" Don't Fuck With Me."

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They got quiet and I decided, I had to tell them. It wasn't something you keep away from very close friends, was it?

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, I blurted it.

" What if I started a gang?"

All eyes were on me again.

Although this time, they were shocked.

" What?" Alan asked after 30 seconds of uncomfortable staring and silence.

You ever say something and immediately regret it? Yeah, me too. This was one of those moments.

God, why the fuck did I say that? Oh wait, because I wasn't thinking straight! This is what happens when you're hungry!

As snickers says, you're not yourself when you're hungry.

Wise words.

" Uhh.. just forget I said that." I said, immediately shutting down the conversation.

Buuuutttt since my best friends weren't like that, I have to repeat myself.

" No no no no. No. What the fuck did you just say?" Edith said, leaning closer towards me.

" Forget I said that." I said, trying to swerve the fuck away from the real answer.

" Constance now isn't the time to be stupid. What did you say?" Caiden said, propping his elbows on his knees.

" Just drop it." I huffed and averted my eyes anywhere but theirs.

" You can't just drop a conver -" Edith began but I cut her off.

" I just did." I said. I got up and went to my room, closing my door behind me. I sighed and jumped face down on my bed.

A few minutes later, the door opened. I didn't make a move to see who it was.

Two pairs of arms wrapped around me. I frowned.


Meaning 4 arms were around me.

I lifted my head and looked to my left. Alan was right there.


I looked to my right and Cole was right there.

" What?" I asked when they didn't say anything.

" I don't think your idea is half bad but Alan slapped me when I said my opinion on it." Cole said, pointing a finger at Alan, to which Alan slapped away.

" Don't point. It's rude." He scolded Cole like a child.

" And, I slapped you because you can't encourage shit like that." He added.

" Why not?" Cole asked, seeming a little offended. More than me might I add.

Cole and Alan sat up, prepared to start an argument.

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