The Love For Twins Pt. 2 (Les...

By YoungkaykaybabeBoyd

346K 13.7K 1.2K


1: New Start
2: Jail
3: Free
4: Blue Eyes
5: Mine Only
6: Welcome Home
7: James
8: The Truth Isnt Always Good
9: Last Kiss
10: $3,500
11: Meetin Eachother
12: Rough
13: Say My Name
14: Will You.......?
15: Date Night
16: Meetin Someone New
17: First Time
18: I Love My Life
19: Trust Issues
21: Pay Backs A Bitch
22: Jamie B-Day
23: Jamie B-Day Pt. 2
24: Hangovers
25: Package
26: Oh My God
27: Surprise
28: Alisha
29: Dream Problems
30: Divorce?
31: Forgive and Forget
32: James B-Day
33: The Big Question
34: Dinner
35: Announcement (Final)
Another Book?
Book is out 🙌🏽
New Book ! 👆🏽

20: T+J

7.8K 360 72
By YoungkaykaybabeBoyd

2 weeks later

Jay pov

I was walkin to work for my shift. My lunch break was over so i had 2 more hours to work.

Ive been stayin wit Jaiiy and dem. I walked by Forever 21 and i saw Tashe and Nicky.

Tashe turned my way but i quickly looked away and kept walkin. I didnt wanna go in there sense she was wit Nicky.

I walked in Lids gettin behind the counter. I put on my custom made snapback wit J+T carved in it.

It was my favorite hat i made when i first got the job and they said we can make one for our selves.

I made it before me and Tashe even made it official. I just knew she was the one for me.

Constumers started to walk in gettin hats or designs on them.

"That will be $29.99" i said to the costumer. He handed me the money. "Hey wat does J+T mean?" he asked.

"Next" i said not answerin his question. Plus i didnt wanna talk about it.

The man walked out and guess who walked in. Tashe and Nicky laughin and all.

They didnt pay me any attention well T wasnt but Nicky kept checkin me out.

Tashe had a hat in her hand and i notices it was the one i made wit T+J on it. That made me smile alittle.

They walked up to me. "Can i get this carved off and can u put 'I Dont Fvck Wit U'" Tashe said.

My heart sanked. "Srry we dont do that" i said minutes later.

She looked me in my eyes and i just stared back. She looked at my hat puttin her hat back in her bag. "Come on Nicky" she said and they walked out.

"Williams ur shirft is over" my manager said. I nodded and left out.

My phone vibrated. I took it out.

Nicky: awww my baby looked so hurt

Me: leave me the fuck alone

I put my phone in my pocket. I got in my car and drove to chipotle sense thats wat i was cravin rite now.

When i got my food i drove over to Jaiiy house. When i walked in Jaiiy was sittin down watchin tv.

"Did u show her?" She asked. "No not yet" i said.

"And y not?" She said gettin off the couch. "Never found the right time" i said.

"Get out" she said. I look at her like she was crazy. "Wat?" I asked.

"Dont come back until u get ur girl back" she said pushin me out closin and lockin the door.

I pat my pockets and cursed under my breath. I left the house keys in there so i wont be able to get back in.

Damn. She couldnt even give me my chipotle. Her fat ass probably goin eat it.

I got in the truck and drove to my house. When i got there i used my key goin in.

I walked up stairs into my room and saw T in bed sleep.

"Tashe" i said tappin her shoulder. She groaned turnin over. She opened  her eyes.

"Wat r u doin here?" She asked. "We need to talk" i said sittin on the bed. "No the hell we dont get out" she said.


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