That Night

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Constance's POV *

I left the building with my best friends behind me , except Clyde and Michael .

Once I stepped foot outside , I saw Alan's men outside , surrounding the building , leaning on their trucks and cars .

But , one in specific caught my eye .

One of the golden boys .

The second I caught his eye , I automatically remembered his name .

Maddox .

Maddox was a mystery to all . He would keep his head high but he wouldn't speak , unless it was to the other golden boys . He always had a scowl on his face . When people would make eye contact with him , he'd glare at them . Dominic and Ruben's level of scary doesn't even reach Maddox's . Maddox is another level of scary , well , to other people . He attracts me honestly . He wouldn't glare at me though . He'd just give me a blank expression when we'd lock eyes . Rumor has it that he has a crush on me , but come on . They're rumors . Not the truth .

I continued walking , heading down the steps as I shifted my gaze somewhere else .

I felt a hand grip mine and lace of fingers together .

I glanced to my left and saw Edith with a scared expression . She walked closer towards me as her eyes shifted to the men , who were watching our every move .

I pulled Lilith to my side as Caiden walked in front of us and Peter behind us .

We made our way to the car and got in .

" Who were those people ?" Edith asked , her voice shaky .

" Alan's men ." I answered simply .

" What ?! But Maddox was with them !" Edith yelled , surprise taking over her face .

" I know ." I said , turning on the car and speeding out .

" Wait , he's in the Golden Spades ?" Edith and Lilith asked in unison .

" Well , obviously . He was with Alan's men wasn't he ?" Caiden said , glancing back at the girls .

" I mean , he could've been ditching or something ." Edith says .

They continued to talk but I wasn't paying attention .

How the hell did I forget Maddox's name ? Maybe because he was the odd one of the golden boys . Maybe . Maybe because I never talked to him before , well , not after that night .

The night we sort of talked . I think .

Flashback to 2 years ago : That night

I was at a party with Edith , Caiden , Jay , Cole , and Alan .

We all made a bet .

The bet was if all of us had sex that night , we didn't have to owe each other money .

Who ever doesn't get laid , had to pay $100 to each person .

Stupid right ?

Anyway , I was dancing with Edith and we were both tipsy at this point .

I was swaying my hips along to the beat of the song while Edith was dancing with a guy .

I felt someone looking at me , watching me .

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