Addicted to Mr Right

Door mumsey123

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Do you ever get the feeling you cant take anymore? Well alex gets that feeling every time she closes her eyes... Meer

The Benefit Dinner
The Deal
Is love just a word?
Nannie Blakewood
The Move
The New Job
First Dates
Opening old wounds
Too Much Too Soon
Going From Bad To Worse
Trauma And Treatments
Out In The Open
Awkward Times
Getting Blood From A Stone
Pushing To Far
Charity Ball
Special Little Lady
Sad Goodbyes
The Dreaded Morning
The Engagement Party
Nothing Stays Away
The End!!!!!!!
The next book


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Door mumsey123

I couldn't believe it was here after all the hard work and effort it was finally over, I felt honoured having both parents with me taking photos of me in my graduation gown the look on my parents face was of pride, which made me feel warmed and loved. I'm so happy for having parents like them as without them I would never have achieved what I had today.

That night we went out for a celebratory dinner for graduation in London, we also went on the London eye which is something I wanted to do when I arrived here.

It was breathtaking looking out you could see for miles it was out of this world and to share it with the two most important people in my life was something I would cherish forever.

We stayed in a hotel that night as our flight wasn't until10:00am knowing that I would get hardly no sleep on the plane I wanted to just crash out and go straight to sleep so that's exactly what I did.

Hands grabbed my face chucking me into the wall. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH BITCH don't you dare raise you voice to me BITCH al teach you a lesson you UGULY TROLL your a loner, who would want you." I sprang from the bed, tears running down my face I was soaking from the sweat that was all over my body.

No please not again , why was I having those nightmares again, was it because I was going back? surely he would have forgotten about me? or maybe he had another girlfriend.

Feeling sorry in that moment for that poor girl if he did have someone else. Why after all these years was he still haunting me wasn't the scars enough? why did he have to haunt my mind too enough is enough right?

Maybe once I'm back home I would go and see a therapist,

but then my parents would find out and that's something they could never know, it was hard for me but for them I knew it would hit them bad to know I didn't ask for help,

to know I suffered, no I couldn't do that to them, so that was no option I would have to find another way.

The next morning I woke feeling groggy as waking up at 3:00am wasn't on my agenda. I felt tired and run down hopefully on the plane I could rest, even just for an hour would help my puffy eyes.

"Oh darling are you okay you look like you've had no sleep ."

" I'm fine mom don't worry about me I think I'm just nervous about my new job".

It's not as if I lied to her I was nervous about starting my new job. I had quite a lot of interest in London and back home but I knew I wanted to work at Waterfronts Publishings a small company inside the large Hendrix building.

Hendrix corporations was a tall silver building situated in the middle of New York, the building was very masculine and strong reminding me of that name.

Hugh's father must own the building I thought, he was only in his twenties there was no way it was his building, not that I cared he probably never even stepped foot in there or was that just wishful thinking.

The plane ride felt longer than usual wether or not that was because I couldn't sleep or wether it was through over thinking all the crap in my life. To be honest I think I was overdue a nice drink with my best friend.

In that moment I decided to text Sophia and arrange to go out to the new club that had just opened a few months ago in New York, it was located in a side street next to time square.

Sophia had told me about it the last time we were together saying that her friends from university said it was a classy place to get hooched up and that's something I defiantly needed. Sophia replied in a second saying she was up for it and then also said instead of getting one of our drivers to pick us up we could just stay in a suite at her fathers hotel.

Sophia's father owned a chain of elegant 5 star hotels called The Maddox which were located all across the states. Lucky for us one of her fathers hotels were on 8th avenue which was walking distance to and from the club.

I texted back to say I couldn't wait, knowing I would have to tell my mother exactly where I was going and give her details on the club.

You would think mother would be fine with me saying that I was going out and would be back the next day,

but no even at the age of 23 I still had to say what club, what friends and to check in before bed and if I didn't I would get the 3rd degree which ended in my phone being tracked and then Manwell checking up on me.

Absolutely ridiculous but that was my mother.

We arrived at The Logan international airport in Boston ( Massachusetts). It's was 1st of July, the wether was around 28 degrees very warm and dry, I did love the sun but sometimes it be too much. That's also why I loved London, yes it got warm at times but it was so unpredictable one minute it was sun the next it would be blowing a Gail.

Mother and fathers Bentley was waiting when we came out of the airport. Manwell loaded our luggage whilst we got in.

Mother was already on her phone getting any information she might of missed whilst being away, I took a moment to look at her sitting next to me, she was beautiful with shoulder length brown hair and green eyes she was a beauty.

My father was where my browns eyes came from as his were as big as mine, his hair was brown too. I got my blonde hair from my fathers mother she had bright blonde hair from being little. Aww I loved nannie Blakewood I must defiantly go and visit her before I make the move to New York.

The drive wasnt to long from the airport to mother and fathers mansion and i was glad. When we pulled up i felt very hungary and knew Miss Butcher would have something cooking, as soon as i got out the bentley i noticed something out of the corner of my eye, it was a black bmw 320 with tinted windows. And a huge bow wrapped around it.

" mother have i forgotton someones birthday"

" no darling why do you ask"she said confused.

" its just theres a bmw in the drive with a huge bow on it." mother started to laugh

" why alex that is your graduation gift hunni, we are so proud of you and wanted to get you a safe, reliable car, plus it also means you can drive home from new york when ever you feel like it.

Which in her mind if i know my mother she would be expecting that to be every weekend.

" oh thank you mother you know i hate fuss but i do love the car so thank you, would i be able to take it to new york on friday im supposed to be going out with sophia and will be staying at her fathers hotel after going to that club i was telling you about on the plane."

" Yes darling i suppose you can since it is your car."

Omg what was going on with her normally i would have to explain more to her then that, not that im complaining though.

Before she could say anymore i ran upstairs to shower and change before dinner, after my shower i shoved on my sweat pants and top before heading out of my room, i quickly checked my iphone realising it was low battery i went back in to put my cell on charge.

I pulled the charger out of the top draw when i notice the note of 2 months ago at the benefit dinner Hugh Hendrix i thought, did i have the guts to ring him ever?

He is a high flyer who probabley dates high end models, I would just be another notch on his bed post.

I felt devastated at that point, but why I had no interest in taking him up on his offer, I need to to be strong and not let it affect me with that in mind I put the number into my cell then left it to charge.

Once in the kitchen you could smell the aromas of the spices used, they smelt delicious which made me more hungary then ever. Beef strogonof was placed on serving dishes , mother was already in the dining room waiting for me my father was not though he was probably on a conference call in his study.

The meal was gorgeous of course the spices blended lovely with the beef that instantly melted on your tongue mmm am glad to be home. That night i didnt have a nightmare or wake up i think I was too exhausted from the previous night.

I awoke to the birds singing and the sun shinning through the crack in my curtains which made me istantly smile, I sat up and checked my phone 3 missed calls from sophia I best ring her back I thought.

" what the hell have you been doing av tried to call you all morning" in her usual excited tone.

Sophia was a morning person who loved to start off her day with a run, not like me of course I much prefered to stay in bed the extra hour and a half even though I think a membership at a gym when I get to new york would be a good idea and will at least take up some of my time on the evenings instead of sitting in my apartment alone, any way getting back to my call.

"Hi soph im sorry i was asleep ive been so tired since graduation night, i had one of those nightmares"

"alex how are you still having them i thought they had gone" she said with concern in her voice.

I could feel the guilt as she spoke knowing she knew and said nothing, it wasn't her fault though I made her promise she wouldn't tell any one and even though she didn't agree that's exactly what she did.

"They did go away whilst I was in London, I never had one until graduation."

"So you think it's because your back?" " maybe I don't know and don't really want to think about him, I hope he rots in hell."

" Yeh well your older and wiser now girl but maybe you need a new man in your life to get rid of the old one."

" Nah men are all the same they chew you up and spit you out."

" What even Mr Hugh Hendrix that Mr right that every one wants" Sophia said with humour in her voice. "Especially mr Hendrix" I was serious on that comment the only difference between him and other men was he pushed past all the hearts and flowers and just wanted the floor show and wasn't afraid to say it.

I eventually ended the call after arranging that we would get ready at my parents house together, I was really excited I arranged for mothers stylist to pop round to do our hairs and we didn't need a beautician we had both been waxed for graduation and Sophia was really good with make up.

It felt like the day past really quickly, after lunch I decided to go for a ride on westie ( my horse for those wondering) he is an ex racing horse a beautiful caramel colour.

Westie came to me when I was fourteen when mother decided I needed something to bring me back to life as she said I was depressed. Not wanting her to get wind of anything I made sure I was always happy around them, to be honest it wasn't that difficult I learnt to freeze my bad emotions when I was around them and when it got too much I went for a ride on westie.

Sophia arrived just before 4 o'clock, she was wearing her sweats and had a large holdall carry her stuff for the evening.

We decided to do our hair and make up before heading to new york and then just put our outfits on when we arrived at the hotel since it did take 3hrs 45mins from Boston to New York.

Sophia had her hair pinned up I told her to leave it down but she said it was it was too thick and heavy, I was so envy of her hair it was strawberry blonde and tight long curls something I always wanted.

I just left mine straight down as I couldn't be chewed with the wait, Sophia said it looked amazing anyway.

Sophia was so excited I was driving saying "just me and you girl" we both then shouted

"Road trip!!!!!!!!!!"

We both burst into laughter.

I quickly texted my mother to say we were leaving and that I would contact her when I arrived at New York.

Leaving my cell on the bed I decided we should take some snacks with us incase we got Hungary on our road trip Sophia agreed so I went to see what I could throw together.

Sophia couldn't believe Alex had left her cell on the bed, knowing Alex had Hugh's number she quickly copied it to her cell thinking to herself that Alex needed a little push in the right direction, knowing Alex was too chicken to do it herself Sophia knew it would be up to her.

Sophia quickly sent Hugh a text explaining who she was and where her and Alex would to going tonight in New York. He didn't reply but at least she knew that if he wanted Alex he would be there.

Once all the snacks were made I headed to the car where Sophia was loading our bags.

" Dammit I forgot my cell" remembering I had left it on my bed.

"It's alright I put it in your case"

"Aww thanks" I said getting an unsure feeling in my gut. It was probably just because I was about to drive a long distance which normally makes me uneasy.

The car journey was brilliant, singing to the radio with the windows open so we get funny looks off other drivers passing us. It was great just me and Sophia , no complications just us taking on the world.

Sophia's cell beeps but she ignored it which wasn't like her at all normally she would be replying straight back, it beeped again.

"Soph your cell just received a text I think "

"Oh I thought it was your phone silly me" she said taking out her cell she replied saying it was her mother, if you ask me it was very suspicious but what was I meant to say that she was lying she was my best why would she lie.

They were in the car when Sophia received a text she knew she would have to play it cool incase Alex found out, so she just pretended she didn't hear it and thought that when she got a minute to her self she would reply. But then it did it again,


She knew she couldn't pretend as Alex had noticed and said her cell was beeping, Sophia knew but pretended that she thought it was Alex's.

She looked at her cell and noticed 2 messages one from her mom and one from Hugh, she quickly opened the one from Hugh which said,

Great thanks for letting me know.

Is that it she thought nothing to say wether he would be there or not. She sent a quick reply saying that it was cool. Sophia told Alex it was from her mother she knew Alex was suspicious but it's not like she lied she just didn't tell the whole truth.

We arrived at the hotel at quarter past 8 earlier then expected but that was probably because I put my foot down on the freeway. I was glad to get out as my bum was so numb off the long drive. I took out my cell and texted mother to say I had arrived safe whilst Sophia went and checked in.

The staff were very friendly wether that was because they were trained to high standards or wether it was because I was with Sophia the heiress of the place either way I didn't really care.

We were staying in the pent house on the top floor, it was huge, which made me feel bad as it was only the two of us a standard room would have been fine. It was very grand and luxurious and you could tell alot of pride had gone into designing it. The pent house was made up of browns, creams and golds with a large glass wall looking out onto New York it was exquisite.

We were ready in no time, Sophia wearing a pair of black Dior jeans with a cream low cut shirt and cream Louis Vuitton shoes. I on the other hand wore a simple black pleated prada dress with red patent shoes and a red clutch.

Sophia also begged me to wear her bright red lipstick saying it would give the full effect I wasn't to sure, but I did have to admit they did look good.

We arrived at the club just before 9 o'clock, the club was a silver building very masculine with a purple sign saying Destiny that was located above the door.We approached the two gentleman on the door who then asked for our names.

Shit! I didn't realise we had to be on the list I thought. Sophia wasn't fazed she said our names and they let us in, Sophia and her connections I thought.

When we walked in there was a long mirrored corridor with a lady at the end who then asked us our name again and directed us to VIP lounge, wow I thought this night is going to be great.

The club was breath taking from its gold ceilings to the deep red suede seats it was warm and seductive and made me feel relaxed.

As we got further in it got darker with a long bar situated on the back wall with a gold bar running around the edge of it that caught the white laser lights from the dance floor and bounce them all over the room.

Me and Sophia went straight to the bar and ordered our favourite drinks called queens park it was a cocktail and a nice 1 at that.

Sophia ordered 4 shots to give us a little kick. We sat down and quickly chucked back our first shot, the warmth in our throats along with the sour of the lime on our lips was refreshing and kicked in all my senses making me feel more relaxed.

I closed my eyes salivating the taste before taking the next shot, I drank it quickly feeling like someone other then Sophia was watching me.

"God girl you really needed that didn't ya!!" She said with a laugh.

"Yup tonight we are gunna have fun and worry about the pain in the morning."

"Yes aspirin is a girls best friend" she said with a wink.

We finished our drinks and decided to dance just as Justin timberlake came pounding through the speakers.

We were twirling each other on the dance floor when we started getting unwanted attention.

Men circled us wanting to get between us but we held hands not letting any one in.

Hands grabbed my bum making me swirl round in anger and shove the guy as hard as I could , he staggered back showing me how drunk he really was, I turn to face Sophia when I notice her arguing with some guy it was dark so I couldn't really make him out . I was just about to walk over and stop her when a hand wrapped in my hair stopping me in my tracks, the pain surged straight to my brain triggering the painful emotions that were buried deep in my soul.

"please stop , please don't hurt me " I begged him to stop but he held it so tight.

"Yeh well you should stop being a fucking tease then."

The next minute my hair was released I turned to see the guy from earlier go flying across the room.

What the hell was going on! I could feel the tears coming feeling raw as if someone had opened an old wound.

A familiar hand placed its self on my elbow.

"Alex are you okay?"

I knew it was him and how did he know I was going to be here, did he always drink here or had someone told him I was coming either way I didn't care I wanted to go home but where was Sophia I couldn't leave her. I need a drink, not saying anything to Hugh I walked straight past him and to the bar knowing he was following me, I ordered 3 shots and slid one to Hugh. Quickly I necked one after the other making my head go fuzzy but given me enough confidants to speak to him.

"Thanks back there but I could of handled it Hugh you didn't have to hit him".

"He deserved it " he said before downing his shot.

"Why did you follow me here?"

"I didn't I was already here when you walked in." He said with a smirk.

The bastard knew what a was trying to say, he's just trying to be funny with me al give him funny.

"Oh of course even though I meant following me to the bar but I knew my instincts were right, I just knew you would be here so I could fuck you senseless on that table" pointing to a table across the bar.

Hugh's face was electrifying with those sexy eyes burning into my skin.

"Don't joke with me Alexandra because if I had my way that's exactly what I would do, to feel me inside you would really make my day."

Argh!!! I couldn't believe my plan back fired he wasn't suppose to make me blush.

I felt tipsy all of a sudden and need to sit, I turned when he grabbed my arm spinning me into his chest, running my hands up his black shirt I could feel his hard muscular body beneath.

He lifted my chin and possess my mouth before I could decline, I couldn't help bit kiss him back.

My heartbeat quickened I could feel myself losing control, the hairs were standing up on the back of my neck.

He started inserting his tongue licking and sucking my bottom lip, I couldn't take it any more I was already wet between my legs, ready for him to take me right there.

I could feel him bulging into my hip making me more hungry for this sexy man in front of me.

When we stopped kissing my lips were swollen and tingled from the connection, I looked at him and could tell he was flustered wanting me like I wanted him.

"I need you Alex" he said in an agitated voice.

" I don't do one night stands Hugh I never have" I said know he would be disappointed as that's exactly what he wanted, no fuss just in and straight back out, every one knew he was one of New Yorks finest eligible bachelors who used women as toys. At the end of the day some women liked that but not me.

"Is that what you Alex for me to treat you like a goddess and take you out after we have done it."

The cheek of him I thought how dare he act as if that wasn't normal.

"I don't want jack shit from you not now not ever, your a pig why would I want you." That was a lie of course, I did want him from the moment I lay eyes on him. I could still feel him on my lips, I licked them trying to erase his touch when he lunge in again taking my mouth stopping in between saying how he needed me any way he could have me.

What the hell was I going to do, I needed to get out of here.

"Hugh I need to find Sophia and leave" I looked around but couldn't see her any where.

"Where are you staying, i'll walk with you or we could drive it's the least I can do."

"Honest it's fine , I don't mind going my self it's not that far away," praying he wouldn't come with me I turned and headed for the door, he followed.

"Over my dead body are you walking alone back to your hotel not with those red lips your just asking to be kissed. I will text Sophia and let her know we are headed back to your hotel." In that moment I should have wondered how he had Sophia's number but I didn't and was too tired to argue so I let him walk with me.

Hugh and I walked the streets of New York back to my hotel, I felt safe and vulnerable off the nights events at the club. I felt glad that Hugh decided on walking me back it made me feel more relaxed knowing he was with me.

"Thanks by the way, for walking me home". "It's my pleasure Alex, I will sleep better at night knowing you are safe." I felt happy at that moment but why bother with me there's probably a dozen girls who would give him what he wanted.

I could see the hotel just ahead when all of a sudden the heavens opened and we both got soaked through, I felt so bad for him so I said he could come up and get dried and he could maybe get someone to bring dry clothes, he agreed.

!!!!!!!!!Thanks for reading this chapter guys let me know what you think !!!!!!!! Write comments good or bad so I can make this book better.

!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks for those who are following me and keep voting


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