Alpha and A81C7 ~COMPLETE~

By jmL936

25K 599 116

Nathan has been waiting for his mate for three years. He gave up on finding his perfect match after he turned... More

The Escape
Gaining Information is Hard
Shopping Is Horrible
A Place to Live
A Good Day
Something's Wrong
She's Close
Being Followed
Interviews Are Complex
Talking With Him
Was That A Threat?
A Planned Kidnapping
Plans Change
Get Them Back!
Goodbye Prison
The Guard
All Together
You Cannot Contain Me
How Long Was I Out?
Where Are We Going To Stay?
Escaping, Again
A Home
Work is Boring
Another Cell
Mor, We Got Kidnapped Again
My Mate
Could We Stay Here?
Getting Settled
Having Fun
A Job
Another Day
A Day Off
My Only Love
Here Again?
You Cannot Fool Someone Thrice
This Time Is Different
Sleep Can Be Awful
A Mother's Love
Be More Careful!
Not Again, Never Again
How... ?
Getting Settled
Till Death
She is Back? Now?

A New Look

874 22 2
By jmL936

*A81C7's POV*

I walk down the street and into a clothing shop. It looks fairly nice, I'll just buy two outfits and be on my way. I don't want to waste currency. Money. Money. That is the word for it, dollars, coins, they're money. Gaining information can be useful, I won't sound too out of place if I gain the correct information. I have quite a bit of currency it seems, which means the scientists must've gotten paid well.

When I walk in, the door chimes and a female greets me.

"Hello, welcome, how may I help you today?" She inquiries.

I never had help offered to me before, at the lab. I need to remember that this isn't like the lab. It's the outside world. It's not the same, everything isn't a test or trick.

"I am just searching around, thank you miss" I decide to reply. I hope that was adequate.

"Alright, let me know if you need anything ma'am" she responded.

"Certainly, I will" I say.

Now to look around... I see some shirts, different pants, and some other type of clothing. I do not know what it is called, it looks like a long shirt. I will just grab a few of everything to try on, make sure I make a good choice of outfit, though most anything must be better than my current clothing.

I was provided with a gray t-shirt and gray loose pants for everyday wear at New Age Labs. I never liked them. They are scratchy and weird. The underwear however were always nice. One of the only luxuries I had.

I walk back to see if there is an area where I may put these clothes on and see the visual effect on my body. I have a feeling as if it is not appropriate to do this where other people can see, unlike at the labs where they gave no regard to me. They viewed me as a simple, worthless object to toy with.

"Miss, is there an area where I may test these clothes?" I question her. I still do not know her name, and she is not wearing a name tag. She seems to be around my age, with beautiful brown and black hair that has a deep dark purple shine to it, which compliments her exotic dark blue eyes very well. She seems to be near my age, judging by the way she looks. Also judging by the way she is looking at me now, with her quizzical expression, I have stated my question in an unusual way. I should learn more about the way of people speaking and choosing words.

"Of course. A changing area is in the back to your left, the corridor has three changing areas" she tells me.

"Thank you" I say.

In the back, I go into a room and remove my old clothes. The first thing I try on is a red shirt, but it is too small. I continue trying on clothing. I try on a light purple dress, but it seems to go low, exposing my breasts, and I do not want to look like that.

I end up liking a blue long sleeve shirt and a maroon mid length sleeved shirt, with some black pants... Leggings, they are apparently leggings, and some dark blue 'jeans'. I also decide to buy a sweater with a head cover and no zipper. I do not know what it is called, but it is not as cold as a shirt and not as warm as my stolen jacket from one of the doctor's cars. It seems like it will be good until it gets colder, which apparently happens soon, and the stolen jacket is better.

I go up to pay, hand the girl my money, and wait.

"Okay, you're all set girlie" she says casually, but it feels odd. I have never been called girlie before.

"Okay" I say and go to where there is a bathroom. Inside I relieve myself, as well as put on the long sleeve, new jacket, and black leggings. My shoes from New Age are fine, just plain black sneaker shoes. I used to do running tests in them, so they seemed the best to wear while running away from there.

When I exit the bathroom, I see the female looking at me again. She seems... Worried, or maybe confused?

"I'm Morgan, but you can call me Mor. I prefer it" she says, smiling a bit.

"Okay...?" I say. I do not know what to say next. This is my first real conversation with a person not from the lab.

"We could hang out sometime. You seem cool" she states, smiling more.

Hang out... She wants to spend time with me. With me? "Sure, I would enjoy that Mor" I tell her. I feel a smile of my own tugging at my lips.

"What's your phone number?"

"I, uhm, I do not have one of those" I say, getting nervous. It seems as if that is something most people have, yet I do not.

"You don't have a phone? Alright, what's your address, I could come over sometime." She says to me.

I just look at the floor, upset and embarrassed. I do not have an address either. I do not have anything but my backpack, water, a bar of granola, and the sets of clothes I have just purchased.

"I, um, I, It's just, I don't have that either..." I say quietly.

"Whaddya mean girlie! Are you not 19 or 20? Where're ya stayin' then?" She quickly questions.

"Not anywhere yet. I'm 19. I have to find somewhere, I could just come here another time, Mor" I say, embarrassed and disappointed with myself. I don't have anything. I need to get stuff together.

"Nonsense! You mean you ain't got a home? You ain't got a place?! Girl lemme help you out, I got you."

"How?" I wonder.

"Well, I got my own place, just me myself and I, and happen to have an extra room about the place you can take up for as long as you need!" she exclaims, and I feel honored. She's giving something, willingly, to me.

"If you are completely okay with that..." I tentatively accept.

"I wouldn'ta offered it to ya if it was any bother at all, my shift ends in a hour, stick around and I'll show you around. Yous a good person girlie, I can see it in ya, and yer only a year younger than me. We could be great friends" She seems like a good person too. Someone I could lean on for a bit, learn from.

"Okay Mor, I will be right over there for an hour" I explain, then turn to go sit and wait for Mor, my new friend.

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