
Autorstwa kitkat405

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What would you do for the ones you love? Katherine would soon find out just how far she's willing to go to p... Więcej

Chapter 1 ~ Blood is Thicker.
Chapter 2 ~ Survival.
Chapter 3 ~ Suffocating Silence.
Chapter 4 ~ Deadly Pull.
Chapter 5 ~ Sun Rays that Lack the Warmth.
Chapter 6 ~ Frail Family.
Chapter 7 ~ Water Woes.
Chapter 8 ~ Say Cheese.
Chapter 9 ~ Flicker of Hope.
Chapter 10 ~ No Touchy.
Chapter 11 ~ Drown My Sorrow in Carbs.
Chapter 12 ~ Eat Your Greens.
Chapter 13 ~ Bloody Drama.
Chapter 14 ~ Trigger Happy.
Chapter 16 ~ Run, Forest, Run!
Chapter 17 ~ Déjà Vu.
Chapter 18 ~ Temporary Prison.
Chapter 19 ~ Cuff Luck.
Chapter 20 ~ Tick Tock.
Chapter 21 ~ Game On.
Chapter 22 ~ Glorious Food.
Chapter 23 ~ Field Trip.
Chapter 24 ~ Revelation.
Chapter 25 ~Scrub-A-Dub-Dub.
Chapter 26 ~ Pop Goes the Weasel.
Chapter 27 ~ Delivered.
Chapter 28 ~ Severed Ties.
Chapter 29 ~ Liberation.
Chapter 30 ~ Epilogue.

Chapter 15 ~ Brawl.

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Autorstwa kitkat405

As I hear the water turn off I harshly scrub my face, wincing at the pressure on my sensitive cheeks and manipulate my expression into a blank canvas.

Deciding to investigate and potentially censor the bag of goods I decide to have a look at what Rosik has bought before giving it to Dana.

These two are traffickers, abusers and I still haven't ruled out murderers yet due to their calmness around a gun. For all I know the items in this bag could be stolen from an unlucky victim, still drenched in blood and fear..

I shake my head, banishing my morbid imagination and quickly shuffle through the bag.

I only expected a few packets of pads but as I start lifting up items I'm shocked to see that Rosik practically went on a shopping spree.
Inside the bag is two packets of plain label pads and most mortifying two new outfits for Dana and I.

I slowly lift up the first dress and I instantly know that it's far too small for me.
There is no way that Rosik could possibly get our sizes right but I'm guessing judging by the length that he got this for Dana.

It's a simple dress, the tag states that it's from an op shop but the quality seems to be brand new.

It's what I'm assuming to be just about knee length with quarter sleeves.
It's a full denim dress with buttons running from the top of the dress and the buttons will likely cut off at Dana's bellybutton.

The denim feels soft and I can tell that originally it's from a pretty fancy brand before it was discarded by another teen.

My heart hurts as I think of the life the previous owner could be having.
A normal life perhaps filled with love, lessons, school and teen gossip.
All the things Dana should be focusing on right now and relishing each moment of within her turbulent teens.

Sitting that aside I pull out the next dress and with a sinking feeling in my chest I know that Rosik picked it out for me.

It's a few sizes larger than Dana's but I still know that it's smaller than what I usually choose.
I'll fit into it but I know that it'll be extremely form-fitting which I have no doubt was Rosiks plan all along.

It's an emerald dress which in normal situations I would definitely look twice at purely because I know how well emerald works with my red hair.
But I would never purchase this dress due to the size.

I can already tell that this dress will barely reach mid thigh, it has two thin straps which are supposed to hold the dress up but I'm extremely doubtful.

The dress itself has a spiral pattern all over it and the fabric is lacy and smooth to the touch.
Just like the last dress there are buttons lining the centre but instead of ending midway the buttons on this dress trail all the way down to the bottom of the dress.

All and all the dress screams the word 'easy-access' and that makes me highly uncomfortable.

Lastly at the very bottom of the bag there is a handful of various underwear which thankfully weren't bought in the op shop.

The contrast in the pile is nearly comical if we didn't have to wear them.

On one side of the spectrum there are various floral knickers with obnoxious bright colours and childlike prints of drawn flowers, even as a child I would have detested wearing them.

Then in the next handful there are various lacy strips of g-strings which I can't even begin to understand how they can possibly serve their purpose with so little fabric.

I fight the urge to retch as I search through the muted colours and curse Rosik with every name I know.

Sick bastard.

As the bathroom door is pushed open I shove all but Dana's new dress back into the bag.

Rushing to my feet I stare apologetically at Dana who is pitifully trying to re-tie the sheet around her still slightly wet body.

She is so focused on tying that she doesn't even notice me against the wall. I'll have to remind her that she can never enter a room without assessing it first, not in this situation.

"You don't need that anymore Dana."
I murmur and Dana whips her head up to stare at me.

At first I can see a grudge against me still stained in her eyes but as they focus on the clothes in my hand a look of excitement and relief flash through her orbs.

"You convinced him to get me clothes?!" Dana questions and I nod quickly, not wanting to admit that it was Rosiks idea.
He doesn't deserve any of her gratitude.

I meet Dana halfway as she hurriedly comes forward and I press the clothes into her arms and quickly follow the fabric with one of the packets of pads and new underwear.
The other packet nestled back in the bag.

"How does he know our sizes?"

"He doesn't. This should fit but if it doesn't then let me know and I'll think of something." I reply and mindlessly I run my free hand through her damp locks and tuck them behind her ears.

"When can we leave Katie?"
Dana whispers as she closes her eyes at the comforting sensation.

"Soon. We just need the opportunity, we can't just make one up and risk it Dana. Too much is at stake."

Dana's at stake.

Eventually Dana nods and giving me a small smile she then turns around and enters the bathroom once more to put on the clothes.

I contemplate my outfit and decide that the only way I'm wearing that dress is if the clothes I'm wearing now are ripped to shreds.
I don't want to see the look of satisfaction cross Rosiks face.

Dana only takes a few moments before she is out the door again and while the dress is a little baggy on her it still looks nice.
Handing me back the packet of pads I smile at her relieved look and place it back in the bag.

After telling Dana to stay put I quickly do my business in the bathroom.
Not feeling like a shower yet I simply brush my teeth and run my hands through my unruly curls, trying to make sense of them in hopes that my thoughts will soon untangle as well.

Feeling fresher and overall more uplifted I exit the bathroom with a far easier smirk on my face.
Dana and my earlier dispute forgotten and the candle still firmly against my hip.

However as I leave the bathroom my smirk quickly drops and dread fills my stomach as I find the corridor bare of Dana.

"You fucking bought them clothes?!"

Not good, really not good.

I'm out of the hallway in a flash and with the bag still hanging limply in my grasp I skirt around the wall and barrel into the lounge where Axel has Dana's arm in a locked grip while Rosik lounges on the couch surveying the scene with a blank expression.

"Let her go." I growl out at Axel, his earlier threat still ringing in my ears and Axel raises an eyebrow at me, silently reminding me of the choice.

Axel thankfully lets Dana go and shoves her in my direction which I quickly dart out and catch her.

"Fine. It's your choice." Axel quips and I narrow my eyes at his double meaning.

Choosing to ignore him I quickly assess Dana and seeing no bodily harm I shove her behind me and face the men who are both staring intently at me.

"What is this?" Axel questions before snatching the brown bag from my grip and within seconds he's dumped it all over the musty carpet.

Axel kicks the pads away with a look of disgust and I bristle at his childlike reaction.
However as he drops to his knees with a thud and obvious effort I cringe next as he lifts up the g-strings for the whole room to see.

"What the actual fuck Rosik? This is not following protocol!" Axel grits out and while I know I should take Dana out of the room I remain rooted to the spot.

Wanting to know more about their so called protocols and regulations that they have to follow, this whole situation is more intricate than I thought.

I originally believed that they just snatched girls, lugged them around and dropped them off at the correct place but it seems as though the transporters don't get to play by their own rules. There is a hierarchy in place.

"She needed new underwear and I wasn't going to just go in and buy one pair, that would seem suspicious. So I had a little fun? There's no issue here." Rosik replies flippantly, not bothered in the slightest by Axel's protests and I begin to wonder who is the higher rank between them.

They both clash far too often to be equal partners.

"Why two dresses then? The girl doesn't need options to choose from each day, we're not here to fucking create a wardrobe."

"That was meant for Kitty actually, green will work well on her for the photo's. I'm following the rules Axel but unlike you who is happy to just provide the bare minimum I take pride in my work and provide the best quality." Rosik counters and rises to scoop the green dress up off the ground.

Axel quickly shoves himself back onto his feet grunting.
His face turns red in an attempt to assert more dominance but Rosik is still slightly taller.

Not breaking eye-contact Rosik throws the dress in my direction and I watch it fall in a heap at my feet.

"Put the dress on Kitty."
Rosik commands and I bristle at his demand.

"My clothes are fine thanks." I mutter before kicking the dress back in his direction.

Now I can see faint red spots begin to sneak up Rosiks neck and I know it's only a matter of time before he truly explodes.

"See! The prisoners understand the situation they're in. They don't deserve new clothes, this all just feels wrong. The last girl was so easy, I just want my money Rosik. Don't mess this up for me."

"Don't mess this up for you?! I didn't put you thousand of dollars worth in debt Axel. I didn't screw over your life and I'm sure as hell not going to mess this up. You need to stop fucking testing me and trust that I know how to do my job!"

Lightly I feel Dana tug on my shirt and whisper that she wants to leave the room but I lightly shake my head.
An explosion between these two could be our chance.

"Fuck you man! You don't know a thing about me. We work together and we used to work well. But now that you're getting a boner for a bitch you've lost it."

It takes me a moment to realise that the 'bitch' is me and I feel disgust clog my veins as I realise that part of what Axel said was true.
Rosik is getting unpredictable and it's because of me.

The thought chills me to the bone.

"Don't call her that Axel."
Rosik mutters and now his neck is entirely red.

"Or what?! The bitch isn't going to want you Rosik and I'm not delivering spoiled goods so back off. She's going to be nothing more than a sex doll in a month's time, she isn't special."

I clench my hands tightly at Axels foul words and can't help but shiver at the mental image.

However as I clench my fists Rosik does as well and without thinking Rosik swings his beefy hand and slams it into Axels face which is only just beginning to heal from when I hit him on the day we met.

Axel loses control of his body and hurtles towards my very small form, I barely have time to shove Dana away before the brute falls on top of me, crushing me entirely.

Trying to ignore the absolute pain I quickly shove my hand in the waistband of his jeans.
Taking advantage of his dazed mindset and knowing that I only have mere seconds before Rosik 'saves' me I'm desperate to find the gun.

Just as I feel the cool metal Axel is lifted off me harshly.

Barely taking a moment to take a deep breath of air I quickly roll onto all fours and pretending to cough I quickly tuck the gun on my hip, right next to the candle.

"Kitty! Are you okay?" Rosik checks and I soon feel his hand scoop under my arms and lift me as though I weigh nothing.

Panicking instantly I start thrashing until I'm set back onto my feet, my back facing Rosik.

Just as I raise my eyes over my shoulder to glare at him Axel appears from the side and slams his fist into Rosiks ribs.

Even though Rosik is gasping for air he still manages to chuckle as Axel starts blindly throwing blows at Rosiks thick body.
None of the hits seem to cause him any pain and I half marvel at his brute strength.

Taking my cue to back away I shuffle backwards towards Dana and tug her over to the couches below the window.

Sitting Dana down I remain standing in front of her as Dana begins to softly sniffle.
This violence is new to her, my parents desensitised me to fist fights long ago.

I know how much the body can withstand.

"What's so fucking funny?!" Axel finally shouts as sweat begins to glisten on his forehead and Rosiks laughter only doubles in volume with each strike.

Crossing his arms like a child Axel finally ceases the attack and glares at Rosik who is hunched over.

"I-I'm sent from Russia to survey our international recruits Axel and I've read your file. I know about your wife." At this Axels blush wipes away entirely and I watch with fascination as his face literally drains of all colour.

"Don't bring that up. Ever."
Axel commands but I hear a slight tremor to his voice which only makes Rosik smile wider and stand tall once more.

"With hits as weak as that, I'm not surprised that your wife beat you for as long as she did. Of course you had to take the cowards way out and shoot her. You're too weak to fight anyone but young girls." Rosik taunts and I stifle a gasp as his words sink in.

I don't want to draw any attention back to Dana and I so I remain like a statue, hoping that Dana is doing the same. This situation is getting severely out of hand.

"F-Fuck you and fuck this shit. I don't give a shit where you come from but I sure as hell don't need a babysitter.
You can do this solo, I'll find another girl." Axel spits out as all the fight leaves his body and a sense of sadness wafts through the room.

Obviously Rosik hit a nerve and judging by his satisfied smirk he got what he wanted.

Axel abruptly turns on his heel and pulling his keys out of his pocket Axel storms out of the room muttering darkly.

Rosik rolls his eyes the moment Axel turns and begrudgingly follows him. Knowing just as well as I do that they can't afford to kidnap another girl and leave a trail.

I wait until I hear the front door slam. Locking loudly and I wait until I can hear raised voices in the front-yard before spinning around to the window and pulling out the matches and candle.

"Let's get to work." I state as Dana's whole face lights up.

She had been crying but not as much as I expected.
She is getting tougher.
I don't know why that realisation only makes me sadder.

"But you said to wait." Dana argues as I light the candle and begin melting the thick paint off the sill.
Wordlessly I lift my shirt to reveal the gun and Dana gasps loudly.

"Waiting is over. We're leaving."
And Dana needs no more prodding.

We set to work.

Dana opens the back door at my command before returning and keeping an eye out in the hall.
Hoping that the direction of the door will send the men in a slightly different direction to the way the window is facing.

My hand is surprisingly steady as the candle bubbles and loosens the paint, slowly but steadily.

The yelling isn't getting any quieter and so I feel confident with the plan.

It only takes a few more precious minutes before I can faintly see the outline of the sill.
Blowing out the candle and dropping it to the floor I now grab my keys and ignoring my pang of longing to drive I begin wedging the thicker keys under the crack of the sill and try jamming it open.

I can feel sweat begin to form on my forehead and Dana is humming anxiously behind me, tapping her foot in the process.

It only takes four tries and then suddenly I crack the sill open enough to slide my fingers under.

"Dana! Quick, I need your help."
I whisper, suddenly paranoid that the men can hear me from the slight opening in the window.

However I know that's impossible because the window faces the backyard and there is no possible way for Rosik and Axel to see us unless they enter the lounge again.

Returning to my side in a flash Dana wordlessly shoves her fingers in the slight opening and heaving from the stiffness we manage to shimmy the window past halfway.

Breathing in a deep mouthful of liberating air I quickly allow Dana to crawl out the window first.

The fall is barely a metre so Dana lands easily and silently in a shrub.
I'm quick to follow and as my feet touch the ground I bite my lip to stop myself from crying out in joy.

Now isn't the time to celebrate I sternly remind myself as I slam the window shut again.

Pressing the gun firmer against my hip and relishing in the morbid confidence boost it provides I nod at Dana and taking one last deep breath we both begin sprinting towards the Bush twenty metres away.

We still have plenty of daylight left in the day so I'm confident that we will find a track or clearing that leads to town soon.

This is it, we're finally free.

Well this would be quite a short story if this was the happily ever after wouldn't it?

Well spoiler alert, this isn't the end!

I hope you're enjoying the story and don't forget to vote/comment if you think that the story is decent.

Kaitlin xx

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