Don't Say Anything

By arose4u

225K 9.8K 7.3K

Jessi is one of the few business majors in an almost all arts college. Her goals for life include; graduating... More

1. Rosie
2. He Gets Around
3. Not Everyone Is A Jerk Like Will
4. The Game
5. You're So Easy To Read
6. Analysis
7. Are You Following Me?
8. Tastes Like A Cherry Tree
9. A Dagger
10. It's Too Quiet In Here
11. I'm Just Curious
12. Chocolate
13. You're Driving Me Crazy
14. Accidents
15. Waiting
16. I'm Fine
17. Explanations
18. I'm Better Than I Look
19. Trust Me
20. Good Luck Bad Luck
21. A Different Game
22. I Know
23. Secrets
24. He's A Prick, But He's Not Stupid
25. Hot Chocolate
26. Baseball Stars
27. Jealousy and Coffee Creamers
28. Family
29. Just Something Small
30. Overwhelmed
31. Unexpected
32. Not A Good Word Choice
33. Uncharted Territory
34. I'm Not Scared
35. Everything
36. Texting
37. Merry Late Christmas
38. Ready Rosie?
39. The Art Show
40. Girlfriend Phobia
41. Oh.
42. Advice and News
43. Come Over
44. This Isn't Will
45. It's Over. She's Gone
46. You Can Be My Just In Case
47. Finally! Finally, Finally
48. Is It Vandalism?
49. About Valentines Day...
51. Lies And Fights
52. You Won't Regret It
53. Is That A Challenge?
54. A Perplexing Phenomenon
55. The Wedding
56. First You Have To Pay Me Rent
57. Somewhere Better
58. Old Friend
59. Because We Stay Inside Too Much
60. I Can't Think On The Spot
61. In The Kitchen
62. She Doesn't Want To Be Found
63. I Should Hate Him
64. Don't Touch Me
65. Don't Kill Anybody
66. You're Unbelievable
67. Accouterments Has Two Cs
68. Oblivious
69. Prince Charming
70. What Crawled Up His Ass?
71. He's Happy
72. Voicemail
73. You Made Me Look Like A Fool
74. Just Listen To Me
75. It Would Be A Death Wish
76. Hell No
77. It's Not What You Think
78. My Northern Star
79. I Have One More Question
80. Metal Monster
81. First Date
82. I'm Training To Be Plato
83. I Was Trying To Be Flirtatious
84. I Don't Really Know Anything Except...
85. No, Don't Scream
86. Sweetheart
87. People Change
88. Threaten Me With Cats
89. Gossip Page
90. Chex Mix
91. You Crash It, You Pay For It
92. I Got It
93. It's Not A Game To Me
94. Speaking Of The Bastard
95. Your Foolishness
96. Shenanigans
97. Meaningless
98. Nothing Else Is Important
99. Don't Say Anything
100. A/N

50. What's The Worst That Could Happen

2.3K 95 55
By arose4u

A week has gone by and I've only brought up the wedding once. The conversation went pretty much like the last.

"Please, Will."


"She's your mother."

"Not to me."

"She needs your support."

"How many times do I have to say no?"

"I don't want to go alone."

"You're not going at all."

"I'm going, Will. I was invited."

"If you care about me at all, you won't go."

"I do care about you, but I care about Leah too."

"I forbid you to have any involvement in their fucking circus."

"You can't do that Will! I'm an adult. You're not my parent."

"Drop it, Jessi."


"Drop it."


"I said fucking drop it."

And that was the end of that. I hate making him upset and angry, so I don't push it any further. In the end, I can't force him to go, but he can't stop me from going. I thought he would cave and agree to come with me by now, but his mind is pretty set. He has no hesitation whatsoever when he talks. I don't know what else I can do to convince him. His opinions are unchangeable once they're set. He's so damn stubborn.

My phone vibrates when I walk out of my Honors Economics class.

From: Leah To: Jessi

Hey Jessi! I desperately need help picking out a dress. Are you available in about two hours?

Will's words ring in my head. I forbid you to have any involvement in their fucking circus. He can't talk to me like that. I'm not a child. I'm not his to decide what to do with. I can be involved in the wedding if I want.

From: Jessi To: Leah

I'd love to help. Where should I meet you?

Helping pick out a dress isn't a big deal. It's not like I convinced Leah to get married. Maybe I can talk to her about Ethan more while we're looking at dresses.

From: Leah To: Jessi

New York Bride & Groom on South Boulevard. Thank you love!

Of course she would be going to one of the best bridal shops in North Carolina. I should go back to the room and change. I quickly text Will just to make sure he's busy today. I think I remember him saying he had to work late.

To: Will From: Jessi

Are you busy tonight? –busy Jessi

He responds immediately.

To: Jessi From: Will

I'm supposed to work all night, but if you need to study or something, I can just stay late tomorrow. –busy Will

Why does he have to be so nice? It makes it so much harder to go behind his back. Although, I'm not really going behind his back; I'm just doing what I would do regardless of what he says. I'm not going to let him control my life. What's the worst that could happen trying on dresses?

To: Will From: Jessi

No, I have a lot of actual studying I need to do tonight. I was just making sure you weren't expecting me over this afternoon. Have fun at work! -Jess

From: Will To: Jessi

Have fun studying. I wish I was there to distract you:) –distracted Will

I'm glad we've put the disagreement about the wedding behind us, for now. I'm not giving up quite yet. 


I changed into a nice floral blouse and black jeans. Avery had black boots that she let me barrow and I still threw on my winter coat because I think it's freezing outside. Kira said I could use her car as long as I had it back my tomorrow morning, which shouldn't be a problem. I think I'll only be a couple of hours.

Driving downtown is a pain. They're doing construction on what looks like at least half the roads. How do they expect people to get to their jobs? Finding a place to park is even worse. I drive around for twenty minutes without finding one spot close to South Boulevard. I remember the big parking lot behind that paintbrush factory and finally decided to park there. I have to walk a good distance to get to the bridal shop, but it's nice to get some fresh air.

"Jessi, darling," Leah says the second I walk into the store. I almost don't notice her; I'm too intrigued by the decorations. The store is ten times bigger than I thought it would be. There are gorgeous gowns hanging everywhere; on racks, on walls, in open closets. There are pink curtains and pink flowers to match. The floors are bright white, like no one has ever walked on them before. I'm half expecting someone to follow me around and wipe up the trail of dust and dirt I'm trailing in.

I immediately feel like I stand out. There are three ladies standing with Leah all dressed in little black dresses. One has a measuring tape around her neck, one is holding a white veil, one just has her hands on her hips, and they are eyeing me like I'm some kind of animal. Hey, it's not my fault I'm covered with tiny debris from walking through a massive construction site. I actually tried to look nice for this.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming," Leah brings me into a hug despite my appearance. She looks amazing as always; hair in loose curls around her face, bright red lipstick that complements her deep purple dress, bright green eyes full of life. She looks happy. It's not really my place to tell her she shouldn't be.

"I had to park across town." And I took the long way here to avoid passing World of Art.

"It's crazy here."

"It looks like they're tearing up half the city."

"Yes, it does," she says widening her smile. "Have a glass of wine."

She hands me a glass and I almost laugh. I bet the cheapest dress in here is thousands of dollars. I'm surprised there's not a fee to even look at them. Well, I'm guessing there is, but Leah is paying it.

The Little Black Dresses introduce themselves and lead us into another room. Right before the door closes, I see a man come and mop up my footprints from walking in, just as I thought.

Leah tries on some of the most beautiful white dresses I've ever seen. The employees end up being a lot nicer than their first impressions. All four of us admire Leah, talk about which dresses we like the best, and laugh about stories they have regarding other customers. Leah must have booked the rest of the day, because she doesn't seem to be in any rush. I'm enjoying myself too much to care. I spend an awful lot of time with Will, and I wouldn't trade that for anything, but having girl talk is a nice bit of change. I've lost track of time and the number of dresses Leah has tried on.

"Can I just talk with Jessi for a minute?" Leah asks the Little Black Dresses who I now consider to be my friends.

They all quickly comply and exit the room leaving us alone.

"Oh, Jessi," she says with a tied smile. "I don't know which one. I think I've tried the whole store."

"All except for strapless."

"You know I can't do strapless, Hun."

"I think you would pull it off beautifully."


"Of course." She's one of the most stunning women I know. She's looked model perfect in every dress so far, but none of them had been perfect to her.

"Well, there is one I've been looking at. But I'm not sure about it."

"At least try it. Might as well, right?"

She looks at me like I've just told her the winning lottery ticket number.

"I will right now."

"Can I ask you something first?" I say before she stands up.

"What is it darling?"

"I'm honored that you asked me to come with you today, but why did you ask me?"

I am a friend of Leah's, but it's not like we're related or have known each other for years. I'm her son's girlfriend, or good friend, I'm not really sure at this point, and I haven't known him for that long. With the wedding only a week away, I would think she'd have plenty of people willing to go with her.

"My friends are all dreadfully busy. The art industry is very competitive; especially the higher up you go, so work is very important. I couldn't ask them to give up a day just to hang out and try on dresses. I hope I didn't keep you from anything."

"No, I was just finishing my classes for the day when you texted me. What about your family?"

"They all live in California. They're coming sometime next week, but I need to pick a dress today if I want it altered in time for the wedding."

"It must have been hard moving here with all of your family across the country."

I can't imagine living so far away from my family. Even when I take over my dad's little company in NYC, it'll be within driving distance to North Carolina. And I'll be able to see my dad every now and then at work. Moving across the country seems like I huge deal.

"I had Ethan," she says smiling. "And Will," she adds as an after thought. It's weird to think about how Will almost never talked to Leah the first two years they lived here. It's like they lived on the other side of the state instead of just the other side of the house.

"I needed the change, and it was the best choice for Will's career. He's doing so well now." She looks like she's on the brink of tears. I know she's about to mention something about me, so I quickly change the subject.

"You're one hundred percent sure you know what your doing next week," I say gently.

She nods her head quickly. "Yes. I love him. I would probably be homeless on the streets of California if it wasn't for him. I was heading in the wrong direction when I got a divorce, and he pulled me back. We've had some problems along the way," like how he always cheats on you and is abusive, "but I think deep down he loves me too."

She's a weird one, but there's nothing else I can say. I've tried. Now I know how Will must feel, but it went on for years with him.

"Not everyone understands," she says looking down at her hands. "You should hear my brother talk about Ethan. It's like he has the same mind as Will. But I know what I want to do, and I want to marry Ethan next week."

Will's uncle! When we talked about if Will still keeps in contact with anyone from California, he said his uncle was the only one. I'd love to meet him.

"Is he coming to the wedding?"

"I doubt it. I'm still working on him. What about Will? You're the only one he'll listen to."

I feel guilty not being able to change his mind. I can tell that Leah really wants him to come.

"I don't think so, but I'll keep trying," I say in an attempt to lift her spirits.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but if he doesn't come, do you think that you still will? I would love for you to be there."

"I wouldn't miss it," I say pulling her into a hug. "Now go try on that dress before they close the store. It has to be getting late."


The dress is perfect on Leah. All of us are in tears because she looks so happy and relieved. She deserves to be happy, and if Ethan makes her happy, then so be it.

I glance down at my phone for the first time and notice it's past nine o'clock. Jeeze, we've been here a lot longer than I thought. There's going to be tons of traffic getting out of the city because of the construction.

"I have to get going if I want to get home at a reasonable time," I say after we've all calmed down.

"Go ahead, lovely. Thank you so much for coming." 

Leah hugs me goodbye as well as all the employees. The janitor glares at me as I leave, but I don't blame him. This whole event went a lot better than I thought it would. I'm actually kind of looking forward to the wedding, but I wish Will would come with me.

Some of the streetlights are out because of construction, but there is still plenty of light to see my way down the streets. I don't like walking in the city at night, so I take the quickest path possible, even though it means walking past World of Art. I stay out of all the lights and creep around cars when I pass the building. Will is probably done working at this point, and even if he's still here, he's at the top of the building, but I'm still cautious. There's no need for him to know I'm helping Leah out. It'll just piss him off, and I'm still trying to get him to agree to the wedding invitation.

I walk faster as I come closer to the paintbrush factory. It's on the very edge of downtown, and everything past downtown is a little too sketchy for me. I also have the strange feeling of someone following me.

Don't look back Jessi. You're almost to your car. Just walk a little faster.

I slow down a little when I see the street has more people coming up. No one is going to kidnap me when other people are around. I feel more relived, until I see what kind of people are hanging out on these streets. They all have ragged clothes and tangled hair. There's not too many of them, maybe ten at the most spread out along the only street to get to the paintbrush factory. They don't look like they're going to jump me or anything. They all seem like independent people just wondering around. I pick up my head and don't make eye contact as I walk down the street.

None of them talk to me, and I think I'm home free, until the last guy.

"Would you like a smoke, Miss?"

"No thank you." I look away from him but keep my head up. I need to look confident and unafraid. I try to keep walking, but his grubby hand wraps around my arm.

"Would you like something else?" I finally look up at him as I try to wiggle my arm free. He looks like he's in his forties. His beard is overgrown and his hair is tied back in a greasy looking bandanna. His breath reeks of old food and marijuana. It's disgusting.

"I want you to let me go." I pull hard on my arm, but he just grabs the other one.

"What is a young miss like you doing walking around here at night?"

Panic is quickly stating to seep in. This isn't like aggressive, angry Will; this is a stranger. I knew in the end that Will wasn't going to hurt me, I don't know anything about this guy, and I'm not getting a good vibe so far.

"I'm trying to get to my car. Let go of me." My voice is failing me. Haunting memories from years ago flash through my mind, making me even more scared. I feel tears prick at the corners of my eyes but I don't let them fall. I can't give in to this guy.

"Maybe we could do something else," he says with a spine-chilling grin.

"My boyfriend is right around the corner. I suggest you let me go."

I work really hard to push any bad memories away so I don't have a panic attack. This is just some creep on the streets. Someone will drive by soon and see what's going on. I look around and see that the road to the left is closed off for construction, so no one will be driving down here. Shit.

"You're a terrible liar little miss. Just come with me around the corner for a minute, and then you can go on your merry way."

Damn it. Time for last resort.

"Help! Someone help me!"

The creepy man's hand covers my mouth and he tries to get me against the wall. I surprisingly enough am able to hold my ground in the middle of the sidewalk. I use my free arm to pull on his because it's slowly getting hard to breath.

Just as I'm about to think of another plan, an arm comes from behind me and knocks the creep to the ground. Before I can turn around to see who it is, I'm shoved into a car and I immediately black out. 


Why can't a bicycle stand on its own?

Because it's two tired.


I can't update tomorrow, but I will update Saturday!

Please Vote and Comment!!

Thank you to infinity and I love you to beyond. x

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