the fall . joe mazzello

By rosedeacy

17.4K 564 236

EDIT 3 YEARS LATER-: i am so sorry this sucks so bad i was like 14 when i wrote it x Harley had always been h... More

A Meeting
The Knock
social media
social media
No Regret
The Question
social media
A Different Kind Of Dinner
You Did What?
The After Party E! News
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Social Media
News Of The World
Bicycle Race
An Announcement
Love Of My Life
social media
Authors Note
Happy Birthday, Love
sources confirm
not an update
All Dressed In White

A New Years Resolution

735 20 16
By rosedeacy

Time 8:40pm
Date: December 31st 2018
Setting: Darcy's Karaoke Bar

"When are you going to tell us?" Lucy begged Joe, who had told them about a special announcement.

"I'll tell you when Harley gets here, I want her to hear too." Joe looked around, wondering when Harley would come back with her drink.

"Damn! I thought the announcement was about you two. Got me excited you twat." Lucy earned a disapproving glance from Rami, who quickly turned it into sheer admiration. Harley soon came into view, sliding into the seat beside Joe, quietly putting her hand into his underneath the table.

"Can I tell them now?" Whispered Joe, carefully, into Harleys ear. She smiled and nodded slightly, looking upon the others to see if they had noticed them quietly talking. "Ok, I am ready to begin my announcement!" Joe said, clearing his throat nervously, "Harley and I are boyfriend and girlfriend now?" He looked to Harkey, unsure of how to put it, looking to see her giggling.

"We're in a relationship." She finished for Joe. The entire table smiled, congratulations going around the table.

"Does this mean you're finally gonna do it?" Ben said, interrupting the happy moment.

"Do what?" Harley asked, Joe making strangling signs to Ben.

"You know, it. Joe said he didn't wanna do it until later so it didn't ruin anything between you." Ben was smirking now, he was embarrassing Joe for embarrassing him earlier in the café. Harley lightly slapped Joe on the arm for telling them they hadn't done anything yet.

"I had something special for tonight planned," Harley started whispering to Joe, "nevermind now." Joe looked defeated, yelling to Ben,

"Well done!" They continued drinking, each standing up to sing karaoke. Joe chose a song, specifically for Ben. "This ones for you Benny boy!" He yelled, as he started singing Fuck You. The entire table laughed as Ben put his hand to his heart in hurt.

"I thought we were closer than this Joseph!" Ben cried out. Harley cheered the loudest as Joe finished, before he had to put the microphone back he quickly yelled into it,

"Fuck you Ben Hardy!" Causing the entire bar to erupt in laughter. As he slid back into the table, it was filled with laughter and smiles.

"I preferred you rendition of Purple Rain in all honestly Joe." Gwilym added, taking a sip of his beer. "Alright, wasn't it your turn after Joe, Harley? I cannot wait for your song choice." Gwilym continued, laughing. Harley smiled, walking up to the stage and grabbing the microphone and bobbing her head drunkenly to the intro. She had chosen a Beatles song, Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da. The entire table watched in awe, although drunk, Harley really had a talent for singing. They all seemed to place their eyes onto Joe, who was watching Harley, smiling. He was really happy. His eyes sparkled as he watched her.

"I shall be singing You're So Vain in spite of Ben." Lucy smiled, Ben groaning at her.

"Why is every song about me bad? I am a nice person!"

"Judy doesn't think so." Lucy snapped back, grinning because she knew it bugged him.

"Not yet at least." He said, glaring Lucy. As Harley finished the song, Joe stood up, whistling and clapping.

"I have to take a piss. I'll be back." Joe said, walking to the mens room. On her way back to the table Harley was stopped by a tall bloke, ruggedly handsome. But not to Harley. She just wanted to see Joe.

"Hi love," the man began, "my mates and I were wondering if you wanted to have a drink with us?" Harley turned to the man, shaking her head apologetically.

"I am sorry but my boyfriend Joe and our friends are waiting for me."

"I'm sure he won't care if you come for one drink." The man started to worry Harley, as he was grabbing her arm.

"Sir, I am really sorry but I am not interested in being taken advantage of tonight." The man looked down at his feet.

"I'm sorry love. Just in a bad place. Have a good night with your boyfriend." Harley smiled, thanking the man for backing down quickly. She walked back to the table, grabbing Joe's drink and finishing it. As Joe came back he became confused as to where it went.

"Look, I don't care who drunk it, I just wanna know who. All will be forgiven if someone just says something! I will not be mad." Everyone looked at eachother, saying nothing. "Very wise ladies and gentlemen. You knew I would never forgive you for drinking it."

"What if I was the one who took your drink?" Harley asked a drunken Joe, sulking about his stolen drink.

"Well I shall have to punish you!" Joe's eyes connected with Harleys as she laughed and made fun of Joe's attempt to be sexy.

"Alright," Gwilym announced, clapping his hands together, "the fireworks will start soon so I say we head on over to that park." The table cheered, standing up and heading out of the bar door. Lucy and Harley talked about the karaoke performances, Lucy ruining the fun chat with the expected question,

"So why haven't you at least tried having sex with Joe?"

"I don't know. We always fell asleep or forgot about it, and I guess I didn't want to rush into something after my ex. I'm just glad he is sweet enough to feel the same way."

"Ah yes, but love, now that you are boyfriend and girlfriend, do you have anything, you know, planned?" Harley laughed at Lucy's question, shaking her head in response. "Well how about you invite him over one night, decorate the place," Lucy said wiggling her eyebrows, "all that jazz! Then after a romantic dinner do a little dance with the devil!" Harley looked at Lucy, her eyebrows raised.

"You hang around these guys too much. What the hell is dancing with the devil!" Lucy and Harley began laughing, the boys wondering what the hell the two of them were laughing at.

"If it interests you two lovebirds," Rami said to the girls, "we are here. And if you're gonna partner up I would be happy to steal my darling Joe as my New Years kiss." Joe looked at Rami, smirking.

"Ah sorry Rami but if Harley is kissing Lucy you know I am going with Ben."

"Who says I would go with you?" Ben said grinning, "I would rather watch Lucy and Harley."

"Yeah alright thanks guys, love you too." Gwilym said, shaking his head.

"Aw Gwilym," Harley said, her drunkenness taking over her entirely, "I can be your New Years kiss if you feel left out!" Joe ran up to her, quickly scooping her away from the terrified Gwilym.

"Ok no. We agreed you would be playing Mario Kart with me for the rest of our lives, not Gwilym." Harley chuckled, hugging Joe around the waist.

"Okay then!" Harley looked up giving Joe a quick peck on the lips.

"Come on guys! Its almost on I don't want to miss the fireworks!" Lucy sounded like an upset child, her and Harley were so drunk they could barely retain their own personalities.

As they all sat down on the grass, Harley and Joe hugging eachother, Rami and Lucy doing the same, and Ben and Gwilym looking on in disgust when the couples kissed during the fireworks. "In all honesty I reckon we should kiss mate." Ben said to Gwilym, chasing him around with his lips puckered. The group on the grass watched, cackling as Gwilym ran from Ben, horrified by the man's mannerisms when drunk.

"Happy New Year Harley." Joe smiled down at his girlfriend.

"Happy New Year Mozzarella." Harley smiled back.

~ rosedeacy

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