Things That Are Lost: Season 3

By ian466

8.6K 214 83

Clementine and Sarah are trying their hardest to not only survive, but to raise AJ as well. When old faces sh... More

Chapter 1: 4 More Years Later. What Else Changed?
Chapter 2: New Friends And One Less Old One.
Chapter 3: Visions And Card Games.
Chapter 4: Very Old Friends And Plans.
Chapter 5: Back Together.
Chapter 6: Not So Friendly People.
Chapter 7: Always Aim For The Head.
Chapter 8: Aftermath.
Chapter 9: Kicked Out.
Chapter 10: Warnings.
Chapter 12: Final Preparations.
Chapter 13: One More Game.
Chapter 14: The Battle.
Chapter 15: Aftermath.
Chapter 16: Friendship On The Line.
Chapter 17: One With Walkers.
Chapter 18: The Four Kinds Of Eyes.
Chapter 19: One Last Party
Chapter 20: Time To Go.
Chapter 21: Inside.
Chapter 22: All Those Years.
Chapter 23: Escape.
Chapter 24: Trapped With A Monster.
Chapter 25: The Bridge Leads To An End.
Chapter 26: All Downhill From Here.
Chapter 27: The One Who Fought Until The End.
Chapter 28: Epilogue: All That Was Left Behind Thanks To Her.

Chapter 11: Preparations.

234 7 4
By ian466

Ruby, Sarah, and Mitch enter the greenhouse after Clem opens the door for them. Mitch looks down at one of the dead walkers. "Not bad." Clem scoffs. "Don't act like you care." Mitch just looks away.

Ruby walks past all the plants. "Oh, look. Wild ginger, eastern prickly pear, Jerusalem artichoke, false Solomon's seal." "And hear I thought I was a nerd." Sarah says. Clem walks over to her. "You're a bookworm. There's a difference." "Of course, I like to read." "More than AJ does at least."

"Let's just find the barbed wire. And anything else that might be useful." Mitch says before he starts searching shelves. Clem rolls her eye before she walks over to Ruby. "You seem happy." "You can only eat the same bland rabbit stew so many times before you go crazy. These herbs are gonna do wonders for moral, you wait and see." Clem smiles before she starts looking around herself.

"You find anything useful on those shelves?" Sarah asks Mitch. "What do you think?" "Sounds about right." "You know, Clem's barbed wire idea is smart. I'll give you two that. Those assholes try and climb up our walls, they'll tear their guts out. I'd kinda like to see that." Mitch goes back to searching.

Clem walks over to several plants and grabs a trowel next to them. "Find something?" "It'll make digging holes easier." She goes back to looking around when Sarah starts coughing and gagging. The other three start laughing when they see her toss a partially eaten mushroom to the side. "What?" "We'll just say that was for science." Clem says. "Yeah...for science." Sarah shakes her head and leans against a wall. "You guys can search without me then." "Well, good, because I have an idea." Clem grabs a crowbar from a table and walks over to a cabinet they missed. "Oh dear. You two better hide from her." Sarah sarcastically tells Ruby and Mitch, which gets them both to laugh again. "Oh, shut up. All off you." Clem then uses the crowbar to pry the cabinet door open, revealing a bunch of barbed wire of a shelf. "Barbed wire. A lot of it too." The other three walk over to the cabinet. "That should keep the raiders from climbing our walls." "Hey. We can use these." Mitch kneels down in front of several bags of fertilizer. "For what?" "We can make bombs out of these." "Bombs? Are you serious?" Clem asks. "Totally. It's the kind of stuff I made back home." "He used to blow shit up. That's why he's a troubled youth." "Guilty. I just need some propane and something to create a spark, and we'll have ourselves a nice little homemade explosive."

They all go back to searching around, but it doesn't take long for Sarah to come across a door in the back blocked by a shelf. "If I remember right, there's a science lab through that door." Mitch says as he walks past her and over to the shelf. "Come on. Help me move this thing." They both grab the shelf and push it away from the door and to the ground. Mitch leans against the door and listens for any noises. He backs away when there's nothing. "Okay, let's see what's inside." "I've got it." Clem walks over and opens the door, heading inside the lab while grabbing her knife.

Suddenly, a walker grabs her arm, which causes her to drop the knife. "Oh, shit!" She pulls against the walker as Mitch walks through the door and past her. Sarah runs in and grabs the dropped knife as Clem slams the walker's arm against the wall, which get the hand to break off the rest of the arm. "Fuck, fuck! Gross!" Clem shakes the dismembered hand off her. "What's going on? You all right?" Ruby says as she runs into the room. "We has a scare, that's all." Mitch calmly says.

Ruby looks and gasps when she sees the trapped walker. "Oh no." "What?" Ruby walks closer to the walker. "Who was she?" "Ms. Martin. Our nurse. At the school. She stayed, when all the others left. God, she looks... you can barley recognize her. She's just...just like all the others." "I'm sorry, Ruby." Clem says. "I j— I just wish I could make her look like she used to." Ruby turns away from the Ms. Martin walker. "One day, we came out looking for food. Walkers attacked us. Thought we could fight them off, but there were just... there were se many. Ms. Martin told us to run, so we did. She taught me how to patch people up. Stitching, local anesthetics, painkillers, fever reducers. I don't think I can...take care of her." Ruby looks at Sarah. "Would you? I'm sorry." Ruby turns away.

Sarah walks over and stabs the Ms. Martin walker in the head. She then pulls the knife out, puts it away, and turns to Ruby. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. Just need a minute." "Come on guys, help me find that propane and we can get out of here." Mitch groans before he walks off to search. "Asshole." Sarah mutters under her breath before she starts looking around.

Clem starts looking as well, and she comes across a propane tank wedged under some wood planks in a cabinet. "Let's hope there's gas in it." Clem tries to pull it out, but is unsuccessful. "Yeah, perfect. Here." Mitch says as he walks over and grabs the tank. He helps Clem get it unstuck and out of the cabinet. "Good find. We got the propane. Now if we could just find something that'd create a spark." Mitch goes back to searching and Clem looks around, spotting a beaker with a blue liquid in it. "Find something?" "I...I'm not sure what that is." "Dare you to drink it." Clem lifts up the beaker. "Eh, not in a million years." "One eye wimp." Clem looks back at him. "Excuse you?"

Sarah walks over to Ruby, who's still staring at Ms. Martin's corpse. "Ms. Martin meant a lot to you, huh?" "She was the only one who stayed. She saw us for what we were, a bunch of kids who no one wanted. She loved us when nobody else did. Like, really loved us." "I...wouldn't know anyone like that." "Really? No one?" "I had friends, sure, but they were worried about each other more than me, and my dad..." "I heard about your freak out that night." "He didn't love me, if he did, he would've taught me to survive." "If he didn't, who did?" "Well, she's currently accepting Mitch's challenge to drink that stuff in the beaker." Ruby and Sarah look over to see Clem drinking from the beaker, with the blue liquid in it, in front of Mitch. "Oh dear. Think she'll be alright?" Ruby asks before Clem sets down an empty beaker. "I....don't know."

Mitch claps as Clem sets the empty beaker down. "I'll admit, that was pretty sick, almost as sick as when I blew up the garage with my first bomb." "You blew up the garage?" "Yep. Dad wasn't to pleased. He gave me a chemistry set so I'd stop fighting the neighbors." "Why did you fight the neighbors?" "I had a lot of energy. Had to spend it somehow, and they didn't like my face." "....Do you want my honest opinion?" "I'd say yes, but I just want to find the last thing and get out of here."

"I think I found it." Sarah calls to them from a collapsed shelf, holding a sparker. "Fuckin-A. I was hoping there'd be one of those! That's an igniter. We can use it to create a spark. It's the last thing we need to blast those motherfuckers to hell. We should go back and tell the others." "Not until we bury Ms. Martin." Ruby states.

Mitch, Clem, and Sarah walk over to Ruby. "Bury her? Why bother? It's a walker." Mitch says before he looks to Clem and Sarah. "Help me drag it out back. We can burn it." "No. Ms. Martin's the reason we're all alive." "And?" "She deserves a proper burial. Here, next to the greenhouse she loved. That way the other's don't have to see her like this." "She's been dead for years. There's no point." "She deserves a real burial." "Sarah and I'll help you bury her. It's the right thing to do for someone you care about." "Thank you so much." "It's not her! It's a walker!" Mitch yells, which gets him looks from everyone else. "Fine, whatever. I'm not wasting my energy on that thing." Mitch storms out of the greenhouse.

Ruby, Clem, and Sarah take Ms. Martin's body outside the greenhouse. They dig a hole around the back and set the body in before filling the hole back up. "I'll put a stone in the graveyard, back at the school. But Ms. Martin loved this place. She'll be happy here. I'll make sure everyone knows you two helped me. That you both have... good hearts. Under all that muck." "Hey! Rude." Sarah laughs. Ruby looks over at Clem, who's sweating and who's face is turning a bit green. "And sweat, from the looks of you." "I don't think I should've drank that weird stuff...." Clem says. "Excuse me.." Clem runs back into the greenhouse. "Well, at least she's sparing us the sight of her vomiting up her organs." Sarah states.

Sarah, Ruby, and Mitch leave the greenhouse area with the supplies they found in t. "Think it'll be enough?" Ruby asks. "Hopefully. And it means Lilly and her people won't be able to climb the walls. They'll have to come through the gates. We can plan for that." "Straight into a fiery explosion of death. Assholes won't know what hit them." Mitch says.

Later that night, Sarah checks on a sleeping AJ in their room, until the door opens and Clem stumbles back inside. "Jeez. How long were you out there?" Sarah asks. "Rest of the day....everything inside hurts." Clem walks over and sits down on her bed. "How's he doing?" "He'll live."

They both hear creaking floorboards at the door and look to see Louis standing there with a bunch of clothes in hands. "Brought you these. I noticed his shirt got messed up, know." He walks in and sets them out on the desk. "Where did you get those?" "They were Tenn's, back when he got here. Should be about AJ's size." He looks over at AJ. "How's he doing?" "Better. His fever's down. Thanks for carrying him in." Sarah says. "No problem." Louis crosses his arms. "So, we got a greenhouse again. And bombs." "Mitch's idea." "I figured. Violet says we'll start getting this place ready in the morning." "Good." "They all seem okay with letting you all stay. For now, anyway. We we're getting ready to fight." "Well, you're gonna need both of us for the fight that's coming." Clem says from the bed. "She's right." "Yeah, sounds that way." "Everyone else is okay with us staying. What about you?" "It's fine. While he gets better." "And after that?" "I don't know, Clementine."

"Clem? Sarah?" AJ, now awake, mutters. Clem gets up, walks over and kneels next to the bed. "Hey kiddo. How do you feel?" "Better. Still hurts." "I know." AJ looks over at Louis. "Hi, Louis." Louis waves at AJ. "Hey, little dude." "I missed you. Are we friends again?" Louis glances down at Clem, then back to AJ. "Just eat some sleep. Okay?" He turns around and heads towards the door. "Louis?" Clem asks, which gets him to stop. "I'm sorry. That you're hurting, and, uh, it's our fault." "It wasn't all you. Marlon, he..." He pauses for a second. "Forget it. I should go." He walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.

"I'm not mad at him anymore. Are you two?" "AJ, I was never mad at him. I understand why he acted that way. Why he wanted us gone." Sarah states. "Me, too." AJ yawns. "What about you, Clem?" Clem stands up. "I'm pissed at him." "Of course you are." Sarah says. "Oh please. He had no trouble throwing us back out there to die. They all did, except for Violet." "I get your point, but look at them now. They're lost and they'll get taken from their home if we don't help them fight back. Remember how it was for us when Carver took us?" Clem thinks about it for a minute, remembering the situation they were in. "I understand." "See? What it so hard?" "Whatever. Let's just get a look at they shirts Louis brought you, AJ." Clem walks over to the desks with several shirts laid out on it. "Then we'll sleep. It's been a long day." "Yeah. James was nice, but I don't like sleeping on the ground." "Me, neither." "Really? I enjoyed it." "Just go to bed, Sarah." Clem grabs a shirt for AJ. "How about this one?" "It looks like Tenn's boots." AJ says, noticing the symbol on it. "Yeah. I think it's the same character. This one will work. You can put it on when you feel better, okay?" "Yeah." "Time for sleep you two." Sarah sets a candle on the desk next to the bed. "I can't sleep with the light on." "Give me a damn second to blow it out." "Good night, sleep tight." Clem starts. "Don't let a walker bite." AJ finishes. "And if it tries?" Sarah adds. "Bang." Both Clem and AJ say. Clem takes her hat off and gets in a bed as Sarah blows the candle before getting in the top bunk above Clem.

The next morning comes. Clem wakes up early before Sarah and AJ. She quietly gets out of bed and lays out the map of the school on the desk next to the bed. She sighs before she leaves the room. Later she comes back and finds Sarah looking over the map. "You're not doing this without me." Sarah states. "I know. I just wanted to get a head start." "Well then tell me what your plan is here." Clem walks over and starts explaining the defense plan to Sarah, and soon the day ends. The next day they get up and head out to make the defenses. They continue to prepare the school for the raiders through many days.

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