy let out a soft sigh, her eyes closing as she realized he slept at the office last night, he never went home to confront Christy, and he most definitely slept in. 

"I hope he's not in one of his moods. We've got an episode to shoot today." Lizzie replied. Lucy set up her belongings at her desk, before turning on a heel and heading toward the kitchen. 

"Good morning, Lucy!" Ellie stopped mid sentence to greet her, and she smiled in response. 

"Morning, guys." 

Lizzie watched as she disappeared around the corner, before giving Ellie a confused look. 

"Doesn't Link usually carpool with her, or something?" 

She let out a soft sigh as she plucked the cup of coffee out from underneath the Keureg maker, leaning back against the counter with both hands on the mug. She wished she could go talk to Link, check up on the man and see how he's holding up. It wasn't the best idea, considering he was supposed to be working out how to fix himself, and she knew she was a major distraction for him. But she cared, nonetheless. 


Rhett crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for Link to speak up. He was visibly uncomfortable, one knee bobbing uncontrollably as his blue gaze avoided Rhett altogether. 

"I wasn't sure if I should tell you." Link said. After another pause, he let out a sigh and dropped his head into his hands, 

"Christy isn't the only one who cheated." Rhett's eyes widened at the mans words. He definitely wasn't expecting that, of all things.

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