Rock, Paper, Scissors

By AGMeira

417 143 38

"Friendship is not about who you've known from the longest or who you hang out with, it's about who walked in... More

1: Midnight run
3: To Die or not to Die...
4: Aftermath
5: Sorry but not sorry
6: The Sound of Silence
7: Cute, you say?
8: The Start of Something New
9: Is this real life?
10: Happiness is a myth
11: Payback
12: Things Got Out of Control
13: According to plan
14: Bye-bye Boo
15: Normality
16: Sweet but Psycho
17: Playback Singers
Character Aesthetics
18: Too Good to Be True
19: Please be patient
20: Won't give up
21: Knock-Out
22: I'll Pretend I didn't see That
23: Now that's Embarrassing
24: Party Rock Anthem
25: Good Morning Sunshine
26: Distractions
27: You Should Get That
28: The Truth
29: It's a Celebration
30: Like Father Like Son
31: Grams
32: He has a girlfriend!?
33: Revelation
34: Heartbroken
35: Party, Sleep, Repeat
36: Party, Sleep, Repeat - Part II
37: Use your words
38: I got issues
39: Let's Get the Party Started
40: It's Christmas time
41: Funeral
42: Valentine's day
43: From lover to stalker
44: Time to speak up
45: S.O.S
46: Back home
47: Facing Ghosts
48: Family tree
49: Facing ghosts II
50: Love

2: Camouflage

18 6 10
By AGMeira

Just as planned I picked up Noah before school. He was stressed, I could see that. I was stressed – no one messes up with Nick and Tyler – they have the respect and admiration of almost all students. 

Saying they are popular would be an understatement, and yet they were rarely spotted mingling with others, hence all those rumors about them.

The trip to the school was silent and once I parked the car at my usual spot, we both took a deep breath in synchrony before stepping out. I always thought I had courage but right then I felt like a scaredy-cat. It's embarrassing really, especially when I was the one who convinced Noah to spy on them and caused this whole situation.

We shared a look and walked to our designed classes following our plan to camouflage ourselves among other students. We got to Noah's classroom without crossing any of our predators. I still had to walk through a couple of corridors alone to get to my first class and found myself having a religious side by praying to not stumble on them.

The number of people around me was getting dangerously low. Anxiety crept over me, as I realized that blending in was going to be harder than we thought. Some sort of instinct made me glance over my shoulder and spot three boys walking in my direction. A shiver ran down my spine as Nick's eyes locked on mine. 

I quickly turned around and hurried my pace. I just needed to keep the distance long enough to get to the safety of the classroom, not that Mr. Simms would notice if one of his students was being tormented by others. I swear that man lives in his own little bubble, oblivious of the world around him.

Relief filled me as I reached the designed door. I entered the room without looking back at my stalkers. I paused for a moment to breathe before getting to my sit.

This is going to be a long day.

I had a hard time concentrate during class which is a bummer as I love chemistry – no sarcasm here. I kept thinking about what they would do if I crossed them, playing all the possible scenarios I could think of. I was sure that Micah wouldn't do anything that could physically hurt me. But the others? If the rumors were true, they knew how to fight and did it a lot.

I was so absorbed in my imminent death that I hadn't even realized the class was over until Rachel brought me back to the real world.

"Are you okay Julie?" she asks.

"Yes, just stressed about my math test."

She tried to reassure me with words and a smile. If only she knew. I packed up my things and I said goodbye to Rachel hurrying to my next class. That might have been our last exchange.

After the dangerous situation before, the first half of the day went surprisingly well, without any more hitches. I found myself relaxing a bit during lunch with Noah as there was no sign of Micah, Tyler, or Nick.

"Maybe they won't come for us after all," I speculated. "I mean now that I think about it why would they? We didn't hear or see anything compromising, right? We're good."

"Maybe they're just planning the perfect crime. Remember Rob Michaels? One day he just stopped coming to school and everyone was wondering what happened. Even his friends didn't hear anything from him, and the last time they saw him he was with them."

"You watch too many movies and criminal shows and take the rumors way too seriously. If something bad had happened, it would be all over the town's newspaper and everyone would be talking about it."

"Or maybe not. They say Nick's father has a lot of money; he could've paid to keep everyone silent."

"I know you love conspiracy theories, but please, just stop, I was finally able to relax so don't ruin it."

"I'm just saying we better be on our guards anyway," he said raising his hands in surrender and going back to his pasta.

"Let's talk about something else. Just the simple thought of Micah and his new friends gives me headaches. How's Laura?" I asked with an innocent voice but wiggling my eyebrows.

Noah nearly choked on his pasta and I couldn't help but snort. He looked down at his tray, trying to hide his embarrassment only to be betrayed by the red flushing his cheeks.

"What do you mean? She's fine I guess."

"Don't play dumb with me. You know what they say, people who blush easily are the most honest, so spill the beans and entertain me." I laughed.

"I never heard that. How about you? Received any more secret love notes?"

I started receiving notes about a week ago. They were small cards filled with beautifully handwritten short poems. Sometimes there was only a phrase in it, wishing me a good day. I did find one in my locker yesterday, but I wasn't going to let him escape my curiosity.

"Don't change the subject."

He told me there was nothing to say, but as soon as he finished his sentence, I knew he was upset with something. I pressed him and he explained that he talked to her a bit before class but then Trisha came and well, like always, took over the conversation. 

Every time he spoke about Laura his eyes shinned and made me smile. He's been in love with her for years now, but never managed the courage to tell her. She was a nice girl, the complete opposite of Trisha. They were so different that I never understood how they were friends in the first place.

"I think it's time for you to confess your feelings. I mean, like you said, we never know, they might be planning the perfect crime and you don't want to die with regrets."

"What if she doesn't like me?"

"What if she does?"

He simply stared at me with a withering look.

"What?! I'm just saying... Besides even if she doesn't like you it's always a good thing, at least you'll be able to move forward."

"It'll be embarrassing."

"And then it'll pass! You've had the biggest crush on her for two years, I think it is time to act upon it. And to be honest I'm getting tired of seeing you gawk every time she crosses your field of vision. It's like watching a really boring movie." He gave me a death glare.

"This is our last year of school. After this, we'll move on with our lives and look back at the last few years as simple memories. Just follow the great master Shia and JUST DO IT. You have nothing to lose." I added, trying to convince him. 

Laura would be a great match for him. They're both sweet, cute, and nice. "Except maybe your pride," I joked, as it was impossible for me not to seize every opportunity, I had to tease him.

We kept talking about the subject, more like, I kept pushing him to confess to Laura for the rest of the lunch and he kept telling me he wished Nick and Tyler had got me. When that got boring, I finally spoke about the most recent note I got, and Noah said we had to make a plan to find the guy sending these.

"Sure, but maybe we should respect his wish to be anonymous. Maybe he's not a he but a she who doesn't feel comfortable enough to come out."

"Then why send notes? If he or she didn't want to be discovered, they would keep their crush a complete secret. Maybe they're just shy."

"Like you are with Laura?" I grinned while Noah let out a deep sigh.

"You seriously drain me up with that."

After that, I walked to my final class without feeling the need to look over my shoulder. I took my place and waited for the lesson to begin by listening to the music blasting out of my ear pods and doodling on my notebook. 

Despite the appearance of its pages, filled with sketches and doodles, I loved history. I really enjoyed knowing more about our past, and like someone, probably famous, once said: those who do not remember the errors of the past are condemned to repeat them.

The bell signaled the start of the lesson and a few minutes later someone entered the room. Like everyone else I looked up to see who dared to be late to Mrs. Sanders's class. And like everyone else, I couldn't help but gawk at the sight; but unlike the others, it wasn't for his handsome face and styled silky dark hair. And it was definitely not for his beautiful eyes, but for the cold stare, they were giving me. 

I gulped as I saw him handle a piece of paper to the teacher.

"Very well, you can sit in whatever place available Mr. Belisario."

He transferred to this class?!

He walked towards me without taking his eyes from me. The way he looked at me was intense and, well, menacing. I gulped again and held my breath as he got close to the free spot at my table.

He's actually stalking me! Holy moly, I'm screwed...

I closed my eyes waiting for a movement next to me, but it didn't come. I opened my eyes and realize that he had decided to sit at the table next to mine. Relief overcame me even though it didn't change anything. The reality was that he was still close to me. Too close for my liking.

'There's no escape. You were right! Nick transferred to my class. Save yourself, it's too late for me,' I quickly texted Noah before fixing the whiteboard and counting down the time I had left to live.

Instagram: alexmeirfire

Twitter: AlexMixItAll

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