Life Of The Party pt.2

636 14 9

Constance's POV*

" Heyyyyy guyssss!" A slurred voice boomed, causing Cole and I to stop mid-make out.

My eyes widened, while Cole stiffened beside me.

" I didn't know y'all were together!" The golden boy of Meadow High slurred.

Ryan Davis, was hanging off of Maddox Carter.

Both of them drunk.

" It's none of your fucking business dumbass." Cole growled.

I gulped.

I knew I was too drunk to pull back a drunk, fit Cole. I drank a whole bottle of Jack Daniels for Christ's sake. I'm not sober enough for this shit.

Where was Alan and Caiden when I needed them?


Holy shit.

What if they start fighting?

Why is Maddox just looking at me?

He's not saying anything.

What the fuck is going on?

I'm too drunk for this shit.

What the fuck do I do if they do fight?

Does anyone have popcorn?

Oh fuuuuccckkk.

" Is there a problem here?" The scary voice came from behind me, almost making me flinch away, but familiarity dawned on me, and the comforting warmth of Alan radiated off of it. Alan's voice still managed to boom over the loud music.

He took me away from Cole's arms and placed his own around my waist, ignoring Cole's glare. I smiled, placing my own arms around his torso.

Just when I needed him.

Didn't I doubt him?

Oh well, he's here now.



I didn't really doubt him.

Who cares? Let's get back to the matter at hand.

" Noooo, not at all!" Ryan smiled cheekily, completely oblivious that the boys were ready to pounce on him any second.

" Then why don't you move on somewhere else?" Alan practically growled, his voice dangerously low but loud enough.

" Why? I was just asking Constance and... whatever his names is, if they were together. Completely harmless in my opinion." Ryan shrugged, the happy smile still plastered on his face. He didn't sound taunting, no, he sounded drunk off his ass.

" My names Cole dumbass." Cole snapped.

" Yeah yeah whatever, guy that only wants to get into Constance's pants." Ryan waved Cole off.

The Baddest of Them AllΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα