Do Overs

By jasminejoie

55.8K 1.3K 235

Aubrey has been wrongfully sentenced to do years behind bars for something he didn't do, he comes out looking... More

fiftyfive: final chapter.


633 19 6
By jasminejoie

Since her invasive interview with the police, Camilla hadn't said much over the past week. She couldn't really describe how she felt. Lorenzo was her father, a very sad excuse for one but still her father; him dying without them even getting the chance to reconcile...if there even was one did make her feel sad. But, most of her anxiety and nervousness came from the worry of her or Aubrey becoming suspects. Today was the day she and Aubrey found out the gender of the baby, Aubrey had some hope this would turn her mood around.

Julianna and Sandi accompanied the pair of them to the hospital, Aubrey had Dennis on standby to FaceTime him as soon as they found out.

"If this doesn't cheer you up, I don't know what will" Julianna said to Camilla. Camilla had her head rested on Aubrey's shoulder.

"My baby always makes me happy, I'm not sad. I just don't have anything to say" Camilla looked up at her mom. Camilla and her mom had been on thin ice with one another recently, Camilla hadn't decided to confide in Aubrey about it yet but he knew it was coming.

"My guess is a girl" Sandi intercepted, trying to ease the tension.

"Same, but I don't mind either way" Camilla smiled.

"I'm saying boy, but a girl would be good too" Aubrey chuckled, kissing the top of Camilla's head.

Once Camilla was laid on the bed, Aubrey FaceTimed his father, Dennis to let him feel involved. In some way, Lorenzo's sudden death had made Aubrey reconsider the animosity he had towards his father.

"Drake, man, listen, I bet with my friends that it's a boy so even if it's a girl, tell me it's a boy so I can collect my money" Dennis chuckled, causing everyone else to laugh.

"I got you" Aubrey replied.

"Everything is looking great" the doctor smiled at Camilla. "Any concerns?"

"Uh, The baby doesn't really move that much? And if the baby does move, it's nothing big. It's like a flutter. Is that normal or?"

"Considering this is your first pregnancy and you're only about 20 weeks, that's very normal. He or she won't be giving you strong movements till about 22-25 weeks" the doctor reassured her. "Any questions before I check the gender?"

"I don't have any, do you, baby?" Camilla said, looking at Aubrey.

"This is a little bit personal..." Aubrey replied, feeling awkward. "But, is sex from this point onwards fine? The baby can't feel it, right?" Aubrey asked, causing Camilla to make a disgusted face.

"Oh my" Sandi covered her ears momentarily. The doctor laughed briefly before answering Aubrey's question.

"Sex is perfectly fine during pregnancy, the baby does not feel it at all. One position I wouldn't recommend is missio-"

"Alright doc, lets leave this for the flyers and shit, please. Tell me what my grand baby is" Dennis yelled through the phone.

"Sorry" the doctor cleared her throat and placed the transducer on Camilla's stomach allowing the baby to reappear on the screen.

Aubrey looked down at Camilla who had a smile from ear to ear. He was happy to see that if anything made her happy, it was the baby.

"You are having a little boy" the doctor smiled at the pair of them. The sound of shrieks of happiness and clapping filled the room. "I'll print you out some pictures and then we can be finished here"

Aubrey's excitement had heightened a little bit, he was happy of the gender regardless but it made him anticipate a lot more things. What would he look like? Would he like the things that Aubrey likes? Or would he prefer the things Camilla likes?

Once they arrived home, Camilla placed the sonogram pictures on the refrigerator as she smiled to herself.

"I can't believe we're having a boy, I really thought it was a girl" Camilla said.

"I always knew I was getting my boy first" Aubrey laughed, rubbing her stomach. "Was that a kick?" He added, feeling the strong sensation of a kick.

"Wow, it was. A strong one as well" Camilla giggled, placing her hand on her stomach. "Maybe he just wanted us to know that we know he's a boy before he started kicking properly"

"What names are we thinking? AJ?"

"We can't have any juniors, Aubrey" she made a disapproving face at him.

"Why not?" Aubrey folded his arms, leaning against the counter.

"Because that's unfair, say we have 4 boys and only one of them is a junior, the others will feel left out"

"I'm sure they won't look at it like that, but I see where you're coming from" Aubrey chuckled. "4 boys though?"

"Oh no, no, I was just speaking figuratively.  2 girls and 1 boy or 1 girl and two boys"

"Or, two girls and two boys"

"Are you the one pushing all them heads out your-"

"Alright, alright" Aubrey put a finger on her lips. "I'm just glad to see you in a better mood"

"I was just in shock, but honestly baby I'm not that sad about him being dead, I'm anxious about if the police start digging and find out about the shooting"

"Me too, but they haven't got anything on any of us. We didn't do anything to him" Aubrey sighed, leaning back on the counter again. "Either way, the funeral is next so once that's over, everything should be back to normal. I've got Jahron to see what he can dig up"

"If the even get the smallest amount of dirt on what happened between us and my dad, we're finished" Camilla shook her head.

"They won't, we can't worry about shit we can't control. We didn't do it and they'll know that" Aubrey reminded her.

"Aubrey, weird question don't think we had anything to do with this right?"

"Honestly baby, I thought it was Hush or Baka at first, then I realised you'd have to be a crazy person to be around us, especially you, knowing that they've done some shit like that"

"You'd be surprised, like you said, we can't worry about shit we can't control" she shrugged. "What if they find out I lied about the last time I saw him?"

"Well...we deal with that when get to that stage. They interviewed you right after you saw a dead body, your mental state wasn't exactly in the best place"

"That's true, but what if they try to incriminate you?"

"I was in hospital for 2 weeks, I now have on a sling, they'd be stupid to try pin this shit on me" Aubrey reminded her. "Breathe baby, for real. We're good"

Camilla nodded her head, hugging Aubrey and planting a kiss on his lips. Only time would tell what was to come...

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