Savage 》Once Upon A Time

By lovethebreeze

124K 3.8K 1.5K

I love being a pirate. I'm not going to lie. I love the life, the sea, the adventure. What I love the most is... More

The Thing You Love Most
Snow Falls
The Price Of Gold
That Still Small Voice
The Shepherd
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Desperate Souls
7:15 A.M.
Skin Deep
What Happened To Frederick
Heart of Darkness
The Stable Boy
An Apple Red As Blood
A Land Without Magic
Lady of the Lake Part 1
Lady of the Lake Part 2
The Doctor
Into the Deep
Queen of Hearts
The Cricket Game
The Outsider
In the Name of the Brother
The Queen is Dead
The Miller's Daughter
Welcome to Storybrooke
Selfless, Brave, and True

The Evil Queen

3.3K 93 35
By lovethebreeze

This has been a really good day. The bean garden is still going strong. And Rumple actually has a date with Belle, oh, forgive me, Lacey. I don't know how it happened, but I don't want to bloody hear it. I need some good news after the whole August thing. Which is why I'm helping the Crocodile get ready for his date.

As for the beans, don't get me wrong, I feel guilty about not telling Regina. Henry is all she has left and if we take him away from her, she'll be crushed. She lost her mother and now she might lose him, too. I also understand why Snow and David wouldn't want to tell her. If Regina knew about the beans she might either burn the garden down or take a bean and Henry to our world. Or both. Ugh, don't think about it, Cas. Just focus on fixing Rumple up.

I smiled at him as I fixed his tie. "Now for the final piece of resistance..." I trailed off as I grabbed his cane and gave it to him. "There. All done."

Rumple looked at himself in the mirror. "I look exactly the same."

"That's the bloody point. If you want Belle to fall in love with you again, you need to be yourself. Cause for some odd reason," I gestured around his face, "the lass is into this. Now be the man she fell in love with and not the man I wanted to murder." Rumple raised his brow at me. "What? I said wanted. You'd be dead by now if I haven't turned back."

"Cause you still care for your father," he pointed out smugly.

"I still use that term loosely." I turned him around and pushed him towards the door. "Now get your ass out there and get your girl before I get my sword and shove it right up your -"

"Little Raven."

"What? I was going to say up your back and through your spine. Now, hold the door for her. Treat her the way she wants to be treated. Be back at midnight. She hurts you I'm slashing her throat -"

"Little Raven."

I pushed him out. "Ok, have fun."

I sighed happily as I closed the door. Rumple actually has a date. Go figure.


After a final check on the beans, I went home. This has been a good day; I get to hang out with Greg in a few minutes, the beans are blossoming, Bae and I ate at Granny's with Henry, and I helped the Crocodile get ready.

I took my keys out and was about to unlock the door, but noticed the door was slightly opened. I furrowed my eyebrows. Who the hell is going to break into my house? Oh, that sod is going to wish he didn't steal from me. I pulled my sword out and slowly crept my way in. The lights were still off and everything seemed to be intact. There was a small creek coming from around the corner. The twit is still here. I turned the corner and swung the sword, only for it to be blocked by a hook.

"Easy, Cassie," the voice said before he turned on the light. My mouth flew open.

"Papa," I breathed happily. We lowered our weapons before I embraced him. Then when we pulled apart, I punched his arm. "Are you out of your mind?! I could have killed you!"

"Just like you should have with the Crocodile," he sneered. I froze. Shit. Shit. "I know he's alive, Cassie."

"Papa, let me explain -"

"No need to. It wasn't you who saved him," his voice was laced with so much venom. "It was your friends. They would have stopped you if you tried killing him." Wait, what?

I furrowed my brows. "You can't blame them, Papa. I - I helped save him."

"Cause you've been around them for far too long." He chuckled before he went over to the couch and sat down. "I've forgotten he raised you for so many years. You were confused. Your Snow White and Prince Charming...they've changed you. They taught you about forgiveness, about honor, they made you forget who you really are."

"I didn't forget, Papa. They just..." What's the best way I can explain this? "They made me a better person."

He scoffed. "Did you forget who they are?"

"I didn't. I hated David the first time we met because he was the prince. I thought he was those snobby pratty ones that cry when they don't get what they want. Then he proved that he wasn't like that. And Snow saved me that day we separated. She took me in and gave me a home while I was out there bloody looking for you." I went over and sat across from him. "Do you know how many villages I've burned down? How many people I've killed? Stolen from? All because I wanted to find you? Killing the Crocodile wasn't my highest priority at the moment."

"Yet you left me in that god awful hospital."

"I had no choice. You were still hurt and they would have left you locked up in a boiler room. I didn't want you locked up again, so I dropped you off at the hospital." I leaned forward until my hands are folded under my chin. "People kept taking you away from me. I didn't want it to happen again. But it did and it's my fault. I'm really sorry, Papa. It was the right thing to do. I'm not going to apologize for saving the man who raised me for 28 years."

Papa didn't say anything. That's what scares me. He's not saying anything, but I could see his hand clenching and unclenching. He's mad at me. He's disappointed. Our one mission destroyed because I've gone soft.

"Your mother would be very disappointed," he said after a while.

"I know," I whispered, on the verge of tears.

"I've let her down." Wait, what? Papa ran a hand down his chin. "She wanted me to protect you and I've failed her. Killing the Crocodile is my burden that I've passed it on to you. I've failed her when he showed me your body." He motioned to me. "Well, not really your body."

I got up and sat next to him. I laid my head on his shoulder. "We've failed each other." And we sat like that for a while. I sighed before I got up. "As much as I love having you here, I'm heading out. Greg should be here anytime soon."

Papa shot up like the couch as on fire. "No, Cassie. I don't want you anywhere near him."

"Papa, I know you're still mad that he ran you over -"

"It's not that. I don't bloody care. But you can't trust him. He's in league with some woman," he began explaining. "She abducted me from the hospital and dragged me back to him."

I gave him a look indicating that I didn't believe him. "Greg? The same guy who likes to dip his fries in his shake is in an alliance with a chick? Why would he do that?"

"I don't know." I gave him another look. "You don't believe me, do you? When have I ever lied to you about something this serious?"

I sighed, knowing that he's right. "Never." Sure, he lies about his cards or whenever we took something from someone, but he tells me the truth when it comes to life-threatening situations. Maybe, I should tell him about the magic beans. If he's still here we can go home together. Never be separated again.

"See? Look where your friends got you. You've lowered your guard and trust a man you barely met." I sighed again. "Look, I'm only trying to protect you, Cassie. Greg and this woman want me to make an alliance with Regina and betray her. I know you care about her, but your safety is more important than anything."

"You want me to betray Regina?" I breathed. "What do they want with Regina anyway?"

"Because she knows what happened to my dad," I heard from behind. I looked back to see Greg coming in with Tamara. Oh, my god. She's the she August was trying to warn us about.

"Tamara," I breathed.

She smirked at me. "Hello, Cassandra."


I kept glaring at Tamara the whole time they were at my house. Bitch killed August. I want to wrap my hands around her throat and strangle her. Then grab my sword and stab Greg in the heart for using me like this. Papa's right, I did let my guard down.

"Don't look at me like that," Tamara said. "Your friend ended up ok."

"After you bloody tased him in the heart," I sneered. I hate that Papa left to talk to Regina. I want to throw my lap at this bitch. "I should shove my sword down your throat."

"Why? I gave you the one thing you've always wanted. Your papa is back home. Safe, might I add." I glared at her. Damn it, Bae. Why did you have to tell her everything? She tilted her head and grinned. "You should be thanking me. I brought your father to you."

"Then you stuck a deal with him. You bargained with him and used the one thing he wanted in the world."

"And we have you to thank," Greg said. "If you haven't saved Rumplestiltskin then none of this would be happening."

I glared at him. "Oh, sod off! Out of everyone, why befriend me?"

"Cause you and I are exactly the same. Magic took your father away from you while this town took mine away from me." He chuckled. "You got yours back because of us. Now you're going to help me find mine."

"I have no idea where your father is."

"Oh, I know you don't, but we know the one person who does. Regina." His voice held so much hate. "She took him away from me. She used your friend to arrest him." He got closer and knelt till he was my level. "Where is that officer anyway? I remember all of your faces, but haven't seen his."

My glare intensified as my hand gripped the hilt of my sword. "His name is Graham. He died an honorable death. So, you better pay your respects before I ram my sword in your eye and feed it to your girl." Then I looked at Tamara. "And how can you do this to Bae? You guys are getting married."

"Not for long," she replied. "As soon as we're done," she held up her ring finger, "this thing comes off."

"You never loved him, did you? You were just using him to get here. To get to Storybrooke. You're a raging bitch, you know that."

"Thank you."

I chuckled. "Have you forgotten who his father is? What do you think is going to happen when he finds out that you're playing his son? He's going to rip your heart out and crush it before you could gasp."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Greg said. "Mr. Gold looks like he's pretty occupied with his date."

Then I just have to tell Emma. I need to get my phone and warn her about Tamara and Greg before it's too late.

"So, we're going to make a deal with you," Tamara said. "You're going to help your dad betray Regina."

I rolled my eyes. "And what makes you think I'll help you blokes? And if anything, why would you need my help betraying Regina?"

"Cause no matter how many times you double-crossed her, she still trusts you," Greg replied. "You're her only friend in Storybrooke that doesn't hate her. You understand her. She wouldn't think you'll betray her again." But I am.

"Sorry, mate. No deal. You're just going to have to kill me."

"Oh, we're not going to kill you," Tamara said. She smirked at Greg. "Why are pirates so difficult?" Tamara then circled around me. "You either help us and betray Regina and destroy magic," when she stopped her smirk grew wider, "or we'll kill your papa right in front of you."

I wish my glare was a weapon so Tamara can be dead right now. I would protect my papa at any cost. "You little -"

"So it's a deal," she said. "When your father gets back, pretend everything is normal. We wouldn't want him betraying us."

"And what makes you think Regina won't betray him?"

"We're planning on it."


So we waited for Papa to come get me to go with him. Regina wasn't all that shocked that I'm here. We went to the library, what for? I don't know. But Regina was seething when she saw me. She asked me if I knew about the magic beans. How the hell did she know about them? We created a cloaking spell to hide it. I came clean and told her yes, but I promised them I wouldn't tell her. She asked if I was going to tell Papa, again I gave her a flat yes. I fired back my own questions like, was she going to take Henry and leave us. She said without a second guess. So, it's back and forth. She burned the beans but saved one for herself and Henry. I grew them for everyone except for her.

"This why it's a three-man job?" Papa asked as we entered the building. "You need us to lower you?"

"No. Used to be...before magic," Regina responded. She waved her hand to make the elevator doors open. The gears were clanking, the metal creaking, while the elevator shaft came up. We entered the elevator before Regina used her magic to lower us. Saves me bloody time.

No one spoke as we made our way down. There wasn't even elevator music. Wait, actually that might be good. Regina could have set an annoying tune and have it on repeat. Once the doors opened we stepped out and started walking.

"You ever wonder if this constant pursuit for revenge is the reason we have no one who cares for us?" Papa asked.

"I resent that," I defended myself. "I still care for the both of you. Apparently, revenge isn't something people do."

Papa sighed. "You have gone soft. What I mean is, when all this is over, and I know the Crocodile is dead, for good and all, the only thing I'll be looking forward to is passing the Jolly Roger to my daughter. And yes, Cassie, I'm still planning on killing him." He sighed. "Revenge may sate your being, but don't underestimate me, my dear. It's an end, not a beginning."

"For you, maybe. Not me," Regina said. "I have Henry. And you still have your daughter's wedding to look forward to."

Papa shook his head. "Oh, no. She'll never get married, I'll make sure of it."

I rolled my eyes. "Papa."

"Any boy who comes near her is going to have a talk with my hook. She's been hurt once. I'm not letting her go through that pain again."

I sighed. "Papa, that was years ago. I'm completely over it."

Papa grabbed my hand and lifted it to show the ring. "But are you over him?" he retorted.

"Yes," I said as best as I could while snatching my hand away. "And when this is over and you finally kill the Crocodile, we'll take down every pirate ship there is. People in our world will know not to mess with us. People will fear the name Captain Hook."

A little smile showed on his face. "I actually like the sound of that. So, let's get this done, shall we?"

He motioned for Regina to go first. Her eyes landed on the cuff that was on his wrist.

"Where did you get that?" She asked. "It belonged to my mother." May she burn for eternity.

Papa looked at it. "Yes. Well, she enchanted it so I could climb the beanstalk in our world. She, uh -"

"I don't care why she gave it to you," Regina snapped. "It was hers, and I want it back."

"You plan to blow this town off the map, and you're worried about a scrap of cowhide?"

"Just hand it to her, Papa," I said. "She was her mother."

"Well, she was my friend."

"Hardly," Regina retorted. Papa shrugged his shoulders before holding his wrist out. Regina removed the cuff from him before putting it on herself. More guilt washed over me. She sniffled before smiling at us. "Now follow me closely."

I don't like the way she's smiling like that. Regina has a lot of fake smiles, but this one really bugs me. We followed her into a tunnel before we came to a secret lair.

"Precarious. You couldn't have just hid the trigger in the back of your wardrobe?" Papa said.

I gave him a look. "That'll be the first place they look." I sure have. Not for the trigger, I didn't even know there was one.

Regina chuckled. "It had to be both well-hidden and well-guarded. I put it somewhere no one would ever think I'd go."

"What? Church?" I asked jokingly. Regina gave me a look. I cleared my throat. "If memories served something is guarding this. Who's guarding it, Regina?"

"A friend. She's been through a lot." Papa and I looked over the cliff. "There's a powerful spell here that sustains her in...whatever form she's in. In fact, Hook, she's the reason why this is a three-man job."

Papa and I looked at her. "And what exactly are we here to do?" he asked before we looked over the cliff again.

"I'll get the trigger, and you two? Well,'re the distraction."

I looked at Regina. "What?" She pursed her lips before pushing Papa over the cliff. Papa fell over and started falling off. Regina and I looked over to see him landing roughly on his back. I groaned before giving Regina an annoyed look. "That's low. Even for you, love."

She smiled. "Just think of it was payback for not telling me about the beans."

I sighed before pulling my sword out. "The things I do for people," I mumbled before jumping after him. I landed next to Papa, who was groaning before I offered a hand to help him up.

There was a whooshing sound from behind as the wind started howling. We looked over to see dust forming this caucus. My eyes widen. We have to go against that. I answered my own question when Maleficent started screeching at us. She started making her way over, but I held my sword up to hold her off.

"Maleficent," Papa started. "Love you in earth tones."

I gave Papa a look. "Now is not the time to be buggin' flirting." Maleficent screeched at us. I pushed Papa towards the boulders to give him a head start. "Go, go, go."

Papa started climbing. Maleficent screeched at him before she jumped over me and knocked him down. She turned around and screeched at us again before she leaped. I brought my sword up and knocked her down. Dust and ashes circled around her as she recomposed herself. Maleficent screeched again before she swung both arms and knocked us away from each other. I let out a grunt as my back hit the wall. I got up as Maleficent started to roar and charged at my papa.

"Papa!" I yelled. When he looked up I tossed him my sword. He caught in time before Maleficent swooped down. Papa brought my sword up and rammed it through her heart. Maleficent screeched again before her body turned into a pile of dust. I jumped down from my place and hugged him. "That was close."

"You were right," he said as he handed me my sword back.

I nodded. "I know. That's just how she is." I put my sword back on its sheath. "Let's go before she decides to rise up again."

Papa nodded before following me.


I guess some people really haven't changed. Regina actually left me and Papa to die while she grabbed the trigger. I'm a bit pissed. Good thing we beat her to the library. I can't wait to see the look on her face. Thank you, secret entrance.

Regina got out with a small smile on her face as she held the gem. When she looked up, she jumped back and let out a little gasp. Her look was priceless.

"How?" she asked.

"Startling, aren't we? Some people say striking," Papa said.

"You couldn't have survived that."

I tilted my head. "Yeah, well, you know us Jones. We excel at surviving. Especially when it comes to the father-daughter vs everyone."

Papa continued. "The amazing thing is, you almost had me. All that stuff about a fresh, clean start, just killing 'em and movin' on... it kinda touched me. For a moment there, I thought we had a real connection. And honestly, I almost put a stop to my plan."

"Your plan?" Regina wondered.

I shook my head. "Actually, more like their plan. Papa did fancy it, and I did too," I lied. "They did return my papa to me, so I owe them a huge debt," I smirked as the door opens. Greg and Tamara came in with a satisfied look.

Papa motioned to them. "Do you, uh, know these two?" Regina's mouth flew open. "Well, they have a way with magic. Or should I say, a way against magic."

Regina looked around the room. Her eyes settled to mine, which made me look down. "Enough of this," she said before she tried to conjure up a fireball. I knew what was coming next. Nothing. There was no magic that could be used against us.

"Yeah, sorry. That's not gonna work," Greg said. "Not anymore."

Regina gasped as she looked at her hands. Her eyes focused on the cuff. "The cuff," she sneered before looking at Papa and me. "You gave me this."

"No, you rather insisted," Papa argued.

"You knew I would want it."

I crossed my arms. "Just like I knew you would leave us for dead." I gave Greg and Tamara an impressive nod. "Didn't know how you guys did it, but I'm impressed." I grinned at Regina. "See, they rigged it with something that blocks your magic."

Regina glared at Greg. "So little bitty Owen does grown-up magic of his own now."

Greg motioned to the cuff. "It's not magic. Actually, this is something much better - science." Regina tried pulling the cuff off, but it wasn't working. "You - You can stop doing that. It's not gonna work. You might be able to get rid of the leather, but inside are the toughest metals and machinery known to man, and right now they're counteracting every magic bone in your body."

Tamara pulled a piece of paper from her coat. "Which one was she?"

"Uh, she was the - the Queen. The Evil Queen."

"Yes. I was...the Queen," Regina corrected.

"But're nothing."

"And what are you?"

"I'm - I'm just a man - a man on a mission." I wanted to scoff. Man isn't the word I would use.

"And all this just to try to find your father. I already told you, I don't know where -"

"Yes, you do. But that's not my mission."

"Then what is?"

Greg gave Regina a creepy smile. "I'm not telling you." He looked at Tamara. "Bag her."

Tamara pulled a bag out and put it over Regina's head. Papa and I glanced at each other. What the hell did I get myself into?



Emma, it's her. It's Tamara. You have to tell Bae.

My finger hovered over the send button. If I send it, Emma could warn Bae and stop Tamara and Greg from finishing their plan. But if I do tell Emma, they kill Papa. I sighed before turning my phone off. There was a knock on the door and Greg poked his head in.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Go where?" I sneered.

He gave me a look. "Our walk. The one we planned."

"Before or after you threatened my papa."

"Come on, Jax. I'm not the bad guy here." Is he serious? He threatened to kill my papa and kidnapped Regina, and he's not the bad guy?

"What about Papa? Maybe he should come with us," I said.

"I asked, but he said he was hungry and started to eat whatever is in your fridge. So it'll be just us."

I gave him a skeptical look. "Me walking in the woods with you alone? That doesn't sound suspicious. As a matter of fact, how do I know you're not going to kill me?"

"Cause I wouldn't kill my friend," he said as if it were obvious. "We're still friends, aren't we?"

I wanted him to leave. But he's not going to stop unless I take this stupid walk with him. I rolled my eyes and walked out of my room.

"You've got 15 minutes," I said.


So Greg and I walked through the tracks. It was longer than 15 minutes, but maybe if I could get us farther away I could kill him then warn Emma.

"See, just a friendly walk," Greg said. "Just like I promise."

"Doesn't mean anything, mate," I said.

"I know you're still mad at me, but I thought you of all people would understand. I heard stories of Cassandra Jones, different variations. One where you're the assassin in the Underworld. Or the wraith that consumes all souls." He chuckled. "I never expected for you to be the daughter of Captain Hook. Or Rumplestiltskin, for the matter."

"Well, I am beautiful, so I see where you get your confusion."

"But all the tales said that you were looking for someone. None of them know the specifics, but you were this ruthless character."

"If you didn't have a thing with Tamara, I would have said you were flirting."

He shook his head. "No, I'm not. When I heard the true story about you that made things 10 times better for me." Wait, where did he get the true story from? From what I've heard, Henry still has his book. Bae couldn't have told Tamara all about me.

Greg went on. "Separated from her father. Almost killed by the Evil Queen. Rumplestiltskin actually wanting to turn you evil. You've killed so many people only to find this one person. It's like you're the other version of me. I'm really glad they gave me the whole story."

I stopped and gave him a confused look. "And who exactly gave you the story?"

"Home Office, of course," Greg replied. Home Office? "They gave us specific orders, one of them is not harming you until the time is right."

I slowly reached for my sword. "What the bloody hell do you mean when the time is right?" Greg shrugged. My eyes widen. Oh, shit. This was a trap. I grabbed my sword and pulled it out before pinning him to a tree. "Now, you're going to tell me who the fuck is this Home Office? What do they want from me?"

"I don't know. But they wanted me to get you away from everyone and send you to the Drop Off, what they do to you there, I don't know for sure."

"There is no way I'm going to the Drop Off."

Greg looked behind me and smirked. "You don't have much of a choice."

I glared at him. I was about to stab his throat but something hit the back of my head. Hard. I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head before everything went blank.

3rd POV

The duo dragged Cassandra's unconscious body towards the edge of the cliff. Tamara snuck away from Bae once again to follow Greg and the pirate.

"Why do you think Home Office wants her?" Greg asked as they set her body near the edge.

"We don't ask questions," Tamara said. "We're doing exactly what they told us to do."

"And what about her old man? Don't you think he's going to ask questions about her whereabouts?"

"I wouldn't worry about Captain Hook. He's too busy focusing on his revenge to notice."

Greg gave her a look. "I don't think so. You saw the way he acted in those tunnels. He'll protect his kid. And if not him, then what about Rumplestiltskin? Or Emma? Or her friends? Someone is bound to notice her missing."

Tamara used her foot to roll Cassandra off the cliff. They both looked down to as her body disappeared into the darkness.

"Just leave it to me. She's Home Office's problem now."

Tamara looked down at the cliff before walking away. Greg looked at her leave before looking back down at the cliff. She's right. They have one mission. Their plan had to work. If Home Office wants to beat her, torture her, kill her, Greg wasn't going to stand in the way. He turned around before following his companion.

Once they were far away enough, a shadow flew down the cliff. He reached for the girl before carrying her in his arms before flying away. Someone is in for a surprise when she wakes up.

Cassandra's POV

My vision was still blurry as I open my eyes. I groaned as I tried to get up. I looked up once my vision was cleared only to freeze in my place. Oh, no. No, no, no, no. Not here. I can't be here.

I got up and looked around. The familiar forest I didn't want to come back to. My mouth flew open as I cursed under my breath. Oh, no. No. No. No. No. Why am I here? Why the hell am I back here? I wasn't supposed to be back. Back to my own personal hell. Not here. Not now. But, I am back. I'm back to the one place I vow to never come back to.



A/N: I lied. This is the final chapter for Savage. Cassandra is back in Neverland, can't wait to see how this plays out.

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