I Am Not Nothing

By SpadeisWriting

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Raven is the daughter of Professor Snape. Being raised on the view of being the youngest, brightest, most pow... More

Prologue: Who Is Raven?
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen (Fourteen part 2)
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirteen

2.5K 65 41
By SpadeisWriting

I tried so hard to make every day go by slowly. I woke up earlier than everyone, and fell asleep long after just so my days took longer to get through, and therefore leaving me sleep deprived, making the days seem like they were taking forever. But no matter how slow those days went on, the end of the year came around much too quick. 
I woke up at four in the morning and got dressed and washed up. At these early hours, I got my homework and sat in the lounge to work by candle light until the rest of the Slytherins got up. And half an hour before breakfast began, at half after seven, Draco would come down and keep me company.

"You're still doing work on the last day of school?" He asked me, yawning.

"Have to make the most of today. I need to finish studying for today's potions exam, and I need to go and look at the whomping willow and the black lake. I need to glare at the giant oaf's shack and look into the forbidden forest and wish I could go in. I need to spend time with you and Zabini and Crabbe and Goyle and the girls. I need to hate the people here. I have so much to do in only a limited amount of hours." I explained, looking through the pages of my potions book.

"Rave, you still have three years to do all of that," He said, taking my book, "An I don't think you have anything to worry about on this last exam. You're the potions master's daughter. You know everything about potions. You have since you were little."

I sighed and placed my head on the table.

"I don't have three years left, Draco!" I yelled and looked back up at him,"This is my last day at this school! Why else would I be wanting to taking in every little detail of this giant pile of rubble? I have one day left to do everything! Then I'll be gone!"

He stared at me, stunned.

"What do you mean?" He asked, "You cant be serious."

"I'm always serious. So after exams, I need to make the best out of this trash heap. Then we pack up and leave tonight. And tomorrow morning, the Minister for Magic is coming to my home on Spinner's End and taking me to America. Do you understand why I've been taking away so much sleep? I need to be awake to make the most of my life here because tomorrow, I won't be living in Britain." I explained.

"You're switching homes with Nexxremys?" He asked.

I nodded. I will live in America, and she will move in with father. 

"No, you can' leave." He said, shaking his head.

"I have no choice."

"No, do you hear me? You can't."

"Draco, I have to. No one gave me a choice."

"No! You can't leave me, Raven! I'm not giving you a choice! You have to stay!"

"If I could, I would! I wouldn't even think about leaving! But this school doesn't give me a choice! Dumbledore, Sprout, Flitwick, McGonagall, my father, they all want me gone and don't get me started on the students!" I exclaimed, "And we are not going to make the best of today fighting over whether I'm leaving or not because it has been written in my book for months now and it hasn't changed. I'm leaving and it's final! If I was given a choice to stay or leave, I would choose to stay in a heartbeat, but I can't. You need to understand that."

He was quiet for a second before nodding. I grabbed my book and put it in my bag, along with some ink and parchment. Other Slytherins gathered in the lounge in groups before leaving for breakfast. Draco and I waited for the others, and when most of them did, we left, knowing the ones sleeping in would join us soon. So it was me, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson and Greengrass, accompanied by her little sister, that went to breakfast. Davis, Bulstrode and Zabini were the only ones that refused to leave the common room so early. It didn't matter. I could survive not seeing them now. We walked into the great hall and sat at our table. There was so much to do. How was I supposed to get it all done in a couple hours? I ate my toast and berries quickly so I could get to take a couple minutes to circle the castle. I did this every day. I would eat my breakfast quickly, then take off with Draco to walk through every corridor of the school. But today, I managed to get everyone to walk with Draco and me. 

"And you guys do this everyday now?" Astoria asked. 

"They do. Just keep your mouth shut and let them do what they need to do." Daphne said to her little sister. 

We walked through corridors that Crabbe and Goyle have never been through. We walked past classroom after classroom. Up stairs and down stairs. Across the school one way and another way. We even walked through corridors twice, just to make sure we got through the whole castle. 

"I can't believe it's the last day. Where did the year go?" I asked as we reached the entrance hall again. 

"I know, I cant wait to see you all again after the summer." Daphne said. 

Draco and I looked at Daphne, then at each other. 

"I can't believe i'm saying this, but I'm going to miss all of you. And this school." I said. 

"You'll be in another castle. It's around the same size if I remember the map I was given of Ilvermorny." A voice with an American accent said behind me.

I turned to see Nexxremys, wearing her Ravenclaw robes, matched with a Ravenclaw scarf. 

"You never went to Ilvermorny. How would you know?" I asked her bitterly.

"Because I got accepted into both Ilvermorny and Hogwarts. The Ilvermorny acceptance letter comes with a map of the school." She said to me. 

How I hated her accent. I would have to deal with the annoying accents everyday. 

"I wish you went to Ilvermorny instead so I wouldn't have to." I snapped at her.

"Wait you're leaving?" Daphne asked.

"Oops, you didn't tell your little friends? Sorry." She said, not apologizing at all.

"Don't you have an exam to be studying for?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes and walked passed us. Once she was gone, everyone looked at me.

"You're actually leaving?" Daphne asked again.

"Yeah, I am. Anymore questions?" I asked.

"Yeah," Goyle said, "When were you going to tell us?"

"After Durmstrang and Beauxbatons left? Or on the train? I don't know. I don't want to talk about it but it always seems to be coming back to me. To remind me that this is my reality now. I hate this more than you do, but it don't have a choice and If I could just disappear to America without you knowing, I would, but what kind of friend would I be then? I'm already awful for not trying to fight against it more, but why fight when it isn't going to change anything?" I explained.

"This isn't you. The real Raven Snape would fight it until the end, even if you knew it wasn't going to do anything," Parkinson said, "You can't give up. You're a fighter. You fight to get what you want." 

"Guys, the truth is, everyone leaves. By choice or because they have to. Guys, you cant stop that and stop living your life because you're scared. And I doesn't really matter if someone leaves. It just matters how long they choose to stay; how much effort they put in. Everyone leaves. Everyone. I know that doesn't make this any easier for any of you, but you always have what we went through; you have all the accomplishments and the fun. And the good moments, and the bad ones too. And when the days get really hard, the bad memories will bring you some comfort, because you remember the good moments that came from them." Astoria explained, "Raven, I know you might be scared of life, you just have to live it. You don't know what is going to happen, I know that's the scary part, but that's also the great part. You're going to be okay. It's going to be alright. I know it might be scary now and I know you might be afraid- and it's okay to be afraid. Life will show you that. You know, I've always been scared, of everything and everyone. I've just feared the worst in people. But one day life showed me that these things happen. You're going to meet bad people and you're going to understand that every weird, pretty, ugly, puzzle piece will eventually fit together and create a messed up picture. You  may see it as messed up and ugly now, but we all grow up, we all get older and we forgive and we change. Even if we don't notice that we are forgiving and changing. One day you will wake up and you will see the picture differently. You were looking at it from the wrong perspective and now it's a beautiful abstract. One day you'll wake up and your world doesn't hurt as much. Yes everything will always be there, but it's not the same. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes that's the best thing that could ever happen. Just know that wherever you go, whatever you do or whoever you become, somebody loves you. It doesn't even matter if it's now or if it's tomorrow or if it's a year from now. Someone loves you and maybe someone is still waiting to love you. Someone is waiting to give you all they have, maybe this situation isn't working out now, but maybe the next one will. I know they say, 'there isn't always tomorrow' and I guess they're right. There isn't. But at the same time, there is. Despite the bad things that happen in your life you have to be content with it, it is your life regardless. From what we know, we only have one life. Just go out there, just have fun."

We were all silent. Daphne was embracing her sister. Draco was holding my hand tightly. Parkinson held her robes tightly around her smiling.

"Thank you, Astoria." I whispered to her.

"Anytime." She smiled, "Now we all have exams to do. I have to go. I'll see you all later." 

Astoria gave her sister a hug and left. 

"Your little sister is great at pep talks." I told Daphne. 

"She's a fighter too, you know. There's a curse on our family, causing us to live shorter lives. We lost our mother, the youngest of three siblings, when I was three and Astoria had just turned one. She managed to have me and Astoria, knowing that the youngest daughter would have the curse. She hoped that we would be boys and didn't have to worry about the youngest living a short life, but nevertheless, went on to have two daughters. She knows what it's like to be scared for her health and scared of the world, but she would rather risk her life, then to live a life secluded in a bubble not being able to see the world. She always encourages change and adventure because you never know when there won't be another tomorrow." Daphne explained.

At that moment, the bell rang and it was time for our final exam.

"Well," I sighed, "we better get going."

Everyone agreed and we walked to our potion's class. The desks were separated to a single person instead of partners like last year, there were already cauldrons on every table, accompanied by ingredients. 

"Just by looking at the ingredients, what type of potion are we making?" Goyle asked me. 

I glared back at him, while finding a desk. I looked over the ingredients while passing the desks.

"I believe everyone is doing a different potion. Not one desk seems to have the same combination of ingredients. I hope you brew a wit-sharpening potion. You might need it when I'm gone." I whispered, picking a desk at the front. 

The class was soon swarming with Slytherins and Gryffindors. Everyone went quiet when my father stormed into the room and slamming the door shut. 

"Now, I hope you remember how to brew every potion I have taught you this year because you will need to test your memory. Look at your ingredients and determine what you are going to brew. Not one person is going to brew the same potion. I will give you five minutes to write on your parchment the potion and its steps and ingredients before you have to begin brewing. Begin."

I looked at the ingredients in front of me. Powdered moonstone, syrup of hellebore, powdered unicorn horn and powdered porcupine quills. Those were what stood out in the pile of other useless ingredients. I knew I was going to make a Draught of Peace, an advanced potion that you learn in your fifth year. 
I quickly began to scribble down the steps that I had read this morning. Shake vigorously, exactly seven drops, allow to simmer, stir clockwise, then counter clockwise, green, purple, blue, pink, turquoise! There was so much to remember, but I was the potions master's daughter. This was my specialty. I was born for potions. I would ace this advanced potion. When our five minutes were up, I wasn't finished the instructions, but I began anyway, brewing and writing at the same time. I had to write and watch the colour of the potion at the same time. The colour told me everything about the potion. 

"Draught of Peace. I didn't teach you this." My father said, approaching me while I was in the middle of adding porcupine quills. 

"Give me one minute, then we can talk." I said, beginning to stir the potion.

The potion turned turquoise and I stopped stirring. 

"Now that I let it simmer until it turns purple, what would you like?" I asked him.

"Why are you doing a potion that I haven't taught you? Don't you think it is too advanced?" He asked me.

"I may be young, but I'm your daughter. I know to look ahead of my years and get ahead of everyone. I saw this in my book. I thought it was very straight forward. There is just a lot of steps. I can do it." I told him, "And didn't you tell me once that it annoys you when students only read the parts you assign them and don't actually read the book as a whole? That's what I did and now I'm ready for an advanced potion." I explained.

The potion turned purple and I quickly began to add the powdered unicorn horn until the potion turned pink. Then I began to stir until it turned red. There was an explosion across the classroom that I couldn't let distract me. I heard my father mutter a fail for Seamus Finnegan. 

"I will be back to get an update on your progress." My father said and walked away.

He didn't come back until I was adding the second to last step of powdered porcupine quills until the potion turned white. 

"Did you make a mistake?" He asked me.

My heart skipped a beat. Did he see something that I didn't? Was it grey in the book? No, he's trying to stress me out. It was white in the book.

"No, I didn't. The book said that the potion would be white. Now I lower the heat to low and let it simmer, adding exactly seven drops of hellebore, then I'm finished." I explained.

He nodded and waited for me to bottle the potion. I handed it to him along with my steps and began to clean my cauldron. I was surprised that even though I had an advanced potion, I still finished mine before everyone else. When I was finished, everyone else began handing in their potions nd parchments. Some people had nothing to give because they messed up. many people failed the exam, I knew that already. My father was very tough to please in potion making. Then bell rang and people who finished earlier and had a chance to clean their cauldrons got to leave the classroom. I stood outside and waited for Draco. 

"How do you think you did?" He asked me when he got out. 

"I made a Draught of Peace. Came out perfectly." I told him. 

"Isn't that taught next year?" He asked me. 

"Maybe, but I read it in a book. I just had a hint of beginner's luck. Go big or go home, right?" I asked him. 

He laughed and gave me a hug. 

"My little potion's master." He said. 

I laughed and hugged him back.

"Let's ditch the others and get out of here." he said.

I agreed and we walked to the entrance hall together, then we went out to the courtyard. He took my to see the swaying whomping willow. He took me to see the gleaming black lake. We talked about how we both didn't like Hagrid while we looked at his shack. We looked at the forbidden forest. He took me to the edge to touch one of the trees. We looked in. I was so tempted to just walk in, but I knew better than to do that. So we walked back to the castle in time for dinner. 

"Today went by quickly." I told him. 

"Yeah, I wish it didn't." He said. 

"Me too, but now we need to go spend time with the others at the end of the year feast and find out who won the house cup!" I exclaimed.

He nodded and we walked toward the great hall for dinner. We sat and we were given our food. We all laughed and remember this year. Then as the night came to a close, Dumbledore spoke up. For the house cup and the Triwizard champion, I presumed. I was wrong. He mentioned Potter's win, but he also told us how Cedric Diggory, another Hogwart's champion, had died at the wand of Lord Voldemort.  Draco and I exchanged looks. His much less happy than mine, but nevertheless, he seemed happy that Lord Voldemort was back. 

"Finally. It was a matter of time. Now I wish I knew where he was." I whispered very quietly so only Draco could hear. 

"Why aren't you mad that Potter was spared?" Draco asked.

"Because we have lots of time for that now that our Lord is back." I said quietly.

Many people shared their grief and raised their glasses for Potter and Diggory, but none of our glasses were touched. Of course I was angry that Potter got away, but now Lord Voldemort is back and I couldn't have been happier. Now I just had to wait for the house cup to be announced, but that subject was never touched. We never found out who had won the house cup.  It was stupid, but I guess I understood that it wasn't on many other people's minds with them all mourning for Diggory. And so within half an hour at the most, the food was gone and we were sent to our rooms to collect our stuff, including our birds, and go to the train station. My group got on a carriage together and got a booth together. 

"Are you going to be there when I leave for America?" I asked Draco as we sat in our booth.

"Of course I will be. And I'll make my parents be there too."

By seven-thirty, the train lurched into action and we started toward England. A five hour train ride. I didn't hesitate to fall asleep on Draco's shoulder and he didn't hesitate to wake me up a half hour before we reached London. 

"You should get changed, or at least take your robe off and put on your cloak. We're running ahead of schedule" He whispered to me.   

I looked around to see Parkinson sleeping on Zabini's shoulder and him resting his head on the wall beside him. Crabbe and Goyle were indulging themselves in sweets from the trolley that came after every half hour. 

"We're almost there?" I asked him.

He nodded. 

"No we can't be. I just fell asleep! I can't be home yet!" I exclaimed. 

"Raven, calm down. It's okay, just get your cloak." He whispered. 

I took a deep breath and nodded. I got up and took my bag from the compartment above us and got my cloak, exchanging for my Slytherin robe. I put the bag back above me and wrapped my cloak around my shoulders. I sat back next to Draco and leaned on him again. It felt like in no time that we reached Kings Cross Station. From here, My father and Draco's family and me would go to my home on Spinner's End and I would be set off to America. The train stopped and I grabbed my bag in my left hand while I took Draco's hand in my other. We pushed passed people to get off the train so we could grab the rest of our luggage. When we did, we easily found Draco's parents standing with my father. And Nexxermys was there as well.

"RL, you father told us about you leaving. Of course we will be there to see you off." Narcissa said, giving me a hug. 

"Thanks, Cissy." I said, faking a smile.

"Are you excited to meet your mother? Start at another school?" She asked.

"Sure." I lied.

"Of course it won't be as much like home as Hogwarts, but I bet it will be great." She added.

"Mother, can we please stop talking about that until it's time?" Draco asked Narcissa.

"Oh, of course. I apologise dear." she said. 

We apparated back home. It was very dark, almost one o'clock in the morning. The only light we had were from the street lamps. As we approached home, I saw that Fudge had already beat us there. 

"Are you ready, my dear?" Fudge asked me.

I looked up at him, glaring. 

"I just need to go get some things from my room." I told him.

"Nonsense! We already transferred them to America. Your room will look almost identical to the one here." Fudge said. 

"Alright," I said through clenched teeth, "Then can I go say goodbye to my house elves and take one last look through the house?" I asked him.

"Well, of course." He nodded.

I took Draco's hand and walked inside the house. It was lit by every light we had, making it very different from outside.

"Zimsy! Haltak!" I called. 

In a second, my two friends were in front of me. 

"Here are your favorite books, Miss Snape!" Zimsy exclaimed happily.

"And your favourite meal. Just have it thrown in the oven at-"

"Medium heat for an hour." I said, interrupting Haltak's instructions, already knowing them. 

He smiled up at me. The two ran to hug my legs.

"I'm going to miss you two." I told them. 

"And we, you." Zimsy said. 

I held the books and container in my arms. Draco wrapped his arm around my waist. I looked around the familiar lounge. My old chair that sat next to my father's chair, only separated by a side table that was stained with mug marks. A Daily Prophet paper dating back to four years ago still sat on the coffee table. 

"It's the small things the I'm going to remember most." I told Draco.

"I'm really going to miss you." He said back.

I sighed and looked up at him. 

"You know, once I begin to leave with Fudge, I can't look back at you for a last time. It's just going to be harder for me. But I need you to understand that I really don't want to leave." I told him. 

"I know. I understand completely." He said. 

We walked out of the house and towards the others. I put my books and food in my trunk and looked over at Fudge.

"I'm ready, I guess." I told him. 

He nodded. I looked up at Draco. I raised to my tip toes and kissed his cheek. 

"I'll owl you later." I told him. 


I walked up to meet Fudge with my luggage and he placed a hand on my back. I made sure I had my raven and my things before giving Fudge the go-ahead. The then the world spun, just like how apparation is. Except this took a little longer, only by a few seconds. But when the world stopped and I got to look around, I saw that it wasn't dark. We were in an alley. Fudge guided me out of the alley and onto the pavement that was beside a busy street holding many shops. 

"Where are we?" I asked Fudge. 

"We are in Columbus, Ohio. I don't know a lot about America, but this is where your mother is from." Fudge said.

"My mother lives in a city?" I asked him.

"Well, no but-"

"So why did we end up here?" I asked.

"Well, because you might as well see the capital of Ohio while you're living in it."

"Well seeing as it is nearing one o'clock in the morning back at home, I want to go somewhere to sleep." I told him. 

He mutter something I couldln't quite make out before pulling me back into the alley and apparating somewhere else. This time, we landed in a mice country side with only one house in sight. 

"Welcome home." Fudge said.

"I live here?" I asked him. 


I looked back at it. It was way bigger compared to my father's home, but much, much smaller than the Malfoy's. A two story, old fashioned looking house with a muggle vehicle in front. I walked toward the door and walked in. I peaked around before placing down my things. The smell of blueberry pie filled the house. 

"Hello?" I called. 

I could hear some clattering coming from further inside the house, then footsteps walking quickly. Then I saw a beautiful woman. She had long brown curly hair and brown eyes. 

"Erm, Mother?" I asked her. 

"Oh, you're even more beautiful then I could ever imagine!" She exclaimed, walking up to me and giving me a hug that I didn't return. 

She let go of me and waved out to Fudge, who waved back and disapperated.

"So, let me show you to your room, make yourself at home!" My mother said cheerfully, picking up my trunk. 

I grabbed Nusaeross  and my other bag and followed her up the stairs to a corridor of bedrooms and a bathroom. My mother walked me into one of the bedrooms and opened the door. Fudge was right. It was almost identical. But the window was in the wrong place. Or the room was turned in a different direction and my bed was in the wrong place. I was supposed to walk in and have the bed face me. There would be two side tables. One on either side. A wardrobe to the right of the door and my vanity to my left. And beside my vanity. There was supposed to be a window. Now my door was where my window was and my vanity was to my right. The window was above my bed, which was different to the one at home. The one at home was a four poster with black curtains that never shut. This bed was on my right and my wardrobe was across the room from me. It was all wrong.

"Like home?" My mother asked me. 

I looked up at her, then back to the room. The colours were right. The vanity and wardrobe were almost identical. But it wasn't like home. 

"No," I managed to let out at a whisper, "It's all wrong."

"Oh, well is there anything we can do to make it like home?" She asked.

"No," I said again, "The only way for it to be like home, is if I was at home. But I'm not home. I'm in a stranger's house and that stranger is telling me to make myself at home when it is nothing like my home. It's all wrong and it can't be fixed. My vanity is supposed to be  along the left wall, where my wardrobe is, and my wardrobe is supposed to be along the right wall. The window is supposed to be on the left wall, next to my vanity. And the bed is supposed to be a black framed four poster with green sheets and pillows and a black duvet. The frame isn't right. And the walls aren't the right shade of emerald. It needs to be darker. You see that it can't be fixed. It can't be home because my home is in England at Spinner's End." I explained.

"I understand. Well, this is as close as it is going to be to home. You can't always get everything perfect." My mother said, "Now, unpack and meet me downstairs for some fresh blueberry pie. Then we can get to know each other."

I nodded and she left me alone in the room. I brought my bags to the closet that was already filled with the same clothes from home. Like it was plucked form my home and placed here without being touched. I unpacked my clothes from my trunk and put them in the wardrobe. I looked over at the door and was relieved to see that there was a hook attached. I grabbed shirt and skirt hanger and put my Slytherin uniform on the back of my door. I organized books  and shoes on the floor of the wardrobe. I placed socks in my vanity as well as undergarments. I checked the other drawer and there was everything that was from home that was originally from my vanity. Then I checked the side tables and everything was there. Nusaeross gave a loud screech at me, getting my attention. 

"Okay, I know I haven't given you any attention at all this year, but you can't blame me. I've had a hard year and had no one to send letters to." I explained to him, picking his cage up and placing it on a side table. I opened his cage and let him spread his wings a little. 

"It's not the same at home but it will do, I guess." I told him. 

At least I had one friend that could come with me. And he couldn't hate me and vise versa.

"My mother is expecting me to come down when I'm done unpacking. So I guess is have to go see her now." I told my raven, "I know you don't like the change too, but please don't make a mess of it while I'm gone." 

I walked out and back down the stairs. I wandered until I found the dining room that was in the kitchen.

"Hey, Raven. How are you settling in?" My mother asked. 

"Alright, I guess." I shrugged, taking a seat at the table.

She gave me a plate of blueberry pie.

"I actually can't eat blueberry pie." I said to her.

"Why's that? You aren't allergic to anything, are you?" She asked.

"No, I live off of a strict diet. I have been since I was little. I don't eat sugar. I already know there's a lot of sugar mixed with these blueberries. You can say it's natural all you want, but I know there's sugar in this." I explained.

"Oh, well is there anything I can get for you instead?" She asked me.

"Do you have any apples?" I asked her.

She nodded and took away the pie. Instead she handed me a green apple, then sat opposite from me at the table.

"So how was the journey? Do you apparate much?" She asked.

I shrugged, "Only between home, the Malfoy's and Kings Cross Station."

"Oh. Who are the Malfoy's?" She asked. 

"My best friend's family." I said. 

"What's your friend's name? Is she nice?" She asked. 

"His name is Draco. And he's been my best friend since I was two years old." I told her.

She nodded and ate a bit of her pie. 

"So, do you have any other friends?" She asked me.

"Well Draco's my only friend. The others, Goyle, Greengrass, Davis, Crabbe, Parkinson, Zabini, I guess they're just some other Slytherins in my year that I associate myself with. I don't think I've known them long enough, and know them well enough, to be considered friends. Goyle and I used to be friends, but we kind of drifted apart." I explained. 

"And these people you call by their last names?" She asked me. 

"Of course. What parent would call their kid Crabbe? Or their daughter Davis?" I asked her.

"Well I just can't remember how different it is over there. I used to live there, but it has been a long time since I moved here. Some things that are considered weird here, are probably very normal over there." She laughed. 

I glared at her. I never knew my own mother could make my blood boil so quick.

"So we're the weird wizards of the world? We're the peculiar people? We're the ones that make weird normal so people like you can make a fool of us?" I snapped, standing up.

"What? No! That's not what I meant and you know that." She sighed. 

"You don't know what I do and don't know. You don't know me like that."

I began to walk out of the dinning room.

"Raven, honey, please, I'm sorry." My mother said, standing up.

"Just keep apologizing. You have a lot to be sorry for."

I walked around the corner, down the hall and up the stairs. I walked into my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I turned on my lamp for my only source of light.

"So, Nusaeross, do you know the way back to the Malfoy manor?" I asked, approaching my raven on my bed. 

He flapped his wings excitedly. 

"This is a long trip. If you need to, find a boat to land on, make as many pit stops as you need, just don't get caught. If muggles find you, we're doomed." I told the bird. 

He continued to get excited as I found some parchment and addressed it to Draco. 

Dearest Draco, 
America, let me tell you- BORING! Honestly, do not come here. I'm in Ohio, wherever that is on a map. I want to be home with you. I don't want a new school. I don't want a new life. I want my life at home with the people I know! My mother, Celestia, is beautiful, but dumb. She thinks that people at home are jokes. "What's weird here is probably very normal over there." Yeah so we're her entertainment. Does she find my 'accent' weird too? Is it funny to her? Is it weird enough for her? When you first meet her, she is a welcoming ray of sunshine, but as soon as you start a conversation? She assumes my friend, who is a Malfoy, is a girl! Crazy right? Like why does the first person I talk about have to be a girl? Oh! And "is she nice?" WELL NO DUH DIMWIT! If he wasn't nice, I wouldn't be friends with him, would I? But then again, I wouldn't have a choice if you were nice or not. You know too much about me. I can't just get rid of you without Obliviating everything. Wow I make myself laugh. But that's how life is going to be now. I'm going to be my own friend because my real friends are where you are. My real friends are at home. I'm not going to make any friends at school. I'm going to talk to myself to keep myself company. I'm going to joke around at no one but myself to remain even a tiny bit cheerful. It's hard, you know? Being cheerful when the only thing that makes you happy is across the ocean? I need to go. It's almost ten o'clock here, which makes it three o'clock in the morning at home. Owl me back when you can.
All my love, Raven 
Ps. Nusaeross is waiting for your reply. He knows not to come back without it, so get writing!

I tied the letter to my bird and opened the window above my bed.

"Take your time. We don't need you getting hurt. Don't come back without Draco's response." I told my bird. 

He hopped over to the window and took flight. I watched until he was out of sight, which wasn't far because it was dark. I closed my window and closed the black curtains. I got changed into my night gown and crawled into bed. I turned off the lamp and went to sleep. 


Word count: 6080

HI! I don't really know what to say so... Hi... How are you? Like and comment... Bye!

Question, what are your thoughts about Celestia?

Luvz , Spade

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