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Once I made sure Liam walked into his class , I started making my way back to My Clique and wait for them to get out of first hour .

As I made my way back , a voice erupted my thoughts , coming from around the corner .

I turned and saw him .

Cole .

And his idiots were with him .

I needed to go down the hall they were in to get
to My Clique .

So , I held my head high and put on a cold expression , and started walking down that hall .

They turned and looked at me . I didn't meet their gaze .

As I made my way to the middle of the hall , a hand grips my wrist .

Instantly , I twisted my hand and turned around and pushed the persons hand behind their back . Almost snapping the bone .

They cried in agony .

I let go and pushed the person away and waited until they turned around and faced me .

It was Cole .

" What the fuck do you think your doing ?!" I asked , shocked at how he grabbed me suddenly .

" I just wanted to tell you to stay out of my way !" Cole said , looking up at me from the ground .

I started fuming .

" MAYBE I'D STAY OUT OF YOUR WAY IF YOU STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD !" I yelled losing control of my temper . I usually have it  under control but with Cole around , I couldn't . He wasn't gonna bully people and expect me not to get in the middle of it .

I remembered the pain in Liam's eyes . It reminded me of Lilith and Clyde . I shook those thoughts out .

" What I do is none of your business Constance !" Cole growled still looking up at me .

" You think I'll let you bully people around ? I laughed .

" You must be fucking stupid to think I'd let you do that ." I said coldly , looking into his eyes .

I bend down so I was at the same eye level as he was and said , " And don't ever touch me again . You and I both know what I'm capable of . I have more power than you , so , I'd think twice before you lay a hand on me again . " I looked deeply into his eyes , making sure he understood what I said .

I leaned down and whispered in his ear , " And you and I know how persuasive I can be . I can make these little brainless idiots mine with just a snap of my fingers . " I laughed lowly . He shivered under me . I smirked to myself .

I had him where I wanted him .

" And one last thing , love . Make sure your idiots don't say a word to Lilith . I don't want to get into a little war with you . You know you'd lose . I don't want you to lose your power just yet . " I said , knowing well he'd listen since I basically threatened him .

" Thanks love . " I said once I felt him shiver . I slowly got closer and bit his ear seductively . Slowly . I felt him stiffen and let a shaky breath out on my neck . He groaned lowly , but I only heard it .

I got up and saw his face . And god was it priceless .

I smirked at him and walked away . Swaying my hips with every step , knowing well they were all looking at me .

I looked over my shoulder once I turned a corner and saw Cole , still on the floor , looking at the ground in thought .

I laughed . I knew I had an effect on him .

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