The Baddest of Them All

By Unknown191839

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He gripped her chin, forcing her eyes to meet his," Look at you, the notorious Constance Euphrates, on her kn... More

Constance Euphrates
Cole Black
Alan Martinez
Lilith Rogers
" I wont hesitate "
" You're not mine , but he's not taking you away ."
" Last time I checked , Im the leader ."
" I can't . It's too much ."
" I miss this ."
" She's our sister ."
" She makes me feel weak ."
" You are the definition of perfection."
" The Devil ."
" You can have whatever you want whenever you want ."
" I never dreamed I'd need somebody like you ."
" I'll do everything in my power to keep you from seeing me suffer ."
Last Kiss
Not So Unexpected Surprise
Low Profile
Pinky Promises
Absolutely Insane
The Serpents and The Northeners
An Act
That Night
" Im So Sorry"
" They were my world "
" Hi."
"It's time."
It's Time pt.2
" Don't Fuck With Me."
Life Of The Party pt.1
Life Of The Party pt.2
Project X Shít
Project X Shít pt.2
Love Struck Idiot
"I'm feeling spontaneous."
Chocolate Donuts

The Italian Devil

915 20 10
By Unknown191839

Constance's POV *

Asher sighed and walked off.

Great . Now Dante is here and Asher is working for him .

Great . Just what I needed .


I waited patiently for the footsteps to fade .

Once they did , I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands .

" Was that who I think it was ?" Maddox asked quietly.

" Yup." I replied.

" What are you going to do ? He's basically spying on you." Maddox asked.

" I'm not going to do anything until I find out what he wants . More specifically, what he wants to know about me ." I answered.

Maddox stayed quiet.

I began making my way down the hall , towards where Dante and Asher were a minute ago .

I looked left and right , making sure they were no where in sight.

I groaned, How the fuck am I gonna tell Michael this ? He's supposed to know , he's my second in command. Oh god , how am I gonna tell peter and Justin? And Caiden ! I'm so screwed .

" I'm so screwed." I mumbled out loud , on accident.

" I agree ." Maddox mumbled beside me.

I shot him a glare , " You're not helping."

" Sorry." He said , a nervous smile taking over his lips , which were still a dark pink, which was very distracting.

I sighed and took out my phone , checking the time . It was barely 10:45 a.m. lunch doesn't start until 12 . I'll most likely see Dante there . The golden boys will mostly likely sit with us , excluding Ryan . I know for a fact he's not gonna want to see me face at the moment. I need Michael to sit with us just incase something happens. The rest of the golden boys follow Michael and Ryan like puppies so , they won't follow Ryan because Ryan might be getting laid in order to forget about me , if what Maddox said was true , he'd be doing just that.

" Constance ." Maddox shook me , He was now standing in front of me.

" Sorry . I got lost in thought ." I said , blinking a few times to bring myself back.

" What are you thinking about ?" He asked, his eyes darting everywhere on my face .

I shook my head , " Gang shit." It wasn't fully a lie.

I just got lost in thought about what I'm gonna do . With Michael specifically. He's gonna be so mad. And if I don't tell him , he's gonna find out anyway . There's no point in hiding it . If Dante is gonna enroll here to spy on me, Michael is gong to see him.

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Maddox giving me a worried look.

" Sorry ." I mumbled.

Maddox nodded and took my hand , he started dragging me away to god knows where .

" Uhh... where are you taking me?" I asked.

" To smoke a blunt . You need it." He answered.

I stopped , " I can't get high right now . There's a mafia leader on my ass , trying to find out shit about me. I can't be high ." I said.

Maddox sighed , " Goody two shoes." He mumbled.

I tilted my head at him , " One day , Maddox , I'll fuck you up with some real drugs."

A playful smirk formed on his lips, " I'll look forward to it ."

I smirked , " Well, I had a very good time . But I have to cut it short ."

Maddox hummed and walked closer towards me, " Hope it lasted longer , but since you're leaving so soon , the least you can give me is a kiss."

I hummed , " Just a kiss ? How does a peak sound ?"

He shook his head , " I think I need more than that." He said , placing his hands on my hips , pulling me closer.

" I think I'll give you a peak ." I smiled , placing my arms loosely around his neck.

He pouted , " Awwe. Too bad. I thought you'd be generous and give me a little more." He said , leaning down .

I hummed and leaned up , connecting our lips once again . He pulled me closer , our chests pressed together, his arms wrapped around my waist. I pulled away after a few seconds.

" That's all you get Mr. Carter ." I smirked .

Maddox pouted and groaned . I laughed and leaned up again , quickly kissing his pout.

" Give me another one." He groaned, pulling me closer.


I smiled and pulled him down , kissing him again. Maddox smiled into the kiss . He let go of my waist and placed his hands on my face, one of them sliding behind my head and gripped my hair. He swiped my bottom lip with his tongue , asking for entrance. I gladly gave him it. A low groan came from deep in his throat when our tongues touched. I smiled . That sound was music to my ears.

Maddox bit down on my lip and pulled. I felt him looking at me so I opened my eyes and sure enough, he was looking at me , watching my reaction. He let go but , I took his bottom lip instead and bit it , sucking it after , listening as another groan escaped his throat. He leaned back in and reconnected our lips, passion and hunger pouring into it. His hands returned to my waist . I felt him lift up my shirt a bit , then I felt his fingers slide up my side and over to my back where he pressed his hand against my lower back, pushing me impossibly closer to him. His fingers started to travel again but they returned to my stomach again, then they began to slide up slowly, causing me to get goosebumps. His fingers stopped at the wire from my bra . He traced the skin at the bottom of the wire slowly and lightly. He took my bottom lip again and bit down hard , causing a small moan to leave my mouth .

" That sound ." Maddox said , his voice rough and dripping with lust.

" I want to hear it again ." He whispered, his voice now directly in my ear , his breath on my neck and shoulder. He started to trail kisses from my shoulder up to my neck, making me close my eyes . His lips were magic.

He suddenly picked me up and started walking somewhere. I didn't open my eyes because his mouth was leaving me in a daze. He pushed open a door and that's when I opened my eyes . We were now in an empty classroom. Maddox sat me on a desk as he placed himself in between my legs . His hands slid up my thighs as he continued to kiss and suck on my neck, definitely leaving hickeys . His bulge right on my sex, making me shiver. Memories flashed in my mind , how big he was. I bit my lip at the memory. Maddox grabbed my chin and tilted it up to reconnect our lips . Once his tongue was sliding in my mouth , I sucked on it, causing Maddox to moan. I smirked and pulled away .

Maddox groaned , clearly unhappy that I pulled away. Right then , a question popped into my head.

" Maddox ?" I smiled up at him, while he pouted.

He groaned in response, his lips making their way back to my neck.

" Have you ever been given a blow job?" I asked , sounding extremely breathless.

Maddox immediately pulled away. His eyes filled to the brim with lust and wonder. He shook his head after a few seconds . I smirked. I wasn't planning to give him head but , it could be arranged in the future.

I pulled him back down and connected our lips again. He groaned when I bit on his lip, wanting to deepen the kiss, he gave in. As our tongues fought for dominance, his hands returned into the inside of my shirt . A small moan escaped from my mouth when he cupped my breast. He growled at the sound and squeezed my breast . I haven't been touched like this in a while. All my worries and all my stress vanished . No thoughts were in my mind as Maddox creased my tongue with his. My hands had a mind of their own as they traveled inside his shirt, my finger tips tracing his abs. My pointer fingers slowly traced his V line, causing him to moan and shiver once they got to the waist band of his pants. I tugged at his shirt and he pulled away , taking it off in the process. My eyes immediately went to his abs. I bit my lip at the sight of him. I leaned in towards his chest and sucked and kissed down the middle , looking up at his reaction. He was looking right at me, his chest moving at a fast pace. His eyes closed and he groaned as I planted kisses lower.

" Constance." He moaned out , his hands finding my hair.

I pulled away and looked up at him, a wicked smug smile forming on my lips.

" You're driving me crazy." He breathed out .

" I know." I said smugly. Maddox started taking off my jacket and I pulled off my shirt. His eyes wondered on their own. He bit his lip as his eyes shifted back to mine. He lowered down a bit and started kissing my exposed skin on my chest. I hummed at the familiar feeling. I looked down at him and almost fainted . There was hickeys all over my chest and he had hickeys down the middle of his abs.

I know for a fact , he's in sports .

Someone's gonna see them and people are most definitely gonna see mine . I'm sure I have some on my neck.

I moaned when I felt Maddox's hands return to my breast . He stood up and pulled me closer, his bulge bigger than ever.

" I don't think I can control myself any longer." He groaned out, his eyes wild , his breathing heavy.

That's when everything hit me.

" I'm not having sex at school." I blurted. He's fucking crazy if he thinks I'm gonna have sex on a desk at school.

" I forgot we were at school." He mumbled, glaring at the room we were in.

" Well, looks like you're gonna die from blue balls." I smiled . Maddox just shot me a glare, while I continued to smile sweetly at him.

I got off the desk and put on my shirt and jacket while Maddox watched me.

I turned around and found him sitting on the desk, pouting .

I smiled and walked up to him , " Sucks to be you." I teased , kissing his pout quickly. I was dying on the inside . The feeling between my thighs hasn't gone away.

" Maybe we can meet up after school and finish what we started." He said, his voice deep. He pulled me closer and held me by my waist .

I shook my head , " Thanks for the offer but I'm going to be busy after school." It was true . Since I didn't go to the warehouse yesterday, I have to go today.

Maddox groaned, " When are you free then?" He asked, dropping his head to my neck, where he planted soft kisses.

" I'm not sure. I have a busy schedule." I replied.

He sighed , " I think I'm gonna get laid by someone else. I really need to anyway." He mumbled, moving away from my neck.

" Go for it, because I'm not a booty call anyway." I said. He needs to move on anyway. I'm not gonna be here whenever he needs sex. I'm not a damn whore.

" I never said you were." He sounded angry .

I hummed and turned to leave, " See you around Carter." I said , leaving him alone in the room. Right when I walked out , the bell rang. I made my way back to the familiar halls and walked to Edith's class , waiting for her to walk out.

" Where the fuck have you been?" A voice growled behind me as I tried to find Edith. I stopped in my tracks. I turned around at the familiar voice .


" Answer me Constance." He growled, bumping into kids as he walked closer towards me.

" I have been worried sick . First , you leave without Caiden and I. Second, you lock yourself in a room with an enemy. Third , you beat the shit out of another enemy and almost lose consciousness . Fourth, you disappear again !" He barked. I flinched but he didn't notice. I did feel bad. I really did. But, I put up a wall and looked up at him .

" Nows not the time. We have something bigger to worry about." I said calmly. I needed to tell him about Dante .

" What do you mean we have something bigger to worry about ?!" He yelled , catching people's attention.

" Michael calm down ." I growled.

" No Constance ! You've been too closed off about this sh- " He was cut off.

" Michael!" Someone barked . Michael and I didn't turn to see who it was , we continued to stare each other way down.

" Be at the warehouse after school. We have something to discuss." I growled lowly.

Michael looked as if he was ready to throw a fit. I knew he was gonna shed angry tears any minute now.

I started to walk off and bumped into his shoulder on purpose. Caiden caught my eye . He was behind Michael. He was the one who cut him off . I didn't make eye contact as I walked off.

The halls were now crowded with people. Dante could be anywhere.

People parted to let me walk . No one bumped into me .

As I was walking , I heard the voice of him.


I shifted my eyes towards the voice and there he was, talking to some other boys .

I continued to walk and so did he . I was on the right side of the hall, and he was on the left.

He stopped talking to the boys and shifted his gaze on me. His eyes gleamed with wonder but caution at the same time.

I kept a straight face while he seemed dazed. I shifted my gaze away , but I felt his eyes on me.

He's in for one hell of a ride. I won't let no one spy on me, especially another gang leader. He doesn't intimidate me at all. He may be the Don of the Italian Mafia but he seems to be shit at his job. He doesn't know anything about me , he had to get the shittiest gang leader , besides Alan, to spy on me. Ha, he's in for a treat.

Italian Devil , you're about to meet the Baddest of Them All , Constance Euphrates, The Devil.


Hello my beautiful readers !

What do you guys think of this chapter?

I found who I want Dante to be .

Stephen James :

I meannn, he's not Italian but come on, he's fucking hot!

He's in a lot of fanfics but I'm not complaining.

But anyway! Dante Marino is played by Stephen James .

Thank you for reading!

See you in the next chapter!

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