Chapter 16: Friendship On The Line.

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Clem sneaks next to Willy. "Anything useful?" She asks. "Looks like building material, furniture. Probably stuff from the train station." Clem looks through the binoculars, and spots supplies on a raft. "They're loading those rafts with supplies." "I could cut those loose and just ride them down the river. Easy."

Clem looks over at another stack of supplies. "Sheet metal, wood...quite a bit of it." "We should have that stuff!" Clem looks over some more. "Huh. Are those torches?" "Maybe. Why?" "We could use the fire."

Sarah sneaks over to AJ. "Find anything over here?" She asks him. "The have horses." "They do?" Sarah turns around and whispers. "Clem! Get over here!" Clem sneaks over. "What'd you find?" "Take a look." Clem looks through the binoculars. "More torches. Setting the hay on fire would get their attention. Scare the horses, too." "We could get on the boat easier that way." AJ suggests. "If we cut those horses free we could slow down anyone trying to chase us." Sarah states. Clem lowers the binoculars and looks to everyone. "We should get out of here before we're spotted. We can talk through the plan once we're somewhere safe.

They all sneak away and stop far away from the boat. "What's the plan?" Violet asks. "Well, they've got guards posted on the pier and the boat. There's no way we can take them all at once. Our only hope is to distract them while we sneak on board." "We should burn their stuff." AJ suggests. "That'd work. We could burn their supplies, or the hay they keep for the horses." "Whatever we don't burn, we should take." Willy suggests. "Burn the supplies. We'll take the horses, and the hay. If we can." Sarah says. "Ruby'd help with that. She's like a horse whisperer." "The Fire will lure the raiders away from the boat, and we can sneak across the pier." "If anyone sees us, they'll shoot."

Clem looks back at Sarah. "You choose now to speak up? I had the choice made." "I'm just offering an idea. And besides, when did you start thinking you were in charge? We work as a team on this." "Yeah, I've got a team, but there's the dead weight I'm talking to." "What the hell is your problem?" Clem faces Sarah. "Excuse you?" "Why are you being a shithead to me? I'm your best friend." Clem grins. "You get a special treatment. Let me show you what I mean!" Clem grabs Sarah by the jacket.

"Guys!" Violet interrupts. "Can we please not kill each other and figure out how to get on the boat?" Clem let's go of Sarah. "You remember that guy I told you about? James? He sent in walkers to save us from Lilly and Abel. Maybe we could convince him to do it again. If we lead a big enough group of them into the beach, we can blend in without being seen." Clem turns and goes back to walking. Violet catches up with her. "Perfect." "What about after we get everyone home? I mean, the raiders'll just come attack us again. What then?" Willy asks.

Before Clem can answer, the spot someone chopping wood ahead of them. "Hide, quick!" They all fun and hide behind trees. "A raider?" "Has to be. You all stay here. I'll see if they know anything that could help us." Violet nods at her, and Clem grabs her knife. She walks out from behind the tree, sneaks up behind the raider, and grabs them, putting the knife to their throat. "Drop it." The raider drops the axe and puts their hands up. "The kids your people stole. Have they been hurt?" "I don't know what you're-" Clem puts the knife closer to the raider's throat. "I'm not fucking around. Answer the question." "No. No. We need them to fight. They're all okay."

"Clementine, Wait!" Violet says from behind Clem. The raider gets free of Clem and faces them. "That...that's Minnie." Violet states. She then walks over and Minnie hugs her. "After the attack. I wasn't sure... I mean, I heard they burned half your school down. Who survived? Ruby, Mitch? Brody? Tenn?" "Ruby and Tenn made it. Mitch didn't.  And Brody, um, she died." Willy explains. Minnie puts a hand on her head. "Tenn's boots holding up okay?" "His boots?" "They're so old, they're more holes than rubber. I ducked taped them up last time I saw him, but that was a while ago." "His boots are fine." Clem states.

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