Project X Shít

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Constance's POV *

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Constance's POV *

" But anyway, don't we have to get ready for the party tonight?" A big grin taking over his face.

At this, the rest of us smiled.

" This is gonna be some project X shit!" Jay yelled, high fiving us all.


It's currently 5:30.

The party is starting at 6.

And I'm having an anxiety attack.


Because I'm alone with Cole.

Edith is still getting ready. Alan is getting the alcohol. Caiden is getting ready too, and Jay, that motherfucker left us!

I was already ready. I had on a black dress that hugged all the right places, a deep v neck, my hair in very loose curls, makeup and everything, a deep maroon lipstick so not everything was black because my heels were black too.

Cole was dressed too. Not gonna lie, he was dressed casual but he pulled it off. Black shirt, leather jacket, black jeans and everything. It seemed simple but damn. That fucker pulled it off as if it was some expensive ass clothes. I knew the jacket was because we all have the same one.

He was on his phone while I read a book.

The Nectar Of Pain by Najwa Zebian to be exact.

Probably my favorite poetry book.

The poem I was reading, almost made me cry right then and there.

It read : You deserve the kind of love that will make you a better person, for you first and then for them. Promise me that you will not accept less. Promise me that you will not compromise your own inner beauty to have anyone "complete" you or have anyone make you feel " worth it." You are worth it. No doubt.
So please.
Do not accept less.

I felt a small pain when I finished reading it. My eyes drifted up to Cole, unconsciously.

While reading that poem, he filled my mind.

Was I a good person for myself? Was I enough for myself? Did I have self love? Was it enough?

The answer was,


I wasn't a good person for myself. I wasn't enough for myself. I didn't have self love.

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