Savage 》Once Upon A Time

By lovethebreeze

123K 3.7K 1.5K

I love being a pirate. I'm not going to lie. I love the life, the sea, the adventure. What I love the most is... More

The Thing You Love Most
Snow Falls
The Price Of Gold
That Still Small Voice
The Shepherd
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Desperate Souls
7:15 A.M.
Skin Deep
What Happened To Frederick
Heart of Darkness
The Stable Boy
An Apple Red As Blood
A Land Without Magic
Lady of the Lake Part 1
Lady of the Lake Part 2
The Doctor
Into the Deep
Queen of Hearts
The Cricket Game
The Outsider
In the Name of the Brother
The Queen is Dead
Welcome to Storybrooke
Selfless, Brave, and True
The Evil Queen

The Miller's Daughter

2.1K 82 32
By lovethebreeze

Oh, my god. I never knew how much I missed sailing on the Jolley Roger until this very day. I never even realized how much I miss sailing this ship until my hands were on the wheel. And bless Bae for being the wall that separates me and Emma. Emma doesn't trust me, I want to punch her. As much as I hate admitting this, it still hurts a bit. Emma's known me and cursed me for a short matter of time. I looked up to her. Cursed me would have made her my hero, so when she says she doesn't trust me...well, fine. Let her.

At least I've got to teach Henry how to sail. He loved it. And Bae was there as the supervisor. That part I'm a bit bummed out because of all those times I wanted to swear like a sailor and drink rum he wouldn't let me. Then again, I still got to spend time with him, too. Even let him sail so he could spend time with his son. Just like the old days except for this time he's actually old. Like 10 years older if you want to get technical.

 All good things must come to an end when we finally arrived at Storybrooke. Snow and David met up with us on the docks along with Ruby. Ruby and Bae pulled Rumple off the ship, him getting weaker each second. My eyes found the bloody cloth he used to hold over his wound. Part of me is satisfied and the other is worried. Don't know how those two emotions could be mixed up, but it's there.

"Are you ok?" Snow asked as she got out of the truck.

"Yep. We're all right," Emma said as she pulled Henry away from me

Henry beamed up at David. "Uh, I drove a ship."

David grabbed Rumple from Ruby. "Did you, now?"

Henry nodded. "Yeah, my dad and Jax showed me how."

Bae awkwardly held up Rumple's cane. "That's me."

David raised his brow at me. "He wanted to learn, mate," I replied happily. "And Snow's right, it is like riding a bike." I thought I might have forgotten how to sail, but I didn't.

We gathered around the guys when Rumple held on to the truck.

"Is Cora trying to control you with the dagger?" David asked him.

"Oh, you'd know if she was, and most of you would be dead by now," he responded.

I rolled my eyes. "That's reassuring," I mumbled.

"Well, then, we'll just have to take the fight to her before that can happen," Snow said.

David nodded. "We will."

"And this time, we finish it." My ears perked up at that as I gave Snow a surprised look. Is she really suggesting that we kill someone? Her? Little Miss Everyone Deserves a Second Chance? Don't know if I should be shocked or bloody impressed.

David gave her a look. "Mary Margaret...

"David. She needs to be stopped. She needs to be killed. This is our family. We are going to protect it." Whoa, whoa, whoa. Now, I'm all for killing Cora, but I didn't know Snow was, too. She's not the type of person who'll kill someone. It's a bit late for me, but not her.

"Of course we will. But what you're talking about goes beyond that."

"Does it? Because she is the reason you've never met my mother."

"I know. I know what happened to, and I have zero problem with Cora dying for it. But not by your hand. And not out of vengeance."


Oh, for crying out loud. "Because that's not the kind of person you are, love," I said. The couple looked at me. "David and I know you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you go through with it because your heart is pure."

Snow raised her brow at me. "So it's ok for you to kill out of vengeance but not me? I thought of everyone here you'd understand."

I shrugged my shoulders. "My heart isn't pure and I do understand."

"You're heart isn't pure? Cas, you wanted revenge on Rumplestiltskin because of what he did to you, to your family. He's the reason why you never met your mother. Yet when you had the perfect opportunity you couldn't do it because he helped raise you. He took care of you. If your heart wasn't pure then you would have killed him on that ship."

I could have, but not with Emma guarding him. "I could have. I just chose not to," I glanced at the Crocodile, "it's better to see him take his last dying breath knowing I could have done something." He held his chest as he looked at the road. I looked back at Snow. "We love you, lass, that's why we don't want you doing this. Your heart's been pure all your life and we're keeping it that way."

Snow looked back between me and David. I'm right, she knows I'm right. But I could still see that small battle inside her head. That's the hardest part. Killing Cora might taint her heart and no one wants that.

Emma awkwardly walked around us and gave Rumple the quilt. "You ok?"

He weakly nodded. "Ah, I'm beginning to feel a bit stronger. Take me back to my shop. There's magic there can protect us."

David nodded before he and Bae grabbed him and helped him inside the truck.

"Let me guess, I get to go with Ruby," Henry stated.

"You got it, kid," Emma agreed. Then she saw me. I gave her a little wave with a sarcastic smile before she looked at Red. "Maybe you should take Jax with you."

Ok, this time I chuckled. "Oh, Emma. When are you going to learn to trust me?"

"When we find a way to stop Cora."

I tilted my head to the side. "Really? See there are things in that shop I can gain access to. With my memories back, I could tell which items you need. Sure, the Crocodile can but he's too weak to get them. Bae doesn't know his passcodes. My sword is back in the shop, so I could help you defend him incase Regina decides to attack."

"How are you going to help if you can't get invovled?" Emma challenged.

"Oh, that. See, yes, I did promise I would not get involved in Cora's plan. I'm not really getting involved with her plan if I don't know what it is. And you blokes already know she's in town. As far as I'm concern deals off ." My smirk got wider as I leaned closer to her. "The way I see it, Swan, you need me."

Emma looked towards Snow then at Red. Red shrugged her shoulders while Snow nodded. "You could really use all the help," she agreed with me. Hah. I love you, Red.

Henry smiled. "Yeah. Jax can help you guys stop Cora."

Emma gave Henry a look before she sighed in defeat. I grinned in victory.

"Fine, just get in the truck," she said before heading towards the back.

I smiled at Red before following the mother/daugher. At least someone is on my side.


I was rummaging through the top shelves looking for that magic chalk. I don't really trust Emma into looking for it without snooping around. Well, maybe she should have for this one because I had to reach for the small jar in the back. I kept curing under my breath as I got on my tipytoes, but someone reached over and got it for me. I looked back to see David holding the small jar.

"Thanks," I said as I grabbed it from him.

"What are friends for," he smiled.

I raised my brow at him. "I don't know, are we? Because, frankly, I don't have any friends that trust me anymore."

His smile slowly faltered. "Oh, I heard what happened at Boston."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course you did. Only got one side of the story so you're picking that one."

I tried to make my way around him, but David stepped in my way. "No, I'm not picking sides. I'm picking on what I already know."

"And what is it that you do know, Charming?"

"That you love both your fathers." I rolled my eyes again. "Cas, you didn't want to kill Rumplestiltskin. The girl I've met all those years ago would have rammed her sword in him the moment she got her memories. But you knew in your heart that killing him would just darken you a little more. And they're right, he did raise you like he was your own. He protected like any other father would do for their kid."

I gave him an annoyed look. "David, two words. King George."

"But my mother did. Hook raised you in our world while Rumplestiltskin raised you here. I understand why you feel so conflicted, but it's ok if you forgive him. You're only 16, you shouldn't have this much pressure on you."

"And I shouldn't be friends with an old man," I retorted.

"So you admit we're friends?" he joked.

I laughed as I walked towards the back room. "At this moment, it seems like only you and Bae are it." I held up the jar in a got it motion.

Emma gave me a confused look. "There's nothing in it." I gave her an annoyed glare as I shook the jar and took the invisible chalk out. "What the hell?"

"Invisible chalk," Dad began explaining. Not Dad. Mr. Gold. Dad. Crocodile. Dad. Shit, no. Rumple. "Use it in the front doorway. Draw a line. The rest of you, you might want to prepare for battle."

David, Bae, Emma, and I nodded before making our way towards the front. David pulled something from behind the counter and handed it to me.

"I believe this belongs to you," he said. I smiled as I grabbed my sword from him. This is the last time I'm going to be separated from this. "I know how much you don't like this thing laying around, so I made sure it keep it clean for you."

We went outside to scout the perimeter. "Ahh, all the blood's been wipped off," I joked. "Thanks, David."

"Don't mention it."

I smiled at him. "Not just for the sword. For trusting me."

"You never gave me a reason not to." I pulled David into a side hug. And here I thought he would always take Snow's side. We went back inside the shop. I could feel the tension between Emma and Bae. Congrats to him by the way for getting engaged. "We're all clear outside."

I looked between the exes. "Everything ok?"

The two glanced at each other before nodding. Liars.

Emma cleared her throat before getting up and headed towards the back. I smirked in amusement as I followed her. "I drew the invisible line. I think," she said. "What now? You cast a protection spell?"

Rumple shook his head. "No, no. You're gonna do that for me. I'm relying on you."

I looked between Emma and Rumple before I started laughing. Emma casting a spell? Yeah, right. I stopped when they both gave me a look.

"Oh, you weren't kidding," I said.

Emma nodded. "Ok, I agree with Jax. I can't cast a spell. I can spell 'spell.'"

"Than spell it."

"S-p-e-l-l." I made a wrong buzzer noise. "What? How did I mess that up?"

"I said spell it. Not spell."

Emma gave me an annoyed look. "Really?"

"Hey, you're the one doing the spell, love. Not me."

"And how am I suppose to do that?"

"You can. It's in you," Rumple grunted.

"How? Here? Like, from my brain?"

"Just try." Emma sighed before closing her eyes. Wow, I could see the steam coming out of her buggin ears. "Stop thinking! Conjuring magic is not an intellectual endeavour. It's emotion. You must ask yourself, 'Why am I doing this? Who am I protecting?'. Feel it." Emma slowly turned around and face the door. I looked at her as she closed her eyes and let out a breath. Her head tilted back as this small gust of wind was blown in my face. I looked towards the window to see this small barrier going around it. "Oh, yeah. You feel it?"

"Yeah, " Emma breathed. "I think I did."

"Good girl. Very good girl."


Snow and David took the front of the shop. Emma, Bae, and I were in the back. My back was near the door while my hand grabbed the hilt of my sword. Suddenly, the ground starts to shake. I caught myself before I could fall over.

David ran over. "It's them. Regina and Cora. They're here."

I pulled my sword out. "Get ready, guys," I said before walking towards the front.

The four of us lined up with our weapons as we waited. The door burst opened. We had to duck when a fireball was shot through before Cora and Regina strutted their way in.

"Regina, think about what you're doing," Emma tried to reason with her. Oh, please. They thought she killed Archie and then took Henry without her permission. If I was her I'd be pissed too.

Regina glared at her. "Don't talk to me." See? Pissed.

Cora looked at me. "Cassandra, don't forget our deal."

I thought about it. "I haven't. And there is no deal if I don't know the plan. So...." I twirled my sword. "You're not going anywhere near him."

She chuckled. "Are you really going to protect the man you wanted to kill?"

I looked down the line. Emma and David were waiting for my answer. I focused on Emma. "Don't make me regret this."

Cora sighed in annoyance. "Very well. I could just add your body to the list."

Regina glared at Emma while she conjured up another fireball. She threw it at her, but David was quick enough to use his sword to deflect it. She snarled at him before she used her magic to toss him aside. The door slammed behind him.

"Jax, go to Gold, now," Emma said, her eyes not leaving the mother/daughter duo.

I listened and ran towards the back. I barley dodged another fireball that Regina threw towards me. I panted as I held my sword up.

"Little Raven," Rumple grunted behind me.

My eyes didn't leave the door. "Not now."

I heard a few crashing noises. A few things breaking. I cursed under my breath. I should be helping them out there.

"Cas -"

I shushed him. "I said not now."

I saw the flap of the curtain moving and was about to swing. But Bae came through the back and raised his hand in surrender.

"Cas, it's us," he rushed out.

I sighed in relief. "Emma?"

"She's drawing another barrier."

I looked behind him. "Do you think that might hold them?"

He turned around. "I hope so."


Snow wasn't anywhere near us. She's not in the shop and she's not with David. I don't know where she is, but I hope she's not doing something she'll regret later. My hand never left my sword as I watched then door. I could hear Rumple's breath getting weaker and weaker.

"It's getting weaker. She's gonna get through," Bae pointed out, talking about the barrier.

Rumple gave a weak nod. "Maybe it's for the best. At least this cursed power will pass from this world.

"No." Bae dropped his sword on the table. "No, you're not dying."

"I am dying. That much is certain. I need to talk to Belle." Rumple kept breathing deeply. "Emma, please."

I glanced at Emma when she pulled her phone out. "Who's Belle?" Bae asked.

"Your dad's girlfriend," Emma answered. Bae looked at me and raised his brow in a why didn't I tell him kind of way.

"Oh, yeah. Um, Bae, Crocodile's got a bloody girlfriend now," I deadpanned while my gaze didn't leave the entrance. I broke my gaze when I saw Emma coming to stand in front of me. I raised my brow at her. "Here to judge me again, Swan?"

She shook her head. "No, I just want to say thanks. And I'm sorry."

"I don't want an apology," I said.

"Too bad cause you're getting one." She grabbed a chair and sat next to me. "I shouldn't have treated you the way I did. I treated you like I would have treated Hook because the first thing that came to mind is that you'll use us like he did. That wasn't fair to you."

"It wasn't."

"And I forgot that you're still a teenager. You're still growing up." She grabbed my jacket sleeve. "Then when I saw you wear his jacket, it reminded me that there is still a part of Jax Gold in you. The way you were when Graham died, I don't want you to go through with that if Mr. Gold did. He's still your father."

I slowly shook my head. "No, he's not."

"Then why haven't you looked at him the second we came into the shop?" I glanced at her. "Because you'll feel guilty knowing that you had a part in his death. And that part of Jax Gold is going to grieve for him."

My sword is looking a lot better now. I didn't say anything to Emma. She patted my back before she got up. I kept looking at the sword as I heard the rest of Rumple's conversation.

"You find goodness in others. And when it's not there, you create it. You make me wanna go back, the best version of me," he confessed. "And that never happened before. So when you look in the mirror and you don't know who you are... That's who you are." At this point I could hear the heartbreak in Rumple's voice. I looked up and my eyes landed on the little table with the chess pieces. One of our favorite pass times. He would mostly win and there are times he would let me win. He thought I didn't know, but I always did. My chest started to ache as my throat went tight. "Thank you...Belle."

My whole life I was fighting or searching. I didn't get to experience being in a family. Sure, I had Papa, but we never did something like this. Normal back on the Jolly Roger was practicing our sword fighting or sailing. Here, normal was just having a movie night and playing chess. And I had a normal life for the past 28 years thanks to him.

Bae cleared this throat. "Didn't know you had that in you."

"Oh, I am full of love," Rumple whispered. "I've spent a lifetime looking for you...For a chance to say I love you. And I'm sorry."

Bae sniffled. "I didn't think you would go back on our deal."

"I just made the wrong choice." Through my swords reflection I could see him reaching out for Bae's hand. "May I?"

Bae's voice started to break. "I'm still angry."

"I know."

Then Bae reached back and grasped his father's hand before turning around. He took a deep breath as he cried and held his other hand. I put my sword down, not wanting to ruin their moment.

Bae turned around and looked at me. "Cas?"

I shook my head. "No."

Emma gave me a look. "Jax -"

I shook my head again. "I can't. My whole life I wanted nothing more than to kill that son of a bitch. The time it could actually happen, I'm starting to doubt myself." I bit my lip. "I want to hate him, I really do. That's what I was raised to do." I looked down. "He killed my mother.He took me away from Papa. He made my papa believe that I was dead so he could turn me into something sinister.

"I should want him dead. I should be happy about this moment. But the thought about him dying..." I started to choke up. "The thought about him dying...."

I felt someone grab my shoulder. I looked up at Emma to see her giving me an encouraging nod. It worked because I got up and ran over to the duo. I wrapped my arms around Rumple and started to cry.

"I'm so sorry." Bae leaned down and held the both of us. "Please, don't die. I'm so sorry."


Bae, Emma, and I had our weapons ready as the ground shook again. Cora broke through the barrier and made her way in. We held our weapons up high.

"You three, out of the way," she sneered before waving her hand. My eyes widen as I took a step forward, only for the magic cloud to consume my body and teleport us.

Emma, Bae, and I stood in the middle of the forest. I looked around before cursing under my breath.


If Regina didn't hate Snow enough, then she definitely does now. I can't believe Snow actually went through with killing Cora. But it did save Rumple, so all in all I'm grateful. Another thing I'm grateful for is Papa being all well. I called the hospital to see how he was doing, but they said he was missing. I 'pretended' to be concern, but I knew Papa must have snuck out again. At least I know he's all right.

I started humming to a tune as I made myself some food.

"A dream is a wish your heart makes," I sang. I continued humming as I grabbed some milk from the fridge. When I closed the door there was a vase on the table with a single red rose. "What the hell?"

I put the milk down and went over to the vase before pulling the rose out. There was a small card on the pedal. I furrowed my brows as I turned the card over. The writing froze me in place.

I told you to never say goodbye. My Lost Girl is coming home.



A/N: Ok, it's still Christmas here so...Merry Christmas. I am really sorry about the wait. But here is another chapter

*Not edited.*

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