It's Time pt.2

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Constance's POV *

It's time for them to know the whole story.

Of You.

Of Cole.

Of Alan.

It's time they know of the three of you.

The whole story.

I sighed, " It's time." I mumbled, opening my door, stepping out and closing it behind me.

I walked down the staircase and walked to the center, where I heard voice.

I walked in and saw everyone.

Caiden. Edith. Clyde. Lilith. Justin. Peter. And Michael.

My family.

They stopped talking once they laid eyes on me.

" It's time." I said.

They looked at me in confusion.

" It's time I tell you guys of me." I continue.

" It's time I tell you guys of us."

" It's time."

Realization slapped them in the face as their jaws opened slightly at my words.

None of them know the full story.

Not even Caiden.

But they knew what I was talking about.

" It's time." I repeated.


I walked further into the room and sat in front of them.

" Where do I begin?" I asked myself.

I sighed.

This is gonna be harder than I thought.

" Okay. I'll start off with Alan and I." I said.

Everyone was looking at me with curious eyes and caution.

" Alan and I met when we were just 4 years old. Devor, my mother." I made a face but continued, " She was best friends with Stephanie, Alan's mother. So, they got together again and at first, Alan and I were distant with each other. But once we had our first conversation, it was impossible to separate us." I said, my eyes drifting somewhere else to avoid the surprised faces.

" Alan was my best friend. He was my favorite person in the whole world, besides Caiden. Alan was... different. Different from now. Obviously. But, he was like my hero and I was his. There wasn't a day when we wouldn't stick up for each other when needed." I said, my eyes becoming glossy as I remembered.

" He was my best friend." My voice cracked.

" I loved him with everything I had."

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