Emphatic Vampire (NCT NoMin)

By IamJi-ya

178K 8.8K 5.6K

Jeno is a heartless emphatic vampire who finds Jaemin Na. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Q and A <3
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Find thyselves

Chapter 30

2.6K 139 129
By IamJi-ya

We are having a review so this chapter will be super boring and long. Sorry.


Third Person's POV

"The thing is... Jeno-hyung doesn't know where his heart is."

"Huh? How did that happen?" Jaemin asked.

"Well Jeno here is supposed to be the strongest in terms of strength and special power but as you can see, his power isn't really for fighting----"

"Or maybe his power isn't enough for fighting yet." Donghyuck said interrupting Mark.

"Well it could be the case too, his power is still too weak. Jeno is the reason why we jump from one place to another until Chenle's visions will slowly give clues where Jeno's heart is at." Mark stated.

"Chenle... I wonder why you aren't fighting as far as I observed when you and Jisung would train together, you've got what it takes to fight." Suji said still caressing Kaira's hair who is frowning from her sleep from time to time because of the pain.

"But I also have what it takes not to fight." Chenle smiled as he looked at Renjun and Jisung who're staring back at him.

"Huh?" Donghyuck voiced out confused at Chenle's answer making Mark chuckle.

"All of us has two special powers, first is the power we can freely use and the other special power that we can't freely use because it either drains us or we can't control it. Well Lele-hyung's visions is the power he can't control and the other that he can freely use is the power we call caged heart." Jisung said as he gets a hold of Chenle's hand intertwining it with his own, looking down at the older chocolate-haired male showing a sweet smile.

"Caged heart?" It's now Jaemin's time to be confused as he sits with Jeno on the floor snuggling to the older as Jeno wraps his arms around the younger.

"That power of mine cages the heart of my mates and mine. The ancient books of our kind says that inside me there's this cage-like magical thing that is wrapped around with chains that cages the heart of my mate and I." Chenle informed smiling.

"So you have 3 hearts within you?!" Donghyuck asked shocked at the new information.

"Yup! That's why we don't let him fight." Renjun said entering the room bringing food for all of them. Let me remind you, all of them except Suji doesn't feed blood they feed on their absorbing mates emotions for the emphatic kind and as for Renjun he feeds on the majority emotion of the people around him. So basically they eat human food for minor hunger.

"Suji, I know you have the very right to be worried but I'm a Psi vampire and your negativity is slowly getting into me." Renjun informed slightly panting as he felt the overwhelming dark power rising. Suji immediately controlled her feelings thinking that her eve, Kaira, is strong and would survive.

"So you said you've got two powers, mind sharing them? Say first the one that you can control then the other." Donghyuck said munching the meatballs and nuggets.

"So mine is electricity and the other is hypnotism along with erasing, replacing or finding a certain memory. My second power drains me and I can't use it properly." Mark first said.

"How do your second power works? Did you used it already?" Jaemin asked in a sleepy voice liking Jeno's hand caressing his hair as he rest his head on the older's shoulder.

"Yep. I used it on you and on the dance instructors at our old school." Mark said chuckling because he used his power all because of Jaemin and for Jaemin under Jeno's command.

"What? When? How?" Jaemin said shocked as he gets up.

"Okay so I can use my second power only if I touch my target. In your case Jaemin, I guess it's the first time you encountered an insane vampire and you are with Jeno and Renjun. Jeno put you to sleep and brought you here then asked be to erase your memory. (Chapter 9)." Mark stated.

"How about the time you used to our dance instructors?"

"I hypnotized them to let Jeno advance in your level since he's over protective.(mentioned in chapter 11)" Mark smirked and Jeno threw him a glare.

"So Jisung?" Jaemin asked getting back to his original position, in Jeno's arms.

"Well teleportation and clairvoyance which I can't use well." Jisung shortly answers not minding to throw a explanation since his powers are pretty well known.


"We are not on the same kind Jae." Renjun answered.

"Huh? What kind are you talking about?" Jaemin asked confused.

"Okay so, Emphatic vampire like Jisung, Chenle, Jeno and I, well the royals have distinguishing characters like our blonde hair and golden eyes plus the two possessed power." Mark informed.

"As for our clan we have jet black hair and of course the royals having golden eyes and shadow power." Renjun added to clear the confusion in Jaemin.

"So Jeno is supposed to have two powers like you guys but he only have one at the moment and it's visiting dreams---"

"And putting you to sleep." Renjun cut off Jaemin.


"I can hypnotize but I can't put you to sleep at my will Nana. Only him." Mark stated backing up Renjun.

"Oh but when Jeno acquires his second power, he still cannot use or control it so what's the point of finding it out?" Na Jaemin got a lot of questions running in his head and he's gonna get answers for it one by one.

"That makes Jeno-hyung the strongest among us because he can control both if his powers." Chenle stated leaning on Jisung.

"So you've been looking for Jeno's lost heart? How are you doing so far?" Jaemin asked looking at Jeno with so much concern.

"We are doing well I guess. When we reached this place is also the same time I acquired my power to enter and manipulate dream. There's nothing to worry about Nana. I'll be fine." Jeno said looking down at Jaemin on his shoulder pecking the younger's nose showing his sweet smile.

"Your heart is hidden somewhere in this place. I hope you guys find it sooner." Jaemin said returning the kiss to Jeno by pecking the older's cheeks.

A comfortable silence enveloped the room after that long discussion about the vampires and Jeno's heart. Donghyuck is slowly falling asleep on the floor with his head rested on Mark's lap as the older male cards his fingers to Donghyuck's hair making the younger feel more relaxed. Chenle is situated between Jisung legs as he leans on the taller male's chest with Jisung's arms locked around his small waist. Jaemin is also dozing off but he refrains himself from doing so wanting to look out for Kaira since Renjun and Suji are downstairs waiting for some aid to arrive.

"Nana sleep, I will look out for Kaira." Jeno softly said.

"No. I will--"

"Sweetheart fall---"

"Stop it." Jaemin said his eyes turned cold looking at Jeno. Jeno felt something inside him stopped, his power stopped working the moment Jaemin put up his guard to Jeno's power.

"How did you do that Jae?" Jeno asked still in shock as he saw how Jaemin's eyes turned dull and cold then getting back to normal in a split second.

"H-Huh? What did I do?" Jaemin asked blinking innocently looking at Jeno.

"You just blocked my powers Nana." Jeno said truthfully.


"Lele they are here." Jaemin was interrupted by Renjun who entered the room with Suji and some people, Jaemin aren't very familiar yet except for one.


"Oh Jaeminnie, hi!" The called guy with feminine features and quite feminine figure softly responded.


"Yes I am Jaemin."

"And he's a rare one." Another voice was heard behind Jungwoo.

"Wong Yukhei?!" Jaemin is now beyond shock from all the revelation in one night.

"Hi Nana!!!!!!!!!" Lucas literally yelled that earned him a slap from Jungwoo and a smack from Renjun at the same time. He approached Jaemin then hugged the latter.

"Ehem.." Jeno faked cough behind Jaemin and pulled the younger male towards him when Lucas is hugging his mate for too long.

"So I'll tell you more later Jae but for now where's the person I'll heal?" Jungwoo asked in a soft voice as the others pointed their fingers at the girl getting pale on the bed. Jungwoo smiled as he approached the frowning and groaning Kaira on the bed.

"I can only stop her pain and the bleeding for now but I can't bring back the cut wing if she doesn't drink my blood." Jungwoo said while he heals Kaira.

"But a vampire's blood is dangerous for her kind." Suji voiced out already opposing his ideas.

"Yes it is but not my blood." Jungwoo said smiling as he finished healing the girl who is now sleeping peacefully.

"So for Jaemin, hi I'm Kim Jungwoo. I'm the type of vampire who can only heal, they call me a Guaritore Vampire. Nice to meet you Jaemin." Jungwoo introduced himself to Jaemin again.

"He's rare. I'm Lucas, Wong Yukhei a vampire with the same type as Renjun. I'm a Psi Vampire. Nice to meet you again Na Jaemin." Lucas also revealed sending some meaningful glance to Renjun that didn't go unnoticed to Jaemin but he just shrugged it off and just smiled at the them.

"And oh! I'm his mate! Hahahaha!" Lucas loudly said again earning a smack in the head from Renjun.


"What?" Renjun coldly stared at the taller making Lucas back down and sulk hugging Jungwoo from behind.

"She should wake up tomorrow and I'll give her my blood then she'll regenerate her wings in no time. All of you should rest, especially you servamp. You don't look so good because of your eve's condition." Jungwoo stated and that's how they ended the night as silence enveloped the room waiting for the sun to rise for a new day.


"Suji...." Kaira fluttered her eyes open muttering the name of the person she first saw.

"Finally you decided to wake up bitch." Suji scoffs at her making the latter smile and let out giggle.

"Thank you and stop worrying, I'm alive."


"Kai!" Jaemin cut off Suji by running to the girl hugging her carefully.

"Hey Jae." She said softly playing with Jaemin's hair making Jaemin get up and flick her forehead leaving a red mark.

"Aw! What was that for?!"

"For being an idiot! You got all of us worried!" Jaemin yelled back frowning as Jeno approached from behind wrapping his arms to Jaemin's waist, chin resting on the younger's shoulder.

"Nana calm down, she's safe now." Jeno said his hot breath hitting Jaemin's neck as he kissed Jaemin on the cheek.

"Jeno don't team up with her!" Jaemin whined seeing how Kaira smiled upon hearing Jeno.

"He's right. I'm fine now and even better."

"Shut up. I will not let you fight again."

"You can't do that."

"Try me bitch."

"You'll just lose hoe."

"Is this really how your mornings are? Throwing curses?" A soft voice  was heard in the room.

"Jungwoo-hyung." Jeno and Jaemin said in sync as they get out of Jungwoo's way to Kaira, seeing Jungwoo holding glass with a wine like liquid.

"Here drink this to have your wings back." Jungwoo handed it to Kaira that made Suji nervous. After Jungwoo explained everything last night, she's still doubtful and afraid that it might harm Kaira.

"Spread your wings, wendigo." Jungwoo said as his eyes turn grey and Kaira did what she's told. She draw her wings out in the open as her cut wings glowed in white light until the light faded showing her wings back again and healthy.

"There you go."

"Thanks Jungwoo."

"No problem, now let's get ready and go to school. It's Monday.".

"Right school." Jaemin said followed by everyone either whining or groaning.

All of them went to school together despite of having different schedules making Kaira, Suji and Jungwoo late for their first period. Of course ChenSung still goes to their old school so they have parted ways ages ago.

"Hey I'm going to Mr. Zhang. He instructed me to go to him first thing today." Renjun informed everyone.

"Well me too, I'm instructed the same thing so let's go together." Donghyuck said latching off Mark going to Renjun's side as the both of them head to the faculty office.

"What do you think he'll tell us?" Donghyuck asked.

"I don't know too, let's just head their faster so we won't get let in our first period." Renjun  said speed walking resulting for him to bump into someone.

"I'm soㅡ"

"Don't you dare utter any word wimp." The man he happened to bump into said as he lifted Renjun of the ground by his collar.

"Heyㅡ" Donghyuck was about to charge in when someone gripped his arm tightly.

"Let me go blood sucker." Renjun spat with his angry eyes.

"You caught on pretty quick non-eater." The man with sharp eyes said smiling with his eyes disappearing but it looked so sinister. Renjun was about to lift his leg to attack but a deep voice is heard.

"That's your new hobby now Marco and Euijin? Bullying first years? If I were you, I will let them go." A red head tall and quite buff guy approached them with a black haired tall male following behind him.

"Stay out of this Kang Daniel and Ong Seongwoo."



Wavyuuuuuuuu! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 -Ji

R E V I S E D: July 28, 2019

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