Married To My Cousin

By AyaMunna

279K 22.4K 773

"Why the hell would I want to marry you?!"I snapped "Well I don't wanna marry you either! but we don't hav... More

Jamaima! you're getting Married
Meet husband to be
Haidar, let me go or ill scream
Who's the hunk?
The body therapist
Mashed potatoes
See you in 3 days
Wedding Bells!
Meet the in-laws
Last night was a mistake
Off to Shanghai
We are even
A friend from work
Is that a hickey?
would you rather
Coming home
Wife number 2
Wedding, honeymoon and Catfights
A taste of her own medicine
Daddy issues
Dinner with a twist
The bun is in the oven
baby daddy
Life update?

The birth of a princess

6.3K 557 21
By AyaMunna

My eyes widen and I freeze, I was dead standing, I stutter as I get my words out


"My water broke!"

"That means...."

"I'm going to labor genius"

"O my, Oh my, O my....what do we do" I began to panic

"Here, sit down-"

"No! We need to go to the hospital"

I'm such a fool, of course we need to go to the hospital. "Umm, Yeah. OK, hospital". I ran around the house like a mad man looking for keys


"Are you in pain? I'm sorry, I'll find the keys"

"Calm down, I am in pain but I'm not dying. Your keys are in your pockets"

I slap my forehead "You sit in the car, I'll get Abbuu and the hospital kit"

"ABBUU! JAMAIMA NA NAKUDA(I don't like the word I don't know why. lol)

" Labor! I'll be right there" I didn't know old ladies can walk fast till today

"Sannu ko yar mama. Here, take this medicine. It will ease you pain and support a safe delivery in sha Allah"

She gulps it down and we were on our way


"Breath, just breath"

"I'm bre- arghhhhh"

"Calm down baby, you'll be fine"

" You just shut up. This is all your fault!"

If she wasn't in pain, I would give her a naughty smile, but this was no time to be naughty. "I'm sorry baby"

I step on it,I wasn't driving as fast as I can.....I was driving at the speed that jamaima won't rip my head off. She kept shouting 'do you want to kill us all' and if I slow down she goes 'its because you're in pain that you driving like a grandma'

We have been in labor for 4hours now, little princess is not taking it easy on her mother,She wants out and she wants it now. I've heard about labor being painful but right now.... I feel her pain, Literally.

My hand in hers gets a squeeze anytime she gets contractions. Within this four hours there has been occasional back massage, bathroom breaks and cusses.

The nurses have just announced that she is 10cm dilated and that she should start pushing any moment now.

"Ok, darling I need you to push OK. Can you do that for me?" The nurse says to jamaima and she nods

"OK, in a 1-2-push!"

"Arghhhhhhhh!!!! Phhhh! Ghhhhh! ahhhh!" Her grip tightens on my arm and I wince. She is sweating from places I didn't know was possible. The light skin turned pink and her eyes popped out.

At a point she wanted to switch bodies so I would be in labor

"OK, just a little more, push!"

"Haidar! Haide! Arghhhhhhh!"

Waiyo ni, sunana ta shiga uku.

"I'm right here"

She was squeezing the life out of my arm as she pushes. One last murderous squeeze and she collapsed onto the bed. The cry came, Mi amor is here, Habibty, My princess is here.

Tears roll out of my eyes at the sight of what love has created. I love Jamiama, and seeing how strong she is made me love her more. She carried my child in her and brought it into the world

"It's a beautiful baby girl" the nurse says in awe. I knew it was a girl but seeing her right now was different, This moment is a memory I want embedded in me for life.

I'm grateful to the Greatest, The lord of heavens and earth, The most Generous, The Beneficent, the most merciful.

Ya salam....

My beautiful baby was placed on Jamaima's bare chest for skin contact. "Do you want to hold her?"Jamaima asked in a weak voice, I scan her weak figure and pale face then the baby. I was itching to hold her in my arms but I was also scared, I don't want to break her.

I shake my head " You know outside this doors are grandparents, uncles and aunties itching to see and hold her. once the cross that door you won't be able to hold her" she was right, I gush out some air and nod.

"Sit here and fold your arms" I obey "take off your shirt for skin contact" I pull my T-shirt off my head and went back to the initial folded arms "I'll place her in your arms and you bring her to your chest, to feel daddy's warmth"

She is so small and beautiful, I hold her to my chest and never want to let go, her little body was soft and fragile. I pulled it together in other not to pass out.

I move my lips close to her and kiss her forehead
"She's beautiful"

Jamaima nods "Let's get her dressed"


"She has my eyes" Mà said and I chuckle "And my lips" Umma says "I want her look exactly like her father, beautiful" Haidar says

"Torh, sannu Haidar yazama baba baza a bamu muji maganaba; now that you're a father we'll never hear the end of it"

"Where are the guys!"I asked

" I told them to stay out for a while, till you breastfeed the baby" Mà says

I look at Haidar who in turn smirks "Haidar you should go meet your fathers and brothers"

"She's my wife do I have to stay out while she breastfeeds?"

"Lalala Kajimun Marakunya, idan baka fitaba zan murda ma kuni a gaban iyar ka; You brat, if you don't exit I'll pull your ears before your child"

"I'm out" Haidar mocks surrender

My baby was settled into my arms,I slipped a nipple between her little lips and she began to suck. The sting made me pull back and she began to cry.

"Jamiama lafian ki? Ya kika janye; Jamaima what's wrong? Why did you pull out"

"I can't, breastfeeding is painful" I whine

"Kajimun lalachi, wai dan dazafi zakibarta da yunwa?;see this spoilt brat,just because it stings you'll let her starve?"

I pout "I can't let her starve but it really hurts,can-"

"Rupamun baki-;will you shut it-" Umma cut me off

"Kinga kiyaleta bari mufita mu kira mijinta hala zai iya lalabanta ta yarda;leave her, let's call her husband maybe her can convince her" Mà cuts umma's scolding

I receive a death glare from Umma.



"Can I come in?"

"Yeah"I sniff

"What's wrong?" He asked softy

"Umma Scolded me"

"She said you wouldn't feed the baby"

"It hurts"

"OK I'll distract you from the pain"

I nod and he sits beside me on the bed. I tried again and wince, I look down and haidar grabs my face "look at me" he begins to make funny faces. His face alone was a distraction even without making funny expressions.
I stared at his beautiful eyes, those I have lost myself so deep inside. I'm never coming out.

OK.....Love birds, we know its a beautiful girl now we want to hear the baby's name.

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