Life Of The Party pt.1

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Constance's POV *

I held Alan's face in my hands, " Now, we have to plan the biggest party of the year." I smiled.

He chuckled and nodded.

I kissed his cheek and walked to the door, opening it and smiling at the idiot before me.

" Let's do this!" Jay yelled, giving me a cheeky smile.

I laughed and nodded.

This was gonna be one lit ass party.


New Years 2 years ago...

Now, I know what you're thinking.

Doesn't everyone party News Years eve night?


And I am going to explain how all 6 of us are laying on my bed with massive headaches.

Last night, we partied like there was no tomorrow.

That was such an underestimate.

I can't even explain it.

After we planned out Cole and i's birthday party, we partied.


I don't even remember half of it. All I know is, after drinking a whole bottle of Jack Daniels,

I was fucked.

And we have to be up by 4 to get everything in place.

It's 2:30 p.m. right now.

Everyone else, besides me, is asleep. And let me tell you, waking them up is such a struggle. When they wake me up, I get up because my patience and annoyance levels are very very thin. Waking them up is a challenge.

I woke up like 15 minutes ago. I just laid there, wondering how the fuck was I alive.

I was currently in between Cole and Alan. Edith was at our feet, barely on the bed. Caiden, actually I don't even know where Caiden is. I wonder if he even came home with us. Don't even get me started on Jay. God knows where he is.

As you can tell by our current state on my bed and how we're all here, well, most of us.

None of us got laid.

Jay might've.

But I didn't, Alan didn't, Cole didn't, and Edith didn't.

And how do I know that the boys didn't fuck in a room during the party?

Because those assholes were with me and Edith the entire fucking time.

That's how I know.

Here's how last night went down.

" Alright. Now that everything is settled, let's go party." Jay said.

" I agree." I said, stretching on my place on the couch, my head was on Alan's lap while he played with my hair the entire party planning and now.

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