The flaws of being a Hiccup *...

By Toothlessfollower14

42.9K 1.7K 385

Hiccup has a big problem, he is now 20 years old. His father has died and he now has certain obligations to b... More

The flaws of being a Hiccup
Chapter 1: Oh Hiccup!
chapter 2: Tricks of the mind
Chapter 3: I'm sorry...
Chapter 4: Serves you right
Chapter 5: certain obligations
Chapter 6: Astrids thoughts
Chapter 7: The talk with mum
chapter 8: Princess Merida of Dunbroch
Chapter 9: The feast
Chapter 10: Romantic flight?
Chapter 11: An accident...?
Chapter 12: I love you...
chapter 13: Those beautiful blue eyes...
Chapter 14: More than just a kiss?
Chapter 15: I want you back...
Chapter 16: I thought...
chapter 17: A dream or a vision?
Chapter 18: 'flashback'
Chapter 19: I will never stop loving you...
Chapter 20: The fight
Chapter 21: A chat with Gobber
Chapter 22: The plan
Chapter 23: Love never dies
Chapter 24: Merida
Chapter 25: A confusing conversation
Chapter 26: The conversation continues...
Chapter 27: Where's Astrid?
Chapter 28: no problems
Chapter 29: some place dark
Chapter 30: I don't know...
Chapter 31: Another day
Chapter 34: Remember me
Chapter 32: Finding Astrid
Chapter 33: Eret
Chapter 35: Please wake up
Chapter 36: Confessions
Chapter 37: Return to Berk
Chapter 38: Awkward!
Chapter 39: Suspicious

Chapter 40: gone.

992 38 17
By Toothlessfollower14


I am really confused over what Merida had said. I mean I wasn't expecting it to be that easy. I gave her a peck on the cheek, thanking her as I walked away. I mean she just agreed to me and Astrid being together. I mean I'm suspicious but then again I've never seen Merida being mean or threatening before.

I walk into Gothi's hut seeing Astrid laying down on the bed resting peacefully. I sauntered up to her kissing her lightly on the head and brushing her bangs away from her closed eyes.

I looked at her lying there peacefully. But it was weird she didn't even flinch when I touched or kissed her, that's not normal. I look at her body.

Her skin is pale and stone cold to the touch.

"Astrid?" I ask her hoping that this was some sort of joke. She didn't move a muscle.

"er, A-astrid!" I say shaking her. Her body was limp and her eyes were still closed shut. "No Astrid!" I shout now in tears, cuddling her close.

"G-Gothi! Mum!" I shout. "no don't leave me Astrid!" I tell her as Gothi comes rushing in. I then realise that my mum's not here.

Gothi starts examining her. Putting strange things in her mouth and hut her nose. Gothi then shakes her head.

"w-what?" I ask. No this can't be happening it must be a mistake... it has to be. "n-no..." I say shaking my head. "y-you're wrong!" I shout at her crying uncontrollably. She just leaves bowing her head to give me some time alone with her.

No this can't be true, she's alive I know she is!

I put my head to her chest. But nothing. No heart beat. She's dead. She's really dead...

This isn't a trick. My Astrid is gone and she is never coming back.


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