REMEMBER // Calum Hood

By hoodmood

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The night she can't remember becomes a love she will never forget. / Complete / More

One // that night
Two // michael
Three // beer pong
Four // this house
Five // homework
Six // dance
Seven // breakfast
Eight // old days
Nine // under the covers
Ten // bark
Eleven // studio
Twelve // tattoos
Thirteen // restroom
Fourteen // wine
Fifteen // take things slow
Sixteen // no one
Seventeen // communication
Eighteen // magic
Nineteen // babe
Twenty // torture
Twenty one // fine
Twenty two // mission
Twenty three // ignore
Twenty four // sundays
Twenty six // flight
Twenty seven // impressions
Twenty eight // game night
Twenty nine // surreal
Thirty // babylon
Thirty one // safe
Thirty two // coincidences
Thirty three // gold
Thirty four // company
Thirty five // couple
Thirty six // naked
Thirty seven // last day
Thirty eight // airport
Thirty nine // day off
Forty // family lunch
Forty one // normal
Forty two // last week
Forty three // realization
Forty four // 5:05
Forty five // goodbye
Forty six // absence
Forty seven // delivery
Forty eight // time
Forty nine // georgia
Fifty // christmas
Fifty one // elisabeth
Fifty two // new year
Fifty three // home
Fifty four // two
Fifty five // past
Fifty six // valentyne
Fifty seven // love
Fifty eight // stay
Fifty nine // cutie
Sixty // hate
Sixty one // ignore
Sixty two // birthday
Sixty three // surprise
Sixty four // pancakes
Sixty five // band trip
Sixty six // key
Sixty seven // together
Sixty eight // all about you
Sixty nine // announcement
Seventy // blink
Seventy one // frat party - Part 1
Seventy two // frat party - Part 2
Seventy three // insecurities
Seventy four // radio
Seventy five // drew
Seventy six // lies
Seventy seven // hurt
Seventy eight // nightmare
Seventy nine // empty
Author's note
/ Sequel /

Twenty five // truth

1.4K 48 16
By hoodmood

Calum's POV

I asked Roy to come over today so I could show him where everything he'll need to babysit Duke is. He'll be staying in my place for the next 10 days while I'm in London with Gia. Ashton could perfectly do it since he lives two houses away from mine but he's not the best with dogs. And he actually told me to fuck off when I suggested. So I called Roy. And Roy who called Jesse, who called Ali, who called Kaitlyn. Luke called me to know if I wanted go to the movies with him and Sierra and when I told him why I couldn't join them, he called Ashton. Ashton called Reena, who called Mona, who called Shya. And you can see where this leads. It leads to me having a party I never wanted to throw in the first place. I'm gonna have to wake up super early in the morning tomorrow to catch a flight but I still have to deal with all my friends getting drunk in my backyard.

"Let's play a game" Luke suggests raising his drink in the air

"Truth or dare" Ali exclaims

"Are we back to sixth grade?" Ashton mocks her suggestion and I laugh

"Would you rather" Jesse says and my mind immediately goes to Georgia

She loves this game. She loves most drinking games but I remember when she told me that Would you rather was her favorite. We were in my car after going to a club for Andy's birthday and I was driving us to my favorite diner. I still remember looking at her in awe while she ordered a bunch of food. I still remember what she was wearing that day. I remember thinking that I wish I hadn't taken Nia as my date that night because I couldn't keep my eyes off Georgia. She looked so good in that red leather skirt. It was only my third time seeing her and I remember thinking that I never wanted that night to come to an end. But everything comes to an end. Gia still isn't talking to me. I tried to call her yesterday but it went straight to voicemail. I guess she blocked my number. I sent her two texts today and she didn't even answer. I could see she was really mad at me but she didn't even let me explain myself. She didn't even listen.

"Maybe we can just casually sip our drinks" Ashton says

"Hey, Reena. Game or no game?" Roy jokes

I don't know why he still insists on trying to hit on her but he does. Reena only rolls her eyes at him making me laugh.

"I'm game" Jesse says

"Me too" Nia sides with him

"Wait up! I'll have to grab another beer then" Ashton rolls his eyes and stands up to go to the kitchen

"Grab one for me too" I tell him

We all decide on which game we're going to play while Ash walks inside the house to bring us more drinks. I check my phone once again. 10:14p.m. This party is far from being over and my friends are nowhere near from being done with the night. And I still have no texts from Georgia. She really takes the whole ignoring thing seriously. Ash comes back from the kitchen hugging 5 bottles of beer and hands one out to me.

"I had a piece of that pie" He tells me "What is it? Cherry?"

"What pie, bro?" I ask chuckling

"On your counter" Ashton says "It's really good"

A pie on my counter. Is this a code for sex? Like eat your cake. 

"Are you talking dirty to me?" I joke and Ash laughs with me

"You wish" He says

"What are you talking about, mate?" I ask still trying to understand what he's talking about

"I'm talking about the fucking pie on your kitchen counter. I had a piece and it was good" He impatiently says "What is it so hard to understand?"

My fridge is almost empty and I know for a fact that I didn't buy any pies so I'm having a hard time understading what Ashton is talking about.

"What fucking pie?" I ask again copying his tone

"I don't know. The one that is on your fucking counter, bro" Ashton repeats "Are you not listening to me?"

"I am. I just don't know what pie you're talking about. I didn't buy a fucking pie"

"Maybe it's the one Gia brought you" Sierra says and my head immediately snaps at her

Gia? Did she say Gia?

"Did she leave already? She didn't say goodbye" Luke butts in

I look at them really confused. What are they talking about?

"Gia isn't here" I tell them and look at Ashton for reassurance

Are these people crazy?

"Yes, she is" Luke tells me "I opened the door for her"

I quickly glance between Sierra, Ashton and Luke trying to figure out if they are making fun of me. She is not even replying my texts. Why would she come here?

"And where is she?" I cautiously ask expecting them to burst out laughing at any second now

But they don't. They're not joking. Luke shrugs his shoulders  and Ashton gives me a look that says "Why are you looking at me? I don't know shit".

"She was in the kitchen with us" Sierra says "Then we came out here and I though she would follow"

"She was here?" I repeat to myself

So Gia came here, dropped a pie and left? It doesn't make any sense. Why would she do that? She's not even talking to me. She still hates my guts for not telling her about the tour and being a dick at the party. In my defense, I was drunk. I said some things I didn't mean but she didn't have to flirt with Jack right in front of me. That wasn't nice.

"She didn't talk to you?" Ashton asks

"Maybe she had to leave?" I hear Luke say before I get up to go to the kitchen

I walk back inside my house to find it completely silent. Everyone else is outside. I enter the kitchen to find the said pie on top of the counter. I impulsively grab a fork on the drawer and take a bite of the pie just to be sure. It's definetely from Gia's mom. I could never mistake the taste of her mom's cherry pie. Even though I only ate it once. I remember having the highest expectations for that pie when she said it was her favorite dessert. And I didn't lie when I said I loved it. It's delicious. I run up the stairs thinking that maybe Gia is in my room. Waiting for me so we can finally talk. But when I get there the place is empty. I look in the playroom but she's not there. Nor in the guest room.

"Georgia?" I call out hoping that she would answer me

Why would she come to my house and hide from me? Why would she come here and not talk to me at all? Unless she's not here anymore. Unless she just dropped the pie and left. Why would she do that? I take my phone out of my back pocket and send her a text.

To: Georgia

Where are you?

Are you still here?

I go back downstairs really confused. Is this some kind of sick joke? She wants me to think about her while she ignores me? I'm not even expecting a reply to my texts because Gia is not answering any of them since Saturday.Not willing to go back outside with everyone just yet, I walk up to my front porch to light a cigarette and relieve the stress. This woman is going to drive me fucking insane. I don't even know what she wants from me. She acts like she doesn't care about me and the next minute she says I'm inconsiderate for taking Nia out. I always have to be the first one to text or make plans for us. It's like she doesn't care if we don't see each other again. I inhale the smoke feeling my anxiety slow down a bit. This trip is going to be a fucking nightmare. I was excited to spend 10 days with her out of LA. It was supposed to be like a vacation and now it's going to be a fucking fiasco. I walk down the front steps that lead to the street letting the cigarette in my hand relax me. I kick the pavement with my shoes looking far ahead of me. My complex is usually calm and quiet this hour of the night. No cars passing by. I watch a familiar small figure almost disappearing into the night and immediately put my cigarette away before running over to her.

"Georgia" I yell at her but she doesn't even look my way "Gia!"

She's walking faster now. Almost marching down the street but it doesn't take me long to reach her. She's obviously running away.

"Hey Georgia" I touch her arm in case she didn't hear me calling her name "Gia, what are you doing?"

She keeps walking with determination still not looking at me. I hold her hand to make her stop walking and it works. She's breathing heavily and has a disturbed expression in her beautiful face.

"Georgia" I calmly say hoping she would look at me but she doesn't

Gia closes her eyes and lifts her head up. I'm still holding her hand and she's shaking a bit. Maybe she's cold. Like that night we first had dinner in my house. Dinner under the covers. We had spent the day together in Michael's place but I remember thinking I didn't want her to leave when she said she had to go. I always want to spend more time with her and that night wasn't different. I invited her to come over and have dinner with me. We talked for hours and hours. I remember she drank two bottles of wine all by herself and I had to drive her back to her apartment. Without thinking, I take my hoodie off and place it over her shoulders.

"Why are you leaving?" I ask but she doesn't respond "Please talk to me"

"I want to go home" She says with eyes still closed

I learned a lot of things about Gia during the time I spent with her. What she likes for breakfast, how she sleeps, how she ties her hair to brush her teeth, how she looks away when I make her blush. She's honest, outspoken, hard working, funny and considerate. She lectured me about donating money, adopting dogs, stop smoking and preserving the environment. Another thing I learned about her is that she doesn't make a scene. She never puts up a fight straightforward. She walks away.

"Let's talk, please" I'm almost begging now "Just listen to me, Gia"

"Why should I do that, Calum?" She startles me when her angry voice almost yells the words in my face

She's infuriated. Her eyes are red and her jaw is clenched tight. She's still shaking with closed fists and now I see that it has nothing to do with her being cold. She's shaking out of anger.

"Let me explain myself" I say

There's nothing gentle in her tone but I still make my best effort to keep mine as sweet as I can. I want her to calm down. I want to talk and work things out. I want to solve things before we go to London. I want her to have a good time there. I want to be able to show her around the city I used to live in.

"So you can lie to me again?" She fires at me "Why should I even listen to you if all you do is lie to my face?"

"I didn't lie to you, Gia. I was going to tell you about the tour but I was afraid that you would just... give up or maybe think that I want to stop seeing you"

"You're going on tour in three weeks" She shoots back "When were you going to tell me? The day before?"

"No. Of course not. I mean, I should've told you already. I know that" I run my hands through my hair trying to think of a better way to explain myself

I thought I should do it in London. I thought it would be the perfect place to tell her. I was afraid that Gia would think that I didn't want to hear from her during tour. I was afraid she would think that I'm somehow ending whatever we have going on. It sucks that we are in the very beginning of whatever this is and I have to leave for 3 months. It sucks but its my job. And maybe if I told her that during our trip to London, she would understand that we can keep in touch even when I'm away. That we can keep up from where we left before I went on tour.

"So many things you should've told me, Calum" She bitterly says looking at me with disappointment clear in her eyes

So many things? What else should I have told her? Oh, the party...

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the party. I know" I tell her "But it was in Jack's house and I wanted to go with my fri..."

Gia starts walking away from me once again and I let out a huff before I follow her. God, can't she just listen to me for a minute? Fucking hell.

"Georgia. I'm trying here. Please" I plea 

"I'm so sick of you lying to my face" She raises her voice and brings her hands to her face

I watch as her shaking hands roughly pull my hoodie out of her back and shove it in my chest. 

"Stop following me" She demands but I don't even listen

"So what? We're not gonna talk about this?" I'm trying my best to keep calm but my patience is coming to an end "You came all the way here to drop off a pie and leave?"

God help me understand this woman. She is fuming angry and can't barely look me in the face but she still takes her time to bring me a pie? She knows I like her mom's cherry pie.

"I came to talk" Gia dryly says "But there's no point in doing that anymore"

She's still marching down the narrow streets of my condo and I'm getting sick of chasing her like a lost puppy. If she can't stop for a second to have a decent conversation with me then maybe there really isn't a point. I'm not gonna follow her around and beg her to listen to me every time we have an arguement.

"What is that supposed to mean? You're not making any sense"

"It means that I'm sick of believing you" Gia answers "There's no point in talking if you're gonna lie to me"

"Oh my God" I let out a groan "When did I ever lie to you, Gia?"

"You told me she was just a friend, Calum" Gia snaps at me

What? Whos is just a friend?

"What? Hold on. Is this about Nia again?" I ask her completely annoyed "For God's sake Gia, we've talked about this"

Oh, please. All this drama again? We were past the whole Nia thing. I even stopped taking her out just to please Gia and she keeps insisting on it?

"Yes, we did" I can see Gia holding herself back not to yell "And I believed you when you told me you had to go out with her and that she was just a friend"

"Because that's the truth" I tell her for what it feels like the hundredth time "I'm sorry if you didn't like to see her in my house but there are another 20 people there. They're my friends"

She must've walked inside my house and seen Nia and now she's all pissed with me. What did she expect? I can't even talk to Nia now? I can't be in the same place with her? That's fucking ridiculous. I understand her friendship with Jason and Drew. Why can't she do the same? She lives with the guys and I'm not making a big deal out of it. Grow up, Georgia.

"And you fuck all of your friends too?" I'm taken aback when I hear her curse

I don't remember ever hearing her say a curse word before. She didn't say it when we first had sex, nor when I fingered her or eat her out. If anything, Gia is actually shy when it comes to talking about sexual things.


I'm confused.

"When were you going to tell me about the pregnancy test?" Gia asks and everything comes crashing down

Oh Fuck. The pregnancy test. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Wh- But" I don't even know what to say "How...?"

"How do I know? That's what you're worried about?"

I can feel all her disappointment and anger in her voice but her eyes are the ones to really break my heart. She's hurt. And I hate myself for hurting her. God, I'm an idiot.

"I'm sorry, I-" I try to apologize

"Save it, Calum" Gia cuts me off "I don't care"

I watch as she begins to walk down the streets again and I don't know if I should follow her this time. It's not safe for her to walk home this late at night but I know her enough to know that she won't accept a ride. I really fucked up. She was never meant to find out about Nia's pregnancy test. I didn't want her to know because I knew it would complicate things between us. I can't believe Nia would tell her that. I mean, I only told the boys so it's obvious that Nia was the one to tell her. Why would she do that? She seemed to be okay with the fact that I wouldn't take her out anymore. We talked and she said she was happy for me. Happy that I found someone who I could try and make things right. Now I screwed everything. I can't move. I'm watching Georgia walk away and I know I should do something but I don't. I'm still stuck in the same place. Glued to the spot. What do I do now? What do I even say to make her forgive me? Is there anything I can say right now? I don't think so. I fucked up.


this is me trying to make it up to you all with some calum pov

what do you think?? i know its a short chapter but i hope you like it

dont forget to vote and comment pleaseee

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