Snipers Of Chicago Season 2 (...

By RonnaSweeney51317

74.7K 1.4K 543

Make sure to read Snipers Of Chicago Season 1 before this one. You can find Shaylynn & Jay over on Instagram... More

Coming Very Soon...
Chapter 1 "Look At Me"
Chapter 2 "Take Out the BAD To Protect The INNOCENT"
Chapter 3 "Not A Chance"
Chapter 4 "That's My Job"
Chapter 5 "Back In Chicago"
Your Invitation
Chapter 6 " How Big Is It"
Chapter 7 "Dunkin Donuts vs Krispy Kreme"
Chapter 8 "Stay Calm"
Chapter 10 "I've Got This"
Chapter 11 "New Toy"
Chapter 12 "Face The Wrath"
Chapter 13 "Crushed"
Chapter 14 "You Need An Assassin"
Chapter 15 "Spidey Sense Is Tingling"
Chapter 16 "You're Messy"
Chapter 17 "What Are You Up To"
Chapter 18 "You're Amazing At What You Do"
Chapter 19 "Home Invasion"
Chapter 20 "Puppet Master"
Chapter 21 "Be Careful With That One"
Chapter 22 "I Almost Lost You"
Chapter 23 "Very Impressive"
Chapter 24 "Bye, Beth"
Chapter 24 1/2 "What Happens Now"
Chapter 25 "Deeply In Love"
Chapter 26 "Always Thinking About You"
Chapter 27 "One Lucky Son Of A B*tch"
Chapter 28 "I'm Not James Bond"
Chapter 29 "I Need Your Help"
Chapter 30 "Double Homicide"
Chapter 31 "Not Messing Around"
Chapter 32 "The Satisfaction"
Chapter 33 "Riverwalk"
Chapter 34 "Ouch! That's Abuse!"
Chapter 35 "Hasn't Been Anyone After You"
Chapter 36 "Not A Chance"
To Be Continued......

Chapter 9 "You Can't Do This"

1.9K 51 14
By RonnaSweeney51317

~~~~A friend and fellow Author told me to use my anger and sadness of losing my furbaby to write, so that's what I did.~~~~

The next morning, Halstead wakes up with his head pounding.
Looking around the room he has no clue where he is.
He looks behind him to see someone's in bed with him.

'Shit' he mouths as he starts to sit up gently so not to wake the other person.
As he sits up on the side of the bed, his head starts to really pound and he feels a hand on his neck.
He looks back to see Jenny staring at him.

"I had a wonderful night!" she tells him.
Halstead stands up and puts on his pants, "I have to be going or I'll be late for work," he tells her slipping his boots on as he puts on his shirt.
Looking over at a chair, he sees his coat.
He walks over, grabs it, and puts it on. Feeling inside he doesn't feel his phone, "When can I see you again?" Jenny asks him.
"I'll be in touch," Halstead tells her as he quickly walks out of the bedroom and her apartment.

Stepping out into the sunlight, Halstead squints his eyes as his head pounds even more.
Seeing a corner store across the street, he walks over.
"May I use your phone," Halstead asks the clerk after walking in.
The older gentleman hands his phone over to him.
"Will, I need your help!" Halstead tells his brother.

Fifteen minutes later, Halstead's getting into his brother's car.
"What the hell happened to you?!" Will yells at him.
"Would you turn it down!" Halstead tells him grabbing his head.
Will starts laughing, "If you think I'm loud you should have heard Shaylynn last night. I don't know what the fuck you did but she got ahold of your old landlord and got your place back. She had ALL of your stuff moved there. What the hell did you do?" Will asks
"This is going to sound strange but everything I did last night I can remember but couldn't control my actions," Halstead tells Will, "What was happening to me is like being a passenger in a car. You watch what's going on around you but you're not the one in control," Halstead gets a frightened look on his face, "Will, go to Med!"
"Why?" Will asks him.
"Just go to Med!" Halstead pleads with him.


Sitting in a treatment room, Dr. Choi finishes drawing Halsteads blood.
"How long will it be before the results are in?" Halstead asks him.
"Well, you want everything ran so it will take at least a week. I'll get you started on the medicine for HIV right now," Dr. Choi tells him, "Just go home and relax. I'll call you when I hear anything."
Dr. Choi walks out, Halstead looks at his brother, "If I could only go home."
They walk out of Med and get into Will's car, "Can I use your phone?" Halstead asks him.
Will hands Halstead his phone.
"Ruzek," he hears.
"Adam, tell Hank I won't be in today," Halstead tells him.
"Man, what happened last night? Shaylynn was like the devil walking the Earth she was so pissed!" Ruzek asks him.
"I don't want to talk right now. Just make sure you tell Hank!" Halstead says hanging up.
Will takes Halstead to the cell phone store so he can get a new phone, then takes him to his old apartment.
"Thanks, Will!" Halstead says getting out depressed.
Walking into the building, he knocks on the landlord's door.
Opening it, the landlord looks at Halstead then hands him the key to his place.
After walking up the stairs, Halstead unlocks the door and opens it. He sees that it still has the same furniture from when he use to stay here along with his possessions with his clothes laying on the bed.

Eight hours have passed.
Halstead is sitting on the couch when there's a knock at the door
He walks over and answers it.
When Halstead sees who it is, he knows the ass chewing is coming. 

"Are you seriously looking for drugs right now?" Halstead asks.
"Yeah, Drugs, alcohol," Hank tells him. 

"Or something that might explain what the hell just happened," Hank says.

"Stop you right there. I don't do drugs. I never have," Halstead tells him. 

"You have my word on that," Halstead says.
"Your word doesn't mean too much, does it?" Hank questions him. 

"You put this whole unit at risk," Hank says. 

"And you dug a hell of a hole with Shaylynn," Hank tells Halstead. 

"She's pretty pissed off. If you can dig yourself out of this hole it will be a miracle," Hank tells him.
"I need to talk to her," Halstead says, "I need to see her and Jacquelyn!"
"The best thing for you to do right now is don't try to call her or go to the house to see her. You better let her cool down, that's if she does," Hank says.
"What happened I couldn't control," Halstead tells Hank, "I would never do something like that! Why would I when I have Shaylynn? And why would I do something like that there when I knew Shaylynn was around?"
"Son, I don't know what to tell you other than I hope you two can work things out. For the both of you and for Jacquelyn," Hank says putting his hand on Halstead's shoulder.


The next morning, Halstead's standing in the SWAT parking lot.
Brian Luce the SWAT Commander pulls in and sees him.
Getting out of his car, he starts walking past Halstead, "Jay, if I was you I would just go to work," Brian tells him.
"Luce, I have to talk to her," Halstead tells Brian as he walks by.
Brian stops and turns around, "Hank told me what happened because he wanted me to be ready for the shit storm that's going to rain down on us because of what you did!"
Brian turns around and walks off.
Halstead gets into his truck, pulls out of the parking lot, and drives to work.
Hours later a call comes in for SWAT for a hostage situation.


Pulling up in front of the building, Brian gets out of the SWAT truck making his way over to Hank.
"What do we have?" Brian asks.
"Two have been taken hostage," Hank tells him.
"Do you know how many gunmen?" Brian asks.
"At least two," Hank tells him.
Brian nods, he then walks back over to the truck looking at a SWAT member, "Let's go!" he says.

Inside the gunmen are getting antsy.
"You guys can turn yourselves in," Burgess tells them.
"Shut up, Bitch!" one of the guys tells her, "Or I'll put a bullet in your head!" he says pushing his gun into the back of her head.
"I've had enough of this!" the other guy says, "Let's take them and use them as human shields so we can get out of here!"
Both guys pull them up and start walking for the door when the SWAT members appear.
The guys wrap an arm around each hostages neck and push their guns into their temples.
"Let them go!" Brian shouts at them.
"Fuck you!" one of the guys say, "We ain't stupid! As soon as we let go, you going to shoot us! I'll take out these two Cops with me first!"
"Do it," Brian tells the other member.
Within two seconds, two pops are heard and the gunmen are on the floor. A bullet hole in each of their heads.
Halstead only knows one person who can do that.
"Only two gunmen?" Brian asks Halstead.
"Yeah, just those two," Halstead says.
"All clear," Brian radios out as he and the other SWAT member start walking back out.
Hurrying out after Brian and the other SWAT member, Halstead grabs the other members arm.
"I need to talk to you," he says.
Tearing off her helmet and mask, Shaylynn turns around quickly to look at him, "I don't have anything to say to you!" she tells him, "Just leave me alone!" she says and starts walking away.
"Come on Shaylynn we need to talk!" he says catching up to her again grabbing her arm.
"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" Shaylynn yells at him getting the attention of the other SWAT members who start walking over.
"Hey, come on gentlemen, I need to talk to my wife!" Halstead tells them.
"Pretty sure she said to leave her alone!" AK tells him.
Halstead looks at him and the others who all have the same look in their eyes.
"I'll have to talk to her at some point in time," Halstead tells AK.
"That might be but it won't be now," AK says.
Halstead turns around and walks away.
The SWAT guys walk to the back of the truck where Shaylynn is, she hurries and wipes her eyes.
"No matter what we always have your back," AK tells her.
Shaylynn gives him a half smile, "Thanks," she tells AK and the rest.
She moves out of the way so they can put their stuff away.
Walking away from the truck she looks and sees Halstead getting into the passenger side of his truck as Upton gets into the driver's seat.
Upton pulls away as Halstead looks out the window staring at Shaylynn.


A week has gone by and Halstead finally receives the call he's been waiting on.
Arriving at Med, Dr. Choi takes Halstead into the doctor's lounge, "Most of what was ran came back negative," Dr. Choi says, Halstead breathing a sigh of relief, "The HIV test takes at least four weeks. So I'll call you when that test result comes in along with one more."
"Thanks," Halstead tells him.
They shake hands and walk out of the doctor's lounge.

Later that night, Halstead and Upton are meeting a guy at a club who has information about Jenny.
After ten minutes they walk out of the club and down the street.
"We haven't talked about what happened that night," Upton says to Halstead.
"I don't want to talk about it!" Halstead tells her.
"We're going to talk about this now!" Upton says.

Halstead proceeds to tell her his side of what happened.


Another week goes by.
Dr. Choi has been trying to get ahold of Halstead but can't reach him.
He looks toward the ED doors and sees Shaylynn walk in, he walks up to her, "Can I talk to you for a minute?" he asks her.
Shaylynn nods and follows Dr. Choi into the doctor's lounge.
"What is it?" she asks him.
"It's about Jay's test results," Dr. Choi tells her not knowing what's happened between her and Halstead.
Shaylynn plays it cool, "What about them?" she asks.
"The HIV test is still out but one came back disturbing," Dr. Choi tells her.
"How so?" Shaylynn asks.
"The lab technicians weren't sure what they were finding so they called other hospitals in New York and L.A. They sent samples to each hospital and they all came back with the same results," Dr. Choi tells her.


Across town, Halstead and Upton are across the street in what used to be a shoe factory doing surveillance.
The guy at the club they went to see a week ago said the building across the street is where Jenny manufactures her drugs.
Not being able to just take his word for it, they have to get solid evidence.
While looking out the windows, they see a black Charger pull up with Shaylynn getting out quickly and storming into the building.
Halstead puts one side of the headphones over his left ear.

As Upton watches for anyone to come out, Halstead puts the listening device on the window.

Halstead and Upton both look at each other knowing what Shaylynn's capable of doing.

That's when they hear gunshots.
Dropping everything, they hurry out of the shoe factory and over to the building across the street.

Storming in, they find a few bodies the further they walk in.
Then they hear noises of what sounds like smacking.
Hurrying in the way the sounds coming from, they find Shaylynn beating the shit out of Jenny.
Upton runs over to Shaylynn and tries to pull her off, "Shaylynn, you're going to kill her!"
"That's my plan!" Shaylynn tells Upton pushing her off.
Halstead comes over, grabs Shaylynn, and pulls her off, "Let go of me!" she yells at him getting out of his grip.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Halstead asks her as Upton checks on Jenny.
"She fucking drugged you!" Shaylynn tells him, "That's what she's manufacturing here, a date rape drug called Sexcinsin. The person who ingests the drug is basically a Zombie afterward who can be controlled by the other person. Unlike other date rape drugs where the person passes out, the person who ingests this remembers everything and is wide awake but can't control their actions. That way people that are around can see that the person's awake and consenting but they're not."
Jenny starts laughing making Shaylynn quickly pull out her gun and storms over to her, putting it against Jenny's forehead. Shaylynn's actions catching Halstead and Upton off guard.
Halstead rushes over to her, "Shaylynn, you can't be doing this!" he tells her.
"You can't do this! I can!" she tells him as she looks at him, he sees her eyes are dark.
"We'll take care of her!" Halstead tells her, "She won't be seeing the outside of a prison for a very long time."
The look on Shaylynn's face becomes grimmer as she pushes her gun harder into Jenny's forehead.
Halstead can see Shaylynn's about to lose it, "Shaylynn, don't!" he tells her.
Jenny's eyes get huge, "CLICK!" Shaylynn says scaring Jenny and making her pee herself.
"Not so badass are you?!" Shaylynn says to Jenny as Uniform Officers come storming in.
Halstead pulls Shaylynn off to the side as a few Officers take care of Jenny and Paramedics come in for the bodies.
"How did you find out about the drug?" Halstead asks her.
"I went to Med to see a friend who had surgery. Dr. Choi saw me and asked if he could talk to me and proceeded to tell me about a test result that came back disturbing," she tells him.
"So you went looking for Jenny?" Halstead asks her.
Shaylynn nods, "How did you find out where she was so quickly?" Halstead asks her.
"I have my ways," she tells him seeing the look on his face change.
"Shaylynn, I'm so sorry this happened! You should know I would never cheat on you," Halstead tells her, "I love you! Why on Earth would I want anyone else when I have you?"
Shaylynn smiles at him.
Halstead puts his hands out to her, she puts her hands on his palms. Closing his fingers around her hands, he pulls her to him and hugs her.
Upton looks over and smiles.
"Come back home," Shaylynn says into his ear.
Halstead gets a huge smile on his face and hugs her tighter.

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