
By kitkat405

108K 4.5K 2.4K

What would you do for the ones you love? Katherine would soon find out just how far she's willing to go to p... More

Chapter 1 ~ Blood is Thicker.
Chapter 2 ~ Survival.
Chapter 3 ~ Suffocating Silence.
Chapter 4 ~ Deadly Pull.
Chapter 5 ~ Sun Rays that Lack the Warmth.
Chapter 6 ~ Frail Family.
Chapter 7 ~ Water Woes.
Chapter 8 ~ Say Cheese.
Chapter 9 ~ Flicker of Hope.
Chapter 10 ~ No Touchy.
Chapter 11 ~ Drown My Sorrow in Carbs.
Chapter 12 ~ Eat Your Greens.
Chapter 14 ~ Trigger Happy.
Chapter 15 ~ Brawl.
Chapter 16 ~ Run, Forest, Run!
Chapter 17 ~ Déjà Vu.
Chapter 18 ~ Temporary Prison.
Chapter 19 ~ Cuff Luck.
Chapter 20 ~ Tick Tock.
Chapter 21 ~ Game On.
Chapter 22 ~ Glorious Food.
Chapter 23 ~ Field Trip.
Chapter 24 ~ Revelation.
Chapter 25 ~Scrub-A-Dub-Dub.
Chapter 26 ~ Pop Goes the Weasel.
Chapter 27 ~ Delivered.
Chapter 28 ~ Severed Ties.
Chapter 29 ~ Liberation.
Chapter 30 ~ Epilogue.

Chapter 13 ~ Bloody Drama.

3K 146 93
By kitkat405

The next morning I'm not the first to wake.

At first I'm surprised as I hear Dana sit up suddenly and shuffle her way out of bed quickly.
Then I'm alarmed as I hear her mutter 'shit' under her breath.

Dana isn't one to swear, at least not around me so I'm quick to peel my eyes open, ignoring the urge to clamp them shut once more and stiffly pull myself into a sitting position.

The room is pitch black and I instinctively know that it's before five in the morning.
That's the time I normally wake up, this is still night time.

I glance at the door warily ensuring that it's still locked shut and not the reason for Dana's distress.
I knew it would be before I squinted to confirm, my whole body breaks into goosebumps the moment either of those men enter my space, I would know in an instant if they entered here.

I spot Dana's silhouette by the window and from the faint moonlight I watch in silence as she stares down her body.

Thinking that maybe something bit her in the bed I turn and examine where she slept.
I wouldn't be surprised to find a fair few creepy crawlers in this abandoned house, I was just trying not to focus on it while I'm forced to stay here.

Instead however my eyes latch onto a small but noticeable dark patch on the mattress.
My tired mind takes a few extra seconds to connect the dots but when the answer is clear I feel sympathy wash through my veins.

Dana just got her period.

I'm next to roll out of the bed and landing lightly on the balls of my feet I comb my hair with my hands as I think of a solution to Dana's problem.

If I had my handbag on me then I could give her a pad straight away, I always carry at least half a packet on me at all times.

Girls gotta look out for other girls.

Obviously however that is not an option.

Looking around the room I spot the small wardrobe and silently I shuffle over to it and open the stiff doors.
It's hard to see in the dark but after blindly running my hands over the interior I'm let down to find it entirely empty.

I shudder momentarily as I think of all the germs that my poor hand has just swum through but there is no point in worrying about germs when there is no soap to fix it.

Turning around I notice that Dana has spotted me out of the bed and her brow furrows as she shields her light denim jeans from my sight.

"Katie I-I got my-" Dana's face starts burning up so to save her the humiliation I walk up and awkwardly hug her as she continues to try to cover herself.

I honestly don't care about the stain.
If my cousin needs a hug then she's getting a hug.

"Shhh it's okay. I know. Is it really heavy? Have you got cramps?"
I question worriedly and pull Dana back just enough to brush her hair behind her ears.

Her large blue eyes look up at mine, although they're not covered with tears I can still see a deep sadness in them and my own brow creases to match hers.

"It's pretty heavy. I thought I had a few more days left.. My cramps woke me up and then I felt it. They're going to be mad aren't they?" Dana whispers and I shake my head instantly not wanting to cause her more stress.

"Of course not! Just look at this room, do you really think that they care about cleanliness? I'm sure they have dealt with these... situations before. They must have." I assure her and my heart twists at the thought of how many girls have had to go through this situation as well.

How many girls that didn't have a family member to support them.
Girls that are far braver than I could ever hope to be.

As much as I hate to admit it, Dana and I are extremely lucky in this situation.

"Do you want me to try to get pads for you now Dana? Or can it wait a few more hours when the men are awake?" I ask and stare intently into her eyes, ready to make sure that she answers honestly.

If she needs them now then I'm going to go get them now.

"No.. I should be okay. I don't know what else to wear though, these jeans will just spread blood everywhere."
I rack my mind for a solution to Dana's discomfort as the room begins to slowly fill with sunlight.

I would happily offer her my jeans which are darker and thicker but then that raises the question of what I'm going to wear.

I feel especially self conscious around Rosik, I don't need him seeing anymore of my body than what he already has.

Looking around a final time I finally settle on the bed sheet.
I pull it out of the doona and turn towards Dana with a grin.

"No! They'll know I have my period if I walk around with that on Katie. It'll be so embarrassing!" I fight the urge to roll my eyes at her childish response but I need to remind myself that she is still a child.
So instead I take a deep breath and keep a small smile on my tired aching face.

"Dana they're going to know the moment I ask for pads. It's not a big deal, it's perfectly natural. Don't you use the 'I'm on my period' excuse to get out of sport each week?" I question keeping calm and trying to release some of the tension in the room.

The room is lighting steadily and I know that the men will start to wake soon.

"Well yeah but my teacher is female. What if asking for pads just makes them angry?!"

"They won't get angry. I'd do the talking for you." Dana still doesn't look convinced as she twists her shirt in and out of her hand.

"Well what other ideas do you have then?" I question as nicely as possible. I don't want Dana to think that I'm mad at her because I'm not.
I'm just flustered and can't see any other option.

"Well.. Can't I have your jeans for now? Then you wear the sheet and pretend to have your period? You could ask for clothes, they listen to you more."
I want to say yes to try to make Dana at least a little comfortable but I can't help but hesitate.

I can already feel Rosiks eyes zeroing in on my form.
Practically untying the blanket with his eyes and I shudder at the thought.

Rosik scares me.

"Dana... Two pairs of bloody jeans will just cause more issues. Getting one extra pair of pants is nearly impossible getting two is practically fatal. I'm just looking at the long run. You won't be in it for long and if they have no spare clothes then I'll let you have my jeans alright?"

I practically watch Dana deflate in front of me and it takes all my willpower to not suck it up and put on the sheet.

This one selfish act is cutting me deep and I show how much it pains me on my face but Dana turns around too quickly and returns to the window.

The silence in thick and I wrap my hands around my body, trying somehow to hug away the tension. Dana is still trying to cover her stains so quietly I walk over to her and lay the sheet over her shoulder.

"They won't even see you. I'll take care of everything." I murmur before turning my back and walking over to the door.
Ear pressed against it and dreading the sounds that are bound to stir soon.

It took another hour or so but slowly my senses picked up on shuffling within the house and hushed murmurs.
I tense instantly and can feel Dana's eyes on my form which is still hunched over by the door.

"Get on the bed and pull the doona over you." I order and Dana thankfully doesn't hesitate, I hear the springs creak loudly as she scrambles quickly into her position.

A whimper break's from her mouth and I finally turn as I hear two sets of footsteps begin making their way towards the door.

"Trust me Dana. I'll handle this."
I try to sound cool like a hero in an action movie but my words sound weak even to me.

I'm not a hero, I'm just a girl getting her cousin pads, no big deal.

I skirt my way backwards until the back of my knees are pressing against the foot of the bed.
I position myself directly in front of the door, blocking Dana and the mens vision and cross my arms firmly.

The room is freezing but I ignore the goosebumps attacking my skin and instead direct my hot hate towards the door which without any hesitation is unlocked and lightly kicked open, revealing Axel and Rosik.

"Who's father is the cop?"
Axel blurts out as soon as both men elbow their way through the doorway.

They don't look angry thankfully but they do look frustrated and judging by their baggy eyes and distant looks I can tell that they haven't gotten much sleep if any.

"Good morning to you too." I mumble dryly but I receive no response, only a quick smirk from Rosik which I certainly wasn't aiming for.

"Why do you want to know? Getting in trouble with the boss? Or are your resources drying up and your trail becoming transparent?" I carry on and that certainly wipes the smirk off Rosiks face.

As I say this I step forward, closer to the guys to keep their attention on me. Honestly it worries me that they know this now, they could act out in any number of ways.

Dana and I are simply sitting ducks.

"See Katie, I'm getting really fucking over this attitude do you understand? I'm done being nice, I told you this but you didn't listen. Now again. Who is the daughter of the cop?" I kept my expression blank throughout Axels rant.

Already plotting something witty to say after but as soon as the last words left his mouth Axel whips out his gun and aims it straight at my forehead, millimetres away from touching me.

Up till now I had actually forgotten about the gun, the first stressed filled night was so traumatic that I hadn't had the chance to think back on it.

However from my vantage point I can tell that it is very much so real and not on safety.
I feel my entire body stiffen and my eyes widen at the shock.
Dana sobs behind me but doesn't speak up, good.

In Australia I'm used to seeing guns on police officers and that's it.
They hang limply from their belts, pointed down, rarely with bullets loaded and are no threat.

Seeing a gun is surreal and I blink slowly a few times to really believe that I'm facing one.
I'm aware of the destruction that one can cause but I'm numb to it, not quite believing it.

I only know where the safety is because of American tv shows that I used to procrastinate with.
It's sleek and black, I'm going to assume a pistol of some sorts but I'm sure I'm horribly wrong.

"Who. Is. The. Daughter?" Axel repeats again and this time I do hear the anger.

From the clenched teeth to the shaking gun I know what I have to do.
This is it, this is the sacrifice that I've been preparing for...

I'm going to die.

Hopefully not in front of Dana and my body will be flung out in the field for crows to peck at.

I've known my fate in this journey the moment Dana got flung in the back of the van with me, I've come to terms with it so I have no hesitation this time to lie.

"I'm his Daughter."

There is a beat of silence before Rosik quickly steps forward and grabs my arm.

I would have screamed, kicked, punched or even bit him but the gun in front of me lets me only flinch as Rosik begins pulling me to the door.
I vaguely hear Axel mutter 'knew it.' Before tucking away the gun and leading the way out the door.

"Good morning Kitty." Rosik whispers by my ear, stirring my curls with his breath and I shudder even more.

Being shot certainly would feel better than this.

"Where are you taking me?" I question as I drag my body slowly behind Rosik, trying hard to ignore the way his hands dig into my flesh.

I want Dana to be able to lead someone to my body one day.
If she's given the chance to be found then I want the same done for me.

"It's your lucky day, you're going to talk to your Dad." Axel responds over his shoulder and stands by the door, ready to slam it shut behind us.

His words cause me to freeze and arch my eyebrow, surely he wouldn't risk a phone call with a policeman?

I didn't have time to question him though because Dana was on her feet in seconds.

"Stop! No, he's my Dad. Let me talk to him please, Katie is just trying to protect me! Please he is my Dad!"
I twist around in Rosiks grip and face Dana who is clutching desperately to the thin blanket wrapped around her lower legs.

Once again the room is dunked into silence and I have a mad urge to giggle which I quickly quell.

"I- umm what?" Axel questions puzzled and though I know it's no joking matter I can't help but let out a small humourless chuckle.

"Can I please talk to my Dad?"
Dana begs and takes a small step forward.

Her tears are flowing again and I feel my own eyes swim for a moment as I marvel at a child's love for her father.

That's something I lost a long time ago.

"Why the blanket?" Rosik questions but I feel that the question is directed at me and as I turn back to face the men I find both of them questioning me.
Knowing instantly that this is some weird idea of mine.

"We need pads." I reply shrugging and I can practically see Dana's face grow bright red but I thankfully keep my complexion under control.

This is a basic need, there is nothing embarrassing about something natural. Both the men however blanch slightly and I raise my eyebrows in mild shock.

"You've never had a girl get their period while being forced to be with you before?" I question, not believing it for a second.

"No.. We either malnourish them enough to keep them weak or I guess they just stay quiet and know better then to ask."
There it is again, my white hot fury that takes over my senses and without thinking I clench my fists and attempt to reach Axel who is grinning cruelly at his words.

Rosik holds me back, undoubtedly due to the gun but I continue with a purpose.
That absolute bastard!

Axel meets the challenge and casually strolls back into the room and only stops when he is a hands width away from touching me.
I refuse to back down so I tilt my head to maintain the eye contact, it only adds to the disgustingly intimate situation but I'm too desperate to maintain dominance.

Rosik steps up behind me, still holding my arm and I find myself sandwiched between the men.

My chests begins falling rapidly but that's the only bodily sign of my panic. I can't see Dana and even her sobs have died down.
She is just as uncomfortable as I am.

Rosik presses his front against my back and I hear him breathe in deeply next to my hair.

I jump and try to step forward and acting on impulse I shoot my hand forward to snatch the gun peeking out of Axels pocket but he quickly grabs my only mobile arm and holds it equally as tight as Rosik.

I try not to think about the closeness of either men and focus on drying my eyes which are starting to fill with pointless tears.
Axel leans forward and whispers into my ear that isn't being breathed into by Rosik a string of words that jumble into a sentence which crack my heart a little.

"Funny, we haven't heard a single word from your Father on the news. Where's your daddy?" Axel mocks and I fight to remain stoic.

"What about your parents? What do they think of you? Do they know that they raised a literal piece of shit?"
I shoot back and just as quickly Axel releases me to undoubtedly strike me but again I am tugged roughly behind Rosik who stares down Axel.

"Leave it." He grumbles suddenly serious and I peer around his form to find both the men glaring at each other.

Cracks are beginning to form between the two and judging by their natural fighting stances I can tell that it's not the first time that they've clashed.

"I need to talk to my Dad."
Dana murmurs, breaking the thick silence and that seems to crack Axel as all three of us stare him down.

"You fucking don't need anything! You two are under our control. We need to get you to Russia and then you'll most likely die within a year."
Axel steps around Rosik and peers over at my form which is rigid from his outburst.

"You won't even last that long."
I gulp at his blazing anger but deep down I'm not that scared.
Dana and I are not getting to Russia.

"Axel just get it done."
Rosik commands and Axel stands defiantly still for a few more minutes.

Expressing strongly that he takes his own orders then eventually throws his hands in the air and nods his head at Dana before stomping out the room.

Dana wastes no time in rushing out the room behind him and my eyes stray to her sheet which is trailing behind her, guilt bites at me, I should have given her my jeans.

Sighing deeply I tentatively try to walk around Rosik to follow the pair. Content to just stay in the doorway and survey the scene for any funny business.

But as I half expected Rosik refuses to release his grip.

"Rosik please. Just let me keep an eye on her." I mutter tiredly.
It's not even nine in the morning and I'm already mentally exhausted.
These men would be horrible to invite to a party, they really suck the life out of a room.

Hearing his name finally pass through my lips Rosik turns and smiles at me lightly.

His dark eyes trail over my features which I keep blank of any emotion.
His touch is starting to burn me but I know that struggling just gives him a power trip.

"You care for her so much, don't you?" He questions and I want to laugh at his question, she's family.

But a sudden thought stops me, would I be this protective if my Mother was taken with me?
Would I care if they got Dad?
I'll never know how the cards would have been played but deep down I know the truth.

"I will die for her." I mutter back and my pointless tears flood my eyes again. I'm blaming it on the delayed reaction to a gun being pointed at me.
Purely an uncontrollable psychological reaction.

"We're not asking you to do that." Rosik replies and although I try to collect myself and struggle Rosik has no problems pulling me into his chest and hugging me tightly.

My whole body begins to burn as I squirm, flashbacks of yesterday's assault begin striking me and now a few tears do fall.

"You'll have to learn to live without her though." Rosik whispers into my ear and presses a soft kiss on my lobe which only doubles my effort to get out of his grip.

Very aware of our privacy and empty bed.

"What do you mean?" I grit out and Rosik reluctantly lets me shove my way out of his arms.
I bristle and fight the urge to rub my arms to get rid of his lingering touch.

The back of my knees hit the back of the bed once more which creaks in response and through the bright room I'm shocked to see a fleeting look of sadness appear in Rosiks eyes before he covers his emotion with another small smirk.

"You and her will be sorted into age groups once we reach base. You'll be auctioned at different times and given to your owner." His words leave a horrid taste in my mouth and Rosik tilts his head to gauge my reaction as I'm sure my face drains of all colour.

Not for the fear for us, we're getting out today.

But for all those poor victims out there that have been sold off to monsters. Who's lives have been simultaneously taken and destroyed.
Who haven't had the opportunity to escape and who are still stuck out there somewhere.

"You don't like that this is happening Rosik. You can fix this, fix this situation and we can fix you a better life."
I implore, I know I didn't imagine his look of sadness.

His fleeting look of regret is enough to raise a flicker of hope within me.
Rosik creases his eyebrows and I unconsciously step forward, waiting desperately for him to admit to it all.

"I do not like what's going to happen to you but I dislike it for reasons much different to what you think. There are lots of lonely people in the world Kitty, you have such a kind heart. You'll be doing what you love, helping people." Rosik reasons and I choke out a laugh at his pure delusion.

The way he explains this horrific crime seems scripted and engraved in him. Who taught him this warped ideology?

"Kids don't get sent there to help people. Don't treat me like I'm stupid, my body will be used and abused before I'm thrown away." I growl out, eyes flashing.

"No! That won't happen to you."
Rosik interrupts and attempts to touch me again but I jump onto the bed and standing tall I remain out of his grip.

"Of course it will! Like Axel said, I'll be dead within the year."

"I won't let that happen."
Rosik desperately promises and I'm slightly taken aback by his passion.
His intensity after just two days is frightening.

"What are you going to do? You have no power. You're just the delivery boy." I spit out and that shuts Rosik up as his eyes cast downwards and his shoulders tense.

The creaking of the bed as it struggles to support my weight mildly concerns me but I'm too focused on Rosik to worry about the beds needs.

Still keeping his eyes down Rosik finally lowers his body onto the bed and sits down on the edge.
I remain concentrated on his form but don't move worried that he'll scoop me up the moment I land back on the ground.

"I can help." Rosik whispers but to me it just sounds like he's trying to reassure himself of his worth.
I'm bored of Rosik and now I'm greedily staring at the open door.

"Help Dana then." I reply before leaping off the bed and flinging myself towards the exit.

I expect to feel Rosiks grubby hands grab a part of my body but I don't even hear the bed creak to show that he's stood up.
I don't look back and skirt around the doorframe and make my way towards the kitchen where I can softly hear Dana talking.

Just before I disappear down the hallway however I hear Rosik mutter a few more words and I pause fleetingly to lock eyes with his tormented ones and give silent thanks before barging my way into the kitchen.

"I'll go get Dana some pads."

I'm back Ya'll!
So I've been super happy to receive a few followers lately and I'm not sure if that's due to the story, pot luck or mistaken identity.
Either way I'm still super pumped!

If you have followed due to this story then please let yourself be known and don't forget to vote/comment!

Let me know if I'm doing ANYTHING right!


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