Snipers Of Chicago Season 2 (...

By RonnaSweeney51317

74.7K 1.4K 543

Make sure to read Snipers Of Chicago Season 1 before this one. You can find Shaylynn & Jay over on Instagram... More

Coming Very Soon...
Chapter 1 "Look At Me"
Chapter 2 "Take Out the BAD To Protect The INNOCENT"
Chapter 3 "Not A Chance"
Chapter 4 "That's My Job"
Chapter 5 "Back In Chicago"
Your Invitation
Chapter 6 " How Big Is It"
Chapter 8 "Stay Calm"
Chapter 9 "You Can't Do This"
Chapter 10 "I've Got This"
Chapter 11 "New Toy"
Chapter 12 "Face The Wrath"
Chapter 13 "Crushed"
Chapter 14 "You Need An Assassin"
Chapter 15 "Spidey Sense Is Tingling"
Chapter 16 "You're Messy"
Chapter 17 "What Are You Up To"
Chapter 18 "You're Amazing At What You Do"
Chapter 19 "Home Invasion"
Chapter 20 "Puppet Master"
Chapter 21 "Be Careful With That One"
Chapter 22 "I Almost Lost You"
Chapter 23 "Very Impressive"
Chapter 24 "Bye, Beth"
Chapter 24 1/2 "What Happens Now"
Chapter 25 "Deeply In Love"
Chapter 26 "Always Thinking About You"
Chapter 27 "One Lucky Son Of A B*tch"
Chapter 28 "I'm Not James Bond"
Chapter 29 "I Need Your Help"
Chapter 30 "Double Homicide"
Chapter 31 "Not Messing Around"
Chapter 32 "The Satisfaction"
Chapter 33 "Riverwalk"
Chapter 34 "Ouch! That's Abuse!"
Chapter 35 "Hasn't Been Anyone After You"
Chapter 36 "Not A Chance"
To Be Continued......

Chapter 7 "Dunkin Donuts vs Krispy Kreme"

2.3K 41 18
By RonnaSweeney51317

Shaylynn puts a few shopping bags in the backseat of Halstead's truck.
She opens the driver's door and gets in.
Taking her phone out of her bag, she sees she has three text messages from Burgess. Not wanting to be bothered while shopping she put her phone on vibrate and forgot all about it.
She opens the first one....

Kim: Adam, Kevin, and I finally got Jay to get his measurements taken. We told him that the CPD is getting new uniforms. So he's none the wiser on what's going on. Especially since Adam and Kevin had their measurements done at the same time.

Shaylynn opens the next text to see a picture....

Kim: Jay showing Adam and Kevin a truck that he likes. LOL! Jay and his trucks! Adam had Jay send the picture to him, so you should be getting that from Adam soon.


Shaylynn sees the text message from Ruzek...

Adam: Here's the truck your man showed me and Kevin.  2019 Ram Warlock

Shaylynn shakes her head as she looks at the picture.
Starting up the truck, she puts her phone in her inner coat pocket.
Putting the truck in drive she starts driving through the parking lot and out onto the street with a blue truck following her.


It's been six hours since Halstead has heard anything from Shaylynn.
When he calls it doesn't go straight to voicemail so he knows she doesn't have it turned off.
Getting worried he calls Beth.
"Hello," she says.
"Beth, it's Jay. Is Shaylynn with you?" he asks.
"No. The last time I saw her was this morning when she stopped into the bakery," Beth tells him, "Why? What's going on, Jay?"
"I haven't seen or heard from her in the last six hours. We always keep in contact with each other. So I figured you two were together," he tells her, "I'm going to go and try her again. Bye, Beth."
"Bye. Let me know when you hear or see her," Beth tells him.
"I will," Halstead says then hangs up.
"Is everything alright?" Ruzek asks him.
"Shaylynn isn't answering her phone," Halstead tells him, "It's not like her not to call or text me."
"Which truck did you say she has?" Ruzek asks.
"The Hennessy," Halstead tells him.
"As much as that cost, it has a tracker on it, right?" Ruek asks him.
"Yes," Halstead says smiling, "Let's go!"
Halstead and Ruzek rush downstairs.

After getting all the information from the company the tracker was built by, an hour later Halstead and Ruzek locate the truck.
Hank walks in to see Halstead and Ruzek at the computers, "What's going on?" he asks them.
"We're trying to locate Shaylynn," Halstead tells him.
"What do you mean you're trying to locate her?" he asks.
"I haven't heard from her in over six hours," Halstead tells him, "That's not like her. Plus I've tried calling her and she never picks up."
"Found her!" Ruzek says.
"Where is she?" Halstead asks.
"In Joliet at a Dunkin Donuts," Ruzek says looking at Halstead confused, "Why would she go all the way to Joliet for doughnuts?" he asks.
"She wouldn't!" Halstead tells him, "Shaylynn is a Krispy Kreme girl. Something's wrong!" he says looking at Hank.
"Let's go!" Hank says turning around walking out of the room.
Halstead and Ruzek quickly stand up and follow Hank out.

Walking back upstairs to the Bullpen, the others watch Hank, Halstead, and Ruzek walk to their chairs and grab their coats.
"What's going on?" Antonio asks as Hank walks back out of his office.
"Jay hasn't heard from Shaylynn in over six hours. They tracked the truck she has and it's Joliet at a Dunkin Donuts," Hank tells them.
"What's wrong with that?" Burgess asks.
"Shaylynn likes Krispy Kreme doughnuts," Halstead tells her.
"We're heading to Joliet," Hanks says, "You four can either stay here or come with us."
Antonio, Atwater, Burgess, and Upton all stand up and grab their coats.
Everyone heads down the stairs.

An hour later, the Unit is arriving in Joliet at Dunkin Donuts.
They pull into the parking lot but don't see the truck. Driving around the building, they find the truck parked around back by the dumpster.
Halstead quickly gets out and runs over to the truck.
Trying the door, he finds that it's unlocked. Opening it he finds Shaylynn's bag still inside along with the shopping bags in the back.
He looks at the driver's seat and finds blood, "There's blood on the seat," he tells the others as he walks over to them carrying Shaylynn's bag.
Sitting it down on the hood of Ruzek's car, Halstead starts looking through it.
"What are you looking for?" Upton asks him.
Halstead pulls out Shaylynn's gun and lays it on the hood, "I was looking for that first of all," he tells her, "Seeing that it's in her bag has me worried."
He continues to go through it, "What are you looking for now?" Antonio asks.
"Her phone," Halstead says, "I didn't see it in the truck anywhere and it's not in here so she must have it on her."
Hank pulls out his phone, "Trudy, I need for you to trace Shaylynn's phone," he tells her.
"You got it!" Trudy says hanging up.
"What do you think is going on?" Atwater asks.
Halstead looks at Hank, "It's Kelton! I'm betting on it!" he says.
Hank gives Halstead a glare nodding toward the others, "What is this about Kelton?" Antonio asks them.
"We need to tell them!" Halstead tells Hank.
Hank lets out a sigh, "At the banquet, Kelton told Jay to meet him out back where Kelton proceeded to tell Jay that he was to leave Shaylynn so he could swoop in and be with her. Apparently, Kelton must have figured Jay wasn't going to do that so he had someone send him a death threat so he could get Shaylynn around him. When Kelton came to the District and announced he would be going to New York for a conference and that a few people would be going with him, that was his way of rubbing into Jay's face that Shaylynn would be going with him."
"So that's what your outburst was all about," Antonio says to Halstead.
Halstead nods at him, "While in New York at the hotel Kelton made his way into Shaylynn's hotel room and into the bathroom where she was taking a shower. God knows what he would have done to her if she didn't know how to take care of herself," he tells them.
Both Burgess and Upton get disgusted looks on their faces as Antonio, Atwater, and Ruzek get pissed off ones on theirs.
"Let's go and bring him into the District!" Antonio tells Hank.
"On what grounds?" Hank asks.
"He has to have one hell of a bruise on his chest," Ruzek says.
"And he could say he got it from doing anything," Hank tells him when his phone rings.
"Yeah," Hank says.
"Hank, its saying Shaylynn's phone's in Chicago," Trudy tells him.
"Do you have a location?" Hank asks.
"It's saying it's in Little Village," Trudy says then there's silence.
"Trudy? Are you there?" Hank asks.
"Yeah," Trudy says, "Hank it's saying her phone is at Cook County Corrections."
Hank gets a confused look on his face, "What is it?" Halstead asks him.
"Thanks, Trudy!" Hank says hanging up.
"Trudy says Shaylynn's phone is in Chicago," Hank tells him.
"Did she say where?" Halstead asks.
"Cook County Corrections," Hank says.
Everyone looks at one another with confused looks.
Hank looks at the Dunkin building to see what looks like a camera above the back door, "Let's go inside and see if that's a real or dummy camera," he tells Halstead, "The rest of you head back to Chicago."
All of them head back to their cars as Hank calls the Joliet police while he and Halstead walk around the building.

Entering Dunkin Donuts, the lady behind the counter sees them, "Hello Gentleman, welcome to Dunkin Donuts. What can I get for you?" she asks.
"I'm Sergeant Hank Voight and this is Detective Jay Halstead, we're with the Chicago Police Department," he tells her as they both show their badges.
"You gentlemen are a little far from home aren't you?" the lady asks.
"We're working a case," Hank says, "We were wondering if the camera above your back door is operational?"
"Yes," the lady says, "We've been having problems with dumpster divers leaving messes. So the owner installed the camera to catch who was doing it."
"We need to look at the footage," Hank tells her, "You can call the Chief of Police to verify all of this," he says to her.
"I trust you two," the lady says, "Come this way."
The lady leads them to the back, "There's the recorder," she tells them, "I have to go back out front."
"Thank you!" Halstead tells the lady.
The lady smiles at him and walks away.
Halstead rewinds the recorder back at least twelve hours.
Finally, after a few minutes of fast forwarding through the footage, they see Halstead's truck come into view of the camera.
As they watch, a bald white guy gets out of the driver's side. He stands by Halstead's truck as a blue truck pulls up. The guy gets in, then the blue truck backs up to turn around putting the license plate in view of the camera.
Halstead pauses the video as Hank takes out his phone, "Trudy, I have a license plate I need for you to run."
He gives her the license plate number and within seconds it appears on Trudy's screen.
"Hank, it was reported stolen two days ago and it says someone just reported it abandoned at Red Gate Woods of Illinois-171," Trudy tells him.
"Get in touch with law enforcement around that area and tell them that we're heading that way," Hank tells her.
"Will do," Trudy tells him hanging up.
"Well?" Halstead asks.
"The truck was reported stolen two days ago and was just reported abandoned at Red Gate Woods off Illinois-171," Hank tells him.
Both men quickly make their way out to Halstead's truck.


Making their way up Illinois-171, they finally see a sign for Red Gate Woods.
Driving down the road they see the blue truck with tape around it and State Troopers.
Before they reach the end Hank's phone rings, "Voight."
"Hank, you and Jay need to get back to the District," Antonio tells him, "We just got a major lead!"


The character Beth belongs to Paulinemartin100

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