The Power Of A Rose

By NinaFresita

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"There's a lot you don't know know about me Babygirl..." The words slipped out through his clenched teeth. Th... More

Authors Note
The beginning
And so it begins...
The story of Life
Party Party
First Rose
The transformation
New Body
Would He Hurt Me?
Kisses & Demons
The Sword
Kitty bath
Let's Fight
True Warrior
Did You Try To Save Me
I Need You
Taking A Risk
Why Did You Do It?
I'll do it myself
Found Morals And Found Fairies
Back To School
I Only Hurt Myself
Without Your Belief, What Can You Really Do?
How Can I Help You?
Read The Signs
Falling Apart
I found it
Looking for Jason
Welcome to Hell
The Truth Of Jason
Help me Lose My Mind
WAR Pt. 2
WAR Pt. 3

A New Beginning

118 4 0
By NinaFresita

Song For The Chapter: Paramore- Ain't It Fun

Well, I graduated!

I fucking did it! I graduated from this stupid school! I'm out this fucking bitch. I took a deep breath, walking to my parents with my diploma. It was a cluster fuck of graduates and parents, all crying and cheering.

"Oh Serenity!" My mom teared up. "You graduated, baby." She hugged me tightly.

Both of my parents were dressed up in their fancy clothes. Mom in a pretty bodycon dress with kitten heels and my dad in a dress shirt and slacks.

"Get together, I'll take a picture." My dad smiled.

I smiled proudly, holding up my diploma.

"Got it. Perfect."

"Lets go eat. I'm hungry."

I sat at the restaurant, deeply relieved that I can just calm down for a second and not have to anxious about waking up early and going to school. Having to rush through work, it was hell. Plus, having to skip class only to pass out in some random backwoods.

Now, I just have to find Jason.

I have so much time! I can go to Twilight city. I just need to get to him.

"I figured instead of renting a truck, we can just move everything between our two cars. Save the money."

"Sounds good. Even better. " I nodded.

"I know you want to move, Serenity. I'm not stopping you, you deserve some space...but is that house really what you want?" My mom raised an eyebrow.

The house that she is referring to is an abandoned two story house in the middle of the woods. From the outside it horribly ghastly! It looked haunted, scary, and old. It actually is haunted....

Which is why the price is so low!

The house has been haunted by a demon for decades. Previous owners have stayed for a couple of months and then dipped. They could never keep the house off the market. They even tried renovating it, nothing. People still left after 6 months. Throughout the years the price has been lowered and lowered, trying to attract an audience. That's how I bought the house!

After I expressed how much I detest school. My guilt-felt parents agreed on letting me use the college money for my house. I kinda did feel bad playing into the whole 'You feel guilty so let me have what I want' Scenario but its best I just get away from everyone.

Besides the house is actually very pretty, from the inside at least. Sure there's a demon but I'll just get rid of it and live happily ever after.

The foundation of the house has been touched up. All the plumbing and pipes are cleared, and strong. The floors were redone and the windows are brand new. The roof and outside exterior is a little shaky but nothing serious.

There are vines growing against the side of the house, the gardening is something I'll have to work on with my parents. The land the house sits on is actually quite big too. The entry to the house is down a small road, unkempt plants and herbs by the side. I can already tell its going to be beautiful in the fall, its something I definitely look forward to.

"Yeah! Its so pretty."



"The inside..." I hissed. " amazing! I won't have to worry about any foundation problems or annoying neighbors!  Right?" I nodded. "Family parties would be amazing. Parties in general are gonna be lit."

"Be what?"

"I get to blast my music as loud as I want! It's also in a safe neighborhood. Its the best thing I could ask for right now."


"Well, when do you start working?" My dad asked.

"In two weeks. That should give me enough time to settle in."

I picked up a job at the library. Its quiet and relaxing. Something I definitely need more of. The hours are perfect too. Its from 12-5 and its only a 10 minute bike ride from my house.

It'll help me earn more money and save so I'm always on top of my bills. I still have a ton of money saved. I don't know how long I'll end up living there but I don't see much options right now.

All I know is this warrior life isn't coming to an end anytime soon.

"Dad! Mom says you had it last." I looked to him, he frowned.

"I did not have it last. Your mother got the keys directly from the agent." He walked back to his car to check.

I sat on the porch of my dark, gloomy house. Sweating my fat off as we waited for my mom. Good thing the trees here offer good shade. It actually feels nice.

"He says you had it." I told my mom through the phone.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes. If your dad doesn't find the keys by the time I get there, he owes me two bucks."

"mmmmmmmm k." I nodded. Crystal clear.

"DaaaAAaad, mom says you have 5 minutes to find them or you have to buy me a new bed."

"What?!" He poked his head out his truck.

"Hey, thats what mom said. Not my fault." I teased.

"Well, its a good thing I found them, now isn't it." He narrowed his eyes at me.

I sighed, walking with my dad. He opened the door and a breeze of cold air hit us as we walked in.

"Wow, it feels good in here." I sighed. The sun shined through the floor to ceiling windows, shadows shaking as the trees danced in the wind.

Everything was empty, hollow. I faintly felt the Demons presence, but it wasn't threatening yet.

"Yeah, that's surprising." My dad raised an eyebrow.

"I'll start bring my stuff in." Giggling, I ran to the car, bringing the light boxes first.

I didn't have much stuff. It was only two full cars worth.

"Mom!" I smiled, seeing her pull in.

"I see you found them." She shook her head. "I got the boxes you ordered. Along with some furry friends."

"Luna! Velvet!" I cooed, looking into the car and seeing them sleeping in their cages.

"I'll bring them in."

Carrying the cages gently and carefully so they don't wake. I placed them in the corner of my living room by the windows, opening their door so they can come out when their ready.

"Where are you gonna put your bed?" My dad asked.

"The room right there." I pointed to only room on the first floor.

"Really? I would've thought you were going to take the upstairs area." Upstairs is simply one giant open space, I'm guessing it was supposed to be the master bedroom but nope not for me. 

"No, that's gonna be my closet."

"That entire space is going to be just for your clothes?"

"Yup. Plus a make up room." I smiled.

My dad shook his head, distraught by my crazy designs. I brought my boxes of clothes upstairs, along with make-up, my desk, and shoes.

"Which one do you want to start on? Organizing your clothes or assembling your packages?"

"uhm... Lets start with the boxes."

All three of us sat on the floor of my empty living room, assembling packages I ordered from IKEA and other various places.

I ordered...

A vanity desk/ mirror.

A stool for my vanity.

Some modern light fixtures.

Four clothes rack.

And a small dark brown dining table, seating 4.

"The alarm system is up and ready." My dad smiled, proud of his hard work.

I smiled. That's my dad...

"Is that everything?" I sighed. I'm tired already. I had to cleanse a couple of things in between building. It really tired me out.

"Yup! Everything nice and sturdy."

"Wait..." I picked up a small bag of nails or the floor. "Why are these here?"

Both my parents tilted their heads, looking at the furniture.


"Serenity rose?!" A loud male voice knocked on the screen door.


The sofa's here. Both my parents walked out, leading the workers. While I picked up the trash and moved my sleeping babies out the way.

Two heavy set men walked in carrying a plastic covered couch. Taking the plastic off, they left out to get the rest of the things I ordered.

Carpet, and two giant mirrors.

"Why did you order a white carpet?" My mom groaned. "You know you're going to dirty it in one day."

"I am offended." I huffed.

The white fluffy carpet was placed under my bed frame. One of the giant mirrors went into my bedroom, right in front of my bed, the other went in my giant wonderland closet upstairs.

Finally, all the appliances and furniture were done with. No more heavy lifting, only intense organizing.

"I need more toilet paper."

"You already cleared out the store, people will think you have a problem." My dad shook his head.

"Okay, so we got 6 toilet paper packs, 3 paper towels packs, 2 trash bag boxes, 2 Windex bottles, 2 bottles of bleach, 3 boxes of laundry detergent, 4 bottles of dish soap, 3 bottles of hand soap, and a kit-kat bar." My mom narrowed her eyes at me in scolding stare. Because I don't have a car, we tried to buy in bulk to save me the struggle later on.

"It wasn't me this time." I pouted, looking at dad.

"It was 50 cents." He shrugged.

"Lets go."

The car ride was quiet back, everyone's so tired. Only energized enough to eat this bag of five guys we bought.

"Our first family dinner in the new house." I smiled, dancing in my chair as I ate my fries.

"We don't have Ketchup....or salt.... Or napkins." My dad sighed, opening the new pack of paper towels to use as napkins.

"Tomorrow we can go to the store again. You have every you need to survive for tonight."

"The house does look really nice. I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover." My mom smiled, stealing ketchup packets from my dad.

"Yup, yup. Its gonna look even better when we finish decorating." I smiled.

"I guess next family reunion will be over here."

"Yes, so I can show off my house. We can have bbq's! And games! And loud music." Its so nice having such a large space with no close neighbors.

"No boys over!" My mom yelled.

"Right, no boys." My dad nodded.

I don't think that'll be a problem. I nodded to ease their minds.

"I only have one friend and she's moving in two months. Calm down."

My dad sneezed loudly. The cats must be under the table.

"That's something I'm not going to miss." My dad sighed, rubbing his nose.

"Oh yeah, now I can have as many pets as I want!" I danced.

"You can barely take care of two cats let alone, two cats, yourself, and a brand new house. Take it slow, don't bite off more than you can chew."

The night was lonely, mostly because nothing seems comfortable yet. I need pillows, tv, wifi, and food. If its going to be my house than I need blankets at every chair, music 24/7, roses at every inch of this house. It was very relaxing nonetheless. It was another relief, not having to worry about hiding my secrets.

The best part! I got to walk around in my underwear the whole night without worrying if my parents were going to walk in.

"Lets stop by the gardening section real quick."

"Are you gonna pick up a gardening habit?" My mom raised an eyebrow.

"Oh please, we all know Serenity can't handle bugs." My dad snickered.

"For your information, Mother, Father. I was going to plant Rose seeds."

"Okay, interesting..." My dad said.

We picked up some packets and even bought some real roses, planting them would be a pretty addition to the dampening look of my houses exterior.

"Curtains are up! Cable and Wifi are connected! The fridge is packed! We have dishes and utensils! Upstairs is organized and gorgeous!" I danced, bobbing my head to the faint music of my stereo playing.

"And..." My mom said finishing the last frame. "The frames are up!"

"We forgot napkins again." My dad said looking around for something to dry is hands with.

I giggled, running around the house like a maniac.

"She's going to trip...."


"Luna! Velvet!" I picked both of them up, running around with them.

"Oh no. She going to hurt both the cats now." My mom looked away. "Lets, Lets leave. I don't want to see this."

"Enjoy your freedom, Serenity, we'll see you in a few days." My dad kissed my head.

"Don't worry, I will." My dad sneezed again.

"Call of us if you get scared, or lonely or anything. Okay?" My mom smiled.

"Yes, yes, I know." I smiled. Sneeze. I chuckled at my father, putting my cats down. "I'll stay safe, smart, and isolated." Sneeze.

"I gotta go, Love you Serenity." My dad sneezed, leaving the house quickly.

"Serenity, please call us if you need anything."

"Don't worry, I will. Trust me, I'll be calling so much, you guys will block my number."

"Perfect." She smiled leaving out. "Lock this door. Close the curtains. Don't open the door after 8pm."

"Mom, I got it." I smiled.

"Okay, bye!" my mom smiled leaving out finally.

I watched their car pull off, light leaving as the sun went down.

I danced around. Jumping into the couch and watching tv.

"Okay, Lets start."

I rolled off, laying on the grey fluffy carpet.

Everything is normal, not much difference in energy. The only thing throwing me off balance is the resting demon in the house.

It hasn't bothered me or the kitties yet... I guess we'll have to wait for it to come out...



A/N- I cant be bothered to add money struggles, fuck that. I deal with that too much to write about it. It's a book, I want to fantasize about spending money freely and decorating to my hearts satisfaction cause a bitch is broookkkkkeee.

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