Somebody to me.

By okaykyrstynokay

21.8K 624 180

When Laura Marano gets an offer to be in The vamps' Music video, She agrees. She meets up with the band and i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter ~4~
Chapter ~5~
Chapter ~6~
Chapter ~7~
Chapter ~8~
Chapter ~9~
Chapter ~10~
Chapter ~11~
Chapter ~!2~
Chapter ~!3~
Chapter ~!4~
Chapter ~!5~
chapter ~!6~
Chapter ~!7~
Chapter ~!8~
Chapter ~!9~
Chapter ~20~
Chapter ~21~
Chapter ~22~
Chapter ~23~
Chapter ~24~
Chapter ~25~
Chapter ~26~
Chapter ~27~
Chapter ~28~
Chapter ~29~
Chapter ~30~


583 18 7
By okaykyrstynokay


~4 years Later~

       Laura’s POV

       “I would like to introduce, this year’s valedictorian. Laura Marano!” Mrs. Fran announced. I walked up, shook her hand, and she handed me my diploma. She smiled at me as I got my speech out.

       “Hi, I’m Laura. These past few years in this university, were phenomenal. I learnt things about me I’ve never known before. I-“ I got interrupted by the door of the gym opening.

       Out came two people who I realised were Connor and Tristan. They were wearing a suit and tie. A very familiar song came on. Brad then came in and I froze in surprise. Brad, he’s walking?! He started walking down the aisle and onto the stage singing the song that started it all.

       Once he was beside me, he finished the song, the words ‘Somebody to you’ dying on his lips. Our gaze connected and I was at a loss for words. He started bending down onto one knee. I put my hand in front of my mouth.

       “Laura Marie Marano, 4 years ago, was one of the best years in my life, because that was when I met you.” Tears rushed down my face, as we smiled at each other,” Will you marry me?” He asked.

       He reached for his back pocket, and more tears flowed down my face. He revealed a small velvet box and placed both of his hands around the box. He was about to open it when a large elephant came into the gym. I was extremely confused when everyone was chanting Laura. I felt water on my face and then I opened my eyes.

       I looked around and groaned. Not again. This was the fourth time this week that she had a dream about Brad proposing.

       “What’s wrong babe?” Brad asked, walked up beside my bed, kissing the top of my forehead. Brad has started to walk again with the help of physical therapy.

       “Nothing, I was just having a dream. A really,  really good dream.”  I said dazed.

       “About?” He asked amused.

“just you pr-“ I stop immediately before I said the word.

“’Just me… what?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Nothing! Just you um, practicing how to salsa?” I state, more like a question than an actual statement.

“Yeah sure, babe.” He kissed my cheek, winked and left the room.

Four years ago after Brad gave me the promise ring, Brad and James tried to work things out, but things are still a bit shaky. They don’t really interact, but they can stand each other. Brad moved out of the house and stayed in my apartment I got in London. 

The Vamps are still together and are going on a tour in North America 2 days from now. I’m happy for them, but I’m sad I won’t be seeing Brad for more than 3 months. I got up and went into the kitchen. I looked around for any signs of Brad. Nothing. I shrugged and heard my stomach grumble.

 I sighed and felt the need for something sweet. I got ingredients for a red velvet cake. I put them all into a bowl, mixed it all together put it into a heart shaped cake pan, and stuck it into the oven. I went back into the room to clean it up a bit. As I finished, the smell of smoke entered my nose.

I ran out of the room and remembered the cake. I ran to the oven and opened it. There was a small fire so I grabbed the fire extinguisher, and pulled the valve and put out the fire. I sighed in defeat as I saw the cake burnt into a crisp.

“Laura?” I looked up and saw Brad, his eyes huge with worry. He ran over to me and gave me a quick inspection.

“What the hell happened in here?”

“I-I tried to make a cake.” I stuttered shyly. He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

“Again?” he asked. I rolled my eyes and stomped out of the kitchen.

“Laura, Wait!” Brad called out after me. I felt arms around my waist and turned around, Brad placed his lips on mine and I immediately kissed back. I pulled away and smiled.

“I want to ask you something.” He said slowly.

“Go on…” I urged.

“Um… would you like to go on tour with us?”

“Really?” I asked dumbfounded.

“The boys wanted you and I to sing somebody to you as a duet, for old times’ sake.”

“I’d love to!” I smiled. I hugged him and dragged him into our room.

“What are we doing?”

“We are packing.” I smirked.


“We are leaving in two days. Yes now.” I smiled.

~~~The next day~~~

I woke up next to Brad and realized I haven’t cleaned up the cake malfunction. I kissed Brad’s forehead causing him to stir but he stayed asleep.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the oven door. I took out the ‘cake’ and got a washcloth. I wiped the sides of the oven and threw the cake away.

Once I was finished I heard the door to the room open and a very groggy Brad walk into the kitchen. I giggled and kissed his cheek.

“Good morning sleepyhead.” I pinched his cheek and he groaned. He sat down on one of the chairs, put his head on the table and said something.


“Huh?” I asked. He lifted his head and repeated whatever he was trying to say.

“What’s for breakfast?”

“I’m not sure, what do you want?”

“I don’t know, how bout’ some crepes?”

“You want me. To make crepes?”  I asked astonished.

“No, of course not. How bout’ that small French pastry shop across the street?” I nodded  as he took my hand. We left the apartment and started to walk to the shop. Once we reached the shop we found a place to sit and a lady probably in her 70s, came up.

“Hi, I’m Mable; You kids make an adorable couple.” She croaked.

“Aww, thanks.”

“You know back then, before my henry passed away, we were inseparable.” Sadness filled her eyes. 

“How did you and henry meet?” Brad asked, obviously intrigued.

“We were highschool sweethearts, we met when he was forced to join the school play, he was cast as Romeo and I as Juliet. Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sure you two are hungry. What would you like?”

“Oh don’t worry about it, can we just have one plate of crepes with strawberries and chocolate?” I asked politely.

“Of course dear, it’ll be right up.” Mabel started to walk away. I turned to Brad,

“Isn‘t she so adorable?” I smiled. He nodded and suddenly there was a plate of crepes beneath my nose.

“That was fast.” Brad said. I took one of the crepes and ate it. After a while of talking about random things, we finally finished the plate of crepes and put the plate away.

Once we got back to the apartment Brad said he had to take care of something. I reminded him that we had to leave early tomorrow as he left the apartment. I decided to watch a movie. I looked through all the movies and decided on titanic.

After finishing the emotional roller coaster, I dozed off on the couch.

       When I woke up, I glanced at the clock and it was 3am. Brad was beside me snoring, and I was in the room. I shook him awake, causing his eyes to fly open.

       “Wha?” He said dazed.

“The plane leaves in two hours. We have to get ready.” He groaned, but got up.

“Let’s go to McDonalds.”  He muttered.

“At 3am?” I asked confused.

“The one at the airport is opened 24/7.” He said.      

“Oh…” I grabbed my apartment key as he grabbed the luggage, and Brad called Andrew, his driver.

“He should be here in a few minutes.” I nodded as I checked through all of our luggage to make sure everything we needed was in there. One thing was missing.

“Um Brad?” I said shyly.


“Can we stop by the drug store, I kinda forgot to get um, the lady stuff I need.”

“Of course, whatever you need.” He reassured me. I sighed in relief as Andrew pulled up. We put all of our stuff into the trunk and climbed in the car.

“To the airport?” Andrew called from the front.

“Change of plans, we have to get something from the drug store.”

“At 3 am?” He wondered.

“The one at 3rd street is open all day and night.” Brad explained. Andrew nodded and started the car.

The ride to the drug store was mostly uneventful until Brad decided it would be awesome to fart.

“Brad!” I scolded while opening up the window. I glanced at him passed out. I shook him awake as we drove up to the store.

“One Mcflurry please!” He screamed as he woke up. He looked around in astonishment.

“Wait, we’re not in Mcdonalds yet?”

“No, we’re at the drug store, why don’t you stay here, and sleep.” I suggested. He nodded and drifted off to sleep.

I got out of the car and entered the shop.  I got everything needed and paid for everything. I went back into the car and told Andrew to drive to the airport.

Once we arrived, I got one of the airport luggage things, and put all of the suitcases on it. I headed to mcdonalds and ordered 5 hotcakes, one for me and the rest of the guys. I placed them on the rack thing and started wheeling to the luggage station.

 (A/N let’s just skip to the part where they’re in the plane)

Once we met with all the guys, we finally entered the plane, and it was my turn to sleep. I wanted to sleep most of the night, but Brad here kept on poking me awake.

“Come on Laur! I’m bored!” He pleaded.

“What do you want to do?” I groaned.

“Let’s watch a movie”

“What do you want to watch?”

“The notebook!” He squealed. I rolled my eyes playfully as he put on the movie.

As the movie started, he put his arm on my shoulders and I snuggled closer. Midway through the movie, my eyes grew heavy. His lips touched my forehead, as I drifted off to sleep.

~9 hours later~

The plane shaking caused my eyes to fly open. Brad was awake, and I opened my mouth to speak.

“Turbulence.” He whispered. I sighed in relief and sat up.

“When are we arriving?” I asked.

“We should arrive soon.” He yawned.

“Did you sleep?”

“Only for like 2 hours.” He groaned. I was about to kiss his forehead when he tilted his head up causing our lips to meet. I smiled against his lips and pulled away.

“I love you”  I whispered.

“I love you too.” He smiled.

Once the plane landed, we got off and grabbed our luggage. We spotted a sign held by a middle- aged man, saying ‘The Vamps’ We all walked up to him and he headed outside the building. He took our luggage and told us to climb in the car.

He started driving and stopped after a few minutes. He gave us all our luggage back and out came two guys who grabbed our suite cases and led us inside the hotel. I looked around in awe as Brad grabbed my arm.

“Come on, let see our room!” He squealed like a 5 year old, causing me to giggle.

He went to the front desk and asked for our room key, and once his fingers wrapped around it, he took my hand and sprinted.

“Brad! Do you even know where you’re going?” I say, breathless.

“10th floor, room 189” He said eagerly as the elevator doors opened. He pressed the button about 130 times. Once we arrived at the 10th floor, he lifted me up, bridal style and sprinted to the room. It took him a while to realize he went in the wrong direction, but when he did, he ran faster.

Finally we reached the room, and Brad swiped his room key. Buzz. Red light. He tried again. Buzz. Red light again. Before Brad got the chance to do it again, the door burst open and revealed a tall, scary man.

“Hey kids! Stop that.” He ordered. He ‘scanned’ us with his eyes, then suddenly his  eyes grew wide.

“OHMYGOSH! YOU’RE BRAD SIMPSON!,” He shrieked, causing me to giggle. “BRAD SIMPSON!!” He engulfed Brad in a hug.

“Hi.” He squeaked.  The man finally let go of Brad.

“Oh my gosh! Brad Simpson  is in my hotel room!”

“Yeah, um, if we give you a ticket to our concert, can you please keep quiet?” Brad negotiated.

“And backstage passes?” He asked.

“Fine.” Brad agreed. The man gave us both one last hug, before he closed the door. As we were turning to leave, the door opened once again.

“Oh and by the way my name is Gilbert! Gilbert Bobo!” And the door slammed shut. Brad and I glanced at each other, and then we both burst out laughing.

“Woah, woah. If that wasn’t our room, where is it?” He wondered.

“Let me see our room key.” I told him, and looked at the key.

“It doesn’t say 189, it said 681! You read it backwards.” I facepalmed and he chuckled, embarrassed.  I kissed his already pink cheeks, causing them to become red.

“Come on.” I grabbed his hand, it was my turn to drag him to our room.

Finally we found the room and I swiped the

card. Green light.  I nudged the door and it opened. Connor was eating food in the room and turned his head to look at us. All of our rooms were connected by a living room.

“What took you guys so long?” He asked, his mouth filled with tortilla chips.

“Gilbert. Totally not me.” Brad blurted out.

“B-but who’s gil-“

“Let’s take a look at our rooms.” Brad said, cutting off Connor.

“On the right, first door on the left.” Con pointed out.

We went to the right hallway, and opened the first door on the left. We put all of our stuff on the floor and joined Connor in the living room.

“When’s the first show?” I asked Brad.

“Tonight at 8. But before I have to get ready… Want to cuddle?” I nodded and I jumped on Brad’s back. He walked into our room, and placed me down gently. I scooted so that I was on the pillows, and the bed dipped as Brad laid down beside me. We faced each other, and I pecked his soft lips. I pulled away, and buried my head into his neck.

“I love you.” I whispered.

“I love you more.” He whispered back, then I drifted off to sleep.

“Laura! Brad! Wake up!” I heard voices but I snuggled further into Brad. I suddenly got a jolt of energy when ice cold water got dumped all over me.

“TRISTAN!” Brad groaned. The boys laughed and I sat up.

“It’s 6PM!” Tristan said.

“Already?,” I grumbled, “Guys, get out, I have to change. You too, Brad.”

“Oh come o-“ Before Brad could finish his sentence, I shot him a glare that could kill, and he immediately left the room. Through the door, Brad screamed something.

“Oh, and wear something nice.” I was confused, but I let it go.

I dug through my suitcase, and found nothing, so I left the hotel room and knocked on the door of one of the best people in the biz. Stacey. (A/N In the second chapter. Stacey was the hair/makeup/Outfit person)

“Who is it?”

“Stacey? It’s me Laura.” The door then opened.

“Oh hey girl! How are you?”

“I’m in a pickle.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I need something to wear to the concert, Brad said to wear something nice.”

“Ooh! I have just the outfit. I bought it from a boutique down the street, come in!” I entered the room as Stacey went into the closet and pulled something out.

“Here. Try this on.” She held up one of the most stunning dresses, I have ever seen. The top was leather with no sleeves, and the bottom was flowy, and beautiful. (A/N Dress +Outfit on the side.)

I took the dress and entered the bathroom. I put it on and smiled. I exited the bathroom and spun around for Stacey.

“Laura you look stunning.” She gasped. She handed me some mint coloured toms that matched the bottom of my dress. I hugged her, very grateful for her.

“Thank you!”

“No problem hun, now sit on the chair and let me do your hair and makeup.” Ignoring that she made a rhyme, I obeyed and sat down.

After a while, Stacey finished an let me look at the mirror. I was amazed. I looked like me, but enhanced. The top of my hair was swooped to the left side of my head, and the tips were curled. I turned to Stacey.

“Thank you so much, you’re a life saver.”

“No problem, now you should go, they’re probably looking for you.”

        I nodded and left the room. I opened the door to the flat and all of them were sitting on the couch texting people. I was walking up to them trying to scare them when I accidentally tripped on something and fell on my face.

“Oh my gosh Laura!” Brad came rushing to my side and helped me up .

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just tripping like normal.” I joked.

“Guys, the driver’s here.” James said. We all headed out the door but Brad pulled me back.

“You look absolutely beautiful.” Causing my stomach to explode with millions of butterflies. We started walking and caught up with the boys. We finally reached the car and climbed in. The car ride was totally uneventful, mostly because we were only in the car for 5 minutes.

We got out of the car and headed backstage. We saw I familiar man screaming Brad and I’s name. Gilbert! I nudged Brad and pointed to Him.

“Gilbert ! The guy from our hotel!” His face filled with recognition. Brad walked up to a bodyguard and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and walked up to Gilbert. He led him to us and we took Gilbert inside.

“Gilbert, stay here.” We said once we reached the area beside the stage. Gilbert nodded and took a chip from the snack table.

~Skip to concert~

The crowd roared as the boys went on stage. Brad and I’s duet was at the end so I stayed with Gilbert most of the show.

Once it was Brad and I’s turn, Brad called me up on stage.

“I would like for the most beautiful, talented, amazing person I know. Laura Marano!” I ran up on stage, and Brad engulfed me in a hug. The crowd erupted with Awws. I smiled at them as the music played.

“I used to wanna be

Living like there's only me

And now I spend my time

Thinking 'bout a way to get                                                                 you off my mind,” Brad started, “I used to be so tough, Never really gave enough, And then you caught my eye, Giving me the feeling of a lightning strike.

“Look at me now, I'm falling, I can't even talk, still stuttering, This ground of mine keeps shaking, Oh oh oh, now!” I sang.

“All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah

Is somebody to you

All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah

Is somebody to you” We harmonized.

“Everybody's tryna be a billionaire

But every time I look at you I just don't care

'Cause all I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah

Is somebody to you” Brad sang, looking in my eyes. He signalled for me to take over.

“I used to ride around

I didn't wanna settle down

But now I wake each day

Looking for a way that I can see your face

I've got your photograph

But baby I need more than that

I need to know your lips

Nothing ever mattered to me more than this” Expecting Brad to sing the next part, I stopped singing. I turned to Brad to see what was going on.

Brad’s POV

       As Laura was singing, I told the audience to keep quiet. I took off my super baggy clothes to reveal my tux.  As the verse was finished, she turned to me and her jaw dropped.

       I was kneeling down on one knee, causing the crowd and Laura, to gasp.

“Brad,” She whispered.

   “Laura Marie Marano, Four years ago, our gazes met, and that forever changed my life,” I said, “Also, four years ago, I promised that I would replace this ring with another filled with more love and promise.”  I took out the ring in my back pocket. I opened the small velvet box and said the five words that would change my life forever.

       “Laura, will you marry me?”


Laura’s POV

“…Will you marry me?” I gazed into Brad’s vulnerable eyes. My eyes teared up as I nodded kissing him. He kissed back. Once I pulled back, I whispered,

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”


This is the end of Somebody to me. 3500+ Words, I’ll miss this story, and you guys.

Thank you to all my current and future readers. This would not have happened if it weren’t for y’all.

I’ll probably write a bonus chapter for their wedding.


I’m not sure yet, But I’ll post a chapter about it in the future.

I love you guys. And as always, if you read this comment “Wedding bells”

                                         -Kyrstyn <3 <3

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