This Guy

By korey_doe

206K 4.6K 996

"Oh, Mrs. Larson, I have to get going. My uncle is expecting me." He said, suddenly. He can't have seen me th... More

This Guy
Chapter 1-Meeting "Guy"
Chapter 2- Onward To Art Class!
Chapter 3- 2nd period
Chapter 4-Trouble, lunch and Macy's secret whats next?
Chapter 5-Blood Mystery
Chapter 6-Suspisious
Chapter 7-Joshua
Chapter 8-Garlic
Chapter 9-Stay At Home-Day
Chapter 10-Dealing With Buissness
Chapter 11-No More Secrets
Chapter 12-Shane
Chapter 13-My Mother
Chapter 14-Feelings
Chapter 15-Confusion
Chapter 16-Confesions
Chapter 17-Ryan (This Chapter Is Going To Be In Shane's Point Of View!)
Chapter 18-A Date?
Chapter 19-Give Me Some Time?
Chapter 20-A Day With Shane
Chapter 21-It Wasn't A Dream!
Chapter 22-Bitten
Chapter 23-Wake Up!
Chapter 24-Mr. Stewart
Chapter 25-The Story
Chapter 26-She's Awake
Chapter 27-"Ryan I Love You."
Chapter 28-Dylan
Chapter 29-Jacob Larson
Chapter 30-The Question
Chapter 31- No Words.
Chapter 32- I Can't Believe it
Chapter 33- First Official Date
Chapter 34- We Have A Guest
Chapter 35- I don't approve.
Chapter 36- Nicknames
Chapter 37- Forever
All My Readers Usernames
Chapter 38- Gifts and Proposals
Chapter 40- Is this the end?
Chapter 41- Answers
Character answer.
Chapter 42- Baby naming and confusion fests
Chapter 43- Day one and two
Chapter 44- Looking back
Chapter 45-The Full explantion And Dinner
Chapter 46-He Tweeted It.
A/N Please Read!!
Chapter 47- "I-I Hate Your Guts."
Chapter 48- The Wedding
A/N With a Suprise Visit from Dylan

Chapter 39- My step-cousin is my boyfriend?!

2K 55 41
By korey_doe

Song of the chappie:

Got Me Good by Cody Simpson (love him!) :)

Ryan's POV

I sighed, as I left the house, with Macy on my heels. I slammed the front door. I shoved my hands into my jean pockets. I avoided eye contact with Macy the whole time.

We walked to the park, and sat down on the swings.

"Spill, woman." Macy demanded. I looked at her.

"What?" she asked, innocently. I shook my head, and sighed.

"Shane's uncle proposed to my mom."

Macy gasped. "He p-proposed?" I nodded, sadly. Why did he?

"Where does that even put me a-and Shane?" I choked, and felt like crying. I just wanted a good cry, in my room. Without anyone knowing. Yup, that's exactly what I'm gonna do. There was a peaceful silence, that fell upon us.

"You and Shane could be step cousins." Macy blurted.

"Not helping."

"Sorry." she mumbled.

I laughed, and stood up. "C'mon lets go visit the guys." Macy beamed, and hopped up. We started to walk, when she asked me a... weird question.

"Hey Ry?"


"Say, what if I got preggo? What would you do?" she looked away, as I stared at her. Is she? Is she preggo?

I stopped, and stared at her, until she looked at me. "Are you pregnant Macy?"

She frowned, and shook her head. "No, just wondering." She turned away. I frowned.

"Weird question, but I would go beat the crap out of Dylan, for getting you preggo at 15." I laughed, as she blushed, and punched my shoulder. Shane's place came into view, and I smiled. I skipped over to it, and knocked on the wood, and heard a faint,"Who's it?"

I laughed. "The pizza guy." I felt my worries about my mom and Shane's uncle, wash away.

I heard him unlock the door, and I laughed as I saw his face.

He pouted, and I climbed down. Macy came in, and locked the door. "No pizza?" he asked, miserably.

I laughed. "No. But you do get this." I kissed his cheek. He blushed, as we heard a,"YES!" in Shane's room. I looked at Macy. She giggled, as she skipped into the room.

Shane and I walked there, and we plopped onto his bed. Dylan was playing FIFA 14. Macy was laying her head in his lap, and Shane got up to play with Dylan. He waved me over, and I sat down, next to me.

He patted his lap, and I laid down. I smiled, as I looked up at him. He grinned, and made a silly face. I giggled, and I felt my eyelids droop.

Shane's POV

I looked down at Ryan, after I beat Dylan. She was asleep, and I smiled. She's so peaceful. She looks so beautiful, even when she's asleep.

I played with her hair, and tried to braid it. I ended up tangling it, and gaining a snort from Macy. She got up from Dylan's lap, and scooted over to me.

"Need some help?" I nodded, and she un-tangled it. I let out a sigh of relief. Man, if she saw her hair, she probably would've killed me. Macy left the room with Dylan trailing behind her, like some kind of lost dog. I hope I don't look like that...

I glanced down at Ryan, who was starting to wake up. She stretched, and yawned. She opened her eyes, and grinned. I grinned back. She got up, and sat in my lap. We were so close, and I could feel...stuff run down my spine. It was weird. But I've felt it before with Ryan.

She leaned in, and then we kissed.

Ryan's POV

I pulled away, and Shane had a silly grin on his face. I laughed. I sighed.

"Hey, we need to talk."

He frowned. "Okay. Spill."

I thought about how to say it. "Well, your uncle...Kinda..." I trailed off.

"Kinda what?" he asked.

I dropped my head. "He proposed to my mom."

Shane sighed. "That's my uncle, always screwing things up. Look, Ryan, that's not a reason to be upset."

I looked up, and he offered me a smile.

"But what about us? What are we gonna be?" I asked him.

He laughed. "Just because they're getting married, and we have the title of, what, cousins? That won't matter. We can still be together. We could be half brothers and sisters for all I care, and I would still be with you." He grinned.

I smiled, "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just, it feels wrong, you know?"

He pulled me into his chest. "Trust me, I know what feels wrong, and right. Now are we done with serious talk? I wanna continue with the make out session." I snorted into his chest.

I pulled away, and looked up at him. "You're so weird."

He chuckled. "Yup." He got off the bed, and pulled me up.

"Fine, no make out session." He pouted. I giggled, and skipped outside. I went into the kitchen, and sat down. Shane sat across from me. "What do you wanna do?"

I thought about it. "Spend time with you." He shook his head. "Well obviously, how about a movie?"

"Okay." We left his house, and then walked to the movie theater. After arguing, we decided on The Maze Runner.

I squealed, as we made it inside. I'm so excited! There's this guy named Ki-Hong Lee, and he's so cute, and Dylan O' Brian. Don't tell Shane that. He gets jealous... very easily. Just like Macy said about Dylan. Are all guys like that?

I laughed to myself, and Shane eyed me. I giggled, and he grinned back. I let my head rest on his shoulder.

The movie started, and Shane held my hand. I smiled.

This is my Boyfriend.

He's sweet, funny, caring, and he loves me. What more can I ask for?


Wazzap? So yeah, I know long time no update. But remember I have school. And activities to do. And when you're Asian, apparently it's not good if you suck unicorns in math.

So yup, please vote, comment, and ahh BELIVE IN UNICORNS!

P.S. (This only concerns @narutolover21 lol) SUCK UNICORN HORN FUFU!


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