An Act

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Constance's POV *

Cole and I turned around , looking at who entered .

There stood , in all the glory

The North Side .

Alan Martinez , leader of the Golden Spades .

Asher Jackson , leader of the Northern Kings .

Great , just great .

Four different gangs . One school .

Four fucking gangs in one school . In one hallway . One female , the rest brainless idiots .

Right then and there , I needed Michael .

If he doesn't show up magically , I just might kill all three gang leaders .

I wouldn't care but I need Michael .

None of us spoke . We stood our ground .

Alan was standing in front of me , a good 20 feet away .

By his side , stood Asher , in front of Cole .

I knew for a fact Asher and Cole didn't get along .

They've had a few fights and none of them ended pretty .

Asher never bothered me . Of course he knew that I was bigger and wealthier than he was .

He had some sense in him .

Suddenly , footsteps were heard to the right side of me .

" Constance ." Michael's voice .

I glanced at him .

Thank god he was here .

Concern and anger flashed in his eyes .

I looked beside him .

Peter .

Peter didn't waste any time . He ran towards me but I stopped him by raising my hand .

" Constance ." Peter gave me a look of disbelief and anger .

I shook my head , " No . I can handle this on my own ." I said sharply .

" Besides , this is my territory ." I said , smirking as I looked back at Alan and Asher .

Asher's eyes widened a bit .

Right then and there , I knew he never stepped foot in my territory . He probably didn't know it was mine .

" Well , let me be the first to welcome you ." I said sweetly but my smile had a different meaning behind it .

I slowly walked up to Asher .

" Constance ." Cole said , taking one step towards me .

I ignored him as I continued to walk towards Asher .

Asher took a step back .

" Don't be afraid , love . I don't bite ." I smiled wickedly at him .

Alan watched me cautiously .

I offered my hand to Asher once I was standing in front of him .

He hesitated but shook my hand anyway .

" Welcome to Meadow High . I'm Constance Euphrates . " I said , the smile still on my face .

He visibly gulped . He was one of those people who didn't know my face but knew my name .

Everyone knows my name .

" Con ... Constance Euphrates ? As in ... the Euphrates Serpents ?" Asher stuttered .

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