My Growing Family ('My Baby's...

By SimplyAmber96

294K 6.3K 360

This is the sequel to the story 'My Baby's Daddy'. Hayden and Drake are back with there son Brandon. when Hay... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Part 1)
Chapter 28 (Part 2)
Chapter 29 (Part 1)
Chapter 29 (Part 2)

Chapter 2

11.7K 229 10
By SimplyAmber96

Chapter 2


Hayden's P.O.V*

My alarm went off and I groaned. I'm not ready to go to school. But at least the nausea has passed. I guess I'm not pregnant after all.

"Where are you going?" Drake asked me in a tired voice.

"I have to get ready for school."

"Okay. Tell me how it goes."

I showered and dressed in a black pencil skirt and a white blouse. I slipped on some black flats and headed to school. Hopefully everything goes well.

I got to my campus and looked at the thousands of people walking around. The buildings were big, bigger than my entire high school.

I drove around looking for a parking space. I almost couldn't see from all of the people around.

When I finally found a parking space I parked and got out. I took a deep breath before walking towards the building that holds my first class.

I'm so nervous right now. College is harder than high school and it's my first day. Hopefully everything goes well.

I got inside the building and looked for the room my class would be in. When I finally got there, the room was already crowded. There were desks just like the ones in high school and people sat talking as they waited for the teacher to arrive.

I found an empty seat and sat. I sat my books on my desk and waited for class to start.

"Hey gorgeous." Someone said from behind me. I turned to see a man with spiky blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore a flirtatious smirk on his face. "How about you and I hook up tonight?"

I frowned in disgust. I hate guys like him. He thinks he's so irresistible, but he's not that attractive.

"I have a boyfriend." I answered.

"And I have a girlfriend. But what does that matter?"

I rolled my eyes and turned away from him. I don't want to put up with a guy like him on my first day.

Hours Later

Lunch time came and I walked around campus looking for something to eat. There's so much freedom here. I don't have to be stuck in a cafeteria.

I went to a coffee shop and got a sandwich. I decided to stay and eat. It's nice to be able to get something better than cafeteria food.

"Hi." Someone said. I looked up to see an Asian girl with long brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hi." I responded.

"Do you mind if I sit here? There's no other seat available."

"It's fine."


This girl seems nice enough. I wonder what year she's in. She doesn't look that old.

"My name is Hayden." I introduced myself. "I'm a freshman."

"I'm Kim. I'm a sophomore. It's nice to meet you. And if you have any questions you can ask me. I know almost everything about this campus."

"Do you live here on campus?"

"Yeah. I live way too far to live off campus. What about you?"

"I live in my mom's house with my boyfriend and son."
"You have a son? Wow, I would've never guessed. How old is he?"

"He just turned 2 a few weeks ago."
"How cute. But I'm sure it's cramped living in your mom's house."
"Not really. My mom is hardly ever home because of her job. It's pretty much just us. It's nice."

I took a bite of my sandwich and couldn't keep it down. I quickly got up and ran into the nearest bathroom. I made it just in time before throwing up. I thought I was done being sick. I hate to admit it, but I guess I am pregnant. It's the only explanation there is for me being sick. I'll go to the doctors soon to get a check up.

I rinsed my mouth out and went back out to the café. Kim was still sitting at the table.

"Is everything okay?" She asked me once I was back to the table.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that."

"No, it's fine. But I have to go. My class is starting soon. Here's my number. Call me anytime."


After Classes

After my classes were over, I went to work. I have homework to do but I'll try to get it done later tonight.

"How are you feeling today?" Tony asked me once I got to work. He's been asking me everyday ever since I came to work sick two weeks ago.

"I'm fine Tony. If I wasn't feeling well, I would've gone home."

"Fine. How was your first day of college?"

"It's was good. I actually made a friend today. She seems very nice. She doesn't care that I have child so young. I had expected her to judge me or call me names."

"Some people aren't as cruel as you think they are."

Drake's P.O.V*

I dropped Brandon off at my mom's house and went to my job interview. I really hope I can get this job. If Hayden is pregnant, which she is, we need to bring more money into the house. And with her going to college now, I don't want her to work so much. College is hard work and she's going to have to study.

I sat in the empty chair in front of the manager's desk. I'm afraid that this interview will go like my others.

"Hello Drake, I'm Mr. Elton." The manger introduced himself. "How about we start off by knowing why you want to work for us."

"I need the money. I have a family to support."
"Of course. And do you have a high school diploma or GED?"

"I have a GED."

"Good, good. And have you worked anywhere else besides McDonalds?"

"No sir."

Selling drugs isn't considered a job, is it? Even so, I won't bring that up unless he asks.

"Alright, give me a second." He clicked a few keys on his keyboard and then sighed. "It says here that you've served time in jail for drug dealing."

"Yes sir, but I swear to you that I don't do that anymore."
"Either way, I can't give you this job. I'm sorry."

"Thank you for your time."

I got up and left. This is the 10th job interview I've been to and each one has had the same result. I guess I'm finally learning my lesson. I shouldn't have dropped out and sold drugs. It's the worst business you can get into. If only I had been paying attention that night. I wouldn't have gotten caught.

*2 Years Ago*

I handed the bag of Heroine to the customer and he handed me the cash. I slipped it into my pocket smoothly without anyone noticing. The customer continued down the street.

"Drake, I'm doing a money pick-up." Sean said, walking up to me.

"Here." I handed him the money I've made so far. "Tell Duke to send some people over to Darren. I'm almost out."


Sean left and I leaned against the side of the corner shop. I have enough for two more customers.

A car pulled up and a man motioned for me to come over. I shook my head and told him to come to me. Cops usually ask for you to come to their car so they can unexpectedly cuff you. I'm not stupid.

The man got out and slowly approached me. He didn't look like a drug user but looks can be deceiving.

"1 coke, 1 heroine." The man said in a raspy voice.

"You have a grand?"

The man pulled out a roll of money. I reached into my pocket and did the switch. My heart began to race when the man pulled out a badge and showed it to me. The cops. They finally caught me.

I quickly reacted. I dropped the drugs and ran. I can't be caught. Hayden will be going into labor any day now. We may be broken up, but I can't miss the birth of my son. And I can't go to jail. Bad things happen there. I wouldn't survive.

I pushed pass people, trying not to get slowed down. I didn't bother looking back to see if the cop was following me. It would only slow me down.

After a while I grew tired. I turned into an alley and stopped. I bent over and rest my hands on my knees. My breath was knocked out of me when I was tackled to the ground.

"You're fast kid, I'll give you that." The cop said as he handcuffed me. He read me my rights and pulled me up off the ground.


My life changed forever that day. Jail made me hard and I missed an entire year of my son's life. I was a terrible father for getting myself in jail and not trying to do better. But I've learned from my mistakes. If only I realized things sooner. I'd probably have a job by now.

I drove to my mother's house to pick up Brandon. Of course she pounded me with questions as soon as I walked through the door.

"They gave it to you right? How could they not? There were no qualifications."

"No, I didn't get the job." I muttered. She frowned. "It's because of my record. I might as well face it. I'll never find a job."

"No. Don't think like that. You just have to keep looking. You'll find a job. I know you will"

"Thanks, but I'm sure I won't. Come on Brandon." He came over and took my hand.

Hayden's P.O.V*

I got home after a long day. I was feeling a little nauseous during work today, but luckily it didn't get too bad. I hate giving in to this. I don't want to be pregnant, but that doesn't mean I'm not.

Drake sat on the couch with Brandon. Brandon climbed off the couch and ran over to me. I picked him up and gave him a kiss.

"Drake, how did the interview go?" I asked him, sitting on the couch beside him.

"Take a guess." He said a little bitterly.

I instantly knew he didn't get the job. I always feel sorry for him when that happens. It's throwing everything that he did back in his face.

"I'm sorry." I said. "I'm sure the next one will go better."
"I think I should give up. What's the point in wasting my time to look? I sold drugs, I went to jail, now I'm screwed. I can't support you and Brandon. I'm a failure."

"Stop thinking like that. There are jobs that accept people who have records. You just have to find one."
"Yeah, easier said than done."

I sighed. He's upset and there's nothing I can do but wait. There's no use in talking to him.

I put Brandon down for a nap and called my obstetrician. If I am pregnant, I need to find out now.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi Dr. Reynolds." I said. "It's Hayden Barnes."

"Oh, hi. How's uh... Brandon?"

"He's good. I was wondering if I could make an appointment with you."

"Expecting again?"

"I think so."

"Have you had any symptoms?"
"Morning sickness. And everything I eat tastes disgusting."

"Alright. I have tomorrow morning and afternoon."
"I'll take the afternoon."

"Alright then. Tomorrow at 2:00."

"Thanks. See you then."

I really hope I'm not pregnant. But if I am, I hope Drake will take it well. He said he doesn't mind, but after what happened at the interview today, he may have changed his mind.

After dinner, I put Brandon down for bed. I was headed to my room when my phone rang. I looked to see it was Kristie.

"Hey." I answered.

"I haven't talked to you in forever. How was your first day?"

"It was okay. I like the freedom we get."

"I wish I was going to college."

Kristie doesn't have the money for college so she's not going. She's planning on saving up.

"Go to community college."

"I don't want to. Besides, I'm backed up with wedding stuff. Since Joey is the best man, Fiona thinks we're like sisters. She's been giving me all of this stuff to do. It's exhausting."

Fiona kind of hates me now since Drake left her for me. We're not friends and we'll probably never be friends. And since we're not friends, we weren't invited to her wedding. It frustrates me since Kristie doesn't have time for me. She's always hanging out with Fiona. She doesn't have time for me anymore and I've basically disappeared.

"I wish you were coming."

"Yeah, I do too." Just to spend time with Kristie.

*The Appointment*

Drake stayed quiet as we walked into Dr. Reynolds office. He sat in the chair next to mine and placed Brandon on his lap.

"It's nice to see you again." Dr. Reynolds said. He looked at Drake. "And it's been a really long time since I've seen you." Drake didn't say anything. "Anyway, let's go see if there's a 'bun in the oven'."

We followed Dr. Reynolds down the hall. I walked along side Drake and Brandon. I took Drake's hand.

"Are you okay?" I asked Drake.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Really? Because you've been quiet all day. What's going on?"

"How can we support another baby?"

"You didn't mind the idea the other day."

"That was when I was confident about getting that job yesterday. Now, I think you'll be the one bringing in all the money, which I hate."
"You'll find a job. I promise."

If I'm pregnant, I wonder if I can stop working at the pub and get Drake a job there? We'll still be bringing money into the house. Drake just needs a job so he can feel accomplished.
We got to a room and went inside. I saw the familiar bed in the middle of the floor and the monitors beside it. I went to lay on the bed and Dr. Reynolds turned on the monitors. I lift my shirt just over my stomach and he squeezed the cold gel on to my stomach. He pulled out the probe and placed it on my stomach.

Dr. Reynolds moved the probe around and I looked at the screen. I'm hoping to not see a baby. Hopefully I'll just be sick from something.

My eyes opened in shock at what I saw on the screen. Dr. Reynolds let out a small chuckle. I can't believe what I'm seeing on the monitor.

I looked at Drake and he looked sick. Brandon was tugging on his shirt to get his attention. A laugh escaped my lips. I wonder what everyone will think of this?


I'm so sorry for not uploading sooner. I just got back to Germany and the jet lag is kicking my butt. But here it is now and I hope you enjoyed.

Tell me what you think they saw. Whoever guesses it will get the next chapter dedicated to them.

Please comment, vote, and/or fan. Thanks!! ;-)

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