Do Overs

By jasminejoie

56.5K 1.3K 235

Aubrey has been wrongfully sentenced to do years behind bars for something he didn't do, he comes out looking... More

fiftyfive: final chapter.


769 19 5
By jasminejoie

24 hours before one of the biggest days of Camilla and Aubrey's lives. Their wedding day. Aubrey was in one the best moods possible, he'd just arrived at the barbershop with Chubbs, Baka and Jahron in tow.

"Long time I haven't seen you, man!" Marcus, the barber said pulling Aubrey into a short side hug. Aubrey hadn't really gone back to places he was used to since leaving jail, he was always at this barbershop before his arrest but the thought of coming back slightly brought back memories.

"I know, man had to do a little time but I'm back now" Aubrey laughed, going full Toronto man with his voice.

"I heard, I heard. It's fucked up, eh?" Marcus shook his head. Aubrey, Chubbs, Baka and Jahron all took seats in the waiting area as Marcus continued to talk to them while cutting the young boy sat in the chairs hair.

"It is but I gotta move on man, on to bigger and better things" he chuckled.

"Something's different about you" Marcus paused, holding the clipper still in the air. "You got a kid?"

"Nah...not yet" Aubrey laughed.


"Will be tomorrow" Aubrey nodded proudly.

"Yooo, no fucking way. Congrats man" Marcus moved from the customer to high five Aubrey.

"Is this gonna take any longer?" The boy in the chair kissed his teeth, turning around to look at them.

"Yo, shut up before your hairline is behind your ears, eh?" Marcus kissed his teeth, fanning the boy off. "Anyway, let me see the lucky bride?"

Aubrey held up his phone to show his lockscreen which was a picture of he and Camilla on the day they got engaged.

"Man, she's beautiful. I need one of those...She got a sister?" Marcus joked, once again highfiving Aubrey.

"Watch it" Aubrey joked, putting his phone away. "You know what, if you're free tomorrow you could always come through the wedding reception?"

"Definitely, I been knowing you since you got the curls and all that. Now you growing up and getting married, that's some real shit, man" Marcus said as he walked back over to the customer in the chair.

Just as Aubrey, Baka, Jahron and Chubbs we're finished with their haircuts and were about to leave, he was interrupted by the sight of Leah walking into the barbershop with a hoodie over her head, she pulled it down to reveal her bruised face as she walked over to he and the guys.

"What happened to you?" Aubrey whispered to her and she stood in front of him.

"Can we talk outside?" She cleared her throat. "Baka you too..."

Baka and Aubrey looked at each other, nodding in agreeance and walking outside with her. Jahron and Marcus exchanged looks before shrugging and returning to their conversation.

"Is this real?" Baka tried to touch Leah's face to which she winced. "What happened, man?"

"Shane happened" Leah sighed. "He knows everything, like everything"

"How?" Baka furrowed his brows.

"Shane didn't say, he just told me that I was lucky he took a liking to me otherwise he would've let LD kill me for lying to him"

"Did he put his hands on you?" Baka looked at the side of her face.

"Him or LD got someone to do, it's a good thing I managed to get away when I did" Leah shook her head.

"Man, what the fuck" Aubrey sighed, rubbing his hand over his face to regain composure. "This is too much shit, I'm getting married tomorrow and you're coming to me with this"

"Wow...I'm so sorry to come and confide in the people that put me in this position anyway!" Leah grit her teeth.

"No ones saying you're wrong, relax" Aubrey kissed his teeth, looking over to Baka who was stood quietly.

"This has gotta end, man" Baka spoke. "We'll think of something and get back to you..." he added, looking at Leah. Leah sighed, nodding at them and eventually walking back over to her car.

Aubrey and Baka exchanged looks with one another before heading back into the barber shop.


Camilla on the other hand was busy prepping herself for the wedding. She was at the nail salon with Brielle and Alisha. She'd already had her hair her individual eyelashes done.

"What do you mean Kam's gone missing? Who has my baby then?" Brielle spoke, putting a finger in her ear so that she could hear properly over the sound of the music playing in the nail salon.

"What's happening?" Alisha whispered to Camilla.

"Kam's missing I think" Camilla shrugged.

"Guys, I gotta go. Kam's missing and I'm not too sure what's happening" Brielle spoke, seemingly flustered and confused. She removed her feet from the water.

"Missing how?" Alisha questioned.

"Well, he offered to look after Zac while we hung out today, I brought Zac over to him last night then just now his mom called me saying she hasn't seen him since he woke up her up at 6am this morning to look after Zac while he went out to do something"

"Maybe he's out with his friends or something?" Alisha tried to reassure her.

"Usually I wouldn't care but-, recently his behaviour has been so off. He called me the other day talking about if anything happens to him then he's sorry he hasn't been a good father and how he loves me and Zac" Brielle furrowed her eyebrows.

"You don't think he's in trouble, do you ?" Camilla asked.

"He has to be, he's been gone since 6am and it's nearly 6pm now" she said, cursing under her breath.

"Would anyone know where he is?" Camilla queried.

"Probably Ricky or one of those guys, I don't have his number though" Brielle sighed.

"Doesn't he work in that Jamaican food shop up the street?" Alisha chimed in.

"I think so, but I don't wanna ruin your day Cami. You're getting married tomorrow I refuse to let anything ruin it. You guys stay here and I'll just go see if I can figure out where he is, and then come back"

"Don't be stupid" Camilla fanned her off, pulling out her phone.

"What are you doing?" Brielle watched her.

"Calling the Jamaican food place" she held the phone to her ear. "Afternoon, is Ricky there? He is? Yeah, he told me to come in to get some food so I was just checking he was still there. Thanks, see you soon" she hung up and looked at them.

"Camilla, this is supposed to be a good, stress free day for you" Brielle frowned.

"Bri, don't be stupid. You'd do the same, plus we're basically finished anyway, come on" Camilla pinched her cheek, causing Alisha to laugh.

They'd all bundled into Alisha's car and headed to Ricky's location. They were hoping it'd give her a clue to where Kameron was.

"Well, if it isn't fine ass Camilla Dean" Ricky chuckled, seeing them walk in. "Hey Alisha and Bri" he waved.

"Ricardo, be quiet" Camilla shook her head, making Alisha and Brielle giggle.

"Are you here for food?" He leaned over the counter at her.

"You guys never have any, so no" Camilla rolled her eyes.

"Is that an engagement ring?" Ricardo looked at her hand.

"It is, but that's not why we're here"

"Ricky, we're tryna pick up the pace here. Where is Kameron?" Alisha interrupted.

"No idea" Ricky shrugged. "But Camilla, lets talk about that ring. Who are you marrying?"

"You can ask all the questions you want, when you let us know where Kam is" Camilla clicked at him.

"Look, I don't care what's happening I just wanna know my child's father is safe"

"He's safe" Ricky diverted his eyes to Brielle.

"Ricky, don't tell me that because you wanna shut me up. Where is he?"

"I don't know where exactly, I know who he's with. That's all I can tell you" Ricky confessed. "I don't know if you know them old niggas, Shane and LD?"

"Never heard of them" the three women said in unison.

"I wouldn't be worried about him being hurt, I'd be worried about him going jail. I'm not trying to shut you up, I just don't want to tell I know exactly what's going on. I know who he's with, but I don't know what he's doing"

"Ricky, he's been talking differently. Mad emotional. Where would he usually be when he's with them?"

"Probably in Ajax...don't stress Bri. You got little man to think about. I promise you if I hear from him I'll let you know"

Brielle was still not satisfied with the end result of the conversation but there was nothing else she could do. She was just hoping that everything was fine. Camilla wanted to ask Aubrey but since they were separated till their wedding day, this kinda left everything on an awkward note.


A/N: this was sort of a filler chapter. Chapter 19/20/21 will have all the drama and a shocking revelation!

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